Chapter 21 Notes/Study Guide

Chapter 21 Notes/Study Guide
1. What is sound?
a. One characteristic of sound is that it is created by ___________________.
b. A vibration is _______________________________________________.
c. A ____________________ is a disturbance that transmits energy through matter
or space.
d. Sound travels as a _________________________ wave.
e. Sound waves travel is all _______________ away from their
f. Air or other matter ______________________ travel with the sound waves.
g. The particles of air only __________________________________ in place.
h. Another characteristic of sound is that all sound waves require a
i. A medium is ______________________________________________.
j. Sound cannot travel in a _________________________.
k. Sound must travel through air or some other medium to reach your ear and be
2. Properties of Sound
a. The differences between the sound - how high and low and how loud or soft they
are – depends on the properties of the sound waves.
b. The speed of sound depends only on the __________________ through which the
sound is traveling.
c. The speed of sound through any medium is __________________ if the
___________________ of the medium do not change.
d. If the properties of a medium change, the __________________________
e. The speed of sound depends on temperature.
f. The _____________ the medium, the _____________ the speed of sound.
g. Sound travels more slowly in ____________ air than in __________ air.
h. How low or high y perceive a sound to be is the ____________ of that sound.
i. The pitch of a sound is determined by the ________________ of the sound wave.
j. The frequency of a wave is the __________________________________.
k. Ultrasonic is ________________________________________________.
l. Ultrasonic waves have a variety of applications
i. Ex. ____________________________________
m. The Doppler effect is the
n. During the Doppler effect the _____________ of the sound does not change, it
only sounds like it does.
o. ____________________ is how loud or soft a sound is perceived to be.
p. Increase in energy causes an increase in the _____________ of the particles from
rest positions.
q. Amplitude of a wave is the __________________________________.
r. The larger the ____________________, the louder the ______________, and the
________________ the amplitude the _____________ the sound.
s. The most common unit used to express loudness is ________________.
t. Because sound waves are invisible, their amplitude and frequency are impossible
to measure directly. A device called an _________________ can provide a way
to “see” sound waves.
3. Interactions of sound waves.
a. ___________________ is the bouncing back of a wave after it strikes a barrier,
otherwise known as an ________________.
b. The amount of sound wave will reflect depends on the
c. Sound waves reflect best off ___________________________________.
d. Echolocation is the process of ___________________________________.
e. _________________ is a type of electronic echolocation that is used to locate
objects _________________ and ___________________.
f. ______________________________ is another type of electronic echolocation
used in medical procedures to “see” inside a patient’s body without performing
g. Interference is the result of ____________ or ____________ waves overlapping.
h. Orchestras and bands take advantage of ___________________________ when
several instruments play the same notes.
i. Shock Waves and Sonic Booms - ________________________________