File - CYPA Psychology

Why you may or may not have one!
What determines your
• Prior Events
• Prior experiences AND prior biological
“events,” i.e., inheriting genes from parents
• Includes repressed, unconscious thoughts and
• Anticipated events
• Hopes, fears, goals
Wait…how do you
measure personality?
• Self-reports
• A series of answers to a questionnaire that asks
people to indicate the extent to which sets of
statements or adjectives accurately describe their
own behavior or mental state
• Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
(MMPI): a well-researched, clinical questionnaire
used to assess personality and psychological
• Validity scales: assess a person’s attitudes toward
test taking and any tendency to try to distort the
result by faking answers
Another Measuring
• Projective Techniques: a standard series of
ambiguous stimuli designed to elicit unique
responses that reveal inner aspects of an
individual’s personality
• People will “project” personality factors that
are out of awareness—wishes, concerns,
Projective Techniques
(Part 2)
• Rorschach Inkblot Test
• A projective personality test designed by
Hermann Rorschach in 1918—uses abstract
Projective Techniques
(Part 3)
• Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
• Asks subjects to create stories based on
ambiguous pictures of people
Criticisms of Personality
• Criticisms of Projective Tests
• Too open to the subjective interpretation and
theoretic biases of testers (interpreters)
• Criticisms of Self-Reports
• Subjects can lie, try to deceive testers
• All the problems encountered in single-blind
Ways of explaining
• Trait
• A relatively stable disposition to behave in a
particular and consistent way
• The Trait Approach
• Uses trait terms to characterize differences
among individuals
• Attempts to create manageable and meaningful
sets of descriptors to cover all aspects of
Allport vs. Murray
• Gordon Allport
• Argued that traits are preexisting dispositions that
cause behavior
Cleanliness  Cleaning the bathroom
• Henry Murray
• Argued that traits reflect needs or desires and
derive from consequent behavior
Desire for order  Cleaning the bathroom 
Generalizing Traits
• Eysenck’s Personality Model
• First dimension: identifies people who are
sociable (extraverted) from those who are not
• Second dimension: identifies emotional stability
Generalizing Traits (Part
• The Big Five (Traits)
• The traits of the five-factor model: (1)
conscientiousness; (2) agreeableness; (3)
neuroticism; (4) openness to experience; (5)
• Why the Big Five?
• (1) Accounts for variability in traits without creating
overlap (factor analysis)
• (2) Big Five have emerged over the course of many
• (3) Big Five shows up across a wide range of
participants—age groups, cultures, languages, etc.
The Big Five!
Are traits set in stone?
• Many trait theorists believe that traits are
decided by genetics and brain chemistry
• Studies of twin pairs reveal that roughly half of
the variability among individuals results from
genetic factors
• Adopted twins raised in different environments
tend to share political views
• Does this mean genes determine political
More on biology…
• Different animals of the same species show
differences in personality
• Why?
• Evolutionary perspective…
• Different observers agree on where an animal
falls on a given dimension
• Does not simply reflect tendency to
“anthropomorphize” animals
Neurology of Personality
• “Extravert” vs. “Introvert” may really be “Hard to
Stimulate” vs. “Easy to Stimulate”
• Eysenck’s Theory
• Reticular formation, part of the brain that regulates
arousal (alertness) works differently in different people
• Jeffrey Gray’s Theory
• Two brain systems: the behavior activation system (BAS)
and the behavioral inhibition system (BIS)
• People with highly reactive BAS’s explore environment
• People with highly reactive BIS’s tend toward emotional
• “The Talking Cure”
• Personality is formed by needs, wishes largely
operating outside consciousness
• Unconscious is inferred from parapraxes,
Economic, Topographic,
and Structural Models
• Economic
• Topographical
• Structural
Defense Mechanisms
• Defense Mechanisms
• Unconscious coping mechanisms that reduce
anxiety generated by threats from unacceptable
Reaction Formation
Psychosexual Stages and
• Psychosexual stages
• Distinct early life stages through which personality is
formed as children experience sexual pleasure from
specific body areas and caregivers redirect or interfere
with those pleasures
• Erotogenic Zones
Oral Stage
Anal Stage
Phallic Stage
Oedipus Conflict
Latency period
Genital Stage
Humanistic Approach
• Self-Actualizing Tendency
• The human motive towards realizing inner potential
• Malsow Pyramid!
• Peak experiences
• Altered states of consciousness in which a person loses sense of time
and feels in touch with a higher aspect of human existence
• States of Flow
• Felt when completing tasks suited perfectly to our skill level; people
report increased happiness during these experiences
• Unconditional Positive Regard
• An attitude of nonjudgmental acceptance toward another person
Existential Approach
• Personality is governed by an individual’s ongoing
choices and decisions in the context of the realities
of life and death
• Dread
• The fear of death and the questions that one must
ask in the face of it
• Angst
• The anxiety caused by the realization that we are
responsible for our fates
• Mortality Salience
• The tendency to become overly protective of family,
culture, country, or religion in the face of death
Social Cognitive
Views personality in terms of how the person thinks about the situations encountered
in daily life and behaves in response to them
Locus of Control
Outcome Expectancies
Internal vs. External
Tendency to perceive control of rewards as internal to the self or external in the
Person’s assumptions about the likely consequences of a future behavior
Personal Constructs
Dimensions people use in making sense of their experiences
Kind of like schemas in Piaget’s thinking
Person-Situation Controversy
The question of whether behavior is caused more by personality or by situational factors
Honest behavior in one situation does not correlate to honest behavior in another
Self-Concept vs. SelfEsteem
• Self-Concept
• A person’s explicit knowledge of his or her own behaviors,
traits, and other personal characteristics
• Self-Schemas
• The traits people use to define themselves
• Self-Narrative
• Story we tell ourselves about our lives, our actions
• Self-Esteem
• The extent to which an individual likes, values, and accepts the
• Formed via comparisons with others, unconscious
perspectives, and feedback from others
• Evolutionary explanation for why high self-esteem feels good?