Profesional Management Association

Recent Events
Upcoming Events
Team Building Activity
Committee Meetings
◦ Date Auction
◦ THON Weekend
◦ Laser Tag
◦ DP Dough Fundraiser
Corporate Relations
◦ Northwestern Mutual Event
2/26: Project Management Speaker Series
2/27: Ferguson Professional Development
3/11: General Meeting
3/15: Wine and Cheese Social
Erin Antosh will be our speaker
◦ A partner at Signature Solutions LLC, a firm that
specializes in IT and strategy consulting
◦ Expertise in business process re-engineering,
organizational design and development,
performance measurement, and more.
214 Business Building at 6pm
5 Points for Corporate Relations Committee
Speaking on “Leading with Emotional
105 Business Building at 6pm
5 Points for Corporate Relations Committee
Upcoming Events, Team Building Activities,
Committee Meetings
107 Business Building at 6pm
5 General Membership Points
Location TBD from 9pm-11pm
5 points for Social Committee
Applications are open today and will be on
the Listserv tomorrow
Applications are due on 3/13 at 11pm
All applicants will be contacted by Sunday,
March 17th to request a time to set up an
Applicants will be interviewed by Rachel
PMA is looking to get 2-3 general members and a
faculty adviser to sit in on the interview
These additional persons will be able to provide
feedback to Andrew and James, however, the final
decision will still be made by Andrew and James.
To be a part of the interviewing process, you must
not be going for an executive board position and
interesting in joining PMA next year
What interviews you sit in will be based on your
Typical week for a PMA Chair Position
◦ An hour and a half for either General Meetings or
executive board meetings
additional hour a week for strategic meetings
the week fulfilling the responsibilities
of your position
◦ I.E. planning events, communicating with other
organizations etc.
Oversee PMA and the executive board
Manage external relations
◦ Meet with advisors/coordinate advising efforts
◦ Meet with new parties interested in working with
Formulate PMA’s strategy
◦ General, committees, administrative items, etc.
Lead strategic executive board meetings
Ensure compliance with laws, rules, policies,
Lead general meetings
In Assistance to the President
◦ Leading the executive board operating meeting discussions
◦ Creating the power point slides for meetings
◦ Overseeing and organizing the content for the general meetings
◦ Facilitating strategic executive board discussions
◦ Overseeing the completion of chair responsibilities including
Points system
Planning of committee events
Recruiting efforts
Alumni Relations
◦ Collect and keep records of dues and deposit all
money to Association of Student Activities
◦ Submit requests for checks to reimburse all members
that make payments on behalf of PMA and then
distribute them
◦ Maintain an up-to-date budget sheet for PMA
◦ Advise the president and vice president on financial
◦ Keep meeting minutes at general meetings and all
Executive Board meetings
◦ Function as the official secretary in Student Activity
◦ Compile the weekly PMA update, send it on time, and
make sure all information is correct
◦ Spread awareness of upcoming events to all members
◦ Send any special announcements that the Executive
Board agrees is urgent
◦ Ensure that PMA is limiting the number of e-mails that
are sent to members to only what is necessary
Members Points System
◦ Record participation and attendance for all events
◦ Publish the updated Point Sheet to the website regularly
◦ Monitor activity and progress towards active
BRT (Business Round Table) Representative
◦ Smeal collaboration
◦ Meet once a month with Smeal Organization
◦ Discuss relevant issues for Smeal Students &
◦ Update the website in Weebly once a week, usually
for 1-2 hours per week
◦ Promote website to members and all stakeholders
Alumni Relations
◦ Facilitate communication, organization of PMA
◦ Communicate with PMA’s Alumni advisor
◦ Plan events for PMA alumni (tailgates, ice cream
socials, etc.
◦ Develop a newsletter (monthly, or bi-monthly) to
send out to stakeholders such as alumni, faculty,
Deans, recruiters, etc.
Class Presentations
◦ Contact teachers from first year seminars, business core
classes, etc. about presenting
◦ Prepare presentations that give a general overview of the
organization as well as highlighting interesting events
◦ Must be flexible with time (seminars typically give you
more time than big lecture classes)
Information Stands
◦ Reserve information tables at Hub, East Halls, etc. and
take recruiting board
◦ Inform anyone interested about the organization
◦ Advertise for major events like Management
Networking Expo
◦ Print and hang up flyers around campus
◦ Hand out flyers to students at Hub, Business
Building, etc.
◦ Keep members involved
◦ Keep advertising materials up to date and prepare
for new methods of advertising
All contact with Corporate Partners and
Maintain relationships while diversifying
Plan events beginning to end
◦ Professional Development
◦ Information Session
◦ "Flagship Events"
Plan, Coordinate, and execute service events
Decide what organizations to work with
Who will benefit
What type of event will be done
Time or money
Who’s volunteering
Logistics of this
Planning and overseeing events to help THON’s
cause and for our THON Family
Provide Emotional support
◦ Miller visit
Constant communication and updates with
◦ Packages, mail, video messages, etc.
Provide Financial support
◦ Fundraising efforts
◦ Canning trips
Alternative fundraisers
◦ THON 5K, 4DRE, THON Blood Drive, etc.
Plan socials for the organization
◦ Color Wars, Bowling, Laser Tag
Collaborate with other student organization
◦ PSFS, Bash, Women in Business, ALPHA
Seek new ideas for events
◦ Alumni Tailgate, Penn’s Cave
Plan fundraising events
◦ Panda Express, Kiwi, Coldstone Creamery
Whose Adjective is it Anyway?
Give members a chance to take the lead on
projects with organizations
Potential clients include:
◦ Organizations and businesses downtown
◦ Other student organizations
There will be an application and interview
process to determine Project Managers for
specific projects
First project has been selected
◦ Small Business Development Center
 High visibility project
◦ Will be looking for 5 students minimum
Currently, up to 4 additional potential
projects in the works
Office Hours
◦ Tuesdays from 6:00pm-7:00pm
Box Top Collection
PMA T-Shirts
◦ $10
To Become Active Member
◦ 50 points
◦ Attend one event for each committee
Community Service
Corporate Relations
2/26: Project Management Speaker Series
2/27: Ferguson Professional Development
3/11: General Meeting
3/15: Wine and Cheese Social
Thank You!