12C+12C REACTION AND ASTROPHYSICAL IMPLICATIONS Marco Limongi INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, ITALY Institute for the Physics and the Mathematics of the Universe, JAPAN marco.limongi@oa-roma.inaf.it INTRODUCTION 12 C( 12 C, α )20 Ne 23 12 C( 12 C, p)23 Na 22 Ne(α )24 Mg 20 Na( p, α )20 Ne 23 26 O( α, )20 Ne Mg( p, γ ) Al( β ) Mg 24 Mg (n, ) 25 Mg 24 Mg( , ) 28 Si 23 Na(α, p) Mg 23 Na(n, ) 24 Na( ) 24 Mg 26 26 27 Carbon Burning 25 24 Na( p, γ) 24 Mg Ne(α, n) Mg( p, γ) Al( β ) Mg( p, γ) Al 25 16 25 Main Products: Al(n, ) 28 Al( ) 28 Si 27 Al( p, ) 28 Si 27 27 20Ne, 23Na, 24Mg, 27Al Enuc = 4.00 1017 erg/g Al( p, ) 24 Mg The cross section of this reaction should be known with high accuracy down to the ECM∼1.5 MeV Present day experimental measurements of the 12C+12C cross section for E >2.10 MeV CM Because of the resonance structure, extrapolation to the Gamow Energies is quite uncertain Since there is a resonance at nearly every 300 keV energy step, it is quite likely that a resonance exists near the center of the Gamow peak, say at Ecm∼1.5 MeV Which is the impact of such a hypothetical resonance on the behavior of stellar models? STELLAR STRUCTURE: BASICS Hydrostatic equilibrium Non degenerate EOS A contracting star of mass M with constant composition supported by an ideal gas pressure will increase its central temperature following the above relation. This relation will hold until one of the above assumptions will be violated..... STELLAR STRUCTURE: BASICS Nuclear Ignition: When the temperature is high enough the thermonuclear fusion reactions become efficient Several lighter nuclei fuse to form a heavier one. The mass of the product nucleus is lower than the total mass of the reactant nuclei The mass defect is converted into energy This energy balances the energy radiated away The contraction halts and the temperature remains almost constant When the nuclear fuel is exhausted contraction starts again until the next nuclear fuel is ignited. N.B. The nuclear burning slows down the evolution along the path STELLAR STRUCTURE: BASICS Onset of degeneracy: For sufficiently high densities the electrons may become degenerate. Electron pressure tends to dominate over the total pressure If the electron gas becomes highly degenerate The electron pressure gradient balances the gravity The contraction stops and the structure radiates and cools down The relation does not hold anymore and the path in the plane changes STELLAR STRUCTURE: BASICS In different regions of the T-r plane, different physical phenomena dominate the total P Non Degenerate Non Relativistic Non Relativistic Degenerate The mass of the star plays a pivotal role: Relativistic Degenerate CRITICAL MASSES The comparison between the path in the T-r plane and the ignition temperature of the various fuels determines naturally the existence of the various critical masses O burning Ne burning C burning He burning Increasing Mass H burning Non Degenerate Non Relativistic Non Relativistic Degenerate Relativistic Degenerate N.B. The nuclear burning slows down the evolution along the path When degeneracy takes place the relation does not hold anymore and the path in the T-r plane changes He WD MASS LOSS H degenerate He He ignition H ignition RGB CO WD MASS LOSS MASS LOSS RGB TP-AGB degenerate He H He degenerate CO C ignition H He ignition H ignition He WD CO WD MASS LOSS MASS LOSS RGB TP-AGB degenerate He MASS LOSS SUPER-AGB H He CO H He degenerate CO degenerate C ignition H ECSN ONeMg O ignition He WD He ignition H ignition ONeMg WD CO WD MASS LOSS MASS LOSS RGB TP-AGB degenerate He MASS LOSS H He CO H He degenerate CO CCSN SUPER-AGB degenerate C ignition H ECSN ONeMg O ignition He WD He ignition H ignition ONeMg WD H He CO NeO O SiS Fe INTERMEDIATE MASS STARS INTERMEDIATE HIGH MASS STARS He WD CO WD MASS LOSS MASS LOSS RGB TP-AGB degenerate He CO CCSN SUPER-AGB H He CO H He degenerate ECSN MASS LOSS degenerate C ignition H He ignition H ignition ONeMg WD MASSIVE STARS ONeMg O ignition LOW MASS STARS H He CO NeO O SiS Fe INTERMEDIATE MASS STARS INTERMEDIATE HIGH MASS STARS He WD CO WD MASS LOSS MASS LOSS RGB TP-AGB degenerate He ONeMg WD CO CCSN SUPER-AGB H He CO H He degenerate ECSN SNII / SNIb/c MASS LOSS degenerate C ignition H He ignition H ignition SNIa MASSIVE STARS ONeMg O ignition LOW MASS STARS H He CO NeO O SiS Fe INTERMEDIATE MASS STARS INTERMEDIATE HIGH MASS STARS He WD CO WD MASS LOSS MASS LOSS RGB TP-AGB degenerate He ONeMg WD CO CCSN SUPER-AGB H He CO H He degenerate ECSN SNII / SNIb/c MASS LOSS degenerate C ignition H He ignition H ignition SNIa MASSIVE STARS ONeMg O ignition LOW MASS STARS H He CO NeO O SiS Fe CRITICAL MASSES O burning Ne burning C burning He burning H burning Non Degenerate Non Relativistic Non Relativistic Degenerate Relativistic Degenerate CRITICAL MASSES Increasing the efficiency of the 12C+12C reaction due to the presence of a resonance at low temperatures (energies) would decrease the value of MUP O burning Ne burning C burning He burning H burning Non Degenerate Non Relativistic Non Relativistic Degenerate Relativistic Degenerate To be more quantitative detailed stellar models must be computed SURVEY OF INTERMEDIATE MASS-MASSIVE STARS EVOLUTION STANDARD MODELS INITIAL SOLAR COMPOSITION (Asplund et al. 2009) – Y=0.26 FULL COUPLING of: Physical Structure - Nuclear Burning - Chemical Mixing (convection, semiconvection, rotation) Stability criterion for convection : Ledoux Overshooting : over= 0.2 hP Semiconvection : semi= 0.02 Mixing-Length : = 2.1 NO ROTATION TWO NUCLEAR NETWORKS: - 163 isotopes (448 reactions) H/He Burning - 282 isotopes (2928 reactions) Advanced Burning 12C+12C cross section : Caughlan and Fowler (1988) (CF88) MASS LOSS : - Reimers + Vassiliadis and Wood (1993) - OB: Vink et al. 2000,2001 - RSG: de Jager 1988+Van Loon 2005 (Dust driven wind) - WR: Nugis & Lamers 2000/Langer 1989 STANDARD MODELS M=7 M Z=Z Y=0.26 Sequence of events after core He depletion The He burning shifts in a shell which progressiely advances in mass The CO core grows, contracts and heats up Degeneracy begins to take place An increasing fraction of the CO becomes progressively degenerate and hence its contraction and heating progressively slows down. Neutrino emission becomes progressively more efficeint in the innermost zones which progressively cool down An off center maximum temperature developes due to the interplay bewteen the contraction and heating of the outer zones induced by the advancing of the He burning shell and cooling of the innermost regions due to neutrino emission The second dredge up takes place which stops the advancing of the He burning shell From this time onward the maximum temperature begins to decrease Since the maximum temperature does not reach the C ignition value, no C burning occurs TPAGB STANDARD MODELS M=8 M Z=Z Y=0.26 The first part of the evolution is similar to that of the 7M but in this case the maximum off center temperature reaches the critical value for C-ignition C burning ignites off center Because of degeneracy the pressure does not increase and there is no consumption of energy through expansion the Temperature rises even more and a flash occurs A convective shell forms and the matter heats up at constant density until degeneracy is removed then it expands. Beacuse of the the energy release the maximum temperature shifts inward in mass and a second C flash occurs The following evolution proceeds through a number of C flashes progressively more internal in mass until the nuclear burning reaches the center of the star quiescent C burning begins After core C depletion an ONeMg core is formed that may, or may not, become degenerate detailed calculation of the following evolution is required STANDARD MODELS M=8 M Z=Z Y=0.26 =2.1 over=0.2hP Off center C-ignition 1st dredge-up Convective Envelope He burning shell 2nd dredge-up H burning shell He Core H Convective Core He Convective Core CO Core C Convective Shells INTERMEDIATE MASS STARS INTERMEDIATE HIGH MASS STARS ? CO WD MASS LOSS MASS LOSS RGB TP-AGB degenerate He ONeMg WD CO CCSN SUPER-AGB H He CO H He degenerate ECSN SNII / SNIb/c MASS LOSS degenerate C ignition H He ignition H ignition SNIa He WD MASSIVE STARS ONeMg O ignition LOW MASS STARS H He CO NeO O SiS Fe TEST CASE WITH MODIFIED 12C+12C REACTION Modification of the 12C+12C cross section following the procedure described by Bravo et al. 2011 (in press): Include a resonance at ECM=1.7 MeV with a strength limited by the measured cross sections at low energy (2.10 MeV) accounts for the resonance found by Spillane et al. 2007 at ECM = 2.14 MeV, and the assumed low-energy ghost resonance. = energy at which there is assumed a resonance = ghost resonance strength TEST CASE WITH MODIFIED 12C+12C REACTION We require that the ghost resonance at ER contributes to the cross section at ECM=2.10 MeV less than 10% of the value measured by Spillane et al. 2007 at the same energy “Standard” C ignition In this case, the resonance strength is limited to 4.1 MeV for ER = 1.7 MeV, assuming the resonance width of GR = 10 keV C burning test case C burning “standard” case Since in the standard case C burning occurs at T9∼0.9, i.e. Log(NA<sv>) ∼-12 in the test model it should begin at T9∼0.6 TEST CASES WITH MODIFIED 12C+12C REACTION M=4 M Z=Z Y=0.26 Degenerate CO core TP-ABG TEST CASES WITH MODIFIED 12C+12C REACTION M=5 M Z=Z Y=0.26 Off center C ignition Convective Envelope 1st dredge-up He burning shell 2nd dredge-up C Convective Shells H burning shell He Core H Convective He Convective Core Core CO Core C Conv. Core TEST CASES WITH MODIFIED 12C+12C REACTION M=5 M Z=Z Y=0.26 C Convective Shells Off center C ignition Convective Envelope 1st dredge-up C Conv. Core He burning shell 2nd dredge-up C Convective Shells H burning shell He Core H Convective He Convective Core Core CO Core C Conv. Off center C ignition Core INTERMEDIATE MASS STARS INTERMEDIATE HIGH MASS STARS ? CO WD MASS LOSS MASS LOSS RGB TP-AGB degenerate He ONeMg WD CO CCSN SUPER-AGB H He CO H He degenerate ECSN SNII / SNIb/c MASS LOSS degenerate C ignition H He ignition H ignition SNIa He WD MASSIVE STARS ONeMg O ignition LOW MASS STARS H He CO NeO O SiS Fe ASTROPHYSICAL CONSEQUENCES The presence of a resonance at ECM=1.7 MeV with a maximum strength limited by the measured cross sections at low energy (2.10 MeV) implies a reduction of MUP from 7 M to 4 M Lowering of the maximum mass for SNIa Increasing the CCSN/SNIa ratio Changing the hystory of the chemical enrichment (Fe production) of the Galaxy Increasing the ONeMg WD/CO WD ratio Evolutionary properties of the stars in the range MUP’-MUP’’ PRESUPERNOVA EVOLUTION OF MASSIVE STARS Massive stars ignite C (and all the subsequent fuels) up to a stage of NSE in the core, by definition Four major burning, i.e., carbon, neon, oxygen and silicon. H He C C O Ne O Si O Si H He C C O Ne O Central burning formation of a convective core Central exhaustion shell burning convective shell Local exhaustion shell burning shifts outward in mass convective shell Si O Si ADVANCED BURNING STAGES: INTERNAL EVOLUTION He He C O C O C H He C Ne O Si C Si H He Ne O O Si Si In general, one to four carbon convective shells and one to three convective shell episodes for each of the neon, oxygen and silicon burning occur. The basic rule is that the higher is the mass of the CO core, the lower is the 12C left over by core He burning, the less efficient is the C shell burning and hence lower is the number of C convective shells. PRESUPERNOVA STAR A less efficient nuclear burning means stronger contraction of the CO core. The density structure of the star at the presupernova stage reflects this trend Higher initial mass higher CO core less 12C left by core He burning less efficient nuclear burning more contraction more compact presupernova star EXPLOSION AND FALLBACK Shock Wave Compression and Heating Induced Expansion and Explosion Initial Remnant Matter Falling Back Matter Ejected into the ISM Ekin1051 erg Mass Cut Initial Remnant Final Remnant Fe core The fallback depends on the binding energy Higher initial mass higher CO core less 12C left by core He burning less efficient nuclear burning more contraction more compact presupernova star more fallback less enrichment of ISM with heavy elements THE FINAL FATE OF A MASSIVE STAR STANDARD MODELS The limiting mass between NS and BH froming SNe : MNS/BH ~ 22 M Maximum mass contributing to the enrichment of the ISM: Mpollute ~ 30 M PRESUPERNOVA EVOLUTION OF MASSIVE STARS: TEST CASE A strong resonance at Gamow energies makes the C burning more efficient Test Model PRESUPERNOVA EVOLUTION OF MASSIVE STARS: TEST CASE A strong resonance at Gamow energies makes the C burning more efficient Test Model C Conv. Shell C Convective Shell C Conv. Core PRESUPERNOVA STAR A strong resonance at Gamow energies makes the C burning more efficient makes the test model less compact than the corresponding standard one The presupernova density structure of a test 25 M resembles that of standard one with mass between 15-20 M FALLBACK FALLBACK CONSEQUENCES ON THE EXPLOSION ASTROPHYSICAL CONSEQUENCES The presence of a resonance at ECM=1.7 MeV with a maximum strength limited by the measured cross sections at low energy (2.10 MeV) implies The increase of the limiting mass between NS and BH froming SNe : MNS/BH > 25 M The increase of the maximum mass contributing to the enrichment of the ISM: Mpollute > 30 M The results shown for the 25 M model can vary depending on the initial mass A quantitative determination of these two quantities requires the calculation of the presupernova evolution as well as the explosion of the full set of massive star models SUMMARY ATROPHYSICAL RELEVANCE OF THE 12C+12C REACTION Consequences of the presence of a hypothetical resonance close to the Gamow peak may: Decreasing MUP • Lowering of the maximum mass for SNIa • Increasing the CCSN/SNIa ratio • Changing the hystory of the chemical enrichment (Fe production) of the Galaxy • Increasing the ONeMg WD/CO WD ratio • Evolutionary properties of the stars in the range MUP’-MUP’’ Increasing of the limiting mass between NS and BH froming SNe Increasing of the maximum mass contributing to the enrichment of the ISM Measurements for energies down to the Gamow peak strongly needed in order to evaluate quantitatively these effects