Government definitions 1

Amendment- a change or addition made to a law
or the constitution
Bicameral- made up of two houses (Senate &
House of Representatives)
Bill- a proposed (suggested) law
Bill of Rights – First 10 Amendments to the
Civic Responsibilities – responsibilities of the
citizens such as voting, jury duty, paying taxes, etc.
Congress – the legislative branch of a government
which makes laws
Executive- the person or branch of a government
responsible for carrying out or executing laws
Government- the form or system of rule by which
a nation or state is governed (ruled)
Judicial- having to do with courts of law or to
judges; this branch interpret the laws
Legislative- having the function or ability to make
Principle- a foundation for a belief or behavior
which guides one’s life
Revenue – Annual income of a government
Taxes – A major part of a government’s revenue
Sales Tax – A tax collected on goods
Separation of Powers – Placing the Legislative,
Executive, and Judicial Powers into their own
Veto- to prevent the passage of a law
Jury- a body of people sworn to give a verdict in a
legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to
them in court.
Municipal- relating to a city or town or its
governing body.
Constraint- a limitation or restriction.
Jurisdiction- the official power to make legal
decisions and judgments.
Generate- cause (something, especially an
emotion or situation) to arise or come about.
Contest- oppose (an action, decision, or theory) as
mistaken or wrong.
Ordinance- a piece of legislation enacted by a
municipal authority.
Constitution- a plan of government that describes
the different parts of the government and their
duties and powers
Republic- a nation in which voters elect
representatives to make laws