Classification of Components and Approaches of Ad hoc Routing Protocols Myung Lee & Tarek Saadawi CCNY October 22nd, 2004 Component-Based Routing Core components Components possessed by most routing protocols. Auxiliary components Additional components that are not essential to all routing protocols Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 2 Core Components 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Oct. 22, 2004 Route discovery Route selection Route formation /representation Data forwarding Route maintenance Routing metrics CCNY 3 Auxiliary Components 1. 2. 3. 4. Oct. 22, 2004 Neighbor discovery and maintenance Hierarchical structure Multicast Security CCNY 4 Core Components Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 5 (1) Route Discovery Finding potential route(s) to a destination Reactive Proactive Hybrid Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 6 Route Discovery (cont.) Reactive Full-flooding RREQ (AODV) Limited-Flooding RREQ (LAR) Position based Direction based Region based Expanding ring A priori knowledge Efficient broadcast Probabilistic RREQ (ANT, GPS Any-like) Hybrid Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 7 Route Discovery (cont.) Proactive Broadcasting cost-to-all to neighbors (DSDV) Update message (cost-to-all) stops at neighbors, each node periodically updates its neighbors Broadcasting cost-to-neighbor to all (LSR) Update message (cost-to-neighbor) floods to the network Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 8 Route Discovery (cont.) Proactive (cont.) Broadcasting cost-to-neighbor to neighbors Update message (cost-to-neighbor) stops at neighbors, each node periodically (constant period) updates its neighbors (GSR, TRR) Update message (cost-to-neighbor) stops at neighbors, each node periodically (different period based on distance to update originator) updates its neighbors (FSR, DREAM) Unicast cost-to-all to a neighbor Update message (cost-to-all) stops at a neighbor, each neighbor periodically updates one of its neighbors (Angle SINR Table Routing) Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 9 Route Discovery (cont.) Hybrid: Examples Proactive for intra-cluster, reactive for intercluster (ZRP) Proactive for virtual backbone, reactive for enddevices (TTDD) Distance vector for neighborhood, self-routing for distant nodes (Terminode routing) Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 10 (2) Route Selection Selecting the best route(s) to a destination from the potential routes. Reactive Proactive Hybrid Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 11 Route Selection (cont.) Reactive Source behavior Select one or more routes from multiple RREPs (AODV, AOMDV) Select the first arrived RREP and discard later RREPs (AODVjr) Accept all RREPs (AOMDV) Destination behavior Select from multiple RREQs and reply with one/more RREP(s) (AODV) Select from multiple RREQs and reply with one RREP (delayed RREP) (LBR) Reply to all RREQs (AODVM: all; AOMDV: up to k RREPs) Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 12 Route Selection (cont.) Reactive (cont.) Intermediate node behavior Creating one or multiple routing entries based on RREQ filtering metric RREQ filtering Filtering duplicated RREQs (AODV) Relaying RREQs without filtering Filtering RREQs based on the interface the RREQ came from (SMR for link disjoint multipath) Filtering RREQs based on cost (ABR) Filtering RREQs based on whether they are in the forwarding zone (LAR, Region-based routing). Filtering RREQs based on traffic flow conditions (LBR) Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 13 Route Selection (cont.) Proactive Optimization based on distance vector (DSDV) Optimization based on link state (OLSR, FSR, ZHLS) Calculation based on tree topology (nerRFon) Calculation based on position information (GPSR, GREEDY) Hybrid (ZRP: Proactive for intra-cluster, reactive for inter-cluster) Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 14 (3) Route Formation/ Representation Means to store routing information. Exact route Route guidance Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 15 Route Formation/Representation (cont.) Exact route Routing table (AODV) Interest entry (DD) Route in the packet (DSR) Binary tree (tree routing) Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 16 Route Formation/Representation (cont.) Route guidance Cost table (GRAd) Geographical information Exact positions (GPSR) Pointer (TERMINODE) Approximate region (ZHLS, LABAR) Hierarchical structure information Cluster headers (CBRP) Cores (CEDAR) Landmarks (LANMAR) Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 17 (4) Route Maintenance Proper update/ repair of routes to address network dynamics Route refreshing Failure handling Route invalidation Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 18 Route Maintenance (cont.) Route refreshing Reactive Control packet (GPS Ant-like ) Data packet (AODV) Automatic update when predefined or estimated route lifetime expires (LBR, LUNAR) Hybrid (AODVjr) Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 19 Route Maintenance (cont.) Route refreshing (cont.) Proactive Distance vector update (DSDV) Link state update (LSR) Location information update (DREAM) Hierarchical structure update (ZHLS) Hybrid (ZRP: Proactive for intra-cluster, reactive for inter-cluster ) Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 20 Route Maintenance (cont.) Failure handling Reactive Rediscovery (AODV, DSR, DREAM) Local repair (AODV, LAR) Alternative path (multipath like TORA) Route cache (DSR) Data cache (CHAMP) Proactive (handled by the route refreshing process ) Hybrid (GRA) Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 21 (5) Data Forwarding Means to forward data packets based on route information Unicast Data broadcast + neighbor filtering (GRAd) Flooding Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 22 Data Forwarding (cont.) Unicast Routing table Deterministic One route Multiple routes * Simultaneously * Alternatively Probabilistic Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 23 Data Forwarding (cont.) Unicast (cont.) Self-routing (without routing table) Tree routing Location-based routing Send to the neighbor in the transmission range that is closest to destination node (Greedy) Send to the neighbor cluster that is closest to destination node (LABAR) Hybrid of above approaches (Terminode, GRA) Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 24 (6) Routing Metrics Parameters used by routing algorithms to determine route optimality Hop Connectivity Link QoS Route QoS Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 25 Routing Metrics (cont.) Route QoS E2E delay/Jitter Reliability Throughput Security Energy Node lifetime Network lifetime Processing power (CPU, memory) Etc. Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 26 Auxiliary Components Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 27 Auxiliary Components 1. 2. 3. 4. Oct. 22, 2004 Neighbor discovery and maintenance Hierarchical structure Multicast Security CCNY 28 (1) Neighbor Discovery and Maintenance Dynamic maintenance of neighborhood information such as location, direction, ID, resources etc. Synchronous approach Asynchronous approach Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 29 Neighbor Discovery and Maintenance (cont.) Synchronous approach Beacon/Hello 1-hop neighbor information 2-hop neighbor information (OLSR, GLS, TERMINODE) Asynchronous approach Control packet (LBR, AODV) Data packet (AODV) Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 30 (2) Hierarchical Structure Organizing a group of network nodes into one or multiple level architecture. Flat Hierarchical Homogeneous (proactive or reactive) Heterogeneous (proactive and reactive) (ZRP) Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 31 (3) Multicast The transmission of a packet from a sender to a group of receivers Tree based Source tree Shared tree Mesh based Broadcast Multiple unicasts Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 32 (4) Security Means to achieve secure communication (confidentiality, integrity, freshness, and authentication) Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 33 Next Step Analyses of Approaches Derivation of Dependency Graph of Approaches Component Researches Multipath Route discovery Efficient broadcasting Oct. 22, 2004 CCNY 34 CBR Reference List Papers reviewed: 90 By X. Hu, H. Juan, C. Zhu, Y. Liu, J. Zheng, J. Yoon [ABR] C.-K. Toh, “Associativity-Based Routing For Ad-Hoc Mobile Networks”, Wireless Personal Communications Journal: Special Issue in Mobile Networking and Computing Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Vol. 4, No.2, March 1997, pp103139. [AODV] C. E. Perkins, E. M. Belding-Royer, and S. 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