Public Sociology Meets Agile Development TAPS, OCTOBER 30, 2014 (ANISHA DATTA & DAVID THUSS) THE PUBLIC SOCIOLOGY PART PRESENTED BY - DR. ANISHA DATTA (SOCIOLOGY @ KING’S) Public Sociology The practice of sociological research, teaching and service that attempts to engage a wide audience for a normative and productive end Michael Burawoy “endeavors to bring sociology into dialogue with audiences beyond the academy, an open dialogue in which both sides deepen their understanding of public issues…In foregrounding its public engagement, sociology, thereby, rediscovers its originating and often repressed inspiration” Long tradition in the history of Sociology In recent times, made popular by Burawoy Public Sociology in Pedagogy The Assignment – Create a Visual Sociology Piece & Post it on the blog titled A SOCIOLOGY SPECTACLE Involved – Capture with your camera/smart phone a sociological concept – Caption the picture to explain the concept Time: 3 weeks – go around the city Privacy Issues - Permission sought – photographing people and posting 47 posted out of 73 – issues such as – a same sex couple Public Sociology in Pedagogy An effort - A Sociology Assignment that can Engage first year students - ‘Active Learning’ Digital natives – to get them excited – can be creative and original, showcase their learning outcomes Another effort - The public sociology enterprise can be carried into the classroom and beyond – Students create content for Public Sociology A hands on approach – Towards High Impact Pedagogical Practices How to observe the everyday social world with the sociological lens – the visual image How to think sociologically – the text of the caption A SOCIOLOGY SPECTACLE – Some examples Laura Hopkins Craig Roseberry Katherine Bigham Shu Lin Pedagogical Values in Click – Connect – Caption What do we look for? Comprehension, Application & Awareness High Engagement – Fluent with Social Media, Involves the social space they inhabit, Students are in control Click – Connect – Caption: The Teacher’s viewpoint The Image & its Caption – speak louder than a 1000 word essay High effort & motivation – my work will exist in the cyber public sphere The Creative Kick – Beyond those dry words A Student’s Viewpoint What was different about the assignment compared to assignments from other first year assignments? “I was more engaged into the steps of this assignment. Whenever you are to write an essay all the steps and stages are the same. I liked the different aspect of this assignment where we could be more hands-on and show our assignment visually instead of a written summary.” Katherine Bigham (Sociology 1020-574, 2013-14) A Student’s Viewpoint Did you feel excited that your visual sociology assignment (i.e. your unique way of looking at the social world as a student of sociology) is now part of the digital public sphere? “I did enjoy the visual part of the assignment as it was something unusual while completing an assignment. It was a nice way of presenting our new experience of our social world and gave all of the students an opportunity to view other people's pictures which I thought was fun!” Katherine Bigham What did I learn? What captures my student’s sociological attention – the content created A high impact pedagogical practice – The nature of the assignment The experience quotient – Refinement of pedagogy Acknowledgement – Thank You! David Thuss for emailing me to present a paper on A Sociology Spectacle Katherine Bigham for sharing her responses The TaPS team for organizing the event David & Scott at IT for their tech. inputs All students from Sociology 1020-574, 2013-14 at King’s for their enthusiastic support & sincere contributions