2014 AP US History Review: Busch A note… this is not a complete

2014 AP US History Review: Busch
A note… this is not a complete history…. just my observations of what has been tested on the Multiple
choice in the past… use this wisely 
A lot longer than I thought….  but I will work at eliminating and formatting this as the weekend
progresses just keep checking on the website 
Pre-Columbian Indigenous cultures and Spanish/ French/ Dutch Early colonization
Most Archaeologists believe the first peoples to colonize the Americas came from Asia across the Land-Bridge.
North America’s population @ the time of Columbus’s arrival, 1492, is most dense in areas that become New
Spain. Other areas of interest are the Eastern Woodlands (Iroquois Confederacy p. 40 in text) South Central ( five
civilized tribes- Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole) Southwest (Hopi, Navajo, [Pueblo]. Maize (corn)
is a huge influence, over 2,000 different languages spoken, rich and sophisticated cultures abound… Spanish
Horses influence many of the formerly settled cultures and begin the Plains Indians nomadic existence.
The Spanish begin to settle their “Borderlands” area… New Mexico – California- Texas…. To protect their main
concern to the South from French and later English incursions… St. Augustine is settled in 1565, the oldest
continuously inhabited European settlement in what is now the USA.
In New Mexico, Santa Fe is settled in 1610… following the example of the earlier southern settlements… they
incorporate; Encomiendas, Presidios, and Missions. The Battle of Acoma in 1599 defeats the native tribes… as an
example the Spanish cut a foot off each survivor. By 1680, led by the tribal healers, the “Pueblo Revolt” destroys
the Spanish settlement in New Mexico and for 20 years the Spanish are gone.
California is settled by Father Junipero Serra, and the Catholic Church establishing missions along the coast
beginning in the early 1700’s… San Diego-San Francisco among many others.
San Antonio…Texan is settled later in the 1700’s with the Alamo among the earliest Missions settled.
The French begin with Quebec in 1608. Samuel de Champlain, Father of New France, and others such as Jesuit
Priests (black robes) , couriers de bois (runners of the woods), Marquette. La Salle, and Joliet begin to explore the
Great Lakes, Ohio River Valley, and eventually down the Mississippi River and throughout the west. The Huron
Indians become their closest allies, thus the Iroquois their enemy, and they foster very good relationships with the
indigenous cultures (best of all euro invaders) Only Catholics could settle in New France and the Government was
very autocratic so the French have the smallest group of the Big Three euro’s. The fur trade becomes a very
profitable venture for the French…as the English find out later.
The Dutch, Netherlands, Holland ? – The Dutch East India Co. sends Henry Hudson to explore he finds what today
is called the Hudson River… New Netherlands and New Amsterdam are settled in 1626 for a profit, very autocratic
government… huge plantations are granted called patroonships. By 1664 the English take the colony and rename
it New York….
Other facts:
Three sister farming: beans, squash, corn… Southern Central tribes
Matriarchal Societies in Iroquois and Cherokee
Political and Linguistic differences hinder natives ability to resist settlers
English Colonization 1607 – 1700
many failed attempts..ie… Roanoke by Sir Walter Raleigh.
Southern Colonies by 1775 are Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
Jamestown 1607 – settled by Virginia co. (joint stock co. for profit) with all men…temporary…however,
the Va. Co. Charter promises all settlers, applied to all future settlers, the same rights as if they were in
England…1st Africans sold in Jamestown 1619, House of Burgesses created 1619 (property qualifications
to vote in a County system, John Rolfe introduces tobacco which saves colony economically…. Obviously
has huge influence over development… 70% of early settlers are indentured servants who serve for an
agreed period of years… Life was certainly difficult… The 1st and 2nd Anglo-Powhatan wars led by Lord de
la Warr… beginning in the 1620’s eventually virtually exterminate and push all remaining natives into
back country… the end of these wars creates the model for the “reservation system.” Neighboring
Maryland is founded in 1630 for Lord Baltimore as a haven for Catholics, persecuted in England, and
they too look to Tobacco for economic salvation… as more non Catholics move to Maryland … in 1649
the Act of Toleration is passed, which actually allows for Catholicism, yet makes Maryland LESS
religiously tolerant than before. In 1618, the Headright system was begun to encourage settlers to
Virginia… the person who paid for the passage of the indentured servant was entitled to usually 50 acres
of land… for each servant brought over… eventually this eliminated the land included in “Freedom Dues”
and some say led to Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676, when Farmer Bacon led a mixed race, Africans were not
initially property in perpetuity, rebellion due to the lack of protection from the Indians in the
backcountry… after burning and looting Bacon eventually dies and many are hanged…This led to a push
to make African slavery permanent and bring in more African slaves due to the fact they would not be
trouble like the newly freed indentured servants…. The Barbados Slave code became a viable model…
and African Slavery became permanent in Virginia in 1705. Schools and Churches are limited due to vast
distances between communities and individuals… Women initially scarce … lifespan shorter than in New
New England Colonies by 1775 are Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.
Plymouth is settled in 1620 on the coast of what is now Massachusetts by appx. 100 settlers,
SEPERATIST PILGRIMS, on the Mayflower. Before departure they agree to the “Compact” not a
constitution, just an agreement on some ideas. William Bradford, who writes the earliest of “American
lit” of Plymouth Plantation, is elected Gov. in annual elections 30 times.
The Bay colony, Boston is hub, is settled in the 1630’s… by PURITAN NON-SEPERATISTS, The Great
Puritan Migration brings an astounding 30,000+ settlers to the Bay colony. Most famously, John
Winthrop, on board the Arabella, gives the “City upon a Hill Speech,” to the new arrivals asking to create
a “Beacon to the World,” of a model community. The Puritans spread out across the New England
countryside creating numerous townships based on this ideal. See p. 51 in text for the map of Rowley,
Mass. for a visual of a typical NE town… Calvinism was the focus of their faith and they ESTABLISH the
Congregational church in their communities…. The “Elect” or Visible Saints could be members of the
Church… and only Church members could initially vote or hold public office… After the initial settlers
began to become less pious and older the “halfway covenant” was established to allow children and
“Grandchildren” of members to be baptized and attend church. This greatly expands the role of Women
in New England Churches in 1662. NE women produced goods for the family and did a large amount of
farm labor and when married were restricted from owning property to protect marriage…Each township
with a resident of 50 beginning in the 1630’s were required by law to have primary schools, beginning
the expectation of free public education, in 1636 the 1st Corporation is founded, Harvard University to
train young men to become ministers. Town Meetings were the focus of each community with Direct
democracy established, Jefferson calls these the “schools of political liberty”… the economy of NE was
very diverse due to the weather and rocky soil… They came for religious freedom and found hard work
paid off… the beginning of the “Puritan Work Ethic.” Dissent occurs from most notably Anne Hutchinson
in 1637 and Roger Williams in 1636, They advocate for a “liberty of conscience”, both challenge the
governance of the Bay colony believing it was improper for them to judge matters of faith…they wanted
religious freedom to practice their faith… both are expelled and RW goes on to found the Colony of
Rhode Island, a haven for “free thinkers.” Conn. Founded by Joseph Hooker and puritans from the Bay
Colony write the 1st written Constitution in the colonies called the Fundamental Orders. The First
attempt at Unification or alliance was the New England Confederation which grouped together various
puritan settlements for the main purpose of a common defense against the Indians and Dutch… Later, in
1689, a forced unification is attempted briefly called the Dominion of New England led by tyrannical Sir
Edmund Andros and foreshadowing the brutish conditions that will lead to the revolution some 80 years
later… after a 2 year experiment…it is trashed, however, some significant changes are brought to the
colonies such as eliminating the church membership requirement for voting in Massachusetts and
putting all of the NE colonies under Royal Control.
The Middle Colonies are by 1775 Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware.
Pennsylvania, founded by William Penn as a haven for Quakers ( Society of Friends… unique due to their
anti-Slavery stance, 1st anti slavery society in Philly 1775,-Women can speak at church- great relationship
with the natives- and an anti-war stance), becomes the best planned and advertised of all of the
colonies… NYC and Philadelphia are major seaports and thus become very cosmopolitan fairly quickly…
Delaware is part of Penn…until the revolution. The Middle colonies take characteristics from both NE
and S colonies… New York with its established Anglican church and large landholdings (patroonships) is
most similar to the S, wheras Penn, and NJ become economically very diverse similar to NE… they
together are called the Bread Colonies… The only 4 colonies without “Established Churches,” (meaning
all citizens regardless pay taxes to that particular church…congregational in NE and Anglican in S/NY) are
the Quaker colonies of Penn., NJ, and Delaware and the NE colony of Rhode Island.The future Bill of
Rights has an establishment clause as part of the Freedom of Religion… that forbids states from having
“established churches,” although Mass. does not disestablish the church until the 1830’s officially.
Other Facts:
Salem Mass. had the witch trials in 1692…reflecting jealousy of the rural young women who struggled
financially…in that they charge some town women who were much better off..
90% of ALL COLONISTS were farmers…
SLAVERY existed in ALL colonies by 1700.
Colonists were LOYAL British subjects for the most part until late… 1776, due to: Commerce with
England and the British Goods they used, Warfare against and protection from neighboring Indians,
French, and Dutch over the years, and the consistent communication with London through Newspaper
MERCANTILISM is the economic foundation of the English colonies… That the colonies exist for the sole
benefit of enriching England… this concept is legally applied with the various Navigation laws… 1st
passed in the 1650’s and continuing to be adjusted until they are a main cause (being enforced finally,
previously a condition of ”Salutary Neglect “ is in effect) of the Revolution.
By 1700 the 12 (Ga. founded 1733) are coming upon their 100th anniversary… Firmly planted and
successful the individual colonies in the next 100 years are going to experience dramatic change… a
middle class develops, towns and cities especially along the coast become trading centers with the
growth of the Atlantic trade(Triangle Trade) and the growth of the backcountry trade intermixing at the
coastal cities to disseminate not just trade but news and information from around the world. Ben
Franklin begins his experiments in electricity and a new stove…Newspapers develop that begin to create
and discuss a “public opinion”… The Zenger case illustrates the power of the “press” in that at that time
one could not criticize the gov’t even if it were true… “Deference” to your leaders was important…
however, the verdict in the Zenger case showed that the people of America did not follow that Idea and
ruled that there should be a freedom of speech… ideas… especially if it is true, regardless of the current
law and yet still, under “Salutary Neglect” enjoys being part of the British Empire up until the beginnings
of Independence. The Navigation Acts…Iron, wool, Molasses(1650’s – 1733) acts as well attempt to stop
the colonies from trading with other nations or to allow them to create their own industries, however,
from 3,000 miles away it is difficult to enforce and smuggling is commonplace… A Unique American
character begins to develop due to a lack of a rigorous aristocracy…. One that allows anyone to be
successful… (unless you were a woman, black, or native American) . Socially in the colonies we see a
dramatic occurrence the 1st great awakening… the 1st mass movement within the colonies… and it led
to; separation and secession from established churches (Methodists and Baptists grow), a growth in
Universities ( many “new light” schools Dartmouth, Yale, Penn, etc…) , a flourishing of missionary spirit,
and a greater appreciation for the emotional experiences of faith… George Whitefield traveled through
the colonies spreading the word with EMOTION… Hellfire sermons like Jonathan Edwards, “Sinners in
the Hands of an Angry God,” “The path to hell is littered with skulls of unbaptized children , emotionally
inspired many to convert . Generally by 1750; all colonies had slavery, there was no hereditary
aristocracy, there was a growing group of non-english settlers (esp. Africans becoming 20% the largest
of the non-english immigrant groups by 1775 and permanently slaves… the first recorded slave rebellion
“Stono Rebellion” in SC in 1739 where a mixed group tried to make it to Spanish Florida and freedom),
and the growth of many religious denominations. Another feature of the 18th century is war… the
colonists participate in many battles with the French as conflict grows along the long boundary
separating the FR and BR… this sets the stage for the ultimate conflict the 7years war or French and
Indian war which will dramatically change the Americas beginning in 1754. Politically by 1775 all of the
colonies had their own elected legislatures most with two houses, one based on population-one based
on property ownership, all restricted voting to white males who owned a various amounts of property,
and all paid the salaries of their Royal Governors (power of the purse). On the eve of the American
Revolution all of the colonies had similarities such as; they were English in customs, Protestant in
Religion with some degree of ethnic and religious freedom, social mobility, self-gov’t, and
communication and transportation among the colonies was improving…. Setting the stage for a conflict
largely based upon not necessarily self-rule …but WHO of the selfs should rule… and based on a
fundamental idea from the Va. Co. Charter… that ALL who came here would have the same rights here
that they had in England, citizens …. But… how …. When Mercantilism rears its ugly head… so were they
citizens or slaves to an imperial mercantilistic mother country to exist only to enrich England….
1754-1789…Crisis…. French and Indian War (7 years War) through the Revolution, Articles of
Confederation, Constitutional Convention, and ratification and 1st Gov’t under the Constituition.
1754, In the Ohio Valley, George Washington commanding a small force of Virginia Militia and surveyors
is sent to western Virginia to survey the area just below a confluence of three rivers where the French
had built Ft. Duquesne… Modern day Pittsburgh ( named after leader of Britain during their victory). GW
defeats a small French and indian force and builds Ft. Necessity in a hasty manner…. Later the French
come back with a much larger force and crush the Virginians… the Va.’s surrender and are allowed to
leave as long as they promise not to return…. They lie and a World War begins…
Immediately the British want to make sure their allies the Iroquois are ready to fight… so they call they
Albany congress in 1754 with the short term goal of gaining the indian allies agreement to fight the
French and the long term goal of also uniting the individual colonies behind them as well. Ben Franklin
comes up with the Albany Plan of Union with the representatives from 5 colonies… (1st unification
attempt since the NE confederation in the 1650’s) This plan would give the colonies a form of home
rule… and they agree to this… however, individually in their congress’s they refuse to sign. BF does an
early political cartoon with a snake in pieces…stating… Join or DIE..the British when they received news
of this plan also reject the idea of limited home rule….
The F&I war took place from 1754 -1763 across the world… Initially the war in America went poorly,
Gen. Braddock with Washington as an aide is routed by the French and their indian allies, and the
colonials are treated like crap by the British… the colonials notice that the British are not invincible and
the unique fighting styles of the Indians that at times is successful….William Pitt comes to power after
the early fiasco’s of the British and put the focus on taking Montreal and Quebec… The Battle of Quebec,
on “the plains of Abraham,” The British defeat the French and later take Montreal… leaving the French
cut off… thus victory goes to the British and the colonists… and the French in the Treaty of Paris 1763
are moved completely off the North American Continent…. The colonists rejoice, however a rebellion by
Chief Pontiac and a coalition of Tribes causes chaos on the Frontier and due to the ENORMOUS DEBT
Britain is in after another world war… after the Pontiac is crushed… the British beginning their NEW
COLONIAL POLICY(NCP)… passes the Proclamation of 1763 with forbids the colonist from moving across
the Mountains into the new territory evacuated by the French… thousands of colonists respond by
gathering in Salisbury, NC and follow Daniel Boone across the mountains disrespecting the new law…
foreshadowing their actions upcoming…
1764 Br. NCP now has to ask the colonies to pay their own way…. And passes REVENUE ACTS…and
attempts to enforce for the first time the NAVIGATION LAWS… Note: Revolution Not inevitable until
after the Dec. Of Ind. In July, 1776…certainly not after Stamp Act in 1765….
The Sugar Act is passed in 1764, 1st ever for revenue… the Stamp Act and Quartering Acts in 1765 as
well…. The colonists raise hell….creating the Stamp Act Congress, Boycotting English goods, creating the
Sons and Daughters of lIberty, wearing homespun clothes… “ No Taxation Without Representation,”
….Britain due to their dependence on trade from the Americas eventually in 1766 repeals the Stamp
Act…. Yet in response to the colonies claim….No Taxation etc….Parliament passes the DEClaratory act…
stating “Virtual Representation”… all subjects of the crown worldwide are virtually represented by
Parliament… and in 1767 the BP passes the Townshend Duties, an indirect tax collected at ports on
certain goods…. Including TEA….. now there is not as fervent a response to these but… the colonists
learn that the revenue from the duty will go to pay gov’s…they worry about losing the power of the
purse…which they had used to control their royally appointed gov’s… combined with the creation of the
Admiralty courts…. Taking accused smugglers to England for trial where THEY HAVE TO PROVE THEIR
INNOSENCE (violation of English bill of rights)…. Protest begins again… the Townshend duties not very
successful are repealed except for a tax on TEA…. With the quartering act and more and more troops
coming to Boston …conflict is bound to occur and in 1770 the Boston Massacre happens… combined
with the TEA TAX and the colonists are looking for a fight. Meanwhile as Samuel Adams and others
sensing trouble they create the Committees of Correspondence in 1772 so that they colonies through
their legislatures can communicate effectively about events. In 1773, Gov. Hutchinson of Boston ignites
the TEA PARTY by a letter of his becoming public where he states that taking away the colonists rights is
important to regain control…the Sons of Liberty respond with a TEA PARTY(remember the parties took
place in all colonial seaports north and south)… and the BR. GOV”T responds with the Intolerable,
Coercive, or Boston Port Acts in 1774 closing the Port and putting Boston under harsh martial law until
the damages are paid…. In response the colonists call together the 1st Continental Congress and form
the Association to organize boycotts across the colonies…. BP also in 1774 passes the Quebec Act which
takes away all rights from anyone living in Quebec which now is all of the Former French possessions
including in the neighboring Ohio Valley… and approves Catholicism as the official religion of Quebec…
always on guard (Whiggism) the colonists are worried that their rights are next to be lost and that
POPERY is coming…. With a huge influx of troops to Boston they begin to single out rebel troublemakers
Samuel Adams and John Hancock… and go to Lexington and Concord with troops to capture them and a
weapons cache…
The American Revolution 1775-1783
Most Revolutionary Soldiers were volunteers, not paid well and had little food or clothes….
Remember that 90% of the Colonists were still LOYAL British Subjects until July 4, 1776…..
The Revolution is broken up into 3 eras… The War of Inconsistency (asking for Peace, claiming allegiance
to England [Olive Branch Petition] 1775-1776, The War in the North 1776-1780 [beginning with the
Declaration of Independence], and The War in the South 1780 – 1783 [concluding with the Treaty of
Paris, 1783 which ends the War].
Women during the AR contributed by….collecting medicine, food, and supplies for the Continental Army
and many on the frontier defended their homes and families and kept them running for 8-9 years in
some cases…whew…
France secretly helps us with gunpowder and weapons before they formally sign on to fight with us in
1778… without their support we LOSE for sure…obviously they wanted to see the British defeated and
Also remember some of the rebellions of the past and some to come such as; Bacon’s Rebellion, 1676,
The Paxton Boys marching on Philadelphia in 1764, The Regulators in North Carolina in the 1770’s,
Shay’s Rebellion in Western Mass after the Rev. and The Whiskey Rebellion in Western Penn in the early
1790’s… They all are in some form rebellious against DISTANT AUTHORITY… and also the control of
Gov’t by the wealthy easterners along the coasts in their colonies… In Shay’s, which leads to the ending
of the Aritcles and the Const. Conv… , and in the Whiskey Rebellion in opposition to the Excise Tax (tax
on goods made in USA diff than a TARIFF, a tax on goods made outside the USA) on Whiskey…part of
Hamilton’s Financial plan under GW’s 1st government under the Constitution…
The War of Inconsistency- Phase 1 – April 1775 until Declaration of Independence July, 1776.
Inconsistent due to attacking offensively (Canada Dec. 1775) and asking for peace, stating loyalty to
England (Olive Branch Petition, July 1775)….
April, 1775… Looking for Hancock, S. Adams, and weapons, the British March to Lexington and
Concord…. At Lexington green the ‘shot heard round the world,’ is shot… and war begins… The british do
not find either..nor weapons… and upon return are attacked by colonials hiding behind trees etc… like
Indians, and the british are routed… many injuries.
Sig. Events:
Lexington and Concord, April 1775
Meeting of the 2nd Continental Congress (most sig. early act to appoint GW commander of Army)
Battle of Bunker Hill, June 1775…
Olive Branch Petition, July 1775
Hessians (mercenaries)
Burning of Falmouth, Maine and Norfolk, VA
Battles of Quebec and Montreal, Dec. 1775
Common Sense, 1776..Thomas Paine….criticized Monarchies…praises Democracy
France gives Secret Support
Evacuation of Boston by British, March 1776
Declaration of Independence, June 1776-July 4, 1776 – natural rights borrowed from philosopher John
Locke….Life, liberty, Pursuit of Happiness ( Locke said Property instead), 27 grievances against the King.
War in the North 2nd Phase… 1776 -1780
This phase of the War begins with the British coming back to the colonies in Force from Nova Scotia
(where they went from Boston) and land in Long Island chasing GW through NY and force him to escape
to New Jersey… by Dec. GW suprises the Hessians at Trenton and the British at Princeton (battles of NJ)
swinging the momentum back to the colonists… VERY IMPT. After NY…
New British Strategy is a three-pronged invasion of the north with all armies ending in Albany… then
they would cut New England off from the rest of the colonies…. (most patriots in NE) Least in South…
Br. Strategy fails…. Howe defeats GW at Germantown and Brandeywine outside Philly (GW gives 2CC
time to leave Philly and get to safety) GW then winters at Valley Forge where Army suffers but is trained
by Von Steuben into a better fighting force by the Spring… St. Leger fails from the West… and Burgoyne
marches to Saratoga where, in the most sig. battle of the Am. Rev., the Rebels crush him and he is
forced to surrender…. Due to out victory: France signs the Treaty of 1778… publicly supporting the
colonies…. Spain and Holland both declare war in 1779… making a WORLD WAR…Russia (Catherine the
Great in 1780 forms a list of countries (p. 155 in text) in ARMED NEUTRALITY.
War in the South 3rd phase 1780 -1783
British strategy changes for a final time… and begins well. Gen. Cornwallis takes Charleston, SC and then
meets the Continental Army led by the “hero of saratoga” (not in reality but… ) Gen. Horatio Gates. The
Rebels are crushed and Gates quits…. Nathaniel Greene is sent by GW to take over and he meets with
Francis Marion (swamp fox – movie “patriot”) and they entice the British away from the coast and beat
them at Kings Mountain and draw with them at Guilford Courthouse…NC…. Cornawallis then goes to
Wilmington to Resupply and then decides on destroying Virginia… marching to Charlottesville, but is out
of supplies… meanwhile the French have arrived and team up with GW (30,000 + soldiers led by gen
Rochambeau) and they secretly leave NJ and march to Virginia… as Cornwallis retreats to the coast to
resupply… (Yorktown, 1781) a surprise is waiting… expecting the Br. Navy to resupply him… he is
shocked when they are defeated by the French fleet led by Admiral deGrasse… so he is trapped by Sea
and by land by GW and the French Army…. Cornwallis surrenders… sporadic fighting continues for a
couple of years… but in essence the WAR is OVER AND THE PATRIOTS HAVE WON!
Some facts:
John Paul Jones… is considered to be the only naval hero during the American Rev. for the US
Gen. George Rogers Clark (USA) is key in a victory in “Illinois Country” and due to this we have sig. larger
borders agreed to in the treaty.
The Treaty of Paris, 1783
John Jay (one of the future authors of the Federalist papers, and 1st Supreme Court Chief Justice), Ben
Franklin, and John Adams are instructed by the 2nd CC (now our US Gov’t under the Articles of
Confederation finally ratified 1777- 1781 [took 4years to agree due to disputes over western land
claims] ) to not sign anything without the approval of France…However, BF senses the French want to
give much to the Spanish and get something for themselves…. So he sends Jay to GB and secretly they
sign a very generous treaty (they want our trade again)… and Jay returns to France with the Treaty and
the French have no choice to agree…. Boundary’s are set; North- the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence river…
South – Florida, and West – Miss. River. Two conditions the USA agrees to which will haunt them (Br.
Keeps troops on US soil in Western great lakes forts until after the War of 1812) they agree to 1) pay
their previous debts to GB (we don’t) and 2) we agree to return land confiscated from Loyalists living in
the USA during the war (we don’t) these issues cause problems in the future and are a part of why we
go to war in 1812 with the BR. Again..
-All of these Rebellions were protesting the dominance of these individual state governments by
wealthy eastern distant coastal interests and to PROTEST DISTANT AUTHORITY.
Bacon’s Rebellion, 1676, western Virginia
Paxton boys 1764 – West Pennsylvania
Regulator movement 1770’s- in west NC
Whiskey rebellion 1790’s- in west Penn
Shays Rebellion 1786- in west Mass.
Successes under the Articles of Confederation: Orderly process to settle west => land Ordinance 1785?
(Survey) 16th section sold for support of Free Public Schools =>NW Ordinance 1787? (Territorial process
to become states/ banned slavery) => Jefferson map of expansion
Weaknesses- no power to levy taxes or control interstate commerce
Shay’s Rebellion - 1786
Why/Cause (farmer’s problems?)
Effect? => led to constitutional convention (too much democracy)
Constitutional Convention 1787 – in Philadelphia, in Secret, a bundle of “Compromises”
Free- slave states comp. (3/5)
Large-Small states comprise for representation (VA. & NJ plan) -“Great Comp”
Strong Central Gov’t over states
Balance between branches of Gov’t
Strong pres.
Remember no bill of rights yet under 1st congress and GW
Electoral College created
No political parties exists for another 5 years or so (founding fathers dislike)
Senators chosen by state legislature until 1913 (17th amendment)
Ratification fight: Will the States approve the Constitution 1787-88
5 of 13 states vote in favor only after a promise of a future bill of rights to be included (1st 10
Fed (merchants and veterans) V. Anti- Fed (farmers and the poorer class)
Anti –Fed worried about giving new gov’t powers it had denied parliament, lack of Bill of Rights,
too much power to federal gov’t…
Federalist papers are key… make sure to note the contents of # 10 and # 51…(on You to do)
Federalist Papers - John Jay, James Madison, alexander Hamilton – written to persuade states to
approve ratification of constitution, states vote individually by state… Note: In the NY debate… a
promise is made to add a BILL OF RIGHTS …from this point on … pretty routine.
George Washington (1789-1797)
(not a member of a political party , although the 1st Parties are created during his presidency)
Washington’s Farewell Address (2 Ideas)
No political Parties
No Permanent foreign Alliances
Alexander Hamilton’s (Sectary of Treasury) policies favored which social class?
Hamilton’s Financial Plan- improve credit and financial stability assumption of state debts from
revolutionary war funding bonds sold during war at par(face value)
-Jefferson deal to allow D.C. inva.
-Jefferson primarily opposes Hamilton’s vision of an the dev. Of a British like Industrial mercantile
interests instead of his vision of an agricultural focused nation of small Ind. Farmers
-Hamilton’s use of “Elastic clause” (necessary &proper) to support a Bank of USA—leads to creation of
1st political parties
Dem-Rep’s (Jeff & Madison)
Federalists (Hamilton & Adams)
Whiskey Rebellion
Favor France
-Favor Britain
Middle-lower class
Pinckney Treaty w/Spain- allows western farmers to use New Orleans to shop goods
1st action(in NYC) of Congress was to craft a “Bill of Rights” – Madison led effort….
Protected citizens from Federal Government not state government until 14th amendment
Neutrality Proclamation, 1793- Repuse to acknowledge French Treaty of 1778
-Due to French Revolution….
Many Northern States some Immediate begin to free slaves---- some gradual manumission occurs
(owners freeing slaves) G. W. does on his death bed
1st Cabinet- Organized Executive
Secis of : Brand….
Tressury- Hamiltion
War- Knox
State- T Jeff
2nd term tradition (not law until 1950’s)
Genet Affair?
Jay Treaty? 1794- Tensions w/GB- Further cerements
NY Stock Exchange 1792
1794 Lancaster T-pike
John Adams 1797-1801 [Federalist]
(weaken Dem-Rep’s)
Alien and Sedition Act- purpose? Target?
TJ and JM response (VA & KY Resolutions- which introduce the concept of “nullification” in which states
could “nullify” laws of fed gov’t the ind. state thought unconstitutional (before judicial review
established by Marbury v. Madison))
Appoints John Marshall chief justice of Supreme Court
-serves 36 years--> see Marshall Case handout
Gabriel Prosser Slave Rebellion
Jay Treaty
Appointment of “midnight” judges just before he leaves as president leads to Marbury v. Madison, SC
XYZ Affair- undeclared war with France, later settled by Convention of 1800 signed w/ Napolean
-Not one cent for “bribes” but millions for war
Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809)
Believed In:
Small/weak standing army
Farmer/agriculture is back bone of America
Small national gov’t
Simple dress
Freedom of speech/religion
Purchas of Louisiana from France, 1803
Opened Mississippi River/Farmer’s Paradise… Future of USA Small Independent Farmers
Showed Jefferson as inconsistent but flexible--- previous (strict view of Const.)--- this is not in
const. bus he does it anyway
Remove threat of Napoleon from Continent
Election of 1800--•
“Revolution of 1800”-TJ--- First peaceable transfer of power Federalists step down when Dem.Rep.’s win election
“We are Republicans, we are all Federalists”
Continues National Bank and Hamilton’s Plan
Left many Fed. Officeholders in place…(Above party politics)
House of Rep’s decided election between Burr-Jeff--- Led to 12th Amendment
Lewis and Clark
Embargo Act, 1807 disrupted Am. shipping
Other Info.
“consistently inconsistent”
Strict view of const. before becoming pres--- actions were “worse” at times
Constitutional compromise banning international slave trade, begins in 1808
To avoid war w/ Britain & France during French Revolution:
Embargo Act- no trade w/world
Non-intercourse act- trade w/ everyone except Br. & Fr.
Macon’s Bill No. 2- (Madison)
Home @ Monticello
Ex. Of his architectural brilliance
War in north Africa--- barbury states
Burr trial…
Robert Fulton- steamboat 1807
James Madison
Orders in council/ Napoleon Berlin decree
Macon’s Bill No. 2
War of 1812 – Hawks supported war due to:
Our broken promise to give loyalist back lands
GB stays in forts despite treaty of Paris 1783
Annex Canada
Britain claims for repayment of loyalist debt
Defend honor of the USA – stop impressment of US sailors
Safeguard frontier
Indian settler conflict
Embargo – non-intercourse – (Macon’s Bill no.2) > leads to war with Britain, not France
Adams-Onis Treaty – Florida Purchase Treaty 1819 from Spain
John Quincy Adams secretary of State
Hartford Convention – 1815 (Federalists from New England proposed war listed of changes to
Beginning of big western migration – post-war…especially south to cotton lands in Virginia
“Mississippi Region” defeat of Creeks at Horseshoe Bend Opens up beginning of huge influx in Gulf
south for cotton
Dolly 1st real influential first lady
D.C. burned to the ground by British
Jackson becomes hero @ N.O. (after treaty of Ghent) signed ending war
half man half alligator
Post-war – nationalism
American life – Knickerbockers
Hudson river valley school of art – landscapes
Noah-Webster > standardizes American language
Second great awakening…
1st American industrial revolution > textile mill workers
Dem-Rep: James Monroe (1817-1825)
Missouri Compromise 1820? Clay’s 1st compromise, 36’30 line, Maine as free state/Mississippi
slave state > BALANCE [*Be Familiar w/ map of US after Act 1820*] (Louisiana Land purchase (Maine))
Monroe Doctrine (2 parts)? Nonintervention – non colonization of Western Hemisphere; As a
warning to European Imperialistic Countries; Europe & West had diff. political systems
American Colonization Society – Freely Send Former slaves back to Africa “Liberia” – Monroeville
Mexico Encourages “American” settlement of Texas by granting Moses Austin & Sen. Stephen F.
Austin; Huge land grants if migrants promise to become Roman Catholic & “Mexicanized”
1st Economic panic since Rev. panic of 1819; only POTUS elected after
Rush-Bagot, 1817? Formalizes us; Canadian Border
Adams-Onis Treaty? (Fl. Purchase 1815)
Am. System? Henry Clay
Oregon Treaty, 1818?
Era of Good Feelings… One party (Dem. Am) left; Federalists become extinct; Emma Willard Tory
Seminary, NY 1st HS for women
Dem-Rep. John Quincy Adams 1825-1829
Black Tariff or Tariff of abomination, 1828 let to? Nullification crisis in S.C. and Clays
Compromise Tariff of 1833 to save it
Morgan Affair-1826 led to 1st 3rd party in U.S. History, anti-masonic party 1832 election
Election of 1824- Goes to House “corrupt bargain” election; Jackson gets most votes but… John
Quincy Adams and Henry Clay team up in house, JQA wins. Becomes the 1st minority president, Clay is
appointed secretary of state.
Erie Canal opens in 1825. NY State Gov. Dewitt Clinton funds build. Connects great lakes to
Hudson River to Atlantic ocean NYC. Ties western agricultural regions to eastern manufacturing
dramatically and drops prices of agricultural goods in growing cities.
Great Triumvirate in U.S. legislature for many years during Antebellum Period. Henry ClayKentucky, Daniel Webster-Massachusetts, John C. Calhoun-S.C. [“Exposition and Protest”]
Samuel Slater, Cumberland-National road
Democrat Andrew Jackson
Why were many people, including Jackson, suspicious of 2nd Bank of the U.S.?
(Bank users)
“Pet Banks”-removed deposits from bank of USA
(Controlled by elite/wealthy)- vetoed by Jackson led to panic of 1837
Paper $ crashes in value-specie circular
Election of 1828- Jackson wins as hero in war of 1812
“Nullification” crisis- 1832? Overwhat?
Tariffs in S.C. Force Act
Great Compromiser? (Henry Clay)
Miss Comp. 1820?
Null. Comp. 1833?
Comp of 1850?
Indian Removal Act 1832- Trail of Tears (later)
John Marshall & US Supreme Court Worchester v. GA 1832
Ruler in favor of Cherokee- But… Jackson does not support
“Marshall has made his decision now let him enforce it…”
A.J. vetoed Bank Bill party because
He believed it was controlled by the few wealthy elite and put too much power in the hands of
too few people (Nicholas Biddle)
Denmark vesey
Webster-Hayne debate
Comp. Tariff 1833
Jacksonian Democracy•
Expanded white suffrage… led to reforms?
Increased political political participation by the “common man” – ending of proper qualification
for voting…
Alexis de Tocquerilles book “Democracy in America” absence of aristocracy allows for rise of
American individualism
Texas revolution 1836…
Alamo, Santa Anna, Goliad, San Jacinto
Jackson does NOT annex texas into USA for fear of raising the slavery issue… (9 yes) voters
“Spoils system”
Textile mills growth in N.E.
Boston Associates 1st major corp.
Young women off farms initial employees
Jackson Changes more- (Democratic Party 1828)
Whig Party is created in opposition to Jackson
Beginning of 2nd party system
End of Era of good feelings
2nd great awakenings Reforms…
Peter Curtwright
George Whitefield
Ed Horaceman
Abolitionism- Garrison
Women- Stanton
Temperance- Neil Dow, Maine
Nat Turner Slave Rebellion- VA. 1831
1st 3rd party- Antimasonic
Democrat Martin Van Buren
Independent Treasury bill, 1840
1837 Financial Panic – Began due to Jackson’s Bank wars spices (gold/silver) circle
all government Bills paid in specie not paper money
Trail of Tears (5 civilized tribes) moved beyond Mississippi river
Indian removal act of 1832; 4000-14000 – marched to Indian territory
Split of Abolitionist; American anti-slavery society
Due to Garrison’s advocacy of women’s rights
And pacifism (not wanting to use political measures)
Amistad Case 1839; Roger Taney Chief Justice
Mormon – joseph smith
Dorothea Dix –mental heath
Oregon Trail
William Henry Harrison/ John Tyler
Whig- president after 30 days
Election of 1840- rise of the common man
“Tippecanoe and Tyler, too”
All citizens can vote for first time
Regardless of property ownership…
So officials have to appeal to “common man”
Irish German Immigration Huge
American Temperance Union
Dorothea Dix
Oneida Community
2nd Great Awakening
Entire cabinet resigns due to conflict with Tyler’s on anti-American system policies…
Webster- Ashburn Treaty-Aroostook war
Texas annexed by joint resolutions “manifest Destiny”- 1845 1st used
1841, 1st Jim Crow laws passed in Massachusetts segregates railroad cars
James K. Polk
Mexican-American War at Santa Anna 1846-1848.
Goal: Gain California from Mexico
Zachary Taylor General Hero Mexican-American War
Wilmot Proviso-1946
Spot Resolutions- Abraham Lincoln (Whig candidate who opposed manifest destiny)
Texas Annexed by Joint Resolution of Congress & President John Tyler
Happened after Polk’s victory in the Election of 1844
“Manifest Destiny”- completed after Mexican-American War and Treaty with Great Britain for
49o borders of Oregon Territory with Britain & Gadsden Purchase-1854
Henry David Thoreau goes to jail ( Transcendentalist with Emerson) to protest the MexicanAmerican War
Writes “Civil Disobedience “ about “Non-violent” protest
Horace Mann- Education reform- Minimum school year 6 months
Seneca Falls Conference- 1848
Declaration of Sentiments
Elizabeth Cady Stanton/ Lucretia Mott
Rights for women
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo-1848- Ends Mexican-American War
US gains California and most of the South West
3rd Party-1844-Liberty Party (Anti-Slavery)
Edgar Allan Poe- “Raven” published
Brigham Young leads Mormons west to desert-Utah-1846
Whig-Zachary Taylor / Millard Fillmore 1849-1853
California gold rush
Compromise of 1850-
Most controversial part?
New fugitive slave law
Popular sovereignty: Settlers in a territory have the right to decide whether or not to have
slavery by vote.
Kelly – Steel 1851
Bessemer process 1856 – steel
Bessemer – Kelley Process
Carnegie steel
Nathaniel Hawthorne – Scarlett Letter published 1850
Southern “Fine Eater” convention in Nashville to discuss secession 1850
Uncle Tom’s Cabin published 1852
Harriet Tubman–underground Railroad
Frederick Douglass – “Northstar”
3rd party – Free soil party M.V.B
Franklin Pierce 1853-1857
Gadsden Purchase 1853 To build Trans-continental Railroad in south
Kansas – Nebraska act 1854
Stephen Douglas – Sen. From Illinois “Little Giant”
Repealed 36-30 line of Missouri compromise 1820
North Eastern Abolitionists furious
Popular sovereignty’s purpose? – To move Transcontinental railroad from Intended southern
route to the North with Chicago
Formation of Republican party 1854
Opposed to Expansion of Slave Territory in the west “Free soil”
Ostend Manifesto-
Purchase or take Cuba to make slave state
Filibustero’s – Slave power Conspiracy
Commodore Perry to Japan
Protests in Boston over Fugitive slave law 1854
Personal Liberty laws
Passed in several states to protect fugitive slaves
Whig party collapses over dispute on extension of slavery
James Buchanon (Old Buck)
Dred Scott Decision 1857
Panic of 1857- cotton kingdom-cottonocracy
CSA is created in Alabama, 7 states after election of 1860
John Brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry 1859 and subsequent execution… Martyr, founded by
“secret six”, abolitionists in New England… attempted to create slave uprising…
Sumner/Brooks incident in congress 1856
Invention of Sewing machine combination – 1856 transformed the clothing industry
Lecompton constitution- sep. 1857
Crittenden Compromise – 1860-61
Succession of South Carolina.. Immigration after Lincolns victory in 1860 election..
Election of 1856… first republican party candidate for president- John C. Fremont
Know nothing (American) party- Millard Fillmore
Lincoln- Douglas debates 1858 for Illinois senate seat
“Freeport Doctrine”
Comstock lode- silver gold Nevada- 1859
Clara Barton – Red Cross
Economic Legislation passed by Republicans during Civil War included: (No trusts yet)
Pacific Railway Act, 1862 (TCRR)
Homestead Act, 1862]
National Banking System
First Income Tax (Later ruled unconstitutional)
High tariffs to protect American industry
Southern inflation huge 9000%
1865 – Sherman’s General Order Number 15
40 acres and a mule in FL/SC
Construction of 1st Transcontinental Railroad was done primarily by immigrants from Ireland
(Union Pacific) and China (Central Pacific)
1865 Lincolns Assassination – John Wilkes Booth / South suffers
Civil War Draft policies:
“Rich man’s war but a poor man’s fight” Why?
Confiscation Acts
Draft Riots NYC 1865
Support for Union in Mountainous South
William Lloyd Garrison – “The Liberator” newspaper
Frederic Douglas – “The North Star” newspaper
Immediate purpose of Civil War (Border States to consider)
1861 – To save the union
After 1863 – Free Slaves and Save Union
Biggest threat to union: British recognition of CSA… Cotton diplomacy
Monitor vs. Merrimack : First Battle of Ironclads
Jefferson Davis CSA / Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865
Gettysburg Address
November 1863
Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, Jan First
Only freed slaves where?
Strengthened moral cause of union – freed slaves only in CSA not border states
Allows for US of black troops.
Forestalled possibility of European invasion and gave Lincoln victory to which he could issue
prelim. EP September 1862 go in effect Jan 1st 1863
Exemptions for Draft
“Rich man’s war, Poor man’s fight”
1863 NYC Draft Riots
1861-1863 Disrupted by union army
1864 1st Income Tax
Later rule and consent
1st Greenbacks issued.
1860 – R`epublican Platform – Abraham Lincoln:
High tariffs to protect American business
Government subsidies for TCRR
Homestead Act ( Free land in West)
Leave slavery alone where it is but do not expand it west.
John Bell Constitution – Union
Stephen Douglas – North Democrat
John Breckenridge – South Democrat
Abraham Lincoln – Republican
Antietam, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Bull Run I
Anaconda Plan, Blockade, Cut South in two, “total war”
General US Grant, General Robert E Lee, General Sherman (Atlanta)
“Trent Affair”
Union pulls CSA Reps off British Ship; almost leads to British going to war with USA; Lincoln
returns CSA Reps.
Secretary of State Seward’s purchase of Alaska 1867
10% Plan – 13th Amendment
Election of 1864 – V McClellan
Union Part with Johnson
Various causes of Civil War
Clash of interests between Agriculture and Industry regions
States’ rights vs. Fed. Power
Difference in view of morality and future of slavery
Agitators and irresponsible politicians.
Pacific Railway Act, 1862
Morrill Land Grant Act, 1862
FT. Sumter – volunteers – Last 4 states secede – Capital moved to Richmond, VA
Peninsula Plan
Andrew Johnson – 1865-1869
Union Party
Black codes in Southern States? Passed to control black labor
Military Reconstruction Act 1867 – Huge…
Johnson declares all states back in…. Congress says no… 1866 Election
AJ’s views on Reconstruction
Executive Branch in control
Rapid Restoration in Southern States
Planter Pardons
10% Plan (borrowed from Lincoln)
– 1868
Citizenship for the 1st time
Bill of Rights applied to state governments for the 1st time
Equal Protection
“Male” used to define voting in South
Post-Civil War Southern Economy
dominated by sharecropping & Tenant Family
***”New South” – Textile mills moving South along with manufacturing of cigarettes and
Industry develops post 1880’s like Jim Crow Laws
Henry Grady editor of Atlanta Constitution newspaper – Chief Supporter
A mixed economy no longer dependent on cash crops
Johnson’s Impeachment
Tenure of Office Act
Vote in Senate
Political & Legal states of southern states… How would they be re-admitted to Union…
Lincoln – 10% Plan…
Johnson – 10% Plan w/planter pardon
13th amendment ratified
Radical Congress – Military reconstruction
Ratify 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment
Radical Republicans
KKK Founder…
Share Cropping – Crop Lein System
Blanche K. Bruce –
Thaddeus Stevens
Republican, Pennsylvania
Leads Radical Rep’s in House of Representatives.
Ulysses Grant
Republican Radical Reconstruction – KKK in south
All white Democratic Southern Parties – “Solid South” until 1980’s
15th amendment 1870 – suffrage cannot be denied based on race, color, or previous servitude
New Constitution in southern States
Credit Mobilier
Whiskey ring – 1875
Boss Tweed – 1871 (Thomas Nast Pictures)
Gould Fisk – 1869
Civil Rights Act – ruled unconstitutional 1882
Battle of little Big Horn – Custer – 1876
Invention of Telephone by Alexander Graham Bell
The Grange
Promontory point, Utah 1869 – connects TCRR
8hr. workday for Gov’t employees
1872 – Yellowstone – 1st National Park
Panic of 1873 : led to decrease in protection of African Americans in South
“Liberal Republicans”
Call for end to military Reconstruction
Liberal Republicans
Completion of 1st TCRR
Indian wars in west
Cattle drives in west
Southern states legislature’s scalawags and carpet baggers V. South Dems. With paramilitary
1872 – Amnesty Act
ALLOWS returns voting rights to most confederates
1876 – Twain publishes “Tom Sawyer”
Rutherford B. Hayes
1877-1881 (Republican)
African Americans who leave violent Reconstruction South 1879-80 to go to Kansas were known as…
Edison-electric light bulb, 1879
Knights of Labor Founded, 1879
Great RR Strike, 1877
Exodusters- to Kansas 1879-80/ 25,000 Blacks left South b/c of Jim Crow Laws
Election of 1876: Tilden wore pop. Votes and loses LA/SC/FL disputed elec. Votes. Commission agrees
that Hayes wins if he pulls the last remaining troops out of South ending reconstruction. (Compromise of
James Garfield/ Chester A. Arthur
Stalwarts V. half breeds for patronage
Indian wars
Chinese exclusion act, 1882-
1881- Book T. Washington becomes head of the Tuskegee Institute, Alabama vocational training
John D. Rockefeller forms standard oil trust
Pendleton Act begins to end … 1883- civil service an attempt to modify spoils system after
Garfield’s Assassination
1884- Twain publishes huckleberry Fin
Grover Cleveland (1st Term)
Dawes Severalty Act 1887 (Indians) – (effects)?
Until new deal
Forced assimilation into white culture.. gave individual needs of families 160 acres of area and improved
for (division of land among tribal members) 25 years they would get ownership and become citizens of
Loss of millions of acres
Loss of tribal autonomy
Interstate Commerce Act 1887 (Railroads regulated)
1886 Hay Market Riot.. Knights of Labor
Farmers Alliance
Greenback Labor Party
AFL- founded 1886 a union of local unions
Samuel Gompers
To bring skilled workers and craft unions together in order to achieve economic gains
Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893
Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1890- 1st used against labor unions –little immediate impact on
Wounded Knee Massacre 1890- “Ghost Dance” loss of tribal autonomy
- Freedom
- End of Indian Wars
Helen Hunt Jackson’s Book- “A century of dishonor”
-documentary wrongs of American government on American Indians
Booker T Washington’s Atlanta Compromise Speech
Jane Adams Founds Hall House- Chicago 1889
Yosemite National Park Founded 1890
Populist Party Founded 1891
Great Northern Rail Road – James T Hill
-5th transcontinental RR completed, first without any government subsidies
Grover Cleveland (2nd Term) 1893-1897
Omaha Platform 1892 Populist Party
Panic of 1893 Coxeys Army
Pullmans strike- Chicago 1894, Eugene debbs head of union- cut wages and increased rent on
company housing
American protective association (apa)
Ash can school of art
Social gospel
Coxeys army
Failed annexation of Hawaii
After While planter revolt
“it’s the people’s job to support the government not the governments job”, From veto of bill to
help texas farmers
1895 booker t washingtons, Atlantas compromise speech “we can be as separate….”
William McKinley
John Hay – Secretary of State- devises the Open Door, “splendid little war” about Spanish American
Why does the US devise the open door policy? 1899
“ Wizard of Oz”- 1896 election…
William Jennings Bryan’s
“Cross of Gold” speech- supporting sliver…
Populist and democratic parties candidate…
Racism strains populists
Improvement in economic conditions favored McKinley
Gold in Alaska
Acquisition of Philippines:
Purchased/ captured after Armistice… McKinley’s prayer…
Platt and Teller Amendments (Cuba)
Rough riders
Emilio Aguinaldo helps/ then fights us
“Insurrection”- Filipinos fighting us for freedom- an ugly event in us History/ ”Kill every one over
Taft-Government/ “benevolent” assimilation “our little brown brothers”
Anti- Imperialist league opposed due to its own history… it is incompatible…
Successful annexation of Hawaii
Spanish- American War 1898 “Splendid Little War”- John Hay: Sec of State
“Jingoism”- Extreme nationalism yellow journalism of Hearst
Alfred Thayer book
The influence of sea power upon history
Social Darwinism
Example of European imperialist (we got to compete)
Sinking of USS Maine 1898
Treaty of Paris, 1898
Mark Hanna- The “Wizard”
Twain- Literary realism
Teddy Roosevelt
As president TR addressed 4 issues
Meat Packaging
Monopolization of RR Industry
RR- Foreign Rates
Unsafe Drug Products
Roosevelt’s corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?
Financial Instability in Latin America… (Democratic republican for example)
Could give European’s an excuse to bring forces into western hemisphere—to collect debts (US
intervention) … a threat then would exist that they might stay and setup colonies—so the USA pledges
to collect debts for euro’s… they stay out.. US becomes an “International ” police power
Panama Canal, 1903-1905
Niagara Movement- NAACP 1909
W.E.B Dubois
1904-Nothern Securities Busted 1st big bust
San Francisco earth quacke-1906
SF settlement’s agreement
1st progressive president
Wins the Nobel peace prize for negotiating an end to the Russo-Japanese war preserving a
“balance of power” in Asia, also Algeria’s Confederation in North Africa
30’s-Conservation legacy
“Good trusts and bad trusts”… not all bad- Busted way
Ford motor company founded-1903
Pure food and drug act- 1906
W.E.B Dubois-1903 publishes “Souls of Black Folk”- expanding on two ness
Elkins and Hepburn Acts-1903-RR regulation gave teeth to ICC.. Rules/No rebates
1906-upton Sinclair’s- The jungle published
1901-JP Morgan buys Carneigie steel and creates U.S steel – the USA’s 1st Billion Dollar Co.
Model-T -1908
William Howard Taft 1908 – 1913
“Dollar Diplomacy” – Using American foreign policy to benefit American business interests.
Bellinger - Pinchot Affair
Dept. of Labor, 1913
Triangle Shirt Waist Fire, 1911.
Woodrow Wilson 1913- 1921
Keaty Union Child Labor Act, 1916
Ruled unconstitutional.
Hammer vs. Dgentan
Great African American migration to Northern Cities from Jim Crow South for Jobs
I.W.W Union Poster
Shows union as heroic champion of workers and ordinary people.
WW1 1914
US enters 1917-1918
US Home front was characterized by voluntary programs unlike WW2
Limited individual liberties i.e. Schenk vs. US / Sedition Act
Jailing of Eugene Debbs
USS Buford and Deportation to USSSR – Radicals/Labor Leaders/Socialists/Anarchists
WW1 / Committee on Public information – George Creel mobilize support arms people for WW1
Propaganda – 4 Minute Men
Prohibition -18th amendment – 1919 – Temperance
Growth of:
Anti –Saloon League
W.T.C.U – Largest Women’s group: Main focus for the majority of women (not women’s sits)
State laws
Social reform progressive movement
Triple Wall of Privilege:
Books trusts tariffs
Clayton Anti-Trust Act / Fed. Trade Commission
1913 Fed. Reserve Act – protected Labor unions (Magna Carta of Labor)
Gompers AFL
Underwood Tariff – Lowers Tariff; First legal Income tax
Made currency more elastic
Moral diplomacy – 14 points speech WW1
14th point – A league of nations
No secret treaties
Self Determination (End Imperialism Colonies)
Freedom of Seas
16th Income Tax – 1913
17th – Direction Elections – 1913
18th Prohibition – 1919
19th – Women’s Suffrage – 1920
Treaty of Versailles ends WW1
Included a league of nations
Promoted the right of national self – determination
Senate (irremailables) objects to Article X of League Treaty that requires us to join our armed
forces in support of League. Senators felt this was taking war making power from our Congress.
“Limit US Sovereignty”
Henry Cabot Lodge and 14 reservations ended up influencing Wilson to call for vote against
treaty with reservations and defeat.
Sent soldiers to México 1916 under Black Jack Pershing to capture Pancho Villa
D.W. Griffith; Movie
Birth of a nation
Glorifying KKK after Civil War premiers and White House.
Less federal government enforces laws and treaties existing.
“New freedom” of WW vs. “New Nationalism” of T.R.
Election of 1912:
TR – Bull moose
Taft – Old Guard Rep
WW – Dem
Debs – Socialist.
Zimmerman Telegram –
Germany offers Mexico returns of Southwest USA if invades USA to keep USA out of WW1.
Bull Moose Party – Election 1912: 17% of Vote most succ. 3rd Party.
Clayton Anti-Trust Act, 1914
Moral – Missionary Diplomacy
Unrestricted submarine warfare Sussex Pledge
Federal Reserve Act, 1913
4 million men drafted
AEF Pershing
Armistice 11/11/18 11 am.
Huge Mexican Immigration to the USA during WW1 due to the Revolution in Mexico which had
caused social upheaval and dislocation
Margaret Sanger begins Planned Parenthood; USC of Contraception’s.
NY British control league
Espionage Act 1917
Sedition Act 1918
Debs Imprisoned
Schenk vs. US
Warren G. Harding 1921-1923
Prohibition Begins-
Organized Crime-
1925 Scopes Trial-urban/rural, Traditional/modern conflict
Harlem Renaissance
Marcus Garvey-U.N.I.A
1920- 1st radio broadcast of Harding’s election
By 1920, over ½ of Americans live in cities for the 1st time. The wealthy begin to move to
suburbs for the 1st time. Cities are divided by ethnicity and purpose (Industry) parks, neighborhoods,
shopping, etc.
Washington Naval Conference- Disarmament 9 power, 5 powers, 4 power treaties. 5:5:3
battleship ratios. Keep open door to China , and Japan could fortify islands
Scandals: Teapot Dome (oil)
A Return to “Normalcy” End of Progressive Era- Return to Gilded age. Focus on Big business
corruption, regulatory agencies aided business.
(Attorney General A. Mitchell) Palmer Raids- 1st “Red” scare, against communism- (1950’s 2nd
National origins Act 1921 (changed 1924-1929)
Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929
-“the business of Am. is business”
-“The man who builds a factory builds a temple, the man who works there worships there..”
National Origins Act 192119241929Ford’s model T assembly plants result in mass produced autos available to everyone due to their low
price…paid workers more so they could afford auto’s…in black only
Secretary of Treasury Mellon dramatically cuts taxes on the wealthy, “trickle down”…and corporations
Dawes Plan- US lend $ to Germany to pay $ (reparations from Versailles Treaty) to Britain and France
could pay USA back…
Economic Boom- flappers- speakeasies
Mencken Fitzgerald Gatsby 25
Kellogg-Briand Pact 1926 – return to isolationism
Lindburgh crosses Atlantic solo flight 1927
Sacco & Vanzetti executed 1927
1st talkie movie- The Jazz Singer 1927
Herbert Hoover
Underlying cause of the great depression or any depression: (overproduction, overspeculation)
Hawley-Smoot Tariff: Too high/crushed international trade
Great Depression: Stock Market crash 29’ Bonus Army 32’- US Army attacks wanted early payment of
Insurance Policy… as GD begins H.H. requests Bus leaders maintain levels of wages and production
Reconstruction Finance Corporation- RFC help for banks states “not individuals” Private charities…
should help individuals. Repeals “clevelands quote” from panic of 1893
Hoovervilles: “shanty” towns of homeless
Hoover Blankets: newspapers
Stimson Doc- Japan invades Manchuria
Bonus Army
Black Tuesday- 1929 Stock Market Crash Oct 29,1938
CIO Founded: sit-in strikes, John L Lewis
John Steinback’s Novel- 1939 (FDR) “Grapes of Wrath” Farmers moving to California, Smuggle to Survive
Democrat AL Smith runs against Herbert Hoover in 1928… Strong Anti-Catholic sentiment with evidence
of a democrats failure to carry “Solid South”
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Wife Eleanor > most influential first lady – first republican to represent united nations in San
Francisco after war
During the Second World War, Japanese-Americans were relocated because of?
Result of 1836 election campaign- shift of black voters to which party?
“Rosie the Riveter” – huge increase in working women during WWII
New skills/pay/government daycare…fireside chats on radio
“Great Depression” – led to massive migrations…especially from dust bowl areas too far west
Ends due to massive military/industrial spending during WWII…Jobs…
WWII: African-American soldiers fought in segregated units “ __” Double V. Campaign
1937 FDR’s court packing plan?
World War II draft begins before we declare war… (unusual)
Charles Lindbergh (Hero for crossing part of America. First Atlantic solo flight 1920’s)
Committee that attempted to restrict participation in WWII – isolationists love GW farewell
address – no establishment of permanent foreign alliances
ABC Plan – attack Germany first
Unemployment = 25%
21st amendment appeals prohibition 1923
A. Phillip Randolph (black labor leader) + executive order 8802 which creates the EEOC
Glass-Stegall Act (FDIC)
New Deal agencies:
NIRA-Blue Eagle did what? Reduce competition
CCC- most popular> young workers sent money home ex. Planted trees
WPA- do photographs of migrant farm workers, paint murals across city, and make oral histories
“Deficit Spending” Keynesian Economics to spur economy
Dr. Townsend’s plan to give seniors money from gov. > social security act
TVA- dams rural electrification
Banks closed five days –“bank holiday”
1st 100 days of FDRs new deal congress (1933)
3 R’s: Relief, recovery, reform
Passes banking regulation, unemployment relief, ag. Adjustment (pay farmers not to farm which
reduced acres under cultivation), home owner mortgage support
Good neighbor policy with Latin America
AFL splits in 1935…why?
1932 election: a landslide – disagreed with Hoover about direct federal aid to individuals. FDR
yes Hoover no
signs Atlantic charter with Churchill
“New Deal Order” 1930-1980
Rise and fall
US government active role in regulating economy and in mediating disputes between labor and
1943 Zoot Suits Riots in LA
Francis Perkins – secretary of labor 1st woman
Lend-lease, bill #1776 – “arsenal of democracy”
Atlantic charter – just Churchill agree on long term war strategy
Meetings at Casablanca – unconditional surrender
Tehran- plan D-Day
Yalta – makeup of post war Europe UN
Potsdam – Japanese surrender or be destroyed (Truman’s)
Bracero Program 1940-60 begins > bringing Mexican temporary workers to USA
Brain trust
1st and 2nd new deal/ 3R’s
Mandatory home mobilization return cards
Japanese internment
SEC, 1935
National relations act (1935)
Reciprocal trade agreements – Cordell Hull
Fair labor standards act 1938 – minimum wage, 40 hr week, overtime
Marshal chief of staff
Eisenhower supreme ally commander in Europe D day
Macarthur supreme commander in Pacific
Ad. Nimitz Navy Pacific commander
Joe Louis – black wins heavy weight boxing championship against Germany
Jesse Owens – black sprinter wins four golds at 32 “Berlin Olympics”
Eisenhower’s letter – Manhattan project Oppenheimer 1942 Los Alamos
Munich Conference
Japanese invades Beijing 1937
Cash and carry – destroyer for bases
Huey longs share our wealth plan
Father Coughlin 1934
Neutrality acts 35,36,37,39
NYE committee
CIOs sit down strikes 1937
Double V campaign
Island hopping
Battle of Midway
FEPC/EEOC executive order – 8802?
Pearl harbor 12/7/1942
A Phillip Randolph…
Harry S. Truman 1945-1953 (fair deal)
HUAC –suspected communist- algerhiss Nixon 1950
TAFT-HARTLEY act did what?
TRUMAN DOCTRINE 1947? Greece and Turkey
George C Marshall plan (main purpose)- economic recovery in Europe
Civil rights commission- integration of us military 1948 of executive order
Jackie robinson intergrates baseball 1947
GI bill – financed huge increase in college attendance- loans for small business – VA low cost
home loans (Subarbia expands) – servimanns readjustment act 1944
1948 election dixie crats- inopp. Too trumans civil rights help… -close race with dewey- airlift
1948 – berlin blockade –
Postdam conference
Atomic bomb
National sec. act 1947 – NSA 68
Cold war policy for 45 years for usa ; 1947 George F Kennan’s “containment doctrine” contained
expansion of the ussr and communism
Dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki “Japan 1945”
To save troops in invasion keep ussr on toes…. Force surrender “emperor stayed”
Korean wars 1950 -1953 (ends in a armistice@ 38th parallel under Eisenhower mccarthur
removed 1951)
United nations
SEC. council approves military action against north korea us leads (mccarthur)
China invades – difficult for un forces later
Ralph Ellison’s invisible man 1952
Rosensburgs 1953 executed for espionage “atomic secrets”
NATO 1949
Un 1945 –SCC. Council 5 nations with veto /Baruch plan for atomic energy
China falls to communism 1945
Mccarthurism begins 1950
Loyalty act
Beginning on television
Livitown, LI –suburbs “planned community”
Dwight (Ike) D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)
Crisis during Eisenhower’s presidency: National USSR/Sputnik – Def. Ed. Act $$$ For Science %
Language Edu; Egypt seizes Suez Canal; USSR shoots down U-2 Spy plane; Castro gains control of Cuba
McCarthyism – 2nd Red Hunt:
Ends due to unsubstantiated charges against US Army on T.V. Hearings
Played on Fears begins w/ accusations of zoo + communists employed by US State Dept.
Greensboro, NC Sit-In 1960? Protest in Department store lunch counters that were segregated;
Led to student meeting in Raleigh were Ella Baker, SLCC, and students form their own org. (SNCC) ->
Little Rock 96 students & Fed Gov’t “Ike” Sent Us 101st Airborne Div.; Reluctantly to school for a
year to ensure compliance w/ Brown Court decision
Two CIA Coups? Guatemala in 1954… Iran in 1953
Seato-1954-Diembienphu; Geneva Conference; 70th Parallel
“Domino Theory” Elections?
“Declaration of Constitutional Principles” – 1956; 199 S. Congressmen sign pledge to fight Brown
Court decision and fight integration; Keep Fed Gov’t out of state matters, “States Rights’ Ed policy
Eisenhower Doctrine? Lebanon 1957
Eisenhower’s Farewell Address warns the nation of the rising influence of the mil. Industry
Complex fed by colossal military budget; No one listens -> 60’s – 50% of Fed Budget
Rock & Roll? From Black musical traditions; 1956 Elvis
New Deal like Program? Unusual for Conservative Rep. “Ike”; Fed Hwy Act, 1956 builds interstate
hwys; Suburban spread accelerated
Beats on the Road JR-1959
Not Just contain Communism but “Massive Retaliation” – Cold War Strategy (John Foster Dulles –
Sec. of State) creates strategic Air Command w/ nukes airborne 24/7
Civil Rights Act, 1957; first since 1875
Suez Crisis; Sputnik; U-2 Affair 1960
1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott; Brown v. Board 1954; Emitt Hill -1955
Ruska Haw. 1959
John F. Kennedy
1961-1963 “New Frontier”
Bay of Pigs Fiasco
1962 Book –Environmental movement
Rachel Carson –Silent Spring
Cuban Missile Crisis –Result
Removes missiles from turkey in exchange for Russia missing from Cuba promised not to invade
Cut taxes on wealthy – to invigorate economy
American University “detente” speech after Cuban missile crisis
Bay of Pigs
1963 march on Washington
CORE- 1942 union of Chicago students
SNCC- 1960 Raleigh students, Ella Baker
SCLC – 1957 Martin Luther King Jr. Ministers
Nuclear Test Ban Treaty -1963
JFK’s Administrations Achievements
Alliance for Progress (Latin American )
Peace Corp (world)
Defeats Nixon 1960 – 1st Televised debates
Massive retaliation not practical “Flexible Response”
Domino Theory in Vietnam
Robert Macuancra – Secretary of Defense
Ivy League Brain Trust
1861- Freedom Rides
Lee Harvey Oswald Kills Kennedy Nov. 22, 1963
Greensboro sit-ins 1960
L. B. Johnson 1963-1969
“Great society”
“war on poverty”
Eventually lower the number of families living in poverty to its lowest levels ever
Deep divisions within American public in 1968 were demonstrated by assassination RFK –MLK Jr.
Urban riots in cities
Antiwar demons at democratic convention in Chicago
George Wallaces strong support in 1968 election in south and come northern urban areas
Gulf of Tonkin incident 1964 (Vietnam fires on US ship)
Resolution – congress gives LBJ money and troops he wants leads to “escalation in Vietnam”
(major) immigration act 1965 effect: immigration from Asia increases significantly
Ed. Emp. Public acc.
Civil rights act 1964
Voting rights act 1965
Head start program
Medicaid and medicare 1965
Black panthers 1965 – Oakland
Black power movement
Pop art
2nd wave feminism
Watts riots 1965
North Vietnamese… Ho Chi Minh… viet-cong
Water quality act 1965
Thurgood marshall 1967 1st African American justice in south Carolina
Cesar chavez – Delano grape strike California
Form workers union
N.O.W. – national organization of women (feminists)
Founded in order to challenge sex discrimination in the work place
1964 election –V. Goldwater… conservative-states rights … daisy tv commercial
Tet offensive 1968 – Vietnam (Vietnamese new year) –began decline in popular support for war
in USA (viet cong was strong and could attack major cities in south Vietnam)
Students for a democratic society (SDS) “new left” … “pt. huron” statement
Free speech movement… Mario savio…. Cal – berkely 1964
Malcolm x breaks 1964 – assassination 1965… with the nation of islam
24th amendment bans poll tax 1964
Richard Nixon (1969-1974)
1973 Yom Kippur War- OPEC- embargo- prices x 4
Diplomacy under Nixon: ping- pong diplomacy
China had become impt. Global power…
Visit to: China: 1972 and USSR--- Purpose: “Détente” (Relaxing of tension of Cold War)--- Help
w/ N. Vietnam to set peace and war
Election 1968: while conservative support “silent majority”--- “law and order”--- Labor union
support grows
Democrats divided over Vietnam
S.A.L.T. (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) Ex: of détente w/ USSR
Vietnamization Policy- Reducing #’s of us troops
Nixon Doctrine- US cannot anymore be police force of the world
“silent majority”
Credibility gap
Watergate- C.R.E.E.P.- hearings on TV begin 73’- Coverup- tapes- Nixon v. US
O.P.E.C.- energy crisis
Title IX
Kent St., Jackson St., Cambodia
Spiro Agnew Resigns
Ford V.P.
Stonewall Riots 1969?
Woodstock Festival 1969
Counter culture
Man on the moon, 1969
War Powers Act, 1973
Huge inflation & stagnation of incomes leads to “stag-flation” due to huge spending on Vietnam
War & programs of great societies war on poverty
Nixon worked against busing as a solution to school integration reversing progress since 1960’s…
Clean Air Act
Endangered Species Act
26th Amend. –Voting age 18
End draft 73’?
Pentagon Papers, 1971
High inflation rages of 1970s were due in part to spending on social welfare programs (great
And spending on Vietnam War
Gerald Ford
1974 – 1977
“ Our Long National Nightmare Is Over” – Vietnam Ends in 1975
Ford’s pardon of Nixon
Helsinki Accords with USSR ‘75
Bi – Centennial Celebration 1976
Jimmy Carter
1977 – 1981
Peanut Farmer
From Georgia
Because of “Credibility” Gap (Vietnam-Watergate) being an “outsider” from Government a
Jimmy Carter’s Foreign Policy problem with Iran Hostage Crisis (444 days)
1979 – 52 American Hostages
The economy under Carter :
Rising unemployment
High interest Rates (20%)
Increased Gov’t spending
Dept. of energy – 1977
Selective Service act – 1980
1979 – 3 mile Island nuclear Plant in Pennsylvania near disaster
Vietnam draft dodgers pardoned
Panama Canal given to Panama in 2000
Camp David Accords – Israel – Egypt Peace Agreement
Boycott 1980 Moscow Summer Olympics
USSR invades Afghanistan in December of 1979
Ronald Reagan
Reaganomics- Supply Side Economics- Voodoo Economics (George Bush)
Cut taxes on wealthy to increase tax revenue for Government & stimulate the economy
“Trickle Down Theory” (1st used in 1920s with Secretary of Treasury Andrew Mellon
President Election Campaign 1980- Too many taxes
Iran-Contra Affair- Secretly selling arms to Iran to get their help in releasing hostages in Lebanon
Money from sales sent to anti-communist (Sardinista) Contra Rebels in Nicaragua despite the
Congressional Ban
Moral Majority &Neoconservatives
Southern Democrats (Conservatives) begin to switch parties to Republican
Grenada Invasion
Anti- Drug Campaign
“Evil Empire”- USSR
Gorbachev- Perestroika & Glasnost
PLO/ Hezbollah – Lebanon Marine Bombing- 1982
Clean Water Act- 1987
Strategic Defense Initiative- (Star Wars)
Reagan Revolution: Tax Cuts for wealthy +Huge increase in deficit spending
Cut Social Spending Dramatically
Election of 1984- Mondale/ Geraldine Ferraro- 1st woman on major ticket for President
Sandra Day O’Connor- 1st woman Supreme Court Justice
George H.W. Bush I (Senior)
End of Cold War… Revolution of 89… Berlin Wall Falls
Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990
Operation Desert Storm
Loses in election of 1992 to W. Clinton due to:
Ross Perot’s Candidacy
“Read my lips no new taxes”…. Broke promise
Appoints 2nd African-American to Supreme Court
Clarence Thomas who is accused of sexual harassment by law school professor Anita Hill on
TV…. Vote in senate confirms Thomas 52-48
Invasion of Panama
CIS – Boris Yeltsin
William (Bill) Clinton…..”Slick Willie”
Impeached – Monica Lewinsky Affair 1999
North American Free Trade Agreement, 1993
US, Canada, Mexico
Oklahoma City Bombing 195
Family Medical Leave Act, 1992
Welfare Reform Act, 1996
Welfare to Work
Rep. Congress… passes “Contract w/America” to balance Budget 1998
Welfare Cuts
$ Help to cities (urban improvement)
Black Hawk Down – Somalia
US troops to Yugoslavia w/UN Peacekeepers
George W. Bush II (Jr.)
Patriot Act 2001
No child left behind
Education Act
Bush Doctrine
Persian Gulf War
September 11th – 2001… Twin Towers Attacked
18th Century
British colonists wishing to settle west of Appalachian mtns were motivated by… Cheap or Free Land
won fairly.
Republican motherhood- Elevate Women to be the person responsible for our democracy due to their
responsibility to educate Young boys to be valuable educated citizens in a democracy…a by product is
that women in the 1800’s slowly gain the ability to attend secondary and even universities by the end of
the Civil War.
Cult of Domesticity- woman’s place is in the home… A “Separate Sphere” for Women.
Great Awakening of 1740’s- emotion increased, new light/old light, new universities created, splits in
denominations, Methodists/Baptists, 1st mass movement of a united people
Women in USA 1790-1810- critical to educate a Republican citizenry…ie…rep motherhood
Immigrants from England and non-English: Germans, Scots, Irish, Dutch
1st Great Awakening- Hell Fire Sermons- Jonathan Edwards “sinners in the hands of an angry God”
-affected divisions in congregational and Presbyterian churches
Slave population grows due to natural born African Am. Pop.. and the Atlantic Triangle Trade until 1808
when it is banned by agreement at the Constitutional Convention 1n 1787…
19th Century
Ante-bellum-growth of slave population due to natural reproduction
Support for slavery in the south was based on? (3)
Most Irish immigrants of 1840’s settle in?
Distinguishing feature of American Society in early 19th century? (newspapers)
Last ½ of 19th century “new south” advocates support expansion of?
City bosses- urban political machines in late 19th early 20th century helped poor imm. In
exchange for what?
1st ½ 19th century- central and western NY known as “Burned-over” district… why?
Southern Economy before civil war (ante-bellum) was still…
Republican party 1850’s-60’s-(1854 begins KS-NB act) position on slavery
Settlement House workers- Jane Addams-Hull House-purpose
Social Darwinism- “survival of the fittest”- William Graham Sumer
Market Revolution 1815-1860 effects of-
Econ. Specialization
Mass prod. With machines
Income gap
Org. labor begins
Gilded Age: vertical, Horizontal>integration
U.S. Government sends troops against striking workers
Deflationary monetary policy
Fundamental Christianity- Bibles completely accurate in all ways
Antebellum argument of slaves being better off than free “wage slaves” factory workers begin
1930’s- TJ’s idea that slavery is evil
Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin (1793) and interchangeable parts
Frederick Jackson turners-speech 1893- Colombian exposition Chicago. “The influence of the
frontier on American History”
Gospel of Wealth-Carnegie (do not help individuals but society as a whole)
Jacob Riis- “How the other half lives”- discusses?(imm. Poverty and despair)
Reconstruction-Econ. Development in south was spread of share cropping/crop-lein system
Slave power conspiracy 1840-50 northers fear due to: New fugitive slave law, Ostend manifesto,
dread scott case, gag rule in congress
Henry Clay’s American system? Designed to meet Americans need for econ. Progress-bank tariff
gov’t money for internal improvements
Ida B. Wells anti-lynching campaign
Transcendentalism-Emerson/Thoreau-individual conduct guided by truth found in conscience
Post civil war feminist reaction to 15th amendment?
Booker t Washington(Atlanta compromise speech, “separate as our fingers”) v. w.e.b duboisNAACP founder Niagra movement , souls of black folk, immediate immigration and rights
2nd great awakening- encouraged evangelical Christianity
Jim crow laws- (1880’s-1960’s)
Transportation revolution(1790’s-1830’s) canals and turnpikes steamboat(1840’s-1850’s)
railroads steamships
1896 election farmers protest lost momentum after due to: loss in 1896 election, huge
immigration to cities which led to higher prices for crops, crop failures in Europe which led to higher
prices for crops, gold discovered in Alaska in 1898 which led to inflation and silver loss momentum
19th Century continued….
Ante-bellum-growth of slave population due to natural reproduction
Support for slavery in the south was based on? (3)
Most Irish immigrants of 1840’s settle in?
Distinguishing feature of American Society in early 19th century? (newspapers)
Last ½ of 19th century “new south” advocates support expansion of?
City bosses- urban political machines in late 19th early 20th century helped poor imm. In
exchange for what?
1st ½ 19th century- central and western NY known as “Burned-over” district… why?
Southern Economy before civil war (ante-bellum) was still…
Republican party 1850’s-60’s-(1854 begins KS-NB act) position on slavery
Settlement House workers- Jane Addams-Hull House-purpose
Social Darwinism- “survival of the fittest”- William Graham Sumer
Market Revolution 1815-1860 effects of-
Econ. Specialization
Mass prod. With machines
Income gap
Org. labor begins
Gilded Age: vertical, Horizontal>integration
U.S. Government sends troops against striking workers
Deflationary monetary policy
Fundamental Christianity- Bibles completely accurate in all ways
Antebellum argument of slaves being better off than free “wage slaves” factory workers begin
1930’s- TJ’s idea that slavery is evil
Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin (1793) and interchangeable parts
Frederick Jackson turners-speech 1893- Colombian exposition Chicago. “The influence of the
frontier on American History”
Gospel of Wealth-Carnegie (do not help individuals but society as a whole)
Jacob Riis- “How the other half lives”- discusses?(imm. Poverty and despair)
Reconstruction-Econ. Development in south was spread of share cropping/crop-lein system
Slave power conspiracy 1840-50 northers fear due to: New fugitive slave law, Ostend manifesto,
dread scott case, gag rule in congress
Henry Clay’s American system? Designed to meet Americans need for econ. Progress-bank tariff
gov’t money for internal improvements
Ida B. Wells anti-lynching campaign
Transcendentalism-Emerson/Thoreau-individual conduct guided by truth found in conscience
Post civil war feminist reaction to 15th amendment?
Booker t Washington(Atlanta compromise speech, “separate as our fingers”) v. w.e.b duboisNAACP founder Niagra movement , souls of black folk, immediate immigration and rights
2nd great awakening- encouraged evangelical Christianity
Jim crow laws- (1880’s-1960’s)
Transportation revolution(1790’s-1830’s) canals and turnpikes steamboat(1840’s-1850’s)
railroads steamships
1896 election farmers protest lost momentum after due to: loss in 1896 election, huge
immigration to cities which led to higher prices for crops, crop failures in Europe which led to higher
prices for crops, gold discovered in Alaska in 1898 which led to inflation and silver loss momentum
19th century continued
“Lowell System” – Farm girls move to mill’s to work. A group of mills in and around Lowell, Mass expand.
Women have 1st strike in 1830’s… Commonwealth v. Hunt in Mass. supreme court rules unions legal in
Mass. 1st time legal anywhere in USA.
Remember: Largest source of Government revenue from 1789 – 1913 is the TARIFF –taxes collected on
Imported, foreign goods, Income tax briefly appears during civil war, but is ruled unconstitutional soon
after and only becomes the major source of revenue for the government after 1913 when the 16th
amendment is passed in 1913 and is applied to the nation within the Underwood Tariff Bill. ????year
Irish-german imm. (old Imm) 1840’s and 50’s …. Irish stay in cities ….take the place of many women
working in textile mills, Catholic in huge #’s, create Urban political machines to support new imm. in
exchange for votes…. Nativism rises against catholics and imm. Know-Nothing Political Party is created in
1850’s which want to restrict Roman Catholics from holding political office.
Cattle Drives in West end with Fencing (Barbed Wire invented by Joseph Glidden) late 1870’s 1880’s
Free African Americans during the Ante-bellum period (1812-18600 # 250,000 in both north and South,
could own limited property and vote in some areas…
Antebellum education reforms…Horace Mann-head of Mass . schools… Noah Webster- 1st American
Compulsory school attendance, State/Local taxes to finance schools (in North primarily), Teacher
Training schools, Standardize the length of the school year (6mths –Mann)
Women’s Suffrage before 1900 in West…. Wyoming 1st in 1869, Jeanette Rankin , 1st woman
congressperson from Montana, 1914.
2nd Great Awakening 1790 – 1850’s… Charles Grandison Finney (Methodist Minister travels extensively
across the US leading revivals)… expands women’s roles in church… “Burned over District” – Western NY
so many revivals… , Based on Love not fear…that people can do something, not powerless due to
predestination (Calvinism), to accept Christ …their actions do matter. Issues such as Slavery and Alcohol,
lead to split in churches North and South foreshadowing the coming split in Political Parties and then the
nation.. Leads to a host of reforms… mentally ill (dorothea dix) Women’s rights (Seneca falls conference ,
1848) Utopian communities- Oneida, Harmony, Brook Farm, Transcendentalism, end of Debtor’s
Prisons, etc…
Gilded Age 1865 -1900 questions of monopolist corporations are the owners Robber Baron’s or Captains
of Industry…JP Morgan, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Vanderbuilt…..Vertical v. Horizontal Integration…
Thomas Nast’s Political Cartoons in gilded age… puts away Boss Tweed for municipal
corruption…Tammany Hall…NYC.
Most Common Form of Slave Resistance in the 1800’s: took place on plantations by slaves slowing work
and sabotaging tools etc..
Pulitzer and Hearst…Publishing giants of Gilded Age…begin Yellow Journalism, a sensationalist and
sometimes misleading reporting to sell newspapers.
After War of 1812, begins the 1st era of “American Literature” stories about America by Americans…
such as; Washington Irving’s – Legend of Sleepy Hollow, William Cullen Bryant – Poet (Thanatopisis) and
Newspaper Editor in NYC, James Fennimore Cooper – Last of the Mohicans… the 3 are called the
Sewing Machine’s perfection begins the “Ready-Made Clothing Industry”… mass produced cheaper
clothes, fashion trends, sizes come during civil war (for uniforms) …
Biggest problem for cities… purified Water.. Boston and NYC before the civil war most cities after… less
death from disease… until solved it is one of the leading causes of death in urban areas… impure water.
Unions –post civil war…violent strikes… Knights of Labor- a inclusive union, all but Chinese, works for
workers eventually becoming owners, cooperatives. Suffers decline after “haymarket square bombing “
in Chicago 1880’s.. AF OF L American Federation of Labor, Samuel Gompers, a union of unions… worked
just for more for workers simple goals, more money, hours, better labor conditions etc.. IWW –
International Workers of the World… mostly in West and Urban NE… Most Radical, Big Bill Haywood,
violent experiences in Colorado, California, Washington… eventually many deported as anarchists,
communists on SS Buford in 1919 (year of strikes following ww1… Seattle General Strike, Boston Police
Strike etc… )
1862 Morrill Land Grant Act… Gives states land in west to sell, with money they are to create
Universities that focus on Agriculture, Sciences, Engineering… A&M’s…
John Dewey – education reformer, “learn by doing” late 19th century early 20th century, Hands On
Unique American Philosophy develops in the late 19th early 20th century… PRAGMATISM--1st Graduate Schools are founded after the Civil War in America, Johns Hopkins (Maryland) based on
German graduate school model.
19th Century Cont.
William Lloyd Garrison (liberator)- American Anti- Slavery Society advocated immediate and
uncompensated emancipation.
Antebellum 1830’s – 1840’s development of new “middle class” – urban development begins separation
of economic production from home & family to factory
Gage Rule- 1830’s
Automatically tabled all anti- slavery tabled all anit- slavery petitions in Congress (to avoid discussion
becoming tense)
Antebellum white Southerners fear of the spread of anti-slavery sentinemtin1850’s was increased by:
-Uncle Tom’s Cabin’s success
-Blood Kansas- New England Emigrant air co send’s “Becchers Bibles” to KS
Northern intellectual’s praise from John Brown’s Raid on Harper’s Ferry
The New (1854) Startling success & growth of republican (anti-slavery expansion west) Party
Grimke’s Sisters woman’s rights & Abolition
John Jacob Astor (1800’s- 1840’s)- 1st millionaire “fur trade”
Morse code
Samuel F.B. Morse- Telegraph
Brigham Young Leads Mormons to “Deserts” –Caterletah, 1890’s
“Separate Spheres” for sexes cult of Domesticity- Home appropriate place for a woman
Manifest Destiny:
Use of land from settle agriculture instead of nomadic hunting westward expansion was both inevitable
and beneficial God had selected American as a chosen land and people the ultimate enfant of the
American Dwain was to be from the tropics to the artic…
Jeff & Madison
KY & VA Resolutions -1790’s
Hartford Convetion-1814
Advocates all states rights over national/
fed government
SWC Exposition & Protest- 1830’s JC Calhoun
1870’s Farmers Complained about:
High interest charges(loans
High freight rates
Storage cots
Middlemen profits
Nation Cumberland Road constructed for the purpose of promotion trade and comm. w/ old NW(Ohio
valley area)
Woman’s suffrage by 1919- Frontier life tended to promote the acceptance of greater political equlity
for women
Equal Suffrage:
East of Miss.
Michigan 1918
NY 1917
West of Miss. :
Wyoming 1869
Colorado 1893
Idaho 1896
Utah 1896
Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, South Dakota, Kansas, OK---all in 1910’s- 1918
At begin of Civil War Southerners Expressed all of the following expectations
Materialism of the north would prevent Northerners from fighting an idealistic war
Great Britain would intervene on the side of the south in order to preserve its source of cotton
Northern unity would eventually break
The justice of the south ‘s cause would prevail
20th Century
1900 – WW2 & (50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, etc.)
Union men falls 1950s to today
Service Sector of Economy grows most 1950’s to today.
Suburbs and Sunbelt blossom in two decades after WWII. (50s and 60s)
1900-1929 progressive movements key goal is to use government power to regulate industry
and working conditions. Not socialism; more democracy.
Blank Panthers and Nation of Islam both advocated Black Nationalism and power; A
Harlem Renaissance 1915- 1950’s... Black Artistic and Literary Creativity
Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Harston, James Weldon Johnson, Josephine Baker, Claude McKay,
Gwendolyn Brooks.
Phyllis Schally’s stop era campaign
1920’s Immigration Laws (21, 24, 29)
National Origins … Quote …
Restrict S&S Europeans (New) favor N&N Europe’s (Old)
1950s and 1960s – Non-violent protests. SCLC, SNCC, Core.
MLK Junior
Strictly Char Michael
John Lewis
Diane Wash
Ella Baker
1920-s Sacco and Vanzetti Trial
2nd rise of KKK
Fear of new immigration; black migration to north
1970s De industrialization effects:
Increasing service sector of economy rust bust around Great Lakes. Erosion of tax base in many
cities/communities decrease in Real wages for manufacture sector workers
1920s – flappers
Women who showed greater freedom in press and moral behavior.
Invest journalists who wrote accurate articles exposing articles exposing corruption in politics
and urban poverty.
Horatio Alser Stories for youth… success through hard work.
Progressive Era Amendments:
16th Income Tax
17th Direct Election Senators
18th Prohibition
19th Women’s Suffrage
50’s Rock and Roll – Crossover Appeal (Race) adopted from African American Rhythm and Blues
Betty Friedan – “Feminist Mystique” Unknown sickness a mystery to women in 50s.
Reality and public image different adv. Pop culture.
1960s – many felt frustration and lack of fulfillment
Criticized Gender Roles
1960s – Sit-ins used first by SNCC – College Students for Civil Rights
20’s – Presidents’ Tax Cuts for wealthy trickledown (Reagan 80s)
Later SDS – Free Speech movement on college campuses (Sit ins)
1960-s Civil Rights Movement split after 1965 – Black Power vs. Non-violence.
Marcus Garvey’s United Negro improvement association.
1920’s Black Separatism Black is beautiful. Largest group in history.
1950’s Beat Movement? JK “on the road “
Critics? David Reisman – Conformity
Anti-War Movement
Margaret Sanger – Birth Control – (Pill 1960)
Planned Parenthood
Progressive Movement 1901 – 1919
Middle Class Movement wanted more democracy.
Belief in trained professionals to find rational scientific based solutions to society’s problems.
Squeezed from above by monopolists below by socialists.
“Muckraking” Writers:
Opponents of urban boss politics.
1920s – Post War Writers
Not from N.E
Disillusioned by WW1 – Conformity traditional values.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Sinclair Lewis
Trickle Down – supply side economics vs. Keynesian Economics - Bubble up
Cut taxes on wealthy to invigorate economy benefits.
Trickle Down
20’s until crash
80’s Reagan (Really Keynesian: 2 trillion deficit from military)
Federal government borrows money to spending into deficit and goes to lower class and creates
Bubble Up benefit
1960’s Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring
Mother of modern conservation movement warned about the use of pesticides.
Noble Experiment
Prohibition fails due to 18th – 21st Amendment; Law enforcement challenges.
1970s and 1980s trends.
Rise of divorce rate – Single parent households.
Rise of Christian Fundamentalism – “Moral Majority”
Consumer Gay Rights Women
Chreano Indian Environmental Movements
Rise of “new Right” – moral majority and neoconservatives / south southwest evangelical
Protestants opposed USSR strongly. Little government in intervention in economy.
Great Depression begins in agriculture 1st immigration post WW1 – 1920’s... prices drop
The 1970s-
Rising of prices
Greater participation in work force of women
Increased economic competition from W. Europe and Japan
Simultaneous inflation and recession known as “stagflation”…
Malcolm X Challenges MLK JR in the early 60’s for leadership in C.R. Movement by arguing that
you should use violence if necessary.
McCarthyism had widespread public support due to the fear of communist infiltration of USA.
Supreme Court Cases
Marbury V. Madison - 1803
Slaughterhouse Cases - 1873
Civil rights Cases, - 1893
Miranda V. Arizona - 1966
Roe V. Wade - 1973
Plessy V. Ferguson – 1896
Brown V. Board of Education, Topeka Ks – 1954
Univ. of California V. Bakke – 1978
Dred Scott V. Sanford – 1857
Korematsu V. Us – 1944
Miranda V. US – 1960’s
Schechter V. US – 1935
Schenk V. US – 1910’s
Gideon V. Wainwrights – 1963
Munn V. Illinois – 1877
Swann V. Mecklenburg city – 1972
Escobedo V. Illinois – 1964
Planned Parenthood V. Casey – 1992
Wabash V. Illinois – 1886
Muller V. Oregon, 1906
Hammer V. Dagenhart
McCulloch V. Maryland – 1819
Gibbons V. Ogden – 1825
Worcester V. Georgia – 1832
US V. E.C. Knight Co. – 1895
Engle V. Vitale – 1962
Legal proceedings
Zenger V. NY – 1741
Scopes Case – 1920 (Monkey Trial)
Amistad – 1840
Scopes Trial – 1925
Commonwealth v. Hunt, 1840 (mass. unions legal, 1st time)