~Resource Unit~ ED 417 Gina Hamsik Katie Loubier Tricia Rhodehamel Introduction Who First graders What Community helpers are people that our students encounter everyday; most of the time they do not even realize it. They are extremely important people in society that is why our students need to learn about them. When This is a good lesson to be done at the beginning of the year because it is an introduction to some of the people children encounter at school as well as in their community. Where In and out of class… class content, class visitors and field trips How Long A week long unit with focus of a different area of community helper each day. Content Summary Students will study community helpers in society. They will experience the communities, culture, and connections within their family, local community, and their world in order to discover qualities of a community contributor. Vocabulary Community Helper Doctor Nurse Police Officer Fire Fighter Teacher Principal Architect Citizen Role Model Sanitation Worker Mayor President Safety Health Education Paramedic Blueprint Fire Engine Culture Society Career Guardian Librarian Counselor Secretary Dentist Occupation Superintendant Volunteer Hero Objectives The students will understand what a community helper does. The student will learn about the many different community helpers in the world. The students will understand that we all have a role in our community. The students will be able to explain what a community helper is and what he/she does. The students will be able to identify be able to name at least 3 community helpers in their community. IntroductionThe teacher will introduce the unit and briefly talk about the activities that will occur over the next week. The class will then get an outline of what will happen each day. Next, the teacher will lead a discussion about community helpers. History Activities Research important people from Ohio…inventors, scientists, explorers etc. Share each report aloud to classmates. Read a book about The Wright Brothers discussing why pilot’s are community helpers. Then have the children write a story as if they were witnesses of the first flight. Discuss the transformation of the U.S. Postal system. Have children write letters to family members, address envelopes and mail them. Ask a couple soldiers (specifically one that has been to Iraq and a veteran) to come to the class to share and compare their services over seas. Discuss holidays that honor those that served in the military for our country. Have children make Thank You cards to send to veterans. People in Society Activities Have students research community festivals that take place in the town they live in and why they take place. Go caroling to a local nursing home after discussing why the elderly are community helpers. Discuss the difference in cooks and bakers in the United States opposed to other countries. Then bring in a variety of foods for children to taste. Discuss the significance of the library and what it offers. Discuss the importance of the librarian. Take a field trip to the local library. Have different family members or community members come in and share different holidays that they celebrate and why. (Christmas, Kwanza, Hanukkah, etc.) Geography Activities Students use a map local map to find where the Police station and Fire department are in their neighborhood. Then children make their own map of the school to show their escape route if their were a fire. Talk about Christopher Columbus and his importance in history as a community helper. Discuss different local artists and their purpose in society. Then have children make their own artwork to display in the halls of the school. Have a foreign language teacher come and talk to the class. Discuss the importance of this teacher a a community helper in learning to communicate better with one another. Read “The True Story of the Three Little Pigs”. Then discuss that we can build our homes out of many things have a builder come to the class to discuss with the children his/her job. Economic Activities Have a family member or community member come to class to discuss the difference between the Euro and the dollar. Have a family member or community member come to class to discuss the difference between the Peso and the dollar. Discuss what a banker does and play Monopoly with the class Discuss the Salvation Army. Have children bring in items for a near by shelter. Discuss what volunteers do and why they are so important. Take a field trip to the Ronald McDonald House and any discuss the purpose of it. Government Activities Have the children watch a city council meeting on TV after discussing the importance of it and other community helpers such as the mayor etc. Take a trip to the local Fire Department. Discuss the importance. Take a trip to the local Police Department. Discuss the importance. Have a judge come a speak to the class about their job and then have a mock trail. Discuss the law and rule makers in the children's life. Have the principal come and talk to the class about what he does. Citizenship Rights & Responsibilities Activities Have the school guidance counselor come in and talk to the kids about what she does. Go to the gym and have the kids take turns being the referee. Discuss what a referee does and why it is important. Have the students go out in the community and do something nice for their neighbors whether that be raking leaves or bringing them kind letters. Have the children help the lunch ladies serve lunch one day at their school. Go to a community park and pick up trash. Social Studies Skills and Methods Activities Have children tour Springboro Historical district. Discuss the Underground Railroad and the people who helped those in need during that time. Make a chart of how each community helper has changed over time and then make prediction as to how their jobs will change in the future. Brainstorm ideas as a class for how the students can be community helpers. Have the children make a family tree including the jobs of each family member. Make a class book of what I learned about community helpers. Culminating ActivityThe students will dress like a choice of their community helper and do an oral class presentation for the class discussing their purpose in the community. Unit Test Community Helpers Name___________ Date__________ Multiple Choice (5 points each) Read each question and each answers carefully. Circle the BEST answer! 1.) Which community helper uses blueprints? a.) Doctor b.) Architect c.) Trash Collector 2.) ________ is someone who you want to be like? a.) Occupation b.) Culture c.) Role Model 3.) What does a Police Officer do? a.) Serves and protects the community b.) Makes you feel better when you are sick c.) Builds homes in a community 4.) Which community helper drives a fire engine? a.) A nurse b.) A fire fighter c.) A teacher 5.) A sanitation worker can be a ____________. a.) secretary b.) Mayor c.) garbage collector True/False (7points each) Read each question carefully and circle True or False. If the answer is False, correct the underlined word. 1.) A teacher rides in an ambulance and helps people who are hurt in the community. True False ____________________________ 2.) Doctors and nurses work together to keep the citizens in the community healthy. True False ____________________________ Short Essay (10 points) Read each question carefully then answer the question the best you can. 1.) Write at least three sentences about how and why community helpers are important. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2.) Write at least three sentences explaining how you can be a community helper in your community. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Teacher References 1- Springboro Historical District http://www.springboroohio.org/content.asp?WebSiteSectionID=22&WebPageID=32 2- Getting Involved http://www.kidshealth.org/parent/positive/family/volunteer.html 3-Ronald McDonald House http://www.mcdonalds.com/rmhc/index.html 4-Learning Spanish http://www.songsforteaching.com/spanishsongs.htm 5- History of Veterans Day http://www.history.army.mil/faq/vetsday/vetshist.htm Student References 1-Building a Family Tree http://pbskids.org/wayback/family/tree/index.html 2-Community Helpers http://www.geocities.com/latully/communityhelpershome.html 3-Playing By the Rules http://www.gameskidsplay.net/ 4-The True Story of the Three little Pigs http://www.teachingheart.net/truepigs.html 5- Holidays Around the World http://www.kidsturncentral.com/holidays/glossary/holidaysgloss.htm 6- Caroling Songs http://www.twinsisters.com/onlinecatalog/xmas/holidaycds/2626.htm 7- Wright Brothers http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/articles/ushistory/wrightbrothers1.htm 8-Kids Next Door: Where Kids Can Learn More About Being Good Citizens. http://www.hud.gov/kids/ 9-Ben’s Guide to U. S. Government for Kids. http://bensguide.gpo.gov/k-2/neighborhood/index.html 10-Our Community Helpers. http://comsewogue.k12.ny.us/~rstewart/k2001/Themes/community/helpers.htm Media References 1- Community Helper Chart. Poster. The chart has realistic photos of community helpers. http://funandfunction.com/speech-oral-cards-posters-c-5_25.html 2- Community Helper Flannel board. Flannel board. Pre-cut people and clothing used to teach about community helpers. http://www.pricejunkie.com/prices~p-35445390~sort-2~order-1.html 3- Throw Voice Puppets. Puppets. The puppets are a firefighter, police officer and doctor. The puppets can be used to help tell the students about community helpers. throwvoicepuppets.com/library/Community.jpg 4- Community Helpers/Careers Pocket Flash Cards. Flash Cards. The cards can be used to help the students to study the community helpers. http://www.educationallearninggames.com/community-helpers-careers-pocket-flashcards.asp 5- Community Helpers Thematic Unit. Workbook. The workbook contains lessons and activities for teachers to use when teaching community helpers. http://www.oblockbooks.com/shoppingcart/html/pages/prthemes.htm#community Media References (Cont.) 6-Community Helpers from A to Z by Bobbie D. Kalman. Book. The book is a good way to introduce students to community helpers. The book talks about a community helper for each letter of the alphabet. http://comsewogue.k12.ny.us/~rstewart/k2001/Themes/community/helpers.htm 7-Community Helper Theme Words. Picture Aids. The cards contain vocabulary words and pictures. These would be a good way for students to see the word and a visual together. A teacher could also use these cards to assess what they students know. http://www.k-3teacherresources.com/community_helpers.html 8- Community Helpers Bingo. Game. The bingo cards are a great way for students to learn about the many community helpers in the word. It also allows the students to practice identifying the community helpers and what they do. www.pcicatalog.com/Product/Detail/PCI705 9- Ricky’s Room: Community Helpers. The People Who Make Your Neighborhood Great. DVD. This DVD stars Ricky the rhinoceros and his sister Nicki. They take the children around the community and the people in it. This could be a great way to show students where community helpers work. http://www.amazon.ca/Rickys-Room-Community-Helpers/dp/B00009QGDP http://movies.go.com/rickys-room-community-helpers/d780166/familyhttp://movies.go.com/rickys-roomcommunity-helpers/d780166/family 10- Community Helpers Floor Puzzle. Puzzle. The puzzle can be a great center for students. It can make them problem solve to put the puzzle together and study the community helpers. www.abcteacher.com/catalog/pages/cd9806.shtml Media References (Cont.) 11. Community Helper Songs There are several songs and poems that could be used to enhance the teaching of community helpers. It says for preschool, but they would also work for first grade. http://www.perpetualpreschool.com/preschool_themes/community/com_ helpers_songs.html 12. Fire! Fire! by Gail Gibbons (Book) No matter where the fire is, the firefighters are on the scene to fight the fire. This book discusses firefighter responsibilities. 13. A Day in the Life of a Police Officer by Eric Arnold (Book) This book goes through the daily routine of a police officer. 14. The Jolly Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg (Book) This book discusses the duties of a postal worker. 15. Community Helpers by Sharon MacDonald (Book) This book describes different community helpers and their jobs. Media References (Cont.) 16. Busiest People Ever by Richard Scarry (Book) This book discusses the responsibilities and duties of different community helpers. 17. Community Helper Books This website lists all kinds of books about focused on community helpers. http://www.wiu.edu/library/units/curr/resources/subj/comm_helpers.pdf 18. Community Helper Coloring Pages There are numerous printable coloring pages that could be used as rewards for children or an activity to display the children’s art work or coordinating with another report of sorts . http://www.coloring.ws/people.htm 19. "What I Want To Be" (Video) This video will help students picture themselves as a community helper and think about which they might want to be. 20. Community Workers Thematic Unit (Teacher Book) This book has activities, reading selections, worksheets, and more for teachers to reproduce and use in the classroom. This would be great for a teacher have.12-