SS20-1 & 30-1 Source Assignment Rubric
Interpretation of Source One
Interpretation of Source Two
Interpretation of Source Three
Identification of Relationships
Total: 20/30 your planning was pretty good, but once you got to writing the actual paper, you had a bit
of a difficult time in places. Although your organization was fine, your analyses and communication of
what the sources were saying was often murky.
Paragraph One - Introduction:
What is the main issue being discussed (main idea?)Success and failure in the U.N.
Some people feel this is positive (agree) because of the previous successful envisions of the U.N. And the
ability to help other Countries.
Some people feel that is negative (disagree) because of the failures that had weakened the Countries who
where taken in charge of the U.N.
Paragraph Two - Source One
Analyze the source….what do you see, or what is the author basically saying?
I see longing and help to make a UNICEF a better organization. The author is saying they started the
UNICEF program to help children who are less fortunate. Success.
2. What ideological perspective is being presented?
Its perspective is to be able to feed and provide healthcare to those who are unable to provide for
themselves or by their family.
3. Prove the perspective by referring to what you see, or the quotation (how do you know the source has the
“Its name was shortened from the original United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, but it
has continued to be known by the popular acronym.” This shows that everyone is quite aware of the help
that’s provided in these situations.
4. Relate the source to current or historical example. Use specific Social Studies terminology.
In history their has been an absolute poverty problem in less fortunate countries where current events have
happened, including the WWI and WWII. Institution gives hope, because of the services they are ready to
Paragraph Three - Source Two
Analyze the source….what do you see, or what is the author basically saying?
I see the feeling of being cheated, and shocked. The author is saying that members in the U.N. where
accused of “complicity,” which produced the biggest scandal in U.N. history. The author talks about the
humanitarian aid to the Iraqi people and how they felt cheated. Failure.
2. What ideological perspective is being presented?
The perspective is show the dictatorship, between stealing and buying illegal payments from companies that
where secretly buying Iraqi oil, selling under the U.N.
3. Prove the perspective by referring to what you see, or the quotation (how do you know the source has the
perspective?) I see a dictatorship that shows to all the bad and the cheapness of Hussein and the
controlling power of the Iraqi people. “ was manipulated by Saddam Hussein’s regime to help prop up the
Iraqi dictator.
4. Relate the source to current or historical example. Use specific Social Studies terminology.
In the history Saddam Hussein was the last known dictator in the world, he is now captured by the U.S
government. National Interest, helped the security and safety of the people in Iraq.
Paragraph Four - Source Three
Analyze the source….what do you see, or what is the author basically saying?
I see a bird with its head in the ground and one leaf beside him, and then in the distance you see the black
smoke. I believe the author is saying that the cleansing power of the U.N. isn’t helping the environment, and
the things surrounding the word. Failure.
6. What ideological perspective is being presented?
The perspective of the organisms on earth, shows the power of something so big compared to the power of
something so little.
7. Prove the perspective by referring to what you see, or the quotation (how do you know the source has the
perspective?) The smoke shows “the power of something big”, compared to the little chicken with his head
in the ground “the power of something so small”
8. Relate the source to current or historical example. Use specific Social Studies terminology.
In current events we see the decisions of the U.N. Councils. How such a little thing can make such a big
compact to the world and vice versa.
Paragraph Five – Relationships
1. Outline the similarities and differences between Source 1 and 2
Source 1. Positive help of the U.N. and Their Councils and the helps in the developing countries. Source 2.
Negative impact of one country, how they blackmailed the U.N. pretty much. Similarities are they both
involved the UN’s situations.
2. Outline the similarities and differences between Source 2 and 3
Source 2 and 3 are both negative compounds, they both had bad end results. Source 2 and Maybe Source
3 shows dictatorships.
3. Outline the similarities and differences between Source 1 and 3
They could be looked at as similar because, of the way you might interpret the picture. Source 1 is a clear
vision of what they did right so it was possible to keep the “long-term humanitarian and developmental
assistance. “
Paragraph six – Conclusion
1. Outline the various perspectives given by the sources
2. Which source(s) do you support the most and explain why. Be specific in your response.
I support source 1 the most, because even though the U.N. hasn’t been able to carry a lot of good end
results this was a good situation in the end. They where able to accomplish this when they stuck to it and
were able to receive help to keep it going.
United Nations Unit 3 Essay
There seems to be a contradictory towards (contradiction between) the failures and success
toward (of) the U.N. In the past, look into both failures and successful things the U.N. accomplished.
Some people feel that the U.N. is successful because of the previous help they have been able to do for
a country, also their positive envisions (?). Others feel the negativity of the United Nations because
some failures have weakened the countries the U.N, so called help.
The UNICEF is a Children’s fund, which helps give hope to children who don’t have the certain
necessities of life. We read of the longing help of the United Nations in order to make the UNICEF a
better organization. This became successful in the books of the U.N. We read of the need to help keep
the awareness going in these situations the children face. “Its name was shortened from the original
United Nations International Children’s emergency fund, but is still popular for the old acronym.” In
history there has been “absolute poverty,” a problem for the less fortunate countries where events such
as WWI and WWII influenced the children in their learning. (This) Institution gives hope because of the
services they need/ are ready to provide (so it has been a success?).
Source 2; gave me a feeling of being cheated. The author says that members in the U.N were
accused of complicity, which produced the biggest scandal in the U.N. history. This was one of many
failures of the U.N. “Humanitarian aid for/ to the iraqi people.” The persecutor is showing that
dictatorship between stealing and buying illegal payments from companies that where security buying
Iraqi’s oil, under the U.N’s noses. This proves how cheap Sadden Hussein was and the controlling power
he had over his “people.” “Manipulated by Saddam Hussein,” he was the last known dictator in the
world; he is now in the US’s power and protection. By National Interest, it has helped the security and
safety of the people in Iraq. (this paragraph just didn’t make much sense. And, Hussein is now dead)
Many people who look at pictures have their own opinion. In Source 3, there is a picture of a
bird with its head in the ground, then the distance you see clouds of black smoke. I believe the author is
talking about the cleaning power of the U.N, and how it has not been able to help anything or anyone in
the long wrong (run); isn’t helping the environment and the things surrounding the world. Organisms on
earth, shows the power of something so small impacted by the world so largely. Compared to this bird
trying to get away from the background in current events we see the decisions of the United Nations
Council, how all their decisions impact the world either big or small (so this is a failure?).
Between Source 1 and Source 2 the similarities are they have both involved the U.N. And
differences are Source one is a positive help of the U.N. and their councils and the help it plays in
developing countries. Source 2 has a negative impact on the Country (world?), how they black mailed
the country. In Source 2 and 3 similarities are; they had negative components, and bad end results that
where later resolved. Differences; Source 2 is a dictatorship, Source 1 is something scared. When you
look between Source 1 and 3; they had a clear version of what they did right, helping in humantarisim.
The difference is the way its interrupted.
I support Source 1 the most, because even though the UN has not been able to carry a lot of
good end results this was a good situation that also ended on a good term (it is still ongoing). They were
able to accomplish this when they stuck to it and where able to receive it to help going. Each Perspective
gives us a different interpretation that’s all up to you.