Segment Overview and Editing - Epacube

Segment Viewer and Editor
Customer Segment
Customer Enterprise Segment: The Customer Enterprise Segment is the default segment that applies to
all sales transactions unless a Market specific segment is specified. An Enterprise segment is established
at the BillTo level ONLY and is utilized in pricing to define a desired price discount for the set of
customers for each Product Segment. These Segments are provided to OSB via the Customer Attribute
tables. It will be necessary to store both the Original Enterprise Segment and an Adjusted Enterprise for
the BillTo Customers if the Enterprise Segment is adjusted within OSB.
Customer Eligible Market Segment(s): When the Enterprise Segment is too broad then the Market
Segment(s) are utilized to address specific market competitive challenges or opportunities. When sales
performance for a customer or group of customers are inconsistent with the Enterprise Segment and
Product Segment performance of peers, the customers transactions related to this intersection can be
reassigned to another intersection that more closely matches their performance characteristics which is
then defined as a Market Segment assignment. The list of Market Segments a BillTo customer is eligible
for will be included with the Customer Attribute Import in a datam named Eligible Market Segments.
Note: Dan is going to query the User Group one last time to verify if we can align all the pricing strategy
around the BillTo Customer or if we may have to allow Market Segments to also be define by ShipTo.
Customer Historical Market Segment: The Historical Market Segment exists on the Sales Transaction
for those orders which were priced utilizing an exception market segment pricing rule ie (not the
Enterprise segment or a specific customer price ); otherwise this value will be NULL. This segment is a
historical reference of the invoice pricing rule and cannot be changed. See Customer Segment definition
below for its significance
Customer Proposed Market Segment: The Proposed Market Segment exists on the Sales Transaction
and is defaulted to the Historical Market Segment during the initial import process. The proposed
market segment takes precedence over the Enterprise segment and may be altered or removed during
the Segment Editor process. If no Proposed Market Segment Exists than the Enterprise Segment is
assigned to the Customer Segment. See Customer Segment definition below for its significance
Customer Segment: In OSB the Customer Segment is the segment that will be utilized for all the
calculations and then ultimately be the segment utilized in the OBM to build the pricing matrix. The
Customer Segment is defined as follows:
Initialization: During the Import Business Process if a Proposed Market Segment exists ( ie defaulted
from the Historical Market Segment ) then the Customer Segment will be assigned its value; Otherwise
its value will be defaulted to the Enterprise Segment. The Customer Segment will be stored and
assigned on the Sales Transaction from which all the calculations are perform for analysis.
Recalculation: During OSB Segment analysis a user may at any time issue a recalculation; The
calculations will be performed as follows: Prior to beginning the calculations the Customer Segment
must be established. The Customer Segment value will be set on each sales transaction row as the
following: If a Proposed Market Segment exists is value will be used; otherwise the Enterprise Segment.
Once both the Customer and Product Segments are set then only the NON-excluded rows will be utilized
in the recalculation ( or dynamic calculation ).
Segment Editor and Then Recalculation: During OSB Segment analysis a user may determine that it is
necessary to change a Customer Segment. The following represent the possible scenarios
1. User may change an Enterprise Segment; rare but would occur if a customer’s price is constantly
being overridden across all of its product segments in a common direction either above or
below the given targets. This usually occurs if a customer was improperly segmented.
a. Actions: Customer Attributes are updated with an Adjusted Enterprise. The Customer
Segment on all the sales transactions for all the product segments will be updated to the
newly defined Enterprise Segment UNLESS there exists a Proposed Market Segment in
which that segment value will take precedence in defining the Customer Segment value.
2. User may choose to select a (check box) to remove a Proposed Market Segment in order to set
the Customer Segment to the Enterprise value for the selected C/P sales transaction rows.
a. Actions: The Proposed Market Segment is NULLed out and the Customer Segment on
the sales transactions will be defaulted from the Enterprise Segment
3. User may choose to update the Proposed Market Segment to either a newly proposed value or a
change to the existing.
a. Actions: If this occurs than the Proposed Market Segment will reflect the newly desired
value for all the selected C/P sales transactions then the Customer Segment will also be
updated with this value. ( Note the Historical Market Segment remains unchanged )
4. User may choose to select a (check box) to re-set the Proposed Market Segment back to their
original Historical Market Segment Value.
a. Actions: The Proposed Market Segment is set to the Historical Market Segment and the
Customer Segment on the sales transactions will be defaulted from the Proposed
Market Segment where one exists otherwise the Enterprise.
Note: During the Segment Editor an user option will exist to apply a Tag at the same time to assist with
commenting and research.
Product Segment
Product Enterprise Segment: The Product Enterprise Segment is the default segment that applies to all
sales transactions unless a Market specific segment is specified. An Enterprise segment is established at
the Product level ONLY and is utilized in pricing to define a desired price discount for the set of products
for each Customer Segment. These Segments are provided to OSB via the Product Attribute tables. It
will be necessary to store both the Original Enterprise Segment and an Adjusted Enterprise for the
products if the Enterprise Segment is adjusted within OSB.
Product Eligible Market Segment(s): When the Enterprise Segment is too broad then the Market
Segment(s) are utilized to address specific market competitive challenges or opportunities. When sales
performance for a product or group of products are inconsistent with the Enterprise Segment and
Customer Segment performance of peers, the products transactions related to this intersection can be
reassigned to another intersection that more closely matches their performance characteristics which is
then defined as a Market Segment assignment. The list of Market Segments a product is eligible for will
be included with the Product Attribute Import in a datam named Eligible Market Segments.
Note: This feature is only available for Eclipse Users.
Product Historical Market Segment: The Historical Market Segment exists on the Sales Transaction for
those orders which were priced utilizing an exception market segment pricing rule ie (not the Enterprise
segment or a specific customer/product price ); otherwise this value will be NULL. This segment is a
historical reference of the invoice pricing rule and cannot be changed. See Product Segment definition
below for its significance
Product Proposed Market Segment: The Proposed Market Segment exists on the Sales Transaction and
is defaulted to the Historical Market Segment during the initial import process. The proposed market
segment takes precedence over the Enterprise segment and may be altered or removed during the
Segment Editor process. If no Proposed Market Segment Exists than the Enterprise Segment is assigned
to the Product Segment. See Product Segment definition below for its significance
Product Segment: In OSB the Customer Segment is the segment that will be utilized for all the
calculations and then ultimately be the segment utilized in the OBM to build the pricing matrix. The
Product Segment is defined as follows:
Initialization: During the Import Business Process if a Proposed Market Segment exists then the Product
Segment will be assigned its value; Otherwise its value will be defaulted to the Enterprise Segment. The
Customer Segment will be stored and assigned on the Sales Transaction from which all the calculations
are perform for analysis.
Recalculation: During OSB Segment analysis a user may at any time issue a recalculation; The
calculations will be performed as follows: Prior to beginning the calculations the Product Segment must
be established. The Product Segment value will be set on each sales transaction row as the following: If
a Proposed Market Segment exists is value will be used; otherwise the Enterprise Segment. Once both
the Customer and Product Segments are set then only the NON-excluded rows will be utilized in the
recalculation ( or dynamic calculation ).
Segment Editor and Then Recalculation: During OSB Segment analysis a user may determine that it is
necessary to change a Product Segment. The following represent the possible scenarios
1. User may change an Enterprise Segment; rare but would occur if a product’s price is constantly
being overridden across all of its customer segments in a common direction either above or
below the given targets. This usually occurs if a product was improperly segmented.
a. Actions: Product Attributes are updated with an Adjusted Enterprise. The Product
Segment on all the sales transactions for all the product segments will be updated to the
newly defined Enterprise Segment UNLESS there exists a Proposed Market Segment in
which that segment value will take precedence in defining the Product Segment value.
2. User may choose to select a (check box) to remove a Proposed Market Segment in order to set
the Product Segment to the Enterprise value for the selected C/P sales transaction rows.
a. Actions: The Proposed Market Segment is NULLed out and the Product Segment on the
sales transactions will be defaulted from the Enterprise Segment
3. User may choose to update the Proposed Market Segment to either a newly proposed value or a
change to the existing.
a. Actions: If this occurs than the Proposed Market Segment will reflect the newly desired
value for all the selected C/P sales transactions then the Product Segment will also be
updated with this value. ( Note the Historical Market Segment remains unchanged )
4. User may choose to select a (check box) to re-set the Proposed Market Segment back to their
original Historical Market Segment Value.
a. Actions: The Proposed Market Segment is set to the Historical Market Segment and the
Product Segment on the sales transactions will be defaulted from the Proposed Market
Segment where one exists otherwise the Enterprise.