Welcome: The Invitations of Christ

Welcome: The Invitations of Christ
Trinity United Methodist Church
Prayer and Reflection Guide
Week Five
Sunday, October 5
Worship celebration theme: An Invitation to Discipleship
Focus scripture: Luke 5: 1-7
Food for thought from Dr. Jones: “Deep Waters” Jesus asks Peter to launch out into the deep. Peter isn’t
catching fish where he always has. He has to launch out into the deep. It’s the same with us. If we are
not growing as disciples of Jesus, it may be because we are doing what we have always done. There are
times when God calls us to launch out into the deep, into uncharted territories and cast out our nets.
Are you ready?
Food for thought from Dr. Heckaman: “Welcome to Deep” “Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible
things will happen. Don’t be afraid.” – Frederick Buechner Overwhelmed? Feel like you are swimming
in it? In over your head? Going through a dark time? Welcome to the deep water. It’s nothing to be
afraid of, but rather to journey in, an opportunity to enhance your discipleship as a life-long
learner. Even greater fulfillment awaits.
Ask yourself …
What is the “crowd” from which Jesus is calling you?
What have been the next steps of faith stirring in you?
This week’s prayer focus: Pray for the Grandview and Upper Arlington communities, half of whom claim
no faith affiliation or belief. Pray for our Trinity Church community, that we might extend the hand of
welcome and understanding to those seeking deep answers to even deeper questions. Pray for
Christians everywhere, especially in Iraq and China, who are being persecuted for their deep faith in
Jesus Christ. Pray for the global Christian church, that we might be people who seek to go “deep” with
End your prayer time each day with this prayer: “O God, lead me and all of us at Trinity Church to share
your love more widely, to build your church and its faith more deeply, and to grow your kingdom even
more broadly. In Christ our Lord we pray, Amen.”
Monday, October 6
Focus scripture: Psalm 42:5-7
Ask yourself …
What’s a “deep” question of faith over which you are still struggling?
How might God use it to shape your spiritual journey?
Tuesday, October 7
Focus scripture: Luke 6:39-42
Ask yourself …
How might Jesus be inviting you, not to surpass him, but to grow and go deeper as his student?
Jesus says: “Everyone who is fully qualified will be like the teacher.” In what are you seeking to
become “fully qualified” to be like Jesus?
Wednesday, October 8
Focus scripture: Luke 5:1-7
Ask yourself …
Why does God call us into the deep, strange waters of life?
Have you ever “launched out” in a new and surprising way, just as Peter does here? What
Thursday, October 9
Focus scripture: Matthew 9: 14-17
Ask yourself …
“Neither is new wine put in old wineskins …” Here, Jesus is trying to teach the disciples about
the importance of change. Why is change so difficult for us?
Are you living as “new wine” in “old wineskins”? What “new thing” is God be calling you to do?
Friday, October 10
Focus scripture: Matthew 26:26-31
Ask yourself …
Jesus tells his disciples, “Take, and eat. This is my body” and “‘Drink from it, all of you; for this is
my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” What does
this mean for you, as Jesus’ disciple?
How does Jesus’ invitation to “take, eat” and “drink” transform your thinking on what it means
to be a disciple?
Saturday, October 11
Focus scripture: Look up the word “disciple” in your Bible’s concordance (in the back of the book).
Choose a scripture to read that’s not featured here.
Ask yourself …
What is this scripture teaching you about the decision to follow Christ?
What is one way it might change your way of thinking about “going deep” with Jesus?