Homework Policy - Cedar Mount Academy

Cedar Mount Academy a member of the Bright Futures Educational Trust
Homework Policy
Bright Futures Educational Trust Vision
Our vision is to create a world class education within our academies to enable every pupil and student to
realise their full potential and, in particular, their full academic potential.
Homework refers to any work or activities which students are asked to do outside lesson time, be it at
home or in the Academy. It plays a vital role in raising the standards of achievement of students of all ages
and is an essential part of the way in which academies prepare students for both examinations and lifelong
learning. The Academy recognises that the environment in which students complete homework varies
significantly, so it will make every effort to help the home create conditions conducive to learning or to
provide alternative arrangements within the Academy.
To encourage students to develop the confidence and self-discipline to work on their own, an
essential skill for adult life.
To help them develop the independent learning skills of research, planning and self-review.
To consolidate and reinforce curriculum specific skills and understanding.
To extend Academy learning, for example through additional reading.
To enable pupils/students to devote time to particular demands, such as coursework or project
To support the home/Academy relationship.
1. Introduction
Appropriate and regular homework should contribute to students’ learning. It is also important that
students have frequent and increasing opportunities to develop and consolidate their
competencies as independent learners. Homework is an important part of this process. The
Academy will ensure that regular and appropriate homework is set and marked through the
implementation of this policy.
2. Setting Homework
All students are issued with a homework timetable at the start of the academic year. This timetable
should be recorded in their student planner. This indicates the day that subjects will set homework.
Occasionally subjects will set homework outside of this timetable, but will not expect it to be
completed for the next day. This is not always possible when preparing for examinations.
Students are also provided with a planner at the beginning of each academic year in which to
record their homework.
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that homework is submitted to the teacher on time.
If students are absent when homework is set, it is their responsibility to find out what they have
missed and catch up.
The planner should be signed by parents/carers each weekend and by Form Tutors on a weekly
Date Reviewed by Governors Mar-14
Next Date for Review
Cedar Mount Academy a member of the Bright Futures Educational Trust
Students are expected to have their planners with them in all lessons.
Teachers have the responsibility to set homework in line with the Academy homework timetable.
The time devoted to homework should increase as the student progresses through the Academy.
At secondary level, it is recommended that the time spent on homework should fall within the
following ranges and the homework timetable will reflect these guidelines where possible:
Years 7 and 8 45 to 90 minutes per day.
Year 9 1 to 2 hours per day.
Years 10 and 11 1.5 to 2.5 hours per day.
Homework will be differentiated where necessary to take into account individual needs.
3. Types of Homework
Homework requirements might include:
Writing assignments.
Learning assignments.
Preparing a presentation.
Reading in preparation for a lesson.
Finding out information / researching a project.
Working as part of a group on a joint project.
Some homework activities may extend longer than a week and/or have a project based approach in
order to:
Further develop a student’s independent learning skills.
Promote group and pair working.
Allow sufficient time to complete a more complex, or in depth, activity.
Complete a themed multi-subject homework project.
The Academy is also aware of the government’s e-strategy to set the expectation that every
student should have access to a personalised online learning space with the potential to support an
e-portfolio where parents/carers will be able to see the achievements of their children and support
them in achieving their targets; the Academy will strive to achieve this.
4. Non-Completion of Homework
When homework has not been completed, appropriate action will be taken by the Academy to
encourage its completion to a satisfactory standard:
Initially, this could involve support sessions with Form Tutors or Subject Teachers, but if repeated
this could include a break time, lunchtime or an after-hours detention.
Parents/carers will receive at least twenty-four hours’ notice in writing, via their child, text
message, email, post or other preferred method of contact, for the after-hours detention so they
can make arrangements for their child to get home safely.
The after-hours detention will last no longer than one hour.
5. The Responsibilities of the Academy
The Subject Teacher is responsible for setting appropriate homework and marking it regularly.
Date Reviewed by Governors Mar-14
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Cedar Mount Academy a member of the Bright Futures Educational Trust
In addition, the Subject Teacher is responsible for helping students develop the skills needed to be
effective, autonomous learners who are able to complete the homework that is set.
Date Reviewed by Governors Mar-14
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Cedar Mount Academy a member of the Bright Futures Educational Trust
Subject Teachers should check that students are recording details of homework set in their
Subject Leaders should monitor the setting of homework for teachers within their team to ensure
that it is being; set, marked and discussed with students.
6. Special Educational Needs
In setting homework for students with SEND, it is important to balance the rights of students to
share fully in the work of the class, including homework tasks, with their individual learning needs
which may include consolidation and reinforcement of specific skills.
Homework tasks should be differentiated and achievable, with consideration being given to how
long a task will take to complete.
Involvement of parents/carers is crucial to ensuing that students are meeting their agreed targets.
Teachers need to ensure that homework is recorded in planners accurately.
7. The VLE and Homework
As the Academy moves towards the use of e-portfolios and an online curriculum, homework tasks
will be accessible via the internet.
The VLE will be a powerful tool for motivating students as it will give them more choice and
flexibility about when, and where, they complete their homework tasks. It will also encourage
collaboration and the sharing of knowledge and information to support the completion of
The VLE will also facilitate dialogue between individual members of staff and students, providing
opportunities for setting, monitoring and the provision of feedback, on more personalised
homework tasks. The e-portfolio will become an important record of progress and achievement
which will give a more holistic view of learning, with homework put into context, rather than being
seen as an additional, isolated task.
The VLE will provide information about homework tasks and expectations relating to outcomes that
will allow parents/carers to become more involved in their child’s learning and enable them to
provide appropriate support.
8. The Role of Parents/Carers in Homework
Parents/carers should support students with their homework, but accept that their role will
become gradually less important as students become more responsible and independent.
It is the role of parents/carers to:
Try and provide a reasonable place where students can work or encourage them to make use of the
Academy’s facilities.
Encourage students and praise them when meeting homework deadlines.
Contact their child’s Form Tutor if they feel that insufficient, or too much, homework is being set.
The Form Tutor will then investigate the situation.
Date Reviewed by Governors Mar-14
Next Date for Review
Cedar Mount Academy a member of the Bright Futures Educational Trust
Make it clear to students that they value homework and support the Academy in explaining how it
can help them to progress.
9. Responsibilities of Students
It is the responsibility of all students to:
Carry their planners with them at all times.
Record the homework set and due date in their planners, even if they have written it in their
exercise book. (Students who need assistance to record homework accurately will be identified by
the SENCO.)
Accept that deadlines must be kept.
Find out what work has been missed if they are absent for any reason, and catch up on it.
Accept that being away on the day that homework is set is not an excuse for not doing it.
Ensure that problems with homework are resolved before the deadline. If necessary students
should see the member of staff concerned for help.
Take pride in doing their best.
10. Monitoring, Evaluation and Review
It is the responsibility of the Head of Subject to monitor the marking and setting of homework by
members of their department.
Subject homework policies should be reviewed regularly in the light of any changes to the whole
Academy policy.
It is the responsibility of Form Tutors to monitor planners and gain an overview of the setting of
homework for their form.
Date Reviewed by Governors Mar-14
Next Date for Review