Plant Diversity II Level 1 Biological Diversity Jim Provan Campbell: Chapter 30 Reproductive adaptations of seed plants Three life cycle modifications led to the success of terrestrial plants: Reduction of the gametophyte: retained in the moist reproductive tissue of the sporphyte Origin of the seed: — — Zygotes developed into embryos packaged with a food supply within a protected seed coat Seeds replaced spores as the main means of dispersal Evolution of pollen: plants were no longer tied to water for fertilisation Reduction of gametophytes in seed plants Gametophyte (n) Sporophyte (2n) Sporophyte (2n) Sporophyte (2n) Gametophyte (n) Gametophyte (n) Sporophyte dependent on gametophyte (e.g. bryophytes) Large sporophyte and small independent gametophyte (e.g. ferns) Reduced gametophyte dependent on sporophyte (seed plants) In seed plants, the seed replaced the spore as the main means of dispersing offspring Relatively harsh terrestrial environment: Bryophytes and seedless vascular plants release spores Seeds are more hardy because of their multicellular nature Seed is a sporophyte embryo and a food supply surrounded by a protective coat All seed plants are heterosporous Development of seed associated with megasporangia: Seed plant megasporangia are fleshy structure called nucelli Additional tissues (integuments) surround megasporangium Resulting structure is called an ovule Female gametophyte develops in wall of megaspore, is fertilised (embryo) and resulting ovule develops into a seed From ovule to seed Integuments (2n) Nucellus (megasporangium) (2n) Spore case (n) Megaspore (n) Pollen tube (n) Micropyle Female gametophyte (n) Egg nucleus (n) Discharged sperm nucleus (n) Seed coat (2n) derived from integuments Food supply (derived from female gametophyte tissue Embryo (2n) new sporophyte Pollen became the vehicle for sperm cells in seed plants Microspores develop into pollen grains which mature to form the male gametophytes of seed plants: Pollen grains coated with a resistant polymer, sporopollenin Can be carried away by wind or animals (e.g. bees) following release from microsporangia A pollen grain near an ovule will extend a tube and discharge sperm cells into the female gametophyte within the ovule: In some gymnosperms, sperm are flagellated (ancestral) Other gymnosperms (including conifers) and angiosperms do not have flagellated sperm cells Gymnosperms Descended from Devonian progymnosperms: Seedless Seeds evolved late Devonian Climatic changes during Permian led to lycopods, horsetails and ferns being replaced by conifers and cycads Lack enclosed chambers (ovaries) in which seeds develop Four divisions of extant gymnosperms Cycads Gnetophytes Gingko Conifers Conifers are the largest division of gymnosperms Mostly evergreens e.g. pines, firs, spruces, larches, yews, cypresses etc. Include the tallest, largest and oldest living organisms Needle-shaped leaves adapted to dry conditions: Thick cuticle covers leaf Stomata in pits, reducing water loss Megaphylls cf. other leaves The life cycle of a pine Angiosperms Angiosperms (flowering plants) Flowering plants are the most widespread and diverse (250,000 species) Only one division (Anthophyta), with two classes: Monocotyledons Dicotyledons Less dependent on wind pollination - use insects and animals Evolution of vascular tissue in angiosperms Conifers have waterconducting cells called tracheids Angiosperms have vessel elements: More specialised for transport Less specialised for support Xylem reinforced by fibres: Specialised for support - thick lignified wall Evolved in conifers (conifers lack vessel elements) The flower is the defining reproductive adaptation of angiosperms Sepals: sterile, enclose bud Petals: sterile, attract pollinators Stamen: produces pollen Carpel: evolved from seedbearing leaf that became rolled into a tube Stigma: sticky structure that receives pollen Ovary: protects ovules, which develop into seeds after fertilisation Fruits help disperse the seeds of angiosperms Fruits are ripened ovaries that protect dormant seed and aids in its dispersal Modifications of fruits that aid dispersal include: Seeds within fruits that are shaped like kites or propellors (e.g. maple) Burr-like fruit that cling to animal fur Edible fruit - tough seeds pass through digestive tract Life cycle of an angiosperm Anther MITOSIS Ovule Germinating seed Stigma Pollen tube Ovary Food supply Seed Pollen tube MITOSIS Style Pollen tube Angiosperms and animals shaped one another’s evolution Coevolution: reciprocal evolutionary responses among two or more interacting species Coevolution led to diversity of flowers: Flower-specific pollinators Usually adapted for types of pollinators Attraction of ripening fruits: Soft, fragrant and sugary Attractive change of colour Plants transformed the atmosphere and the climate Colonisation of land by plants Diversification of vascular plants 25 20 15 10 5 Plants decreased atmospheric carbon dioxide, resulting in global cooling Cooler environment made terrestrial life more habitable for other organisms