• Chairman & CEO of Complete Holdings Group
• Founder of Passport Health Communications
• 35 years of healthcare experience
• On board of PharmMD, Patient Focus,
NextGXDX, Brightstone, WMC foundation
• Nashville native
• Married 38 years, 3 sons, 4 grandchildren
• Pilot, motorcycles and cars
The key to having a high performance culture?
Not hiring A
Players and keeping B Players
(or worse) too long.
“A” Players
1. Capital
2. Products
3. Pricing or
4. People
“A” Players
1. Ability
Can they do the job?
2. Attitude
How will they do the job?
3. Action
Did they do the job?
“A” Players
“A” Players
Skills, education, experience, guts, smart?
Many competent people fail because they lack this ability. Eye contact, ability to speak AND listen.
Think out of the box, forget history, bring solutions not problems, challenge status quo!
Bring it! Want the ball when it crunch time. Know you can do it!
Rather be building value and solving problems than just having a job! Take risks, take a stand! Voice their opinion. Future oriented.
“A” Players
“A” Players
• Positive and Energetic
Everyday is a new day! Fire in the belly!
Energy fills the room when they arrive. A-players attract A-players.
Can Do - Anything can be done with focus and energy!
Passionate and a Sense of Urgency - They have passion about the company, the task, the opportunity. Let’s do it now!
Focused On Solutions NOT Problems - Anyone can point out problems. They bring solutions!
• Team Oriented and Collaborative - Listen, communicate, no ego, respect. More power with a group than alone.
• Versatile - Try new things. Contribute beyond their area of expertise.
• Curious -What if? Why not? Could this work? Would they buy this?
Flexible Take out trash and make coffee. Go with the flow and grow!
Mature - NO Whining, Seek feedback.
“A” Players
“A” Players
Self Starter-
Don’t wait for direction. Pull the trigger!
PersistentNever Give Up! Overcomes all obstacles.
Goal SetterYou must define success or you won’t know when you are there.
Executes and Gets ResultsConsistently delivers. Gets results.
Don’t confuse activity with action.
Takes Total Responsibility For ActionsNo one to blame. If you aren’t failing you aren’t trying!
Improves Self and Functional AreaAlways looking for better ways and more paths to success. Leave it better than you found it!
Thinks and Acts Like They Own the Company
“A” Players
“A” Players
• You should be the dumbest person in the room
• Always hire people better than you
• Your people will determine your culture
• The right person in the wrong culture is the wrong person
• Bad hires can cost 6-15x the person’s salary
“A” Players
• You must have a rigorous hiring process
• You should interview every key person hired
• Know what you want
• Know what they want
• Hire based on evidence, not enthusiasm
“Hire hard, manage easy or hire easy, manage hard
– the choice is yours”
“A” Players
It is impossible to have a great company if you don’t have a great team. The bigger the dream the more important the team!
“A” Players