
By Hayden
Do You Know What Matter Is?
Matter is any thing that takes
up space and has mass.
Matter also has properties.
A property is a characteristic
that you can observe about
matter. This includes color,
texture, size, shape, and
hardness. Mass is the
amount of matter in a object.
Matter is measured in grams.
Do you know what buoyancy
is? Buoyancy is the up ward
force of water or other liquids
A solid is matter with a
definite size and shape. A
solid also takes up a definite
amount of space. The
particles of a solid are
packed tightly together.
Do you know what a liquid
is? A liquid has no definite
shape ( takes the shape of
container) has a fixed or
definite amount. It's particles
are more free than a solid an
moves very slowly
Do you know what gas is?
Gas has no definite shape
and no definite size. Gas's
particles moves VERY fast
and free.
Do you know what area is?
Area is the number of
square units that covers a
surface. The formula of
area is length x width. The
red squares are an example
of area.
Do you know what a
perimeter is? The way you
can get a perimeter is add 4
all sides. The blue arrows
are an example perimeter.
Volume is how much space
an object takes up. To get a
volume you multiply
Do you know what weight is?
Weight is measure of the pull
of gravity on an object and
you can measure it in
newtons and pounds.
The three R's
Did you know that there's
something called the three
R's. The R's stand for
reduce, reuse, recycle.
Density is the amount of
mass in a given space. If
you have a 15 gram cup and
a 20 gram cup and each one
has 12 grams of paper in it
the 15 gram cup has more
Elements are the building
blocks of matter. They are
made up of only one type of
matter. Gold, silver, and
oxygen are some examples
of elements. The periodic
table sorts the elements by
Atoms are the smallest
particles of an element.
Atoms of one element are all
alike. Atoms have a nucleus,
protons, neutrons, and
electrons. Protons and
neutrons are inside the
nucleus. Protons have a
positive charge and can't
leave its atom. Neutrons have
no charge. Electrons have a
negative charge .they travel in
a cloud outside the nucleus.
A mixture is two or more
types of matter combined but
are not blended entirely
together. Mixtures can be
separated by sorting or
picking, a filter, or
evaporation. Some
examples are mixed
vegetables, salt water, and
grape juice.
A compound forms when two
or more matter are combined
chemically. Each element
loses its properties when
A mixture of two or more
elements one must be metal.
Mixing metal with another
element can make it
Physical Change
Physical changes begin and
end with the same type of
matter. Heat energy and
loss of heat energy causes
matter to change state. The
mass of the object stays the
same. Matter can change in
size/shape, change in
texture, change in position,
and change in state.
Chemical Change
A chemical change has
different properties than the
matter you started with. You
start with one matter and end
with another matter.
Chemical change involves
energy either takes in or
gives of energy. Penny +
vinegar= copper acetate.