English I Welcome to Pre-AP Freshman English. Introduction This

English I
Welcome to Pre-AP Freshman English.
This course will be structured around laying the foundation for college-level English
course work. It will prepare you for the rigor and challenges of AP classes, to include
the AP exam. We will work on close reading, grammar, and composition. This class
assumes its students are mature, responsible, and driven to succeed. The
assignments will demand focus and dedication.
To increase student literacy in speaking, listening, writing, and reading, preparing
students for college-level expectations and success in the career world after high
Routine Course Work
- Vocabulary
- Bellringers
- Dialectic Journals
- AP Style essay writing
Big Ideas Coursework
- 7 Habits for Highly Effective Teens, Great Expectations, The Odyssey, Romeo
and Juliet, Call of the Wild
- Introduction to Research Writing
- Short stories: “The Most Dangerous Game,” “The Necklace,” “The Cask of
- Poetry
As in a college level course, grades will be point based. Daily work will be used to
help you improve for final tests and larger projects, which will be stand alone
Make-up Work
If you miss a day of work, for any reason, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get the
missed work. I will not chase you down to give you what you missed.
1 – 4 days of school missed
5 or more days of school missed
Assignments turned in ANY time after
class, up to 5 days past due
Make-up late assignments after 5 days
past due
3 days to make-up
6 days to make-up
10 points off per day up to 50 points off
(NOTE: same day, next period is LATE)
Original assignment PLUS an alternate
assignment turned in for half credit
1. Be quiet while the teacher, or your peer, is speaking.
2. Be respectful to the teacher and your peers (no cussing, back-talking,
arguing, or “smart” comments). If you feel you have been treated unfairly by
me or another, come speak to me privately about it after class, not in the
middle of a lesson.
3. Stay seated with your hands to yourself. If you need to get up to sharpen a
pencil, or get an item, ask!
4. Raise your hand for any questions/comments.
5. Be on task. This means you may not work on outside of class assignments
unless your work is already completed in my class. You may not chose to
finish Algebra instead of take notes in class. If you are asked to write a
paragraph response – write a response. Refusal to work will carry
1. Warning
2. Write-up/ Principal’s office *
3. In-class detention with Mrs. Groce and call home
4. School detention and call home
5. Detention and parent meeting at the school
*Obviously not all situations can be planned for, but steps beyond the warning could
be altered depending on severity of situation
1. I dismiss you, not the bell. Do not pack up to leave until I have told you that
you may. I will give you time to put your things up before the bell.
2. If you need to use the restroom, ask at beginning or end of class, OR when the
class is working on independent work. Do not ask in the middle of a lesson –
it’s distracting.
3. Bring pencils, paper, and ALL assignments to class.
Syllabus Contract
I ________________________ have read the syllabus above and understand what is
expected of me in this class. I understand the rules regarding late work and know it
is my responsibility to ask for missing assignments. I understand the rules, and will
accept the consequences of my actions, should my behavior warrant them.
________________________________________________(Student Signature)
I have read the syllabus and understand the coursework expected of my child. I also
understand that if my child fails to turn in an assignment within the time constraints
outlined above that they will either receive a 0, half credit, or be expected to do
additional work according to the time it is turned in.
________________________________________________(Parent Signature)
I believe a student’s success is largely dependent on having supportive parents. I
need your support to help create a cohesive classroom environment. I welcome any
comments/concerns from parents and may be reached at:
Please include your comments, contact information, and any requests from me in
the space provided.
Pre-AP English Supplies
3 folders with 3 prongs
Composition book
Post-its (standard size; student will be writing notes on post-its while reading)
Pre-AP English Supplies
3 folders with 3 prongs
Composition book
Post-its (standard size; student will be writing notes on post-its while reading)
Pre-AP English Supplies
3 folders with 3 prongs
Composition book
Post-its (standard size; student will be writing notes on post-its while reading)
Pre-AP English Supplies
3 folders with 3 prongs
Composition book
Post-its (standard size; student will be writing notes on post-its while reading)
Pre-AP English Supplies
3 folders with 3 prongs
Composition book
Post-its (standard size; student will be writing notes on post-its while reading)
Pre-AP English Supplies
3 folders with 3 prongs
Composition book
Post-its (standard size; student will be writing notes on post-its while reading)
Pre-AP English Supplies
3 folders with 3 prongs
Composition book
Post-its (standard size; student will be writing notes on post-its while reading)