Basic Nuclear Physics Basic Atomic Structure IAEA Day 1- Lecture 1 1 Objective • To discuss about the structure of the atom • including the Neutron, Proton and Electron To learn about the Atomic Number, Atomic Mass, nuclear stability and radioactive or unstable nuclei IAEA 2 Contents • • • • • • Atom Nucleus Electron Binding Energy Periodic Table of the Elements Isotopes Nuclear Stability IAEA 3 Atom The atom is composed of: positively charged (+) protons, uncharged neutrons and negatively charged (-) electrons IAEA 4 Atom Thomson’s Model IAEA Rutherford’s Model 5 Atom Bohr’s Model IAEA 6 Nucleus Protons and neutrons together form the nucleus of the atom. The nucleus determines the identity of the element and its atomic mass. Proton and neutrons have essentially the same mass but only the proton is charged while the neutron has no charge. IAEA 7 Protons Protons are positively charged particles found inside the nucleus of an atom. Each element has a unique atomic number (a unique number of protons). Proton number never changes for any given element. For example, oxygen has an atomic number of 8 indicating that oxygen always has 8 protons. IAEA 8 Neutrons Neutrons are the other particle found in the nucleus of an atom. Unlike protons and electrons, however, neutrons carry no electrical charge and are thus "neutral." Atoms of a given element do not always contain the same number of neutrons. IAEA 9 Electrons Electrons are negatively charged particles that surround the nucleus in “orbits” similar to moons orbiting a planet. The sharing or exchange of electrons between atoms forms chemical bonds which is how new molecules and compounds are formed. IAEA 10 ELECTRON BINDING ENERGY • Electrons exist in discrete “shells” around the nucleus (similar to planets around the sun) • Each shell represents a unique binding energy holding the electron to the nucleus • The shells are designated by letters (K, L, M, N …) where K, the shell closest to the nucleus, has the largest binding energy, so the K electron is the most tightly bound • Maximum number of electrons in each shell: 2 in K shell, 8 in L shell … IAEA Summary of the Atom Particle Symbol Proton p 1.672E-27 938.2 +1 Neutron n 1.675E-27 939.2 0 Electron e 0.911E-30 0.511 -1 IAEA Mass (kg) Energy (MeV) Charge Atomic Mass Unit (amu) Where 1 amu is approximately equal to 1.6605 x 10-24 grams IAEA 13 Atomic Mass Unit (amu) The atomic mass of the proton and the neutron is approximately: Proton = 1.6726 x 10-24 grams = 1.0073 amu Neutron = 1.6749 x 10-24 grams = 1.0087 amu Thus, the neutron is just a little heavier than the proton. IAEA Atomic Mass Unit (amu) The difference in the mass of the neutron and the proton can be understood if we assume that the neutron is merely a proton combined with an electron forming a neutral particle slightly more massive than a proton alone. IAEA 15 Atomic Mass Unit (amu) The atomic mass of the electron is approximately: Electron = 9.1094 x 10-28 grams = 0.00055 amu Thus, the electron has a much smaller mass than either the proton or the neutron, 1837 times smaller or about 2000 times smaller. IAEA Elements The number of protons in an atom dictate the element. For an uncharged atom, the number of IAEA electrons equals the number of protons. 10 Most Abundant Elements Element Symbol Protons Relative % of Earth’s Mass Oxygen O 8 46.6 Silicon Si 14 27.7 Aluminum Al 13 8.1 Iron Fe 26 5.0 Calcium Ca 20 3.6 Sodium Na 11 2.8 Potassium K 19 2.6 Magnesium Mg 12 2.1 Titanium Ti 22 0.4 Hydrogen H 1 0.1 IAEA 18 Periodic Table of the Elements In 1869, Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev first described an arrangement of the chemical elements now known as the periodic table. The periodic table displays all chemical elements systematically in order of increasing atomic number (the number of protons in the nucleus). IAEA 19 Periodic Table of the Elements Lanthanide Series Rare Earth Elements IAEA Actinide Series 20 IAEA 21 Sample Element - Zirconium Electron Shell Configuration: 40 Zr Zirconium 91.2 K L M N O 1s-2 2s-2 3s-2 4s-2 5s-2 10 + 2p-6 3p-6 4p-6 18 3d-10 4d- 2 + 2 8 18 10 2 12 = 40 K L M N O IAEA 22 Sample Element - Zirconium Name: Symbol: Atomic Number: Atomic Mass: Melting Point: Boiling Point: No. of Protons/Electrons: No. of Neutrons: Classification: Phase at Room Temperature: Density @ 293 K: Color: IAEA Date of Discovery: Discoverer: Zirconium Zr 40 91.224 amu 1852.0 °C 4377.0 °C 40 51 Transition Metal Solid 6.49 g/cm3 Grayish 1789 Martin Klaproth 23 Isotopes Atoms of an element that have a different number of neutrons in the nucleus are called isotopes of each other. isotope notation typically written as: A Xy Z IAEA Xy = element symbol A = atomic mass (neutron + protons) Z = atomic number (protons) 24 Isotopes The number of protons and electrons remain the same. But the number of neutrons varies. IAEA 25 Isotopes equal number of protons and neutrons There are many isotopes. Most have more neutrons than protons. Some are stable but most are unstable (radioactive). IAEA 26 Nuclear Stability • A stable or non-radioactive nuclide is one whose atoms do not decay • If one plots the stable nuclei, an interesting pattern emerges (shown in next slide) • The graph in the next slide shows a plot of neutron number N vs atomic number Z for the stable nuclei IAEA 27 The Line of Stability N>Z IAEA 28 Nuclear Stability For the heaviest stable nuclei, N is about 1.5 times Z The presence of the extra neutrons overcomes the positively charged protons’ tendency to repel each other and disrupt the nucleus The nucleus is held together by a poorly understood force, the Nuclear Force IAEA 29 Nuclear Stability The nuclear force is an extremely shortrange force It acts over a maximum distance of about two proton diameters The nuclear force is responsible for the binding energy that holds the nucleus together IAEA 30 Unstable Nuclei Nuclei which do not fall on the line of stability tend to be unstable or “radioactive” They are called “radionuclides” A few radionuclides do fall on the line of stability but their rate of decay is so slow that for all practical purposes they are stable IAEA 31 Unstable Nuclei Radionuclides undergo a process called radioactive transformation or disintegration In this process, the nucleus emits particles to adjust its neutron (N) to proton (Z) ratio This change in the N to Z ratio tends to move the radionuclide toward the line of stability IAEA 32 Some Common Radionuclides Naturally occurring 235U and 238U 60Co, 137Cs, 90Sr found in nuclear power plants 192Ir used in radiography 99mTc used in nuclear medicine 131I used in treatment of thyroid conditions IAEA 33 Summary IAEA 34 Where to Get More Information Cember, H., Johnson, T. E, Introduction to Health Physics, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York (2009) International Atomic Energy Agency, Postgraduate Educational Course in Radiation Protection and the Safety of Radiation Sources (PGEC), Training Course Series 18, IAEA, Vienna (2002) IAEA 35