Living into the Future – 2010 Vital Possibilities for Churches in New Orleans Association Living into the Future Since Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma Churches have worked just to survive Churches have worked to help communities survive These past years have been difficult and demanding times for churches and individuals just to survive Churches are in a survival mode Living into the Future Is there the possibility that churches can start to look ahead to living with vitality into the future? from surviving into thriving First tasks of surviving are being done Communities are rebuilding Churches seeking and calling new pastors in leadership Association leadership looking to grow in vitality and strength Living into the Future Moving from Surviving to Thriving will not happen without intentional work and plan Congregational Decline is a long-term pattern, which only was intensified by Hurricanes Pattern of Decline Pattern of Decline Years # ofChurches Membership WorshipAttend Church School 1995 18 2681 547 128 1996 18 2518 695 313 1997 18 2547 586 294 1998 18 2350 627 310 1999 18 2144 684 305 2000 16 2112 655 295 2001 16 2099 671 298 2002 16 1898 602 202 2003 15 1863 333 197 2004 15 1887 328 179 2005 15 1877 131 186 2006 16 1689 384 110 2007 16 1685 386 105 2008 17 1672 370 97 2009 17 1448 382 85 Church Lifecycle patterns Church Multiplication Congregation Vitality New Beginnings New Church Development Quadrant 2 Quadrant 1 Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4 A Time for Urgency The urgency of our response should not be based on our decline, but on the new generations and populations around us that are ready to embrace the message that we share. Reversing Decline Living into a New Future What might it take to turn around the decline? A vitality program for renewing the New Orleans Association and congregations might include: Assessment of congregations Strengths and challenges Assessment of pastor candidates Training Pastors and Leaders Coaching Pastors Strategic planning Assessment of Congregations and Redeveloping Candidates Assessment of congregations strengths and challenges Self Study, Prayer and Discernment Meet with consultant Assessment Walk of community around neighborhood Study Demographics MissionInsite MissionInsite Demographics Assessment of Congregation Consultant after meeting with congregation will write up a report that analyzes congregation’s potential for future Congregation receives report and makes decision Make plan for renewal and growth Make plan for congregation’s end Make no decision For Congregations in Search Candidate Assessment Redeveloper Assessment Tool What is the Assessment Tool? It is an on-line questionnaire that seeks to identify the strengths of people who express an interest in renewing and revitalizing congregations. How was the tool developed? The Gallup Organization conducted qualitative research to identify patterns of excellence that describe the talents needed for success in redeveloping congregation. The research was in cooperation with Ecumenical Partners from other mainline denominations. Candidate Assessment What does the tool assess? This is a talent based assessment that examines five talent dimensions that have been identified in successful church renewers and revitalizers: Motivation, Influence, Work Style, Thought Process and Relationships. Each applicant will be given a score that is statistically determined, weighted and valued. The applicant will then receive one of the following: The applicant is Recommended. The applicant is Conditionally Recommended. The applicant is Not Recommended. Contact Email is Training for Pastors and Congregations Leadership Training for Renewal Center for Progressive Renewal Training for Pastors and Congregations Leadership Training for Renewal Based on the congregations involved Develop a 1 – 2 year vitality training study Dealing with adaptive change Clarifying purpose and mission Vitality in stewardship, worship, outreach, spirituality Conversation with other congregations Coaching for Pastors Years of church development have taught us that pairing a redeveloping pastor with a trained coach significantly increases the viability of a renewing church We have in place a support system - a community of advocates, to help the redeveloper navigate the often challenging journey of church renewal. For more information about our UCC Coaching program contact Outcome and Incentive The outcome of this vitality program of assessment, training, and coaching would be the creation of strategic plan for growth adopted by participating congregations. An incentive for congregations that commit to the 1 – 2 year program for renewal would be a grant to help fund their strategic plan for growth Commitments Congregations that choose to participate would make a commitment of time, persons and finances New Orleans Association would participate through endorsement and encouragement South Central would participate through endorsement and support for training Local Church Ministries would participate with consultant, coordination of program and incentive funding. Comments and Questions The possibilities of assessing, training, coaching, strategic planning, commitment and incentive are all part of what could be a program of renewal and vitality for congregations here in New Orleans Association. What are your questions and comments How do you respond? How would your congregation respond? Next Steps Hear response from Congregations that will consider committing to program Hear response from Association Council Move forward to create program and working group of congregations, council, conference and national ministries of those who wish to participate Thank You! Thank you for your Vital Leadership Thank you for Your Support of Our Churches’ Wider Mission Changing Lives: That’s Our Churches’ Wider Mission