
The Skeletal System
Divisions of the Skeletal System
 The human skeletal system is divided into two major
 Axial
 Appendicular skeleton
Axial Skeleton
 The
axial skeleton contains the bones of the
head, neck, and torso (80 bones total)
appendicular skeleton
 The
appendicular skeleton contains the bones
of the upper and lower extremities (126 bones
Human Skeleton
 The
human skeleton has a total of 206 bones in
 Functions:
 Support
 Protection
 Movement
 Storage
 Blood cell formation
 Function- Support
 Form the internal framework that supports and anchors all soft
 Function- Protection
 Bones protect soft body organs
Ex. Skull protects brain
 Function- Movement
 Skeletal Muscles attach to bones by tendons
 Bones are used as levers to move body
 Functions-storage
 Fat is stored in internal cavities of bones
 Functions-storage
 Store minerals
Most important—Calcium and phosphorus
 Functions-storage
 Calcium in its ion form (Ca 2+ ) must always be present in
for nervous system to transmit messages
 For muscles to contract
 For blood to clot
Bones are a storage place for Calcium
 Functions-storage
 Blood cell formation
Hematopoiesis (formation of blood cells) occurs in the cavities of
bone marrow
 Classification of bones
 2 basic types of bone types
Compact Bone
 Spongy Bone
 Compact Bone
 Dense
 Looks smooth
 Spongy Bone
 Small needle-like pieces of bone
 Lots of open space
Shapes of Bones
 Long Bones
 Short Bones
 Irregular Bones
 Long Bones
 Longer than they are wide
 Usually have a shaft with heads at both ends
 Mostly compact bones
 most bones of limbs
 Short Bones
 Generally cube-shaped
 Mostly spongy bone
Ex. Patella (knee cap) , bones of wrist and ankle
Flat Bones
 Thin, flattened, usually curved
 Two thick layers of compact bone sandwiching a
layer of spongy bone
 Bones of skull, ribs, sternum
Irregular Bones
 Don’t fit other categories
 Ex. Vertebrate, hip bone
Structure of a long bone
 Diaphysis Shaft
 Makes up most of the bone’s length
 Composed of compact bone
 Covered and protected by periosteum
Structure of a long bone
 Cavity of shaft
 In infants- this area forms blood cells
Red marrow
In adults primarily filled with yellow marrow (adipose)
Called yellow marrow cavity or medullary cavity
 Red marrow is confined to spongy bone
Structure of a long bone
 Epiphyses- the ends of the long bone
 Epiphyseal line
Thin line spanning the epiphysis
Structure of a long bone
 Epiphyseal plate
 Plate of hyaline cartilage
 Causes the lengthwise growth of a long bone
 By end of puberty the plate is completely replaced by bone
Structure of Long Bone
 Surfaces of bones aren’t smooth
 Bumps, holes, and ridges
 Bone markings
 Reveal where muscles, tendons, and ligaments were attached
 Reveal where blood vessels and nerves passed
Structure of Long Bone
 Bone markings
 Projections or processes
Grow out from the bone surface
Depressions or cavities
Indentations in the bone
Structure of a long
 Microscopic anatomy
 Compact bone:
To the naked eye looks very dense
 With microscope we see a much different picture!
Structure of a long
 Microscopic anatomy
 Compact bone
Passageways carrying nerves and blood vessels
 Provides living bone with nutrients and route for waste disposal
Structure of Long Bone
 Osteocytes
 The mature bone cells
 Found in cavities of the bone matrix called lacunae ( a very
tough matrix)
Structure of Long Bone
 Osteocytes
 Lacunae arranged in concentric circles called lamellae
 Lacunae arranged around central (Haversian) canals
Structure of Long Bone
 Perforating (Volkmann’s) canals
 Run into the compact bone at right angles to the shaft
 Let the inside of bone communicate with outside
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 Embryo’s skeleton
 Primarily hyaline cartilage
 Young child
 Most of cartilage has been replaced by bone
 Remains in isolated areas
Bridge of nose
 Parts of ribs
 joints
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 Most bones develop using hyaline cartilage
structures as their “models”
 Ossification- the formation of bone
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 Ossification
 2 major stages
1. hylane cartilage model is completely covered with bone by bone
forming cells called osteoblasts
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 Ossification
 Step Two:
Hyaline cartilage model is digested away
 Opens up a medullary cavity within newly formed bone
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 By birth
 Most hyaline cartilage models have been converted to bone
 Excepts two reasons
Articular cartilages –cover bone ends
 Epiphyseal plates
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 Articular cartilages
 Persist for life
 Reduce friction at the joint surfaces
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 How is the articular cartilage injured?
 Trauma- twisting, sport injury
 Certain diseases
 Gradually over time
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 When there is significant loss of the articular
cartilage, the knee is considered to have “arthritis”.
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 Epiphyseal plates
 Provide for longitudinal growth of long bones during
 New cartilage is formed on external surface
 Old cartilage is broken down and replaced by bony matrix
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 Epiphyseal plates
 Growth controlled by hormones
 Ends during adolescence, when the epiphyseal plates are
completely converted to bone
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 How do bones widen? –called Appositional Growth
 Osteoblasts in the periosteum add bone to the external face
 Osteoclasts in the endosteum remove bone from inner wall
 What happens when long bone growth ends?
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 Bone Remodeling
 Bones continually remodeled in response to 2 factors:
1. calcium levels in the blood
 2. the pull of gravity and muscles on the skeleton
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 Bone Remodeling
 When blood calcium levels are low
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is released into blood
 PTH activates osteoclasts (bone destroying cells) to break down
bone matrix and release calcium
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 Bone Remodeling
 When blood calcium levels are too high (hypercalcemia)
Calcium is deposited in bone matrix as hard calcium salts
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 Bone Remodeling
 Essential for bones to:
retain normal proportions
 Strengthen as body increases size and weight
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 Bone Remodeling
 Bedridden or physically inactive people tend to lose bone mass
and atrophy
 Because they aren’t subjected to stress
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 Rickets
 Disease of children in which bones fail to calcify
Bones soften and definite bowing of weight-bearing bones of legs
Bone Formation, Growth, and Remodeling
 Rickets—
 Called osteomalacia in adults
 Causes
Usually due to lack of calcium in diet
 Or lack of vitamin D
 Is needed to absorb calcium
Divisions of the Skeletal System
 Axial
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the axial skeleton are divided into four
major groups
Bones of the Skull
Hyoid Bone
Bones of the Spinal Column
Sternum and Ribs
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
 Cranial Bones (8 total) form the
cranium which surrounds
the brain
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
Cranial Bones
1) Frontal Bone (1 bone)
• Anterior Portion of Cranium (Forehead)
• Forms Anterior Cranial Floor
• Forms the Roofs of Orbits (Eye Sockets)
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
Cranial Bones
2) Parietal Bone (2 bones)
• Forms Superior Portion of Cranium
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
Cranial Bones
3) Temporal Bone (2 bones)
• Forms Lateral Portion of Cranium & Lateral Cranial Floor
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
Cranial Bones
4) Occipital Bone (1 bone)
• Forms Posterior Portion of Cranium & Posterior Cranial Floor
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
Cranial Bones
 5) Sphenoid Bone (1 bone)
• Forms central portion of
cranial floor
• Known as the “keystone of
the cranium” because
the sphenoid bone
anchors all the other
cranial bones
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
Cranial Bones
 6) Ethmoid Bone (1 bone)
• Complex, irregularly shaped bone found between the nasal and the
sphenoid bones
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
Facial Bones
 1) Nasal Bone (2 bones)
• Forms the bridge of the nose
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
Facial Bones
 2) Maxillary bone (2 Bones)
• Upper jawbone that forms the central portion of the face
• Forms the floor of the orbits and the anterior portion of
the hard palate
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
Facial Bones
 3) Zygomatic Bone (2 Bones)
• Forms the cheekbones and
the lateral walls of the
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
Facial Bones
 4) Mandible Bone (1 Bone)
• Lower jawbone
• Largest and strongest bone of the face
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
Facial Bones
 5) Lacrimal Bone (2 Bones)
• Forms the medial walls
of the orbits
• Bones are paper thin
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
Facial Bones
 6) Palatine Bone (2 Bones)
• Forms posterior portion of the hard palate and forms the
lateral and posterior walls of the nasal cavity
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
Facial Bones
 8)
Vomer Bone (1 Bone)
• Forms the lower portion of the nasal septum
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
Bones of the Ear
 Three
tiny bones located in the middle ear
• 1) Malleus (2 Bones)
• 2) Incus (2 Bones)
• 3) Stapes (2 Bones)
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Skull (28 total)
 Bones
of the Ear
bones in the body
Carry sound vibrations to inner ear
Amplifies sound about 7x
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Hyoid Bone (1 total)
The hyoid bone is a U shaped bone found in the neck
between the mandible and the larynx
 It is the only bone in the body which does not form a joint
with another bone (held in place by ligaments and
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Hyoid Bone (1 total)
 Function:
 Supports
the base of the tongue
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Vertebral Column –Spine
 26 irregular bones connected by ligaments
 Flexible, curved structure
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Vertebral Column –Spine
 Running through the central cavity of vertebral column is the
delicate spinal cord
 Spine preserves and protects spinal cord
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Vertebral Column –Spine
 Single vertebrae are separated by pads of flexible fibrocartilage
called intervertebral discs
They cushion the vertebrae and absorb shock
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Vertebral Column –Spine
 Young Person
Discs have high water content ( 90%)
 Discs are spongy and compressible
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Vertebral Column –Spine
 Aging
The water content of disc decreases
 Drying of discs and weakening of ligaments predisposes older
people to herniated discs (slipped disc)
if slipped disc presses on spinal cord- major pain
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Vertebral Column –Spine
 The spine has 2 curvatures
1. Primary Curvature
 2. Secondary Curvature
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Vertebral Column –Spine
 Primary Curvaturecurvature in the thoracic and sacral regions
 Called primary because it is there when we are born
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Vertebral Column –Spine
 Secondary CurvatureCervical curvature- develops when baby begins to lifts its head
 Lumbar curvature- develops when baby begins to walk
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Several types of abnormal spinal curvature
1. Scoliosis-
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Several types of abnormal spinal curvature
2. lordosis-
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Several types of abnormal spinal curvature
2. lordosis-
 Several types of abnormal spinal curvature
3. kyphosis-
 Bones of the vertebral column (backbone)
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Spinal Column (26 total)
 1) Cervical Vertebrae (7 Bones)
• Top seven vertebrae of the spinal column
• The atlas (to bear )is the first cervical vertebrae
• The axis is the second cervical vertebrae
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Spinal Column (26 total)
 1) Cervical Vertebrae (7 Bones)
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Spinal Column (26 total)
 2) Thoracic Vertebrae (12 Bones)
• Middle 12 vertebrae of the spinal column
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Spinal Column (26 total)
 3) Lumbar Vertebrae (5 Bones)
• Bottom five vertebrae of the spinal column
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Spinal Column (26 total)
 4) Sacrum (5 Bones Fused Into 1 Bone)
• Five separate vertebrae that fuse into 1 bone after the
bones mature
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Spinal Column (26 total)
 5) Coccyx (4 or 5 Bones Fused Into 1 Bone)
• Tailbone; consists of separate vertebrae that have fused
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Sternum and Ribs (25 total)
Sternum (1 Bone)
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Ribs
 You have two types of ribs
True Ribs
False Ribs
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Sternum and Ribs (25 total)
Ribs (12 pairs = 24 Ribs)
True Ribs (First 7 pairs)
• Ribs attach directly to the sternum by costal cartilage
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Ribs
Ribs (Bottom 5 pairs)
• Rib pairs 8, 9, & 10 attach indirectly to the sternum
by the costal cartilage of rib pair #7
• Rib pairs 11 & 12 are called floating ribs because
they do not attach to the sternum at all
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
ribs attach to a thoracic vertebrae
Bones of the Axial Skeleton
 Bones of the Upper Extremities
The sternum, ribs, and vertebral column create the thorax
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton
 Bones of the Upper Extremities
 Clavicle (2 Bones)
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton
 Bones of the Upper Extremities
 Scapula (2 Bones)
Shoulder Blade
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton
 Bones of the Upper Extremities
 The scapula and clavicle together make up the shoulder girdle
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton
 Bones of the Upper Extremities
 Humerus (2 Bones)
Long bone of the upper arm
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton
 Bones of the Upper Extremities
 Radius (2 Bones)
 Ulna (2 Bones)
The radius and ulna are
bones of the forearm
 The radius is on the thumb
side and the ulna is on the
little finger side
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton
 Bones of the Upper Extremities
 Carpals (16 Bones; 8 in Each Hand)
Bones of the wrist
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton
 Bones of the Upper Extremities
 Metacarpals (10 Bones, 5 in Each Hand)
Bones in the palm of the hand
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton
 Bones of the Upper Extremities
 Phalanges (28 Bones, 14 in Each Hand)
Bones of the fingers (3 in each finger and 2 in the thumb)
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton
 Bones of the Lower Extremities (Label bones in your
notes !)
Skeletal Differences in Men & Women
Skeletal Differences in Men & Women
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton
 Bones of the Lower Extremities
 Femur Bone
Thigh bone
Longest, largest, and strongest
bone in the body
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton
 Bones of the Lower Extremities
 Patella (2 Bones)
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton
 Bones of the Lower Extremities
 Tibia
 Fibula
The tibia and fibula are the
bones of the lower leg
 Tibia “shin bone” is larger,
medial, and more superficial
than the fibula
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton
 Bones of the Lower Extremities
 Tarsal Bones (14 Bones, 7 in Each Foot)
Bones that form the heel and the posterior portion of the foot
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton
 Bones of the Lower Extremities
 Metatarsals (10 Bones, 5 in each foot)
Bones that form the long portion of the foot
Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton
 Bones of the Lower Extremities
 Phalanges (28 Bones, 14 in each foot)
Bones of the toes (3 in each toe except big toe; big toe has 2 bones)