Cosmology • Large scale structure of the Universe • Hot Big Bang Theory • Concepts of General Relativity • Geometry of Space/Time • The Friedmann Model • Dark Matter • (Cosmological Constant) The large scale structure of the Universe Cosmology is an evolutionary science (at least in principle) which does not allow controlled repetition of the system. (We cannot build a universe in a laboratory). Analogy with archaeology, geology, paleo-biology. Age of the Universe: 15 billion years. Evidence from dynamics of universe expansion (model) AND age of oldest stars. Size of the Universe: more complicated question. Units in astronomy: • Astronomical Unit AU = 150 millions km (Earth/Sun distance) • Parsec = 3.26 light years (ly) • Light Year = 9.46 x 10^15 m Size of Solar System (Pluto’s orbit) : about 6 light hours. Size of Milky Way: 10^5 ly x 10^3 ly Galaxies: bunches of stars (in evolution), with typically 10^11 stars. Galaxies agglomerate in clusters with size of a few Mpc (e.g. Local Group) Galaxy Clusters agglomerate in Superclusters with size: 200 Mpc Dominant interaction in the Universe: Gravitation How distances are measured? The “ Cosmic distance ladder “ Parallax methods Main-sequence fitting (HR plot) Variable (Cepheid) stars Supernovae, cosmological methods The Universe as seen by us is strongly dishomogeneus and anisotropic. This statement holds true also on the galactic scales (kpc distances) ….and remains true also on the scale of galaxy clusters (Mpc distances) However, if seen from distances of 100 Mpc or more, the universe gets homogeneus and isotropic. This is homogeneity and isotropy at large scales! The Hot Big Bang Model Model for the large scale structure and evolution of the Universe. Based on important experimental observations. Cosmological Red Shift Radiation is emitted from stars and other celestial bodies This radiation has the same physical origin of the radiation we study in terrestrial laboratories (e.g. atom absorption and emission). Stellar evolution and many other branches of astrophysics are based on such evidence. E.g. chemical composition of star surfaces are well known. The radiation emitted by any source can be affected by the Doppler effect if there is a relative motion between the source and the receiver From a distant galaxy ' z In laboratory Red shift 1929: Hubble discovered the empirical relation From the nonrelativistic Doppler formula: A relation between the Galaxy velocity (away from us) and its distance Birth of Modern Cosmology! H z d c v z c vH d v Hd Since our position in the Universe is hardly a privileged one, galaxy superclusters recede from each other with the cosmological Hubble law. Universe is expanding! Two immediate consequences: • In the far past all matter was lumped in very little space (the Big Bang) • The timescale for this is roughly 1/H (assuming the expansion law was the same all over, which is not really the case) The Universe is expanding into what ? It is the space itself that is expanding? Yes. Are rulers expanding? No, only gravitationally independent systems participate in the expansion! The Hubble law is a linear expansion law which generates an homologous expansion (it is the same as seen from every Galaxy) The expansion looks the same as seen from A or from B H = 70 ± 7 km/sec Mpc Naïve expansion model (assuming H = const) = Patch of size 100 Mpc What we see in our Patch is consistent with isotropic and homogeneous expansion plus the “Cosmological Principle” (no privileged place in Universe!) 2 r12 r1 r2 r23 r2 r3 1 1 3 r13 r1 r3 Homogeneous and isotropic expansion: the shape of the triangle must be preserved. Therefore r12 (t ) a(t ) r12 (t0 ) r13 (t ) a(t ) r13 (t0 ) r23 (t ) a(t ) r23 (t0 ) Seen from patch 1: v12 (t ) dr12 a a r12 (t0 ) r12 (t ) dt a v13 (t ) dr13 a a r13 (t ) r13 (t ) dt a Seen from patch 2: v21 (t ) dr21 a a r21 (t0 ) r21 (t ) dt a v23 (t ) dr23 a a r23 (t0 ) r23 (t ) dt a In any universe undertaking homogeneous and isotropic expansion, the velocity/distance relation must have the form Now we see that: H (t ) a a a v (t ) r (t ) a a(t): scale parameter Elements of a naïve thermal history of the Universe Going backward in time means: • No structures (No stars, galaxies…..) Only Matter and Radiation • Higher densities and higher temperatures Matter e p Radiation Eb 13.6 eV When E(γ) > 13.6 eV radiation and matter are coupled. This took place at cosmic time 400,000 yrs. Radiations is in equilibrium with atoms. H e p e p H (photodissociation) (radiative recombination) Before this era, let us imagine: nuclei, electrons and radiation, at some T. Energy ~ kT. Electrons streaming freely at this point. Then by going backward some more in time energy increases to: kT 0.5 MeV This took place at about T=10^10 K and cosmic time 100 sec e e Electrons cannot free stream. Nucleosynthesis already taking place at that time (from 1 sec to 300 sec). Then by going backward some more in time energy increases to give a mean energy 10 MeV. Therefore the reactions n e p e n e p e became possible. These reactions mix p and n together making nucleosynthesis impossible. This is T around 10^10 K (and cosmic time 0.1 sec). To summarize, a timeline of important events: • T>10^10 K, E>10 MeV, t<0.1 sec . Neutrons and protons kept into equilibrium by weak interactions. Neutrinos and photons in equilibrium. • t = 1 sec. No more p/n equilibrium. Beginning of nucleosyntesis. Neutrinos decoupling from matter. • T=10^9 K ,E =1 MeV, t= 100 sec. Positrons and electrons annihilate into photons • t = 300 sec nucleosysnthesis finished because of low energy available and no more free neutrons around Low mass nuclei abundance fixed • Protons, photons, electrons, neutrinos (decoupled) • T=5000 K, E=10 eV, t=400,000 years. No more radiation,e,p equilibrium. Atoms formation (hydrogen, helium). Photons decouple CMB Primordial Nucleosynthesis Gamow, Alpher and Herman proposed that in the very early Universe, temperature was so hot as to allow fusion of nuclei, the production of light elements (up to Li), through a chain of reactions that took place during the first 3 min after the Big Bang. The elemental abundances of light elements predicted by the theory agree with observations. Y ~ 24% Helium mass abundance in the Universe Cosmic Microwave Background Probably the most striking evidence that something like the Big Bang really happened is the all pervading Cosmic Background predicted by G. Gamow in 1948 and discovered by Penzias and Wilson in 1965. This blackbody gamma radiation originated in the hot early Universe. As the Universe expanded and cooled the radiation cooled down. CMB temperature fluctuations (COBE) By way of summary, the 3 experimental evidences for Big Bang: • Red shift (Cosmic Expansion) • Primordial Nucleosynthesis • Cosmic Microwave Background Key concepts of the Hot Big Bang Model: • General Relativity as a theory of Gravitation • (Inflation) Concepts of General Relativity Classical Physics concepts Special Relativity concepts Spacetime of Classical Physics and Special Relativity General Relativity: a theory of Gravitation in agreement with the Equivalence Principle Spacetime must be curved !! Classical Physics • Existence of Inertial Reference Frames (IRF) • Relativity Principle (Hey man, physics gotta be the same in any IRF!) • Invariance of length and time intervals x ' x vt t' t Special Relativity • Existence of Inertial Reference Frames (IRF) • Relativity Principle (Hey man, physics gotta be the same in any IRF!) • Invariance of c x ' ( x vt ) t ' (t vx / c 2 ) Gravitation, a peculiar force field Electric field F = qE F = m(i)a qE = m(i)a a = E q/m(i) Depending on particle charge a=g One for all bodies Gravity field P = m(g) g P = m(i) a m(g)g = m(i)a a = g m(g)/m(i) If gravitation does not depend on the characteristics of a body then it can be ascribed to spacetime. It is a spacetime property. Equivalence between inertial mass and gravitational mass Free fall in gravitational field (apple from a tree) cannot be distinguished from acceleration (the rocket) 1. Free fall the same for every body geometric theory of gravitation 2. Gravitation equivalent to non-inertial frames (EP) Einstein replaced the idea of force with the idea of geometry. To him the space through which objects move has an inherent shape to it and the objects are just travelling along the straightest lines that are possible given this shape (J. Allday). Understanding gravitation requires understanding spacetime geometry. The concept of elementary interaction Newton Action at a distance Faraday Field concept Maxwell Quantum Fields Gravity (field quanta exchange) (spacetime curvature) Spacetime geometry Geometry: study of the properties of space. Euclidean geometry: based on postulates - example: given an infinitely long line L and a point P, which is not on the line, there is only one infinitely long line that can be drawn through P that is not crossing L at any other point. P L Some consequences: • The angles in a triangle when added together sum up to 180° • The circumference of a circle divided by its diameter is a fixed number : • In a right angled triangle the lengths of the sides are related by (Pythagoras Theorem) c 2 a 2 b2 Euclid geometry is a description of our common sense (= classical physics) threedimensional space However there are spaces that do not obey Euclid axioms. Spaces having a nonEuclidean geometry. We will consider the (2-dimensional) example of the surface of a sphere. What are the “straight lines” on the sphere surface? They are the great cirlces! (the shortest path between two point is an element of a great circle). Now, suppose we choose A as a point and we draw from B the parallel to A. They meet at the North Pole! (Euclid axiom does not hold) Another consequence: the sum of the angles of a triangle is higher than 180° With the example of a bidimensional space (the sphere surface) we have shown the existence of non-Euclidean (Riemannian) spaces. In this case parallel axiom does no hold true! Einstein’s theory replaced gravity as a force with the notion that space can have a different geometry from the Euclidean. It is a curved space. The sphere surface is 2-d and is a curved space when seen from “outside” (3-d) We live in a 4-d curved (by gravity) spacetime Three kind of geometry are in general possible (depending on energy content of Universe) Newtonian, Minkowski, General Relativity geometries Newtonian physics spacetime. Length of a rules is invariant (as well as time interval dt) Special Relativity spacetime: the 4-interval is invariant 2 1 0 0 x s 2 0 1 0 y 2 x 2 y 2 z 2 0 0 1 z 2 1 0 0 0 c 2 t 2 0 1 0 0 2 x c 2 t 2 x 2 y 2 z 2 s 2 0 0 1 0 y 2 2 0 0 0 1 z g Matrix (spacetime metric) General Relativity Spacetime: similar in structure to Special Relativity spacetime but now the gravity field makes the metric spacetime dependent. g ( x) Einstein Tensor Energy-Momentum Tensor T G 8 G T Ricci Tensor R g R 1 G R g R 2 Riemann Tensor R R R , Ricci Scalar R 1 g , g , g , g , 2 Spacetime curvature f ( g ) 8 T Gravitational potential 2 4 G (Classical Physics) Momentum/Energy Mass Density A picture of the Universe expansion can be drawn by using the surface of the sphere analogy The “center of the Universe” lies outisde of the Universe The Big Bang takes place everywhere! The evidence is recession of other parts of the Universe from us This space is closed (one can go all the way around and get back to the same place) Our Universe 4-d expansion is in analogy with this toy-model In the surface of the sphere analogy, the geometry is non-Euclidean (but locally Euclidean) and the space has a positive curvature. Geometry locally Euclidean means neglecting the curvature (or neglecting gravity). It is Minkowski space. Friedmann Models (Newtonian version) Friedmann Models are models of the Universe as (large-scale) systems that are governed by (General Relativity) physical laws. Recipe: - Use the General Relativity Law (means selecting the equations) - Assume the Universe in Homogeneus and Isotropic (means selecting a metric) - Assume an energy content for the universe (means selecting E-p tensor) Result: Equations for the evolution of the Universe (Friedmann, LeMaitre) Let us start with a Newtonian model F G MS m RS2 (t ) m d 2 RS GM S d t2 RS2 (t ) M S , RS (t ) 2 GM S 1 dRs U 2 dt RS (t ) 4 MS (t ) RS3 (t ) 3 RS (t ) a(t ) rS 1 2 2 4 rS a G rS2 (t ) a 2 (t ) U 2 3 Expansion of a classical distributed mass 2U 1 a 8 G (t ) 2 2 3 rS a (t ) a 2 Friedmann equation in Newtonian form General form of the solutions 2 1 dRs GM S A 2 dt Rs We can calculate A using the present-day values (H, R, density) 4 R03 0 1 2 2 A H 0 R0 G 2 3 3 2 dR G R 3 H 8 8 S 2 0 0 0 GR0 0 dt 3 R 3 8 G s 2 Qualitative comments Going in the past the first term dominates (R was smaller) Rs 0 There was a time when dRs dt (the beginning of the Big Bang) What is the future o’ the Universe? Let us define: 3H 02 c 8 G 0 c Critical density 3 dR G R 8 8 S 2 0 0 GR 0 0 c 3 Rs 3 dt 2 If current density greater than critical density the second term is negative and then there will exist a time in which dRs 0 dt The expansion will then stop and the Universe will collapse back to the initial state If current density smaller than critical density the second term is positive and the derivative will never get down to zero. Expansion will go on forever. Dark Matter This is a golden era for cosmology: • Measurements of the CMB (and its anisotropies) • Existence of Dark Matter • Existence of Cosmological Constant In this section we discuss evidence for Dark Matter Popular wisdom: that the matter in the Universe is made of ordinary baryons (the so called barionic matter). This matter has the property of emitting radiation (being mostly concentrated in stars). However, there seems to be more matter than the one which is visible. The presence of Dark Matter is deduced by using its gravitational effect on luminous matter. At different scales! Galaxy scale For instance, let us consider a spiral galaxy and plot the velocity of matter in the galaxy as a function of the distance from the center: Keplerian rotation: due to gravitational force This can be explained by the existence of a halo of matter surrounding the galaxy Galaxy Cluster scale In clusters of Galaxies: a galaxy cluster is a group of galaxies held together by their own gravity. However, when we measure the speed with which each galaxy moves, it appears a lot more gravity is required to hold the cluster together than can be explained by the stars we can see. Therefore, there must be a lot of dark matter that we can’t see. Cosmological scale Gravitational lensing effect. The light from a far away source is deflected by Dark Matter: distortions and multiple images (Einstein Rings) Gravity Optics ! ! Some Einstein rings observed by Hubble Space Telescope So, what is dark matter ? • MACHO’s (Massive Compact Halo Objects): Black Holes, Planets, Dead Stars • Non-baryonic Matter (particle physics explanation): WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) like neutralinos, neutrinos Dark Matter is about 90% of the total matter in the Universe ! ! The Friedmann Model strikes back Friedmann Models are models of the Universe as (large-scale) systems that are governed by (General Relativity) physical laws. Recipe: - Use the General Relativity Law (means selecting the equations) - Assume the Universe in Homogeneus and Isotropic (means selecting a metric) - Assume an energy content for the universe (means selecting E-p tensor) Result: Equations for the evolution of the Universe (Friedmann, LeMaitre) Let us do the “full” model 2U 1 a 8 G (t ) 2 2 3 rS a (t ) a 2 Friedmann equation in Newtonian form Why the Newtonian Universe is not a good representation? 1. Not homogeneuos and isotropic 2. It is Euclidean What is then the correct equation for the scale parameter? Recipe: - Use the General Relativity Law (means selecting the equations) - Assume the Universe in Homogeneus and Isotropic (means selecting a metric) - Assume an energy content for the universe (means selecting E-p tensor) G 8 GT g Einstein equation with the Cosmological constant 2 dr 2 2 2 2 ds 2 dt 2 a 2 (t ) r d sin d 2 1 kr a(t ) scale parameter k space curvature (1 open, 0 flat , 1 closed ) T pg ( p) U U Homogeneity and Isotropy (Friedmann, Robertson, Walker metric) Scale parameter and geometry of the Universe Energy-momentum tensor of a perfect fluid The result of all this produces two changes (with respect to the Newtonian form) in the scale parameter equation: 2U 1 a 8 G ( t ) 3 rS2 a 2 (t ) a 2 (t ) (t ) energy density 2U kc 2 2 rS2 R0 geometrical The cosmological constant The cosmological constant is an extra term in Einstein’s equation of General Relativity which physically represents the possibility that there is a density and pressure associated with “empty” space. This term acts as a “negative” pressure. After some simplification the result is: a 2 8 G k M R 2 2 a 3 3 a0 Data indicates that the dynamics of the Universe is dominated by Dark Matter and Cosmological Constant. And that the Universe is geometrically flat. In other words the equation is effectively a 2 8 G k DarkMatter 2 2 a 3 3 a0 The energetics of the Universe is mostly determined by the Matter component (30% of total energy, which is 95% Dark Matter) and the Cosmological Constant (70% of total energy content) Our Universe is located at about 0.7 DM 0.3 These slides at Two suggestions for further reading B. F. Schutz, A first course in general relativity, Cambridge University press. B. Ryden, Introduction to cosmology, Addison Wesley