An analysis of simSchool, an instructional simulation for preservice teachers, using an instructional design framework grounded in the Model-Centered Instructional Theory Deb Deale Burlington High School United States Introduction How does an Instructional designer design a valid and effective instructional simulation? The following paper explores this question by examining the simulation evaluation literature, followed by an evaluation of an instructional simulation, simSchool. simSchool is a web-based simulation designed to emulate various students to provide practice for preservice teachers in instructional planning, assessment and communication activities. This paper uses a framework to analyze the simulation, according to the simulation’s instructional goals and design models. The framework for designing a simulation approach to instruction, based on the Model-Centered Instructional Theory, provides a detailed model for dissecting the seven functional layers of a simulation. When combined with user testing, results indicated that simSchool does provide a valid model of a simulated environment for preservice teachers to practice instructional activities. Simulations – a Simplified Reality A model that provides a simplified version of a system or event is commonly known as a simulation (Reigeluth & Schwartz, 1989; Gibbons, McConkie, Seo, & Wiley, 2009). Additionally, simulations provide an interactive abstraction of a real life event or scenario and are based on dynamic relationships between variables that change over time (Akilli, 2007). Providing a way of manipulating some part of the system supports a deeper understanding of that system (Gibson D. , 2012). Stripping away irrelevant details allows the learner to focus on the significant elements of that event or system (Aldrich, 2002). Gibbons, McConkie, Seo, and Wiley (2009) define an instructional simulation as a dynamic model of a system that engages the learner in interactions with the model, causing state changes that are non-linear, in the quest of an instructional goal while providing instructional augmentations for the learner. The Framework The framework utilized in the simulation being evaluated in this paper consists of seven principles of function: content, strategy, control, messaging, representation, media-logic and data management (Gibbons, McConkie, Seo, & Wiley, 2009). The framework is based on Andrew Gibbons’ Model-Centered Instructional Theory. Model-Centered Instructional Theory focuses the attention of the designer on direct experiences; the relationship between the learner and the environment, which can be real or modeled (Gibbons, 2001). This theory assumes that one cannot instruct learners in everything they need to know therefore instructional products should be designed to support learning within a particular domain but also enable learners to perform self-instruction (Gibbons, 2001). This is a shift in design thinking, whereas in the past designers have often focused on creating subject matter products (Gibbons, 2001). Therefore to use this instructional theory for design, a designer must learn a different systematic design process. This process includes learning a different set of constructs, order of design and design tools. Simulations in Teacher Education Teaching is a very complex work that requires multifaceted decision making to find a balance between pedagogy and content in an ever-changing context (Christensen, Knezek, & Tyler-Wood, 2011). New teachers are often overwhelmed by these decisionmaking challenges, challenges that are compounded when specific tools and student needs are added (Christensen, Knezek, & Tyler-Wood, 2011). Too many new teachers enter the profession ill-equipped to handle the rigors and demands of managing both sound pedagogical practices and classroom management strategies vital to successful teaching (Zibit & Gibson, 2005; Christensen, Knezek, & Tyler-Wood, 2011; Knezek & Christensen, 2009; Hixon & So, 2009). Foundational to teacher education, practicum experiences provide an opportunity for students to learn by doing (Hixon & So, 2009). These experiences often provide for practice of pedagogical, and content area decision-making skills under the guidance of an experienced role-model. Many of these experiences consist of live classroom interactions and observations. These practice opportunities bring with them many obstacles; lack of time and resources and the ethics of practicing on real-live students (Ferry & Kervin, 2007). These obstacles are often not overcome and therefore reduce the abundance of practicum experiences, resulting in a decreased capacity for resilience in beginning teachers. Christensen, et al (2005) contend that increasing this capacity could improve teacher retention rates. Many universities have set out to find solutions to the above challenges in teacher preparation; working independently, several universities are using simulations as a potential solution. Purpose Statement The purpose of this paper was to present an instructional design model for a simulation (simSchool) in order to determine the potential effectiveness of a simulation. Efforts to do this help to contribute to the knowledge base for instructional simulation design. Using the framework described previously, connections were made between choices the developer made in their efforts to provide an effective solution to the instructional goal. The guiding framework provided a method for determining if the instructional simulation was an effective instructional solution for the desired learning goals. simSchool SimSchool is a web-based procedural simulation designed and developed to offer practice experiences for preservice teachers (Knezek & Christensen, 2009; Gibson D. , 2009). This simulation dynamically models learner behaviors in an effort to provide practice opportunities for teaching. Inspired by the increase of use and value for simulatedlearning, the developers sought to provide a method for better teacher-preparation (Christensen, Knezek, & Tyler-Wood, 2011). simSchool uses the “approach based on the factor-analytical model” comprised of theories of cognition, personality and communication (Gibson D. , 2011; Gibson & Knezek, 2011). These solutions match with the above rationale for using a simulated learning approach to instruction. Providing transfer of learning by teaching complex tasks in an environment that approximates a real world setting in particular ways is an effective and efficient approach to instruction and a highly motivational strategy (Reigeluth & Schwartz, 1989). Investigations of simSchool with a many universities are on going, including incentives from the WAVE I Grant from Next Generation Learning Challenge. At the time of this writing, the site reported 101 institutions in 137 countries makeup a worldwide network of users. Many of these users are undertaking research initiatives that will contribute to a publication by Association for Advancement in Computing in Education (AACE) and Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE). These undertakings provide accessibility to information regarding the analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluations of simSchool as well as unlimited access to the product. The wide-spread use of this simulation also lends credence to its relevance as a legitimate product. Project SETS, a project funded by the National Science Foundation, was an effort to measure the validity of the simStudents by comparing students in simSchool with students in a real school setting (Christensen, Knezek, & Tyler-Wood, 2011). The simulated students were constructed based on real teacher ratings of five real student’s characteristics. The same “life in a pond” content and activities were instructed in both the real classroom and the simulated classroom. Although much data was gathered and compared, for the purposes of this paper it can be reported that findings indicated that real student was “moderately well” modeled by the simulated student (Christensen, Knezek, & Tyler-Wood, 2011). Given these initial findings, it can be concluded that simSchool shows promise in providing a solution to the instructional problem of lack of complex decision-making skills for young teachers. Methods An analysis of simSchool was conducted using a practice of reverse engineering and user testing. Modeled after Andrew Gibbons’ (2000) method of breaking down and identification of multiple components within an instructional simulation. This process began with an exploration of simSchool, followed by dissecting the simulation according to Gibbon’s framework. User testing, although not specified by the chosen framework, provided a means to determine if the simulation functioned as intended. The users participated in a self-report pre-survey and post-survey of teacher preparation skills, the same as those used in the previously reported study of simSchool (Christensen, Knezek, & Tyler-Wood, 2011). The results were used to determine if the simulation was an effective means of reaching the intended learning goals. Participants The participants were made up of thirteen undergraduate education majors, eleven females and two males between the ages of 18 – 22 and one over the age of 55, from a Teaching with Technology class from a southeastern university during the Spring 2012 semester. Procedures The participants each had three sessions of simulations with a classroom of the same three simulated students within a predetermined subject area of technology. It was hoped that by using the same simulated classroom of one to three students, the participants would have the opportunity to evaluate their effectiveness using the reports and teaching effectiveness graph that is produced at the end of each session. Each ‘teaching’ session lasted 10 minutes and was assigned on three separate days. Prior to starting, the participants registered with the site and completed a survey of teacher preparation skills. The first session consisted of a short instruction on using the simulation and some independent exploration. The second and third sessions were completed during a lab time with the survey of teacher preparation skills administered immediately following the simulation session. Observations were conducted and participants were questioned regarding their attitudes and perceptions of the functionality and interest of the simulation. Instruments A Teacher Preparation Survey (TPS) was adapted from Eric Riedel’s (2000) Teacher Beliefs and Preparation Survey. The Teacher Preparation Survey provides a way for the preservice teacher to rate their perceived confidence and experience related to eight different topics: knowledge of students, pre-planning instruction, making and using tasks, making and using assessments, re-planning instruction, classroom decision making, making and using a post-assessment, and reflection on teaching. These were rated on a five point Likert scale from Very Low to Very High. Administering this survey before and after the simulation activities provided a method for determining if there was a difference in perceived skill level. Results User Testing A comparison of the data from the pre and post self-report survey indicated an increase in the preservice teachers’ perceptions of their preparation after using the simulation (Table 1). Table 1 Confidence Level # of Participants Mean – SD – # Of Pre Pre Participants Survey* Survey* Mean – Post Survey* SD – Post Survey* Knowledge of Students 14 1.07 0.26 12 2.5 0.79 Pre-planning Instruction 14 1 0 12 2.93 0.9 Making & Using Tasks 14 1 0 12 2.83 0.93 Making & Using Assessments 14 1 0 11 2.55 0.93 Re-planning Instruction 14 1 0 11 2.91 0.94 Classroom DecisionMaking 14 1.07 0.26 12 3.17 1.26 Making & Using a PostAssessment 14 1 0 11 2.55 0.93 Reflections on Teaching 14 1.07 0.26 11 2.91 1.04 * Likert Scale of 1=Very Low, 2=Moderately Low, 3=Medium, 4=Moderately High, 5=Very High Discussion and Conclusion The purpose of this paper was twofold: determine the potential effectiveness of simSchool, and to increase the ability to communicate designs in deeper detail and to achieve more complex designs. This paper began with a brief definition of instructional simulations and their potential as instructional solutions. Concentrating on a particular simulation sharpened the focus to a particular instructional problem: Too many new teachers enter the profession ill-equipped to handle the rigors and demands of managing both sound pedagogical practices and classroom management strategies vital to successful teaching (Zibit & Gibson, 2005; Christensen, Knezek, & Tyler-Wood, 2011; Knezek & Christensen, 2009; Hixon & So, 2009). It was cited as difficult to truly determine the validity of simSchool by measuring an increase in resilience of new teachers, rather it was argued that preservice teacher’s perceptions of a change in their confidence and knowledge within particular skills of teaching could indicate a potential for increased resilience. The results from the chosen survey (TPS) did indicate an increase in both confidence and knowledge of particular skills important to teaching. The data from the Teacher Preparation Survey, though limited in validity due to small user testing participation, also supports previous research findings of simSchool. The results indicate the success of the simulation in meeting its instructional goal of increasing the capacity of managing the demands of a teacher thus potentially increasing the resilience of new teachers. This concurs with other research on the validity of simSchool as an indication of its success in matching the instructional goal. The chosen framework combined with user testing made it possible to make connections between choices the developer made in their efforts to provide an effective solution to the instructional goal. It provided another method for determining if the instructional simulation was an effective instructional solution for the desired learning goals. The methodology of employing the framework proved to be helpful as it provided a means of identifying the functional intents of each layer and connections to the other layers. As detailed above, simSchool is a very complex procedural simulation that functioned as it intended. simSchool carefully and systematically provides a realistic environment for preservice teachers to practice the complex decision-making skills needed to balance pedagogy and content in an ever-changing context. Some augmentations are present within the simulation, but simSchool’s primary role is to provide a realistic environment for practice. It is quite clear from the hosting website and the developer that simSchool is designed for use within a preservice teacher education program under the guidance of an instructor. As is outlined on the opening home page of; its use is as a component to teacher education. A tremendous amount of material and resources are available at the site for an instructor of preservice teachers, as well as live webinars on variety of topics. These resources do provide external augmentations for both an instructor and a learner. It was argued that good instructional simulations are grounded in common design principles, and that simSchool was no exception. The principles were easily identifiable within this simulation, which provides additional evidence to its effectiveness. References Akilli, G. (2007). Games and Simulations: A New Approach in Education. In D. Gibson, C. Aldrich, & M. Prensky, Games and Simulations in Online Learning, Research and Development Frameworks (pp. 1-20). Hershey, PA: Information Science Publishing. Aldrich, C. (2002). A Field Guide to Educational Simulations. Retrieved April 18, 2012, from Simulearn: Christensen, R., Knezek, G., & Tyler-Wood, T. (2011). simSchooo: an online dynamic simulator for enhancing teacher preparation. 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