THE STATE OF READINESS FOR ANA AND NSC: 2015 Business Unusual Presentation to Portfolio Committee Mr HM Mweli: Director-General Date: 1 September 2015 THE PRESENTATION OUTLINE • Introduction • Schooling landscape and context • Focusing on quality and efficiency – Quality – Efficiency • Improving learning outcomes: LTSM/ICT • NSLA: Readiness for ANA/NSC - Monitoring and support – – – – ANA NSC Provincial oversight visits DBE observations • Conclusion 2 INTRODUCTION “ The Department of Basic Education understands the need to improve the quality of outcomes at different grades for mathematics, literacy and science. It has set ambitious targets for 2024. For language and numeracy in grade 3 and grade 6, the target is that 90 percent of learners should perform at the required level” (National Planning Commission: National Development Plan, November 2011) 3 SCHOOLING LANDSCAPE AND CONTEXT Education Statistics at a Glance, 2014 Size of the Schooling System: Sector Public Learners: 12 655 436 Educators: 425 090 Schools: 25 741 Independent Total Learners Educators Schools 12 117 015 390 608 24 060 538 421 34 482 1 681 12 655 436 425 090 25 741 Official languages English, isiZulu, isiXhosa, isiNdebele, Afrikaans, siSwati, Sepedi Sesotho, Setswana, Tshivenda, Xitsonga 5 NUMBER OF LEARNERS, EDUCATORS AND SCHOOLS IN THE ORDINARY SCHOOL SECTOR, BY PROVINCE, IN 2014 Source: DBE, EMIS, School Realities, 2014 6 PROGRESS IN IMPROVING LEARNING OUTCOMES 7 GRADE 9 PROVINCIAL PERFORMANCE IN MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE Mathematics Province Science TIMSS 2002 TIMSS 2011 TIMSS 2002 TIMSS 2011 Eastern Cape 250 316 222 282 Free State 291 359 280 341 Gauteng 303 389 301 387 KwaZulu Natal 278 337 253 308 Limpopo 244 322 216 284 Mpumalanga 287 344 266 326 North West 280 350 260 334 Northern Cape 340 366 357 368 Western Cape 414 404 421 409 National 285 352 268 332 Sector Plan target for 2015 is 361 8 8 ANA LEARNER IMPROVEMENT Grades 2012 2013 2014 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 68% 57% 41% 37% 60% 59% 53% 37% 68% 62% 56% 37% Grade 5 30% 33% 37% Grade 6 27% 39% 43% Grade 9 13% 14% 11% 9 AVERAGE PERCENTAGE MARK IN MATHEMATICS BY GRADE AND POVERTY QUINTILE Grade Quintile 1 Quintile 2 Quintile 3 Quintile 4 Quintile 5 1 65.1 66.6 67.4 71.2 78.4 2 59.2 60.2 60.4 63.5 71.4 3 52.5 52.9 53.9 58.0 68.9 4 32.8 34.3 35.6 40.4 52.9 5 32.1 33.4 34.5 41.2 55.0 6 38.1 39.6 40.4 46.1 60.3 9 10.1 8.7 8.2 9.2 21.6 ANA 2014 10 A CASE FOR FOCUSING ON QUALITY AND EFFICIENCY 11 QUALITY 12 12 COMPARISON OF BACHELORS PASSES BY PROVINCES 2009 TO 2014 45.0 40.0 35.0 Percentage 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 FREE STATE GAUTENG 2009 EASTERN CAPE 13.9 LIMPOPO 29.1 KWAZULUNATAL 19.9 12.2 MPUMALA NGA 12.1 NORTH WEST 20.7 NORTHERN CAPE 16.8 WESTERN CAPE 31.9 20.2 2010 16.0 21.4 33.9 25.7 15.6 15.8 27.7 21.1 31.5 2011 15.7 26.3 35.2 22.4 17.6 18.4 28.3 19.9 38.1 2012 17.6 28.6 36.2 27.3 19.8 19.8 27.4 23.0 36.5 2013 19.0 33.1 38.9 32.5 22.8 25.9 34.9 23.3 40.9 2014 20.1 30.2 37.0 25.6 22.4 24.9 32.6 24.7 38.8 13 NSC Passes by Type of Qualification, 2014 Bachelor Provin ce Total Wrote EC Diploma Higher Certificate NSC No. Achieved % Achieved No. Achieved % Achieved No. Achieved % Achieved No. Achiev ed % Achieve d 66 935 13 435 20.1 18 339 27.4 11 958 17.9 45 0.1 FS 26 440 7 987 30.2 9 754 36.9 4 107 15.5 51 0.2 GP 99 478 36 843 37.0 35 034 35.2 12 295 12.4 75 0.1 KZN 139 367 35 724 25.6 39 751 28.5 21 544 15.5 125 0.1 LP 72 990 16 325 22.4 20 927 28.7 15 912 21.8 15 0.0 MP 45 081 11 229 24.9 15 898 35.3 8 423 18.7 65 0.1 NW 26 066 8 509 32.6 9 472 36.3 4 079 15.6 1 0.0 NC 8 794 2 176 24.7 2 941 33.4 1 596 18.1 2 0.0 WC 47 709 18 524 38.8 14 573 30.5 6 108 12.8 32 0.1 532 860 150 752 28.3 166 689 31.3 86 022 16.1 411 0.1 Nation al 14 PERCENTAGE OF GRADE 3 LEARNERS IN ACHIEVEMENT LEVELS IN MATHEMATICS 15 PERCENTAGE OF GRADE 3 LEARNERS IN ACHIEVEMENT LEVELS IN HOME LANGUAGE 16 PERCENTAGE OF GRADE 6 LEARNERS IN ACHIEVEMENT LEVELS IN MATHEMATICS 17 PERCENTAGE OF GRADE 6 LEARNERS IN ACHIEVEMENT LEVELS IN HOME LANGUAGE 18 PERCENTAGE OF GRADE 6 LEARNERS IN ACHIEVEMENT LEVELS IN FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE 19 PERCENTAGE OF GRADE 9 LEARNERS IN ACHIEVEMENT LEVELS IN MATHEMATICS 20 PERCENTAGE OF GRADE 9 LEARNERS IN ACHIEVEMENT LEVELS IN HOME LANGUAGE 21 PERCENTAGE OF GRADE 9 LEARNERS IN ACHIEVEMENT LEVELS IN FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE 22 EFFICIENCY 23 23 7 TO 15 YEAR OLD CHILDREN OUT OF SCHOOL, 2002-2014 350,000 4.0% 300,000 3.5% 3.0% 250,000 200,000 2.0% 150,000 Percentage Number 2.5% 1.5% 100,000 1.0% 50,000 0.5% 0 0.0% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Number 324,575 251,506 203,120 200,219 218,843 192,758 190,500 139,992 118,526 108,171 108,597 112,864 92,631 Proportion 3.6% 2.8% 2.2% 2.2% 2.4% 2.1% 2.1% 1.5% 1.3% 1.2% 1.2% 1.2% 1.0% Source: Statistics South Africa, General Household Survey, 2002-2014, DBE own calculations 24 PERCENTAGE OF 15 TO 24 YEAR OLD YOUTH WHO HAVE COMPLETED GRADE 9 AND ABOVE, 2002-2014 100.0 90.0 80.0 Percentage 70.0 63.4 67.4 68.5 68.8 70.1 2003 2004 2005 2006 71.7 72.1 72.3 2007 2008 2009 75.1 73.9 74.9 76.5 78.0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 2002 Source: Statistics South Africa, General Household Survey, 2002-2014, DBE own calculations 25 Percentage of repeaters by grade, 2009-2014 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Grade 1 6.9 5.8 6.9 9.0 10.7 9.2 Grade 2 7.4 8.4 8.3 9.7 9.1 9.0 Grade 3 7.2 8.9 7.7 9.5 9.7 9.6 Grade 4 7.1 6.2 8.2 10.7 9.2 7.6 Grade 5 6.8 7.0 6.0 8.2 9.4 7.8 Grade 6 6.5 6.6 7.3 7.2 7.6 8.4 Grade 7 5.0 5.3 6.1 6.5 7.9 6.8 Grade 8 8.2 6.6 7.6 10.3 8.6 9.8 Grade 9 10.7 11.3 13.4 15.0 16.2 17.3 Grade 10 17.1 19.0 21.0 22.1 24.5 21.0 Grade 11 16.3 18.2 18.1 19.9 21.1 17.7 Grade 12 8.3 10.6 10.9 8.9 8.9 6.4 Total 8.8 9.4 10.2 11.5 12.2 11.3 26 Percentage of repeaters in primary education, 2013-2014 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 2013 2014 4.0 2.0 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male 0.0 Primary Scool 27 Percentage of repeaters in secondary education, 2013-2014 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 2013 10.0 2014 5.0 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male 0.0 Secondary Scool 28 PROVINCIAL PERFORMANCE COMPARISON (ANA & NSC 2013 & 2014) 29 National, 2014 Source: Universal ANA and NSC 2014 30 National, 2013 -2014 Source: Universal ANA and NSC, 2013-2014 31 Improving learning outcomes: LTSM/ICT 32 LTSM 33 BUDGETS FOR PROVIDING CAPS TEXTBOOKS PROVINCE 2011/12 ALLOCATION 2012/13 ALLOCATION 2013/14 ALLOCATION Eastern Cape R 617 308 407.00 R 599 931 000.00 R 688 000 000.00 Free State R 158 005 184.23 R 184 398 229.46 R 250 825 803.23 R 496 048 224.70 R 640 936 865.00 Gauteng KwaZuluNatal R 490 115 418.84 R 453 974 178.00 R 487 715 257.00 Limpopo R 134 000 000.00 R 239 000 000.00 R 260 000 000.00 R 257 309 000.00 Mpumalanga Northern Cape R 64 675 898.40 North West R 451 000 000.00 R 68 135 056.79 R 192 767 144.36 R 351 454 866.00 152 413 921.51 R 306 381 217 Western Cape R 121 962 558.72 R Total R 1 586 067 467.19 R 2 643 976 754.82 Total budget for providing CAPS textbooks R 98 932 978.38 R 3 535 246 987.00 R 1 905 239 407.00 R 593 229 216.92 R 1 136 985 089.70 R 1 431 804 853.84 R 633 000 000.00 R 708 309 000.00 R 231 743 933.57 R 544 222 010.36 R 580 757 697.62 R 7 765 291 209.01 34 BUDGETS FOR PROVIDING CAPS TEXTBOOKS Province Eastern Cape Free state 2014/15 (R‘000) 2015/16 (R‘000) 2016/17 (R‘000) R 781 246 R311 000 To be provided R 21 613 R96 000 To be provided . Gauteng KwaZulu Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape R 1 526 286 R 1 233 000 R 517 824 R 440 421 R 54 832 R 1 787 458 R 1 313 000 R 589 765 R 487 637 R 61 357 R 390 000 R480 000 R 328 505 R 346,245 R 1 889 617 R 1 392 000 R 612 022 R 512 776 R 62 437 To be provided R 364 942 35 DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS AND STATIONERY 2015 textbook orders are ONLY TOP-UPS with the exception of Grade 12 Folklore. The update on textbooks and stationery for 2015 by provinces is detailed in the table Provinces % Textbooks Delivery to date Eastern Cape 87% % Stationery Delivery to date Universal Coverage Retention and Retrieval 100% 79,85% 100% 85% 93% 98% 97% Free state Gauteng . KwaZulu Natal 97% Section 20=100% and Section 21=97.05% 80% Schools procure 63% 99.8% 98% Limpopo 100% top up 32.4% mop up 32% mop up 100% Mpumalanga 95% 100% Northern Cape North West Western Cape 99% The current Managing Agent is working with the Department regarding the best method of collecting data from schools. 87% 100% 91% 98% 90% 100% 85% 100% 92 % 87% 99% 100% 89% 100% 99.96% 36 NUMBER OF MATHEMATICS WORKBOOKS SUPPLIED PER PROVINCE Subject Province Grade 1-9 Grade 1-9 Grade 1-9 2013 2014 2015 FS Mathematics Mathematics 1563820 546455 1540170 1 599 835 553405 550 035 GP Mathematics 1604125 1657965 1 794 575 KZ Mathematics 2169460 2144680 2 120 330 LP MP NC NW WC Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics 1193965 778840 242875 603555 924020 1233235 1 253 135 800735 830 265 233810 246 635 625455 667 820 890735 838 015 TOTAL Mathematics 9627115 9680190 9 900 645 37 NUMBER OF HOME LANGUAGE WORKBOOKS SUPPLIED PER PROVINCE Sum of QTY Subject Province Grade 1-6 Grade 1-6 Grade 1-6 2013 2014 2015 EC Home Language 1123335 1102455 1 165 675 FS Home Language 381895 381510 408 585 GP Home Language 1159715 1160810 1 274 595 KZ Home Language 1459325 1460820 1 486 465 LP Home Language 797960 824970 858 805 MP Home Language 533905 545990 571 545 NC Home Language 166470 162670 171 690 NW Home Language 418815 433470 466 340 WC Home Language 655725 634855 603 055 TOTAL Home Language 6697145 6707550 7 006 755 38 CURRICULUM INNOVATION AND ELEARNING 39 IMPACT OF ICT SUPPORT: MINDSET Mindset Learn Touch Points 40 IMPACT OF ICT SUPPORT: MINDSET Audience on DStv 41 IMPACT OF ICT SUPPORT: MINDSET Audience on DStv Audience Flow, Daily Reach (000): Compact/Other Individuals (Weekdays) Source: DStv-i, Tues - Mon 06:00 – 24:00 Highest reach during LXL 42 IMPACT OF ICT SUPPORT: MINDSET Daily Reach on DStv 43 IMPACT OF ICT SUPPORT: MINDSET DBE Channels on Various Platforms ❑ DStv: ❑ We are in over 4 500 000 households in South Africa and another 1,5 million homes in 54 territories in Africa. ❑ We reach an estimated 150 000 viewers per day and 670 000 viewers per week ❑ StarSat TV: ❑ We are in 85 000 households in Sub Saharan Africa ❑ OpenView HD FTV: ❑ Through a partnership with OpenView HD platform, 187 916 households/schools access the educational channel through OVHD platform ❑ The platform is aimed at the LSM 4 – 7 market 44 IMPACT OF ICT SUPPORT: MINDSET TV Landscape in SA ❑ 26% of adults are between 15 – 24 ❑ 64% of the total population fit into LSM 4 – 7 ❑ What’s important to this segment: ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Family Success Education Life Health Job The Future Religion Friends 45 IMPACT OF ICT SUPPORT: MINDSET Facebook as at 1 July 2015 46 IMPACT OF ICT SUPPORT: MINDSET Facebook Reach 47 IMPACT OF ICT SUPPORT: MINDSET Twitter Analytics 48 IMPACT OF ICT SUPPORT: MINDSET Website Visits July 2015 49 IMPACT OF ICT SUPPORT: MINDSET Website Visits July 2015 50 IMPACT OF ICT SUPPORT: MINDSET Website Visits June 2015 compared to May 51 Thutong Resource Downloads Learning Space May-15 Jun-15 Jul-15 GET Schools FET Schools FET Colleges Non Curriculum Curriculum Support Private Spaces Examinations Total 180141 274143 11600 26165 90088 129855 5291 9678 117530 130008 8493 16895 133144 4398 84650 42 11270 636505 42 0 239352 28 14092 371696 52 IMPACT OF ICT: EASTERN CAPE EXAMPLE • Most provinces are now utilising ICT to improve teaching and learning as well as ascertaining that interventions reach as many learners as possible. EASTERN CAPE • • 58 Telematics Centres were installed in the Province. Lessons for 8 key subjects are broadcasted from February 2015 – – – – – – – – • • English HL Afrikaans HL Accounting History Geography Life Sciences Mathematics Physical Sciences Close to 15 000 Grade 12 learners benefit from the broadcast in the province. Another 55 Telematic Centres will be installed in 2015/16 53 IMPACT OF ICT SUPPORT: EC ACTIVITY IMPACT/USAGE/PARTICIPATION ICASA 147 schools out of 800 completed (laptop, screen, white board and 26 tablets per school) Curriculum and Exams website • Document views/downloads: 1 037 022 • Top users: Cities and surrounding areas: Cape Town (15%), Sandton (9%), Port Elizabeth (7%), Pretoria (7%), Centurion (6%), Durban (6%), New Delhi (4%), East London (4%), Johannesburg (2%) ICT4RED (Cofimvaba) • 26 schools: >3000 tablets • 3 high schools: Results 2013 and 2014 • Arthur Mfebe SSS: 46% and 52% • Khwaza SSS: 44% and 47% • Siyabalala SSS: 58% and 44% TouchTutor Maths Mxit • In 2014 more than 700 learners from 80 schools. • 2015 registrations are open. Competition (NMMU Mxit Ukufunda • Virtual School: Open to all learners in the country • Top 12 participating schools: Special Pilot Project by 54 IMPACT OF ICT SUPPORT:EC ACTIVITY IMPACT/USAGE/PARTICIPATION/ROLL-OUT Telematics Project • 57 centres in 2014/15 • 10 centres in 2015/16 Acquisition of Curriculum software and training of teachers on the use of it. • 60 licences in 2014/15 • 92 licences in 2015/16 Training of teachers on ICT • 1015 in 2014/15 (Head office and districts) integration in teaching and learning • Planned for 2015/16: 170 plus 10% of teachers in districts. Teachmeet events (A forum where teachers meet and share best practices) • Two events in East London per year. (Organised by teachers) • Two events in Port Elizabeth (Organized by H/O, D/O and teachers. 55 teachers attended in March 2015) 55 NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR LEARNER ATTAINMENT (NSLA): ENSURING READINESS FOR ANA/NSC 56 WHAT IS THE NSLA? • The National Strategy for Learner Attainment (NSLA) is a comprehensive transversal Strategy to co-ordinate provincial improvement plans and steers them towards optimal performance of all learners. • The NSLA is based on sound educational principles and philosophy that all learners irrespective of their backgrounds can succeed. 57 OBJECTIVES OF NSLA NSLA is the Basic Accountability Tool to improve Learner Performance: • Sustained improvement in learner outcomes or performance in ANA/NSC; • Enhanced accountability at all levels of the system; • Greater focus on basic functionality of schools; • Protecting time for teaching and learning; and • Improved support for teaching and learning • Increased efforts on time on task. 58 PILLARS OF 2015 NSLA • Section 1: • Section 2: • Section 3: • Section 4: • Section 5: • Section 6: • Section 7: • Section 8: • Section 9: Management and Leadership Early Childhood Development Primary/GET Schools: Multi-grade Foundation Phase; Intermediate Phase; and Senior Phase High/FET Schools Mathematics, Science and Technology Comprehensive Teacher Development Programme Resource provisioning Inclusive Education: Special Schools; Full-service schools; Home Education ICT 59 DBE OVERSIGHT OF NSLA AND READINESS FOR ANA/NSC • Quarterly provincial reports to DBE as per NSLA Template, including ANA/NSC intervention programmes; • PowerPoint presentation to TDCM per quarter; • Composite Quarterly Sector NSLA Report to HEDCOM/CEM; and • Provincial NSLA Oversight Visits, including tracking support for ANA/NSC. 60 PROVINCIAL OVERSIGHT VISITS PROVINCE FIRST VISIT SECOND VISIT THIRD VISIT Eastern Cape 23 – 24 June 2015 03 September 2015 Free State 09 – 12 February 2015 10 March 2015 24 – 25 June 2015 01 September 2015 Gauteng 09 March 2015 25 June 2015 09 September 2015 KwaZulu-Natal 23 – 25 February 2015 16 – 18 February 2015 09 – 10 June 2015 02 September 2015 29 – 30 July 2015 10 September 2015 Limpopo Mpumalanga 04 – 05 March 2015 18 – 19 June 2015 09 September 2015 Northern Cape 02 – 03 March 2015 18-19 June 2015 To be rescheduled North West 11 March 2015 29 – 30 July 2015 10 September 2015 Western Cape 12 March 2015 21 – 22 July 2015 02 September 2015 61 FOCUS OF PROVINCIAL NSLA VISITS The five focus areas for the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and Provincial engagements were: – State of readiness of learners for the Annual National Assessments (ANA); – State of readiness of learners for the National Senior Certificate; – Assessment of the extent to which the goals of the National Development Plan are implemented; – Assessment of the implementation of the Action Plan to 2019 Towards the realisation of Schooling 2030; and – Assessment of the implementation of the National Education Policy Act (NEPA), particularly Section 3 and Section 8. 62 PROGRESS REPORTS FROM PROVINCES: NSLA OVERSIGHT VISITS a) Implementation of the 2015 NSLA/ Grade 12 Evidence-based report; b) 2015 ANA Framework for Improvement and the 2015 Subject Improvement Framework for NSC; c) Targets set for ANA and NSC; d) Changes in CAPS and support provided; e) CAPS curriculum coverage; f) Strengthening of SBA; g) Differentiated support for under-performing districts, under-performing subjects, progressed learners and retained learners; 63 PROGRESS REPORTS FROM PROVINCES: NSLA OVERSIGHT VISITS h) Tracking learner performance; i) Intervention-high enrolment subjects: extra classes, camps, etc. j) Effective use of LTSM and ICT; k) Maths intervention for the Senior Phase (1+4 Project); l) Incremental introduction of African Languages; and m) Impact of “English Across the Curriculum” 64 PROGRESS REPORTS FROM SCHOOLS: NSLA OVERSIGHT VISITS Presentation by the school highlighted the following: a) Targets; b) Curriculum changes; c) Challenges in subjects; d) Radical steps; e) Management systems; f) Assessment programmes; and g) Subject Improvement plans from ANA/NSC Diagnostic Report and Framework for Improvement. 65 State of readiness for ANA 66 66 NATIONAL INTERVENTION: GETTING THE NATION TO READ AND LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SERVICES (LIS) 67 SUMMARY OF KEY READING AND LIS ACTIVITIES The provisioning of 1 000 school libraries annually: • 18 new libraries: 2 per provinces completed in July 2015; • 35 trolley libraries for multigrade schools in KZN; • Revitalisation of 1 000 school libraries: 1031 schools have been identified nationally; • Procurement of library resources: using the Gauteng Department of Education library catalogue; and • The ETDP SETA has partnered with the DBE to provide a learnership programme for school library assistants. DBE The launch of the Book Flood Campaign: • Launched in Mpumalanga, Gauteng, Western Cape, Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal; • DBE is encouraging the Provincial Legislature, Local Government Councils, Private Sector and Government Departments to launch Book Flood campaigns; and • Plans are in place to mobilise provinces to launch the 2015-16 Book Flood Campaign. The resuscitation of the Drop All and Read Programme • Observe at least 30 minutes a week on recreational reading; • During Mandela Month: a special event was held in Kagiso in Gauteng to mark the observance of Drop All and Read; and • The MEC of North West Education Department, at the Mobile library launch encouraged implementation. 68 EARLY GRADE READING ASSESSMENT (EGRA) • Implementation of EGRA project in 1 000 schools in Grades 1 to 3 (100 schools per province) in all 11 official languages; • National Core Training Workshop was held from 18 to 20 February 2015 and 95 FP specialists were capacitated; • EGRA Toolkits were distributed to the project schools between April and May 2015; and • The provincial teacher training workshops were completed between April and July 2015. 69 EARLY GRADE READING STUDY (EGRS) • The EGRS is a 3-year pilot project in 230 schools offering Setswana in Dr Kenneth Kaunda and Ngaka Modiri Molema districts in North West Province. • Three interventions are being implemented in a sample of 150 project schools and 80 control schools: – Intervention 1: schools are supplied with lesson plans, graded readers and teachers trained on the teaching of reading in Setswana; – Intervention 2: an on-site support programme to teachers from reading coaches, accompanied by scripted lesson plans and graded reading materials; and – Intervention 3: a package designed to improve parent involvement in monitoring learning to read. 70 NATIONAL INTERVENTION: CiPELT AND CiSELT 71 INTERVENTION: CiPELT AND CiSELT The DBE in collaboration with the British Council has conducted followup Train the Trainer Workshops focussing on English First Additional Language (EFAL) activities for all phases from July 2015. Province Date Number of Master Trainers trained Eastern Cape 29 June 2015 to 3 July 2015 43 Gauteng 20 to 24 July 2015 40 KwaZulu-Natal 27 to 31 July 2015 40 Limpopo 40 10 to 14 August 2015 Northern Cape 3 to 7 August 2015 40 Free State 24 to 28 August 2015 40 Mpumalanga Date to be provided by province Target 40 teachers North West Date to be provided by province Target 40 teachers Western Cape Date to be provided by province Target 40 teachers 72 NATIONAL INTERVENTION: NECT SUPPORT 73 NECT SUPPORT The National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) is an organisation dedicated to strengthening partnerships among business, civil society, government and labour in order to achieve the education goals of the National Development Plan. It strives both to support and influence the agenda for reform of basic education. The NECT is committed to ensuring 90% of learners pass Mathematics, Science and Language at 50% level by 2030. District interventions • A large proportion of NECT’s energies is devoted to strengthening selected education districts and improving the performance of schools within these districts. • The Trust has prioritised 21 school districts and aims to provide intensive support to these districts. This process, which is seen as a long-term commitment, got underway during 2013 in eight education districts across five provinces. • The NECT has introduced a new approach designed for large-scale school improvement, complete makeover and high-dosage intervention, called Fresh Start Schools (FSS) programme, which seeks to achieve swift and in-depth improvements in schools. 74 NECT SUPPORT • The implementation of the programme entails renovation of school buildings, infrastructure and equipment and is rolled out through the District Intervention Programme (DIP), which accounts for a bulk of the Trust's efforts. It is at an advanced stage, geared towards improved curriculum delivery, enhanced community involvement, improved district support and revamping 409 schools in 8 districts in 5 PEDs. • Three-year DIPs have been approved for two districts in Limpopo, two in KwaZuluNatal, two in Eastern Cape, one in Mpumalanga and one in North West. The FSS programme is positively affecting the schools that are currently under the programme, not only the teachers but also the learners. • The Quick Wins Support system for schools under the Fresh Start Schools’ (FSS) initiative, has started to have a positive impact in areas of Teacher Performance, School management, Learner welfare and development, Curriculum management, Training support materials, Equipment infrastructure and facilities, Parent and community involvement and District capacity improvement. 75 NECT SUPPORT Table 1: Number of NECT Fresh Start Schools (FSS) by province and district Province District Total Number of Number of Percentage Number of Secondary Primary Totals FSS of FSS in Schools in FSSs FSSs District District Libode 426 22 26 48 11% Mt Frere 252 21 24 45 18% Pinetown 537 26 8 34 6% UThungulu 669 40 15 55 8% Vhembe 793 39 23 62 8% Waterberg 472 47 11 58 12% Mpumalanga Bohlabela 412 32 27 59 14% North West Bojanala 569 17 37 54 9% 4130 244 171 415 10% Eastern Cape KwaZulu-Natal Limpopo Total 76 NATIONAL INTERVENTION: TEACHER UNION COLLABORATION 77 TEACHER UNION COLLABORATION (TUC) TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAMMES • The DBE through the TUC agreement has engaged with all 5 Teacher Unions to deliver teacher training workshops to address key curriculum and school management programmes. • All 5 teacher unions have submitted proposals for teacher training workshops to be conducted from September 2015 to March 2016. Currently these proposals are being adjudicated by the DBE. 78 2014/15 TUC Programmes Union Programme Teachers trained NAPTOSA Curriculum Adaptation 1008 Grade 10-12 mathematics classroom practice 392 Promotion of thinking skills 500 Foundation phase mathematics assessment 400 CAPS for FET 400 NATU Assessment for learning 2096 PEU Curriculum adaptation 504 SADTU Teacher development through Communities of Practice 188 School Based: Math and EFAL Resource Development Teacher Training 5000 Curriculum Management for principals 1518 SAOU TOTAL 12 900 79 INTERVENTION: JICA AND 1+4 MATHEMATICS MODEL FOR GRADE 9 80 JICA Mathematics interventions • The DBE, in partnership with the Japanese International Co-operation Agency (JICA) has rolled out Mathematics workshops focussing on problem solving strategies in Grades 1 to 4. • Phase 1 in 2013-14 JICA Workshops were rolled out in 40 schools , 20 schools each KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga. • Phase 2 in 2015 JICA workshops are currently being rolled out in 4 districts in Eastern Cape and 4 districts in North West. 81 Covering 192 schools. No of Participants of W/shops for Districts, Circuit Managers and Schools 82 MATHS: 1+4 MODEL TEACHERS TRAINED PEDs Model Implemented Number Training sessions Date(s) Teachers targeted Actual attendance EC 1+9 7 02 Feb; 16 Feb; 02 March; 28 April; 12 May; 26 May; 01 June. 2 610 1 264 FS 1+9 4 24 Apr, 08 May, 22 May, 01 June 772 712 GP 1+4 & 1+20/10 1 13-16 July 2015 3 327 Still to be determined 7 13th , 20th , 27th April; 04th, 11th, 18th and 23rd May; 01st June No Stats No Stats Still to be determined Still to be determined 1200 1178 564 468 854 687 490 343 (70%) KZN LP 1+4 & 1+9 1+9 1 session in Vhembe 20 July 2015 district MP 1+4 12 NC 1+4 6 09 Feb; 16 Feb; 23 Feb; 02 March 13th , 20th , 27th April; 04th, 11th, 18th, 23rd May; 01st June 20 April, 04th, 11th, 18th, 23rd May; 01st June NW 1+4 12 09 Feb, 16 Feb, 23 Feb, 02 March, 13th , 20th , 27th April; 04th, 11th, 18th, 23rd May; 01June WC School Vacation Model 1 13-17 July 83 SASOL-INZALO SENIOR PHASE MATHEMATICS SUBJECT ADVISORS TRAINING Province Date Trained Targeted Number Actual Number of Subject Advisors Trained EC 01-06 December 2014 23 24 FS 24-28 November 2014 12 14 GP 24-28 November 2014 30 30 KZN 08-12 December 2014 31 18 KZN 18-23 May 2015 31 35 LP 08-12 December 2014 15 17 MP 08-12 December 2014 24 23 NC 01-06 December 2014 18 10 NW 24-28 November 2014 10 16 WC 01-06 December 2014 30 25 84 MST HOD AND LEAD TEACHERS TRAINING STATISTICS (JANUARY - MAY 2015) No Province Maths NS Tech Totals 1 EC 1502 1636 1536 4674 Training has been completed 2 FS 294 255 236 785 Training has been completed 3 LP 749 313 595 1657 4 MP 552 465 473 1490 5 KZN 6 NC 107 67 80 254 7 NW 415 439 642 1496 8 GP 0 9 WC 0 TOTALS 0 3 619 3 175 3 562 Comments 80% of training has been completed. Training completed in all 4 districts Not started training Training conducted on 8-10 April 2015 Training has been completed Only lead teachers have been trained Not started training 10 356 85 North West : Example Maths Pre/Post-Tests: Subject Advisors Average Performance level in pre-test Improvement in performance from pre-test to post-test Ratio and rate Patterns and formula 56% 18% 16% 67% Poor performance in pre-test and no visible improvement in post-test 28% 15% Articulation of the function concept 18% 32% 50% Topic Global graphs Making predictions based on congruence Making deductions 0% 59% 41% 59% 11% 30% 51% 20% 29% Properties of rectangles 86% 10% 4% Producing a definition The value of presenting data with a histogram Differentiating between different representations of data 63% 20% 17% 4% 50% 46% 73% 17% 10% 86 North West Teachers: Pre/Post-Tests GRADE 8 9 TOPIC Algebraic Expressions Algebraic Equations Construction of geometry Geometry of 2D shape AVERAGE % PRE-TEST POST TEST 75 98 82 100 70 86 84 96 Geometry of straight lines 90 100 TOTALS 407 480 81.4 96 80 82 80 90 96 96 100 100 100 100 430 86 496 99.2 Construction of geometric figures Geometry of 2D shape Construction of geometry Geometry of 2D shape Geometry of straight lines Pythagoras Theorem TOTALS 87 MPUMALANGA Directorate: Mathematics, Science and Technology TERM 1 PRE- AND POST-TEST FOR TEACHERS IDENTIFIED TO CO-FACILITATE DISTRICT PRETEST POST TEST 0 – 49% 50 – 79% 80 – 100% 80 – 100% Bohlabela 2 10 0 12 eHlanzeni 4 6 2 12 Gert Sibande 2 6 2 10 Nkangala 3 2 3 8 11 24 7 42 TOTAL 11 teachers identified for facilitation scored between 0 – 49 % All identified teachers achieved at 80 % and above after undergoing ‘training’ 88 UPDATE AND PROGRESS ON PROVINCIAL LANGUAGES AND MATHEMATICS ACTIVITIES 89 ANA PROVINCIAL PROGRESS REPORTS: EXAMPLE PROVINCE Gauteng SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES ANA support provided through (Continued): Provisioning of resources included: - quality readers in 8 African languages offered for grade 3; - Reading Words in all Home Languages and English FAL to improve reading and vocabulary; - Literature resources in Senior Phase to all priority schools ; - Lesson plans and question banks for Languages; and - Graded Readers, Posters, DVDs, and Reading Trolleys. Teacher training and capacity development included the training of: - Subject Advisors and Teachers in CiPELT and CISELT; and - All Foundation Phase Subject Advisors and Teachers in the Teaching of African Languages. Other interventions included: - ANA roadshows conducted PED and DO; - An ANA Forum was established; - Reading clubs and Spelling-Bees; - Story writing for Grade 3 learners were encouraged in all the languages; - 12 Schools pilot IIAL in Gauteng (IsiZulu; Sepedi; Setswana; Sesotho and Xitsonga); and - District curriculum advisors cover aspects during their PLC workshops. 90 ANA PROVINCIAL PROGRESS REPORTS: EXAMPLE PROVINCE SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES A Diagnostic Report and ANA Improvement Strategy were generated for Grade 3, 6 and 9 from the analysis of learner responses in ANA 2014. The strategy included resourcing, common assessments, teacher development/capacity building, monitoring and support. Developed a turnaround strategy for underperforming schools in ANA using the DBE guidelines; and District developed profile and dashboard for each Underperforming School. Gauteng JIT training 1+10/20 Model: Included the training of Lead teachers, HODs and Teachers in content and Curriculum Management. Fortnightly in April- June 2015 (Saturdays) and during school vacation, in preparation for the following term i.e. In addition follow up support/training was provided once a month on Saturdays. ANA support provided through: Common assessment tasks and ANA type questions built into lesson plans for Grade 3 and 6; Standardised assessment for Grade 6 and 9 in all underperforming schools in June; CAPS aligned question banks for English FAL (all grades) developed and to be distributed and mediated in all priority schools and made available on CD to all non priority schools; and Implement continuous ANA ‘drill & practice’ preparation programme (utilise 10 minutes language consolidation). 91 ANA PROVINCIAL PROGRESS REPORTS: EXAMPLE PROVINCE SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES ANA Improvement Plan included: Information sessions held during February and March with a total of 86 CES Circuit Management , Circuit Managers and 1031 principals of schools with Grade 8 and 9 classes in 12 districts. Six hour information session programmes which focused on monitoring and supporting curriculum, ANA and other GET subjects. KZN The intervention programmes focused on: - The analysis of ANA results and its importance of their utilisation at school level to inform remedial work and teaching in the classroom; - Grade 8 and 9 Annual Teaching Plans and how they should be utilised; - School Self Evaluation and School Improvement Plans to strengthen accountability at school level; - GET priorities and Improvement Plans; - Academic Improvement Plans; and - GET Assessment Plans, common tests, administration and analysis of results. 92 ANA PROVINCIAL PROGRESS REPORTS: EXAMPLE PROVINCE SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES GET Curriculum structured school visits In February and March 2014, the Curriculum team visited 13 schools in Umgungundlovu, Ilembe, Ugu, Umlazi and Pinetown respectively KZN Early Grade Reading Assessment Pilot (EGRA) Information sessions on EGRA were held with School Management Teams (SMTs) of participating districts in February. - 64 SMTs from Zululand District schools attended - 80 SMTs from Amajuba District schools attended The following aspects were discussed: - The rationale for the EGRA toolkit and its intended outcomes; - The EGRA management plan and the finalisation of dates for teachers’ orientation workshops; and - Orientation workshops for teachers will take place between 16-30/04/15. - Implementation in schools will be in May 2015. The pilot was received positively by all SMT members that attended. 93 State of readiness for NSC 94 94 NSC SUBJECT INTERVENTIONS (EXAMPLE: ACCOUNTING) Intervention Focus Curriculum Coverage - Ledger Account - Notes to balance sheet - Creditors Reconciliations - Company financial statements Common tests Term 1: book keeping of companies; financial accounting of companies. Term 2: book keeping of companies; financial accounting of companies; tangible /fixed assets; financial accounting of close corporations; Time 17 hrs. 3hrs # of teachers 348 # of learners 24661 38682 % pass Term 1 44.6% 44% % pass Term 2 44.8% 45% NSC SUBJECT INTERVENTIONS (EXAMPLE: ACCOUNTING) Intervention Focus Time # of teachers # of learners Teacher Training Company ledger Accounts, Company financial statements Company financial statements Company analysis of financial statements Reconciliations (revision grade 11 work) Methodology Learners with barriers GAAP principles, Buying back of shares Ledger accounts, Final accounts, Grade 10 ratio analysis and VAT, Internal Control and ethics, Tangible Assets including Asset disposal, Interpretation of financial information, Cash flow statement, Inventory valuations, Stock valuations. Exam Guidelines 8hrs 2579 18468 96 NSC SUBJECT INTERVENTIONS (EXAMPLE:ACCOUNTING) Intervention Focus Time HOD Training: priority schools (Service Provider- WITS School of Education) -To improve the Accounting leaders’ overall understanding of the subject and influence over teaching and learning process of grade 10 – 12 Accounting -To advance the Accounting leaders’ skills in leading grade 10 – 12 Accounting -To prepare the Accounting leaders to work on developing these skills with grade 10 – 12 teachers and learners taking accounting as a subject 21 hrs. # of teachers # of learners 172 of 180 HODs HOD Training : priority schools (Service Provide r- WITS School of Educati on) 97 NSC SUBJECT INTERVENTIONS (ACCOUNTING) Intervention Resources provided Time Focus # of learners 187 23548 A set of nine 2014 Preliminary Exam papers and memorandums from 9 provinces were supplied to all learners who attended SSIP classes on Saturdays and during school holidays - A revision pack was developed and sent to all the districts to be used during the camps. Each and every learner received Mind the Gap Study guide Accounting (FET) SBA guidelines (Accounting) Previous Question papers (Accounting) Exemplification of standards (Accounting) Partnerships Accounting Olympiad SAICA Focus: This initiative focuses on the promotion of the Chartered Accountancy Profession to all Mathematics and Science Grade 11 and 12 learners. Accounting Grade 11 and 12 learners. The Accounting Olympiad targets 10 learners per school in GP. Learners write a three hour multiple choice tests. & Thuthuka # of teachers 7hrs 1186 Thuthuka Development Camps At the camp learners are given master tuition, mainly, in Mathematics – Accounting, and Physical Science. Financial statements with the inclusion of buy-back of shares, internal control and audit. Pre- and Post-tests administered: the following results showed the impact: Pre-test: Ave.43% Post-test: Ave.59.2% 98 NSC INTERVENTIONS (ACCOUNTING) Intervention Focus Time Ernest and Young LTD Ernest and Young 6hrs 15 hrs. 24 hrs. Oxford teacher academy -assist learners with career awareness. -offering Saturday classes to grade 12 learners. Focus is on financial statements. Oxford Teacher Academy Workshop held to: # of # of teachers learners 928 of 1234 learners 999 of 1234 learners 498 of 640 learners -Assist grade 12 learners with study methods. -Assist learners the understanding of questioned asked in the exam papers 99 NSC SUBJECT INTERVENTIONS (EXAMPLE: MATHEMATICS) Intervention Focus Teacher Calculus and Euclidean training Geometry workshop Winter Classes Euclidean geometry; functions; trigonometry; calculus. Saturday classes Challenging topics in mathematics Radio lessons / Dial-a-tutor functions and graphs, trigonometry and geometry Time 5hrs # of teachers 30min per day for 10days % pass Term 1 56% 1346 out of 1767 12 hrs 20 hrs # of learners 23 423 out of 29947 310 out of 540 3000 out of 47 23 282 496 out of 588 23 282 out 23 282 100 NSC SUBJECT INTERVENTIONS (MATHEMATICS) Intervention Focus Time # of teachers # of learners % pass Term 1 Inverses of functions Telematics – Lesson Broadcasts The log and exponential functions as inverses of each other 8 hours 130 High Schools 16 200 (projected) 83% Jan - Dec All 57 898 83% Applications of calculus Geometry similar triangles Circle geometry Web based Matric support Frequently asked questions Gr 12 consolidation tasks: Bi-weekly work according to the work schedule 101 NSC SUBJECT INTERVENTIONS (PHYSICAL SCIENCE) Intervention Focus Teacher Content training workshops Additional Classes Telematics Radio Lessons Resources Time # of teachers # of learners Organic Chemistry Work and energy Vertical Projectile motion Newton’s Laws Work, Power and Energy Momentum Doppler effect Acid and bases Chemical equilibrium Electrical circuits Internal resistance Work, energy and power; electricity and magnetism; acids and bases. 70,5 hrs 20hrs 85 858 Work, energy and power; electricity and magnetism; acids and bases. Work, energy and power; electricity and magnetism; acids and bases 16 Feb-10 Oct 16 200 Mind the Gap study guides Diagnostic Report Pace setters SBA record sheets Hand-out of support session presentation Dealing with source questions 5 hrs 6201 496 % pass Term 1 60.51% 19 743 16 050 based 102 TRACKING LEARNER PERFORMANCE 103 TRACKING LEARNER PERFORMANCE • Provinces are tracking learner performance through various modes to improve learner performance including: – Comparisons with previous cohorts; – Comparing the cohort’s performance from Grade 10 – 12 – Using EMIS to track curriculum through mark lists and mark schedules submitted by schools through SASAMS – Quarterly analysis of results 104 TRACKING LEARNER PERFORMANCE: FS • From the beginning of 2015, the province has intensify the tracking of learner performance throughout the system. • The districts have developed a format for submission of results to entrench tracking of learners. • Participation in the Provincially controlled tests/examinations makes the tracking more easy and compulsory. • Support to learners is carried out in a differentiated manner as required by the CAPS even though is challenging. • More success in tracking learner performance is noticeable in grades 10-12. 105 TRACKING LEARNER PERFORMANCE: FS 106 TRACKING LEARNER PERFORMANCE: FS 107 TRACKING LEARNER PERFORMANCE: FS 108 TRACKING LEARNER PERFORMANCE: FS Mathematical subjects: Number of Level 7s 500 407 400 300 304 362 331 286 242 200 286 287 100 0 Maths Maths Lit Nov-14 Mrch 2014 Mrch 2015 Jun-14 109 TRACKING LEARNER PERFORMANCE: FS 110 TRACKING LEARNER PERFORMANCE: FS ) of level 7s Sciences: Number 800 687 600 400 200 358 304 256 132 94 256273 179 0 GEO LFSC PHSC Mrch 2014 Mrxh 2015 Jun-14 111 TRACKING LEARNER PERFORMANCE: FS Languages: Number of level 7s 2000 1700 1500 1000 500 703 658 141 258 420 213 221 270 224 0 EGFAL Nov-14 TRGT 2015 SESHL Mrch 2014 Mrch 2015 Jun-14 112 TRACKING LEARNER PERFORMANCE:FS DINALEDI GRADE 12 CAMP FOR HIGH FLYERS: GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF THE PRE AND POST TESTS 113 PRE- AND POSTTEST FOR WINTER SCHOOLS 114 114 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC MATHEMATICS: IMPACT OF THE WINTER SCHOOLS FOR PROGRESSED LEARNERS 115 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC LIFE SCIENCES: IMPACT OF THE WINTER SCHOOLS FOR PROGRESSED LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 116 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC MATHEMATICAL LITERACY: IMPACT OF THE WINTER SCHOOLS FOR PROGRESSED LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 117 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC GEOGRAPHY: IMPACT OF THE WINTER SCHOOLS FOR PROGRESSED LEARNERS 118 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC BUSINESS STUDIES: IMPACT OF THE WINTER SCHOOLS FOR PROGRESSED LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 119 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC AFRIKAANS HL: IMPACT OF THE WINTER SCHOOLS FOR PROGRESSED LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 120 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC HISTORY: IMPACT OF THE WINTER SCHOOLS FOR PROGRESSED LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 121 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE: IMPACT OF THE WINTER SCHOOLS FOR PROGRESSED LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 122 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC PHYSICAL SCIENCES: IMPACT OF THE WINTER SCHOOLS FOR PROGRESSED LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 123 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC ECONOMICS: IMPACT OF THE WINTER SCHOOLS FOR PROGRESSED LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 124 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC ENGLISH FAL: IMPACT OF THE WINTER SCHOOLS FOR PROGRESSED LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 125 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC ENGLISH HL: IMPACT OF THE WINTER SCHOOLS FOR PROGRESSED LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 126 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC AFRIKAANS HL: IMPACT OF THE WINTER CAMP FOR TOP-ACHIEVING LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 127 127 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC ACCOUNTING: IMPACT OF THE WINTER CAMP FOR TOP-ACHIEVING LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 128 128 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC ENGLISH FAL: IMPACT OF THE WINTER CAMP FOR TOP-ACHIEVING LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 129 129 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC LIFE SCIENCE: IMPACT OF THE WINTER CAMP FOR TOP-ACHIEVING LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 130 130 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC MATHEMATICS: IMPACT OF THE WINTER CAMP FOR TOP-ACHIEVING LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 131 131 PRE – AND POST TEST RESULTS: NC PHYSICAL SCIENCES: IMPACT OF THE WINTER CAMP FOR TOP-ACHIEVING LEARNERS (PRE-AND POST-TEST RESULTS) 132 132 SUPPORT FOR PROGRESSED LEARNERS 133 PROGRESSED LEARNERS PER SUBJECT, PER PROVINCE (Example Free State) High Enrolment Subject Accounting Total number of learners Total number of progressed learners 8 228 2 226 Business Studies 14 903 3 667 Economics Mathematics Mathematical Literacy Geography 9 481 13 110 23 784 13 976 4 245 4 749 7 213 2 149 6 507 1 923 Life Sciences 16 897 8 549 Physical Sciences 11 483 2 567 English First Additional Language 32 049 5 048 English Home Language 4 005 205 Afrikaans First Additional 3 291 Afrikaans Home Language 3 523 History 134 PROGRESSED LEARNERS PER SUBJECT, PER PROVINCE (Example Gauteng) High Enrolment Subject Total number of learners Total number of progressed learners Accounting 24659 4022 Business Studies 49772 9010 Economics Mathematics Mathematical Literacy Geography 29615 37921 74261 50157 4861 5967 12420 8564 History 30963 5706 Life Sciences 51128 8661 Physical Sciences 31107 4786 English First Additional 73913 Language English Home Language 38240 10514 Afrikaans First Additional 34052 7006 Afrikaans Home Language 11030 662 7871 135 PROGRESSED LEARNERS PER SUBJECT, PER PROVINCE (Example KZN) High Enrolment Subject Total number of learners Total number of progressed learners Accounting 42 398 2 887 Business Studies 72 929 2 986 Economics Mathematics Mathematical Literacy 44 109 90 141 82 549 2 986 6 079 3877 Geography 71 437 4 817 History 41 720 2 813 Life Sciences 91 370 6 161 Physical Sciences 52 878 3 584 English First Additional Language Accounting 147 628 9 859 42 398 2 887 Business Studies 72 929 2 986 Economics 44 109 2 986 136 INTERVENTIONS FOR PROGRESSED LEARNERS • Common interventions: – – – – – – – – – – Extra classes; Common tests; An incubation programme; Revision materials; Simplified guides; Extra written work / homework; Winter camps; Telematics; HeyMaths; and HeyScience sessions. 137 Progressed Learners PROVINCE SUMMARY OF KEY ACTIVITIES FET ( GRADE 10 – 12) Extra classes (Morning 06:30- 7:15 and afternoon, from 14:30 until 17:00). Weekend classes (from Friday to Sunday). Some took a form of incubations in Lejweleputswa, Motheo and Xhariep. Autumn school project for a week. Free State Super Saturday and Sunday Support (S4) project. Memoranda discussions via IBP. Revision material/study guides/simplified notes. Provincial Common Tests/Exams Incubation programme (starting from Friday until Sunday). 138 Progressed Learners PROVINCE SUMMARY OF KEY ACTIVITIES FET ( GRADE 10 – 12) 11 Saturday SSIP sessions in 10 gateway subjects in 450 schools targeting approximately 72000 Grade 12 learners . April and July holiday programme from 29 June to 3 July. The program focused on key content areas for exam preparation. Gauteng Mind-The-Gap study guides to all learners in underperforming schools in the 3rd quarter. Learners provided with guidelines (study tips) and previous question papers and memoranda on preparing for the examinations. Smart board technology and other electronic devices such as tablets were supplied to schools to improve the teaching and learning. Special high risk camp from 6 to 10 July. The camp focused on key content areas for exam preparation. 139 Progressed Learners PROVINCE SUMMARY OF KEY ACTIVITIES FET ( GRADE 10 – 12) Quarterly Common tests Saturday classes taught by lead teachers Winter Holiday Classes taught by lead teachers KWAZULU-NATAL Target setting Revision materials Funding of district interventions Operation Scaffold: monitoring by Top Management and engagement with school principals Learner camps: 3 – 10 days Mindset Telkom DBE connectivity project at Amajuba district 140 BEST PRACTICE: ANA / NSC 141 141 DBE BEST PRACTICE: ANA READINESS • Mediated ANA / NSC 2014 Framework for Improvement and ANA/ NSC Diagnostic Reports in DBE-Provincial Roadshows in February- March 2015 • Mediated ANA/NSC Framework for Improvement and Diagnostic Reports in DBE Subject Committees IN 2015 • Provinces conducted ANA/NSC roadshows between February and May 2015. • ANA exemplar question papers disseminated to schools and is available on DBE website. • NSC Question papers and marking memos distributed widely and on website. 142 PROVINCE BEST PRACTICE: ANA READINESS Eastern Cape • Collaboration with other stakeholders - Nelson Mandela Institute, General Motors South Africa Foundation, JICA, NECT, Oxford University Press, Rhodes University, Praesa and British Council. Gauteng • 2 260 schools have 40 tablets with Internet for teaching and learning; 1 650 schools have GautengOnline laboratories with Internet; six schools have tablets for each learner, a teaching laptop for each classroom and a tablet for each educator and interactive boards in 12 classrooms, Limpopo • Develop and provide Language and Mathematics scripted lessons plans and train teachers monthly on the lesson plans to ensure curriculum coverage. • Provide graded readers, reading cards and posters to ensure establishment of library corners in each classroom and create print rich classrooms Mpumalanga • Implementation structure of the Study Group project at school level • Mathematics Focus Day 143 PROVINCE Free State Gauteng KwaZuluNatal BEST PRACTICE: NSC READINESS At each school, teachers implemented a personalised dictionary for learners. At the end of each activity, new words are listed and these are tested by the teacher. A year long Saturday Secondary School Improvement programme was implemented for Grade 12 learners in February. Principals and SMTs were supported on curriculum management using the Predictability Framework. The province prioritised the development and printing of materials targeted at both learners and teachers in all underperforming subjects and schools. 144 PROVINCE BEST PRACTICE: NSC READINESS Limpopo Analysis of performance in mid-year exams done and interventions developed and implemented in selected subjects, including the analysis of progressed learners’ performance in mid-year examination. Mpumalanga Study Group project involves 3 000 Grade 12 Mathematics and Physical Sciences Study Group Leaders from 250 schools performing below 60% in Maths and Physical Sciences in the 2014 NSC. Identified 50 learners per centre in 60 centres. North West Camps catered for the following categories of schools: Underperforming schools; where the subject was without a teacher for too long; where the subject has remained underperforming for long; and new Grade 12 schools, and Progressed and repeating learners. Post tests are administered and analysis and comparison is going on to determine the impact of interventions. 145 PROVINCE BEST PRACTICE: NSC READINESS Northern Cape Hosted a Winter Residential Camp for identified potential top achieving Grade 12 learners from disadvantaged communities. Impact of the winter camp for top-achieving learners was determined through pre-and post-test results. Western Cape District Management Information system where full school profiles and School Improvement Plans are available online and to which officials have access for support and monitoring purposes. 146 A SUMMARY OF DBE OBSERVATIONS: READINESS FOR ANA/NSC 147 147 DBE OBSERVATIONS: ANA/NSC • In all provinces there is evidence of improvement plans linked to implementation of the NSLA, for ANA/NSC; • Evidence of tracking of learner performance from one quarter to the next which informs subsequent interventions; • Many innovations in the implementation of improvement plans- varies from one province to another; • Evidence of special focus on Senior Phase (weakest link of GET) and content areas in CAPS especially for Grade 12; • HEDCOM sub-committee (TDCM) has succeeded in promoting good practice and enhancing accountability; 148 DBE OBSERVATIONS: ANA/NSC… • Value –added by Minister’s District Directors Forum in focusing on key variables for improving learner performance such as curriculum coverage and time on task; and • Provinces have gone out of their way to secure and insulate resources for implementing improvement plans for ANA/NSC. • However, more work needs to be done in measuring the impact of interventions such as teacher development programmes and vacation classes/learner support interventions. 149 CONCLUSION History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children. Nelson Mandela 150 THANK YOU Website: Call Centre: 0800 202 933 | Twitter: @DBE_SA | Facebook: DBE SA