2. QUESTIONS AND ELICITING Activity 3: Read the following article by Scott Thornbury. In the article, Thornbury suggests that, in general terms, a communicative classroom is one in which the characteristics of everyday communication can be found. What does he suggest those characteristics are or are not. Think particularly about referential questions, content feedback, wait time, and student-initiated talk. In your personal profile, write in your own words a summary of the most important points Thornbury talks about here. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand academic-style articles, particularly in another language. Try to write as if you are explaining it in easy terms for someone else. Rather than writing directly on your page, upload a word document with your response. Points to consider in this paper, according to my reading, are: A bottom –up approach, are aims to raise teachers´awareness of the discrete features of their classroom talk, through the recording, transcription, and analysis of lesson sequences. Features of communicative classroom talk, I think in all classroom, should be: referential questions (are genuine questions: those for which the teacher does not know the answer, rather than display questions, whose primary purpose is to allow the students to display their knowledge of language) Content feedback: The communication that best promotes student participation (as) in the classroom is the communication of such feedback. Communication considered as a circular process allows the teacher to select and combine the elements of speech translated into messages, plus the students' own messages that getting feed back with this type of communication encourage student participation. Wait time: I've always believed that the best time to wait for a response from a student, is to consider the ”Método Socrático”, which reads as follows 1. You are presented with a question to a particular student waiting for the student to answer. 2. If not, the teacher will be choosing students to give the expected answer 3. The teacher expects at least 15 seconds before sending a student to answer the question. It makes students think about the question and not passively rely on others who are faster in providing answers. When the timeout happens, the teacher selects one student at random to answer the question. 4. and was elected student poses a question, if this student can not answer after 15 seconds should not be asked to follow the same student, because he intimidates the student, therefore, calls for another of his colleagues will help . Student-initiated talk: when teaching foreign language should keep in mind is that not only have to teach words and grammatical structures but we also have to teach them to use, in our case, English properly and fluently in different contexts and situations of everyday life. This means to motivate students and lead to the same interest and positive attitude towards language: if they are motivated want to learn to use in everyday communication. We have to make our students feel safe and happy while learning English. First, it is essential that students are aware of the importance of language in the environment of their lives, their great presence, the number of people who speak in the world, etc. For this, the professionals’ education can to design and develop educational play activities. Other ways to motivate students to want to learn English and like this language, is to create an environment in class English, English corner dedicated