Rise of Civilizations PPT

The Rise of Civilizations/Neolithic
 BC= Before Christ, it is sometimes expressed as BCE
 AD= Year of our lord
 0 AD is the year that Jesus was born
Timeline Continued
 14,000 B.C.______________0AD_____________2012AD
 Numbers get bigger the further away from 0 Ad you get
 What year happened first: 76 BC or 300 BC
• 1000 AD or 12oo AD?
• 2000 BC or or 200 AD?
How many years ago was 8000 BC?
Development of
 The Stone Age- simple stone tools, some hunter gather
societies never advanced past the Stone Age
 Bronze Age- Specialization in agricultural societies
allowed people to begin making bronze tools.
Approximately 4000 B.C.
 Iron Age- Development of Iron required more
technological sophistication but was a huge advantage
for societies. Approximately 1300 B.C.
The Neolithic Revolution
 The Neolithic Revolution began approximately 14,000
years ago
 This refers to the development of agriculture and the
shift from hunting and gathering societies to
agricultural societies.
 Agriculture developed in a number of places at
different times
 Agriculture began in the “Fertile Crescent
Fertile Crescent
Advantages of the Fertile Crescent
 Lots of Sunshine
 Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, and Jordan rivers provide
constant H20
 Wheat, Barely, Peas, Cows, and Horses grew naturally
in the region
The Fertile Crescent Civilizations
 Agriculture in the Fertile Crescent led to the
development of the world’s first civilizations
 Sumer in Mesopotamia
 Egypt along the Nile River
 The Indus Valley Civilization
 Historians usually define civilizations as having the
Social Structure ( upper and middle classes)
Large public building projects
Specialization, many different jobs
Mesopotamia (The Land Between the Rivers)
 The world’s first civilization was Sumer in
 Mesopotamia is a part of the Fertile Crescent (Present
day Iraq)
 Civilization developed between the Tigris and
Euphrates River
 Hunter/Gatherer- Groups of people that depend on
hunting and gathering materials from nature to survive
Nomad- Group of people that move seasonally
Agriculture- Growing or raising food
Specialization of Labor- People specializing for their jobs/
Not everybody in society producing food
Domestication- Turning a wild animal/plant into
something used and bred by humans.
Irrigation- A system designed to bring water to a farmers
Big Questions
 What advantages do agricultural societies have over
hunter-gather societies?
 Why did the development of agriculture lead to the
development of governments?
 Why was the development of governments an
advantage for early societies?
The Neolithic Revolution
 The Neolithic Revolution refers to the development of
 Change from hunter/gather societies to agricultural
 This was one of the most important changes in history
The Development of Agriculture
 Agriculture developed independently in a number of
different spots at different times (Fertile Crescent,
China, Mesoamerica)
•The first place to develop agriculture was the “Fertile
Crescent” Approximately 8,000 BCE
Advantages of being an agricultural
 A better food supply than hunting and gathering
 Having more food allows more people to live/larger
Advantages of being an agricultural
society cont.
 Agricultural societies
developed the world’s
first towns
 Towns had defensive
walls around them
Specialization of labor
 Agriculture allowed for
specialization of labor
 Farmers could produce
enough food for other
people to specialize at
other jobs/More efficient
 Examples: Soldiers,
traders, government
workers, builders,
The Development of Governments
 Specialization of
allowed for the
development of the
world’s first governments
 Enough food was
produced for
government workers to
focus on ruling the
society, not making food
for themselves
The advantages of governments
 Organization for large
building projects:
Defensive walls,
irrigation projects
 Organization for armies
 Laws
 writing
Geographic advantages of
Europe/Central Asia
Agriculture developed first
Large number of food plants and animals
No barriers to trading with other regions/This allowed
technology and domestic animals to move to other
Domestic plants and animals
 Plants
 Animals
 Fertile Crescent- wheat,
 Fertile Crescent- Cows,
barley, peas, lentils
China- rice
Americas- Corn,
potatoes, tomatoes,
Africa-Sorghum, coffee
sheep, horses
China- Pigs, chickens
Americas- llamas,
turkeys, guinea pigs
Barriers to trade
Trade between Europe and Asia
 Nothing prevented Europeans and Asians from trading
with each other
 Huge advantage for these groups
 Domestic animals and plants moved between the
groups. Ex. Pigs and chickens from China to Europe
 Technology increased with trade between the groups.
Ex. Gunpowder in china being used for guns in
Barriers to trade in other areas
 The Sahara desert cuts North Africa off from South
 Panamanian jungle cuts the Mayan civilization off
from the Inca civilization in the Americas
 Little to no trading occurred
 Little to no transferring of technology
Barriers to trade
Lack of technology
 The Maya created a
wheel that was only used
as a toy
 Technology was never
passed to other groups in
the Americas that could
use it
Unit Question
 How do the domestic plants and animals that a society
had access to affect which societies became dominant
over other societies?
 “The land between the rivers”
 Part of the Fertile Crescent
 Located in what is now Iraq
 The first civilizations began in Mesopotamia
Fertile Crescent
 Frequently called the world’s first civilization
 A handful of large cities in Mesopotamia banded
together to create the civilization
 Ur is thought to be the oldest major city in Sumer
 The center of Sumerian Cities was the Ziggurat
 Ziggurats were large religious temples
 What can you assume about Sumerian Civilization
because they built Ziggurats?
Sumerian writing
 Cuneiform/ The world’s first writing system
 Symbols cut into clay, the clay was then baked
Writing Systems
Writing has only been
invented independently
in a few locations
Fertile Crescent, China,
Central America
Writing systems cont
 Writing systems were
originally developed to
keep track of taxes for
the government
 Cuneiform was the
world’s first writing
Pictographic Writing Systems
 The earliest writing
systems were all
 Used pictures as a
symbol for individual
 Could have thousands of
symbols for each
 I would love to see a white holiday season this year
 Could you please take the trash out
 Use symbols for
individual sounds
Do not use symbols for
whole words
Phoenicians invented
the world’s first alphabet
Called the phonetic
The Phoenicians were an
ancient group in the
Fertile Crescent
 The Phoenicians traded
with the ancient Greeks
who modified the
 The Greeks traded with
the Romans, who
modified the Greek
alphabet into what we
use today
 Why is writing an important development for
 Why was the phonetic alphabet an advantage over
pictographic forms of writing?
The gift of the Nile
Gift of the Nile continued
Gift of the Nile
 The Nile river gave Egypt constant water for farming
 Every spring the river flooded. After the floods
receded a new layer of fertile dirt was left behind for
 The river gave transportation to carry things by boat
through all of Egypt
Egypt’s Semi-isolation
 The cataracts of the Nile stopped boats/invaders from
moving down river to attack Egypt
 Deserts to both sides protected Egypt from invading
 There was a small amount of trade between Egypt and
the rest of the Fertile Crescent that allowed technology
to be exchanged
Egyptian religion
 Egyptians worshipped between 800-1000 Gods
 Ra the sun god was the main God worshipped
 Pyramids and temples were all built for the Pharoes
and other important people to go to for an after life
 Egyptians had a huge class of priests that were very
influential in running the country
 Mummification for important people
Monotheistic Religions
Question of the day
 Why was the development of the Jewish religion an
important event for the modern world?
 How was the Jewish religion different than the other
religions of the Fertile Crescent
 What is Monotheism? What is Polytheism?
Monotheism, Polytheism
 Monotheism- Believing in one God
 Polytheism- Believing in more than one God
Use any resource available to you
After life
Role of priests in
 Judaism developed in what is now Israel, a part of the
Fertile Crescent
 Approximately 1,200-1000 BCE
 Judaism was the world’s
first Monotheistic
 Christianity and Islam
developed from Judaism
 Today, half of the world
considers themselves to
be one of these religions
The Ten Commandments
 The Jewish Religion developed the Ten
 The Ten Commandments are a major influence on
morality in our society
Question of the day
 Why was the development of the Jewish religion an
important event for the modern world?
 How was the Jewish religion different than the other
religions of the Fertile Crescent (Two examples)
 What is Monotheism? What is Polytheism?
Question of the Day
 What advantages do agricultural societies have over
hunter/gather societies?
Big Unit Question
 How do the domestic plants and animals that a
society had access to affect which societies became
dominant over other societies?
 Ex: Why did Europeans conquer the Native Americans
and not Vice Versa? Why did Europeans make
Africans slaves and not Vice Versa?
New Guinea
 Dense jungle along the
coast, Hunter/Gatherers
 Mountain Valleys in the
interior of the island
have agricultural
 Agricultural societies
grow taro and bananas