The Odyssey pg 895-898 Study Guide

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The Odyssey pg 895-898
Study Guide
1. What kind of poem is “The Odyssey”?
2. Who is the Muse?
3. Who narrates Book One of the poem? Who narrates Book Nine.?
4. Which god had the King of Ithaca made angry?
5. What beautiful goddess detained Odysseus for several years?
6. Books 9-12 of the Odyssey are the story that Odysseus tells to whom?
7. In your own words, how do men regard Odysseus?
8. What happened between Odysseus, his crew and the Cicones?
9. On whose coastline did Odysseus land after drifting at sea for nine days?
10. What heroic traits has Odysseus shown thus far?
Name: ________________________________________________________ Date:
________________ Period: _________
The Odyssey pg 898-913
Study Guide
1. Describe the Cyclops.
2. The cyclops were sons of which god?
3. Why did Odysseus go to the land of the cyclops?
4. What did Odysseus bring with him to the land of the cyclops? (Hint: a drink)
5. What is the name of the cyclops that Odysseus and his men blinded.
6. The cyclops feared Zeus, the king of the gods. True or False
7. What happened to two of Odysseus’s men that showed the giant didn’t plan on being
to his guests?
8. Why didn’t Odysseus kill the cyclops when he had fallen asleep?
9. What did Odysseus serve 3 bowls of to the cyclops?
10. Who did Odysseus say he was when the cyclops asked his name?
11. What was supposed to be the cyclops gift to Odysseus for serving him the contents
of the
three bowls?
12. Why didn’t the other cyclops help the injured Cyclops when he cried out?
13. How did Odysseus and his men escape out of the cyclops’s cave?
14. What did the cyclops throw to Odysseus’s men?
15. What did Odysseus tell the cyclops about himself?
16. What curse does the cyclops pronounce at Odysseus and his men?
17. What are positive qualities of Odysseus’s character?
18. What are negative qualities of Odysseus’s character?
Name: ________________________________________________________ Date:
________________ Period: _________
The Odyssey pg 916-925
Study Guide
1. Aeolia is the island where Aeolus is king of what?
2. What gift does Aeolus give Odysseus and his men?
3. What do the men do to his gift? What happens to Odysseus and his men?
4. Why won’t Aeolus help the men again?
5. The next stop for Odysseus and his men is on the west coast of Italy and home of the
Laestrygonians, What happens to many of his men there?
6. Where did the men end up next?
7. What was the name of the witch that held even the wolves and mountain lions in her
soft spell of evil?
8. What happened to all the men who drank her wine?
9. How does Odysseus learn what has happened to his men?
10. Hermes gives Odysseus two pieces of advice, what are they?
11. How long did Odysseus stay at Aeaea?
12. Odysseus is told that he can leave the island, but who must he first find and where
would he find this person?
Name: ________________________________________________________ Date:
________________ Period: _________
The Odyssey pg 928-937
Study Guide
1. After Odysseus and his men leave Circes’ island, whom is he sent to find in the Land
of the Dead?
2. How many of Odysseus’s men does this blind man predict will return home to Ithaca
from this journey?
3. What were the men supposed to use to stop them from hearing the Sirens sing?
4. How does Odysseus manage to hear the Sirens safely?
5. What does Circe tell Odysseus to do about Scylla and Charybdis?
6. Describe the monster, Scylla.
7. How many men did Scylla snatch from Odysseus’s ship and eat?
8. What was Charybdis?
9. Why did Odysseus’s men disobey his orders and eat the sacred cattle of the sun god,
10. Who punished these men for eating the sacred cattle?
11. What was the punishment for eating the sacred cattle?
12. What heroic traits does Odysseus exhibit?
Name: ________________________________________________________ Date:
________________ Period: _________
The Odyssey pg 942-964
Study Guide
1. Back in Ithaca, Odysseus is told by Athena to disguise himself as what?
2. Did Eumaeus recognize Odysseus when returned to Ithaca?
3. Who is Telemachus?
4. Why does Penelope side with the beggar when the evil suitors taunt him?
5. What test does Penelope set up to see which suitor she will marry?
6. Who ends up winning the contest?
7. When the bow was strung, what kind of a sign did Zeus give?
8. Who help Odysseus fight the suitors?
9. Who was Antinous?
10. How many years has Odysseus been gone?
11. Why doesn’t Penelope believe that Odysseus is her husband?
12. What test did Penelope put Odysseus to make sure he was who he said he was?