Roosevelt's Square Deal

Day 53 Square Deal
• Pages 317-325
Booker T Washington
“ Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth
having, except as a result of hard work”
WEB Dubois on Booker T
Mr. Washington represents in Negro thought the
old attitude of adjustment and submission; but
adjustment at such a peculiar time as to make
his program unique. This is an age of unusual
economic development, and Mr. Washington’s
program naturally takes an economic cast,
becoming a gospel of Work and Money to such
an extent as apparently almost completely to
overshadow the higher aims of life.
Rough Rider
• New York Bosses urged
him to be VP because he
couldn’t be controlled
• Battle of San Juan Hill
• Teddy Bear
• Young Modern President
(42 years old)
• Progressive- Square
Deal- help the common
Federal Power
• Trust Large Corporation
led by a single person or
board of directors
• Trust Busting
• Sherman Antitrust Act (44
suits filed)
• 1902 Coal strikethreatens coal companyRoosevelt gets involved
• ICC (Interstate
Commerce Commission)
prevents collusion from
RR companies
• Hepburn Act disallows
free passes
Health and environment
• Upton Sinclair's – The
• Meat Inspection Act
• Pure Food and Drug
Act- Truth in labeling
• Conservation
• 148 million acres of
protected National
• National Reclamation
Civil Rights
• Blamed black poverty on
• Supported Booker T
Washington – Tuskegee
Normal and Industrial
• WEB Du Bois- favored
humanist education.
Founds NAACP (National
Association for the
Advancement of Colored
• End Discrimination
through work vs. vote
Advances in Education and
• George Washington
Carver develops
agriculture inventions
• Dr. Daniel Hale
founder of Chicago’s
provident hospital and
trains black doctors
and nurses
Summary Questions
1) This 1902 strike was settled when Roosevelt
stepped in.
2) Organization that was begun by WEB Dubois
3) Roosevelt promised that common people would
receive this.
4) At 42 he was the youngest President ever elected
5) What was the book written about the meat packing
industry? Who was the writer?
6) This act of Congress stopped the selling of
contaminated food.
7) Principle used by Roosevelt to protect the
8) This was the act by congress that provided for meat
• Attack on the Spoils System