Resume Personal information - Sudan University of Science and



Personal information:-


Mohanned Mahjoup Mohammed Khairy.

Nationality: - Sudanese.

Date of birth: - Nov, 23.1986.

Place of birth: - PortSudan Sudan.

Marital Status: - Single.

Contacts: - +249919974047


Highly motivated postgraduate possessing a wide range of skills, knowledge and experience gained through academic study and work. Work effectively with others and highly capable of working on own initiative, possess a positive approach to work and attention to prioritize conflicting demands. Achieved a high academic standard and now committing to build a successful and rewarding career with a progressive company offering the opportunity for additional personal career development.

Job History:-

Nov 2013: current job: Production Technologist Assistant Petro-Energy E&P

Normal wells follow up and the DFL test using ECHOMETER.

Wells monitoring, diagnose and optimization.(PCPs ,PCMs , BPUs, ESPs, Gas lift and natural production wells)

Gas lift design and valves selecting and debugging.

Using Nodal and network analysis software (PipeSim) in well completion design, production constrain identification and production system optimization.

Cyclic Steam wells monitoring and optimization.

Preparation of the daily reports and the work over programs.

Field performance monitoring techniques and reservoir management with software support (OFM).

 March 2012: current job: assistant teacher at Sudan university college of petroleum engineering.

Teaching assistant at (Natural production engineering, wells completion, wells stimulation, Reservoir Simulation and Numerical Analysis).

Collected, prepared, and improved tutorial questions. Analysed and evaluated students’ potential.

Eclipse the reservoir simulator and PipeSim.

Member of the department exams committee for 3 years 2012-2014.

April 2010: work with ACS automation control solutions as a design Engineer. Working as designer in the projects department (automation control software’s)

April 2009: Teaching assistant at college of petroleum engineering Sudan University for science and technology. For two semesters assistant in a specials courses in petroleum engineering.

 Year 2009: National services at Sudanese pipe line petroleum company (SPPC)

Khartoum Sudan. Working at the department of training in the main office.


 M Sc candidate at Department of Petroleum Engineering college of Petroleum

Engineering Sudan University of Science &Technology (Currently, Expected at Apr-


Thesis Title : - (Produced Water Management Strategies for Block 6 {Case Study})

Bachelor of Science (honour) in petroleum engineering SECOND-UPPER DEGREE, (2.

91 of 4) GPA October 2008 .from Sudan University of Science &Technology, college of petroleum engineering and technology, petroleum engineering department.

Graduation Project Title :-Wellbore stability analysis with finite elements.

 Sudanese Secondary School certificate have [86.7%] from African council for private education high school, PortSudan.

Skills& Qualification:-

Basic: Good in Windows and MS office Administrations (Word, Power Point, excel, outlook), Microsoft Project.

 High: Good in engineering software: MATLAB, Maple II,Eclipse simulation software and ANSYS workbench simulation engineering software, landmark drilling and well design simulator, PipeSim (single well optimization, Network models ,Gas lift design and optimization) CMG (STARS) .

Linux based operating systems installing, configurations and maintaining.

Able to work under any computer platform PC, Mac OS X, servers.

Great knowledge about the technology updates, excellent work accuracy, excellent communications leadership, &continuous improvement.

Professional Development Activities and Awards:-

Geology and reservoir training course by AGR at centre of petroleum laboratory. June


 Thermal-chemical EOR Applications using CMG software course. SPE at SudaPet June


Applied reservoir simulation with ECLIPSE course at centre of petroleum laboratory presented by prof: Mahmoud Tantawey. DEC 2012

Participated at the University staff Development training program.2012

Technical Support for the SEIMENS S7-300 workshop for unions of engineers at Blue

Nile state held at Damazeen, 2012.

Participated in ALLEN BRADLY PLC and Wonder ware INTOUCH SCADA at ACS

[automation control solution].2011

Participated in fundamentals of reservoir engineering course from AATI- intelligent petroleum and management centre Khartoum.2009

Member of society of petroleum engineering SPE since 2007.

Participated in Siemens s 7 programming and maintenance training at [ACS

Automation control solutions].

Winner of schlumberger award for academic innovation for four times, college of petroleum engineering Sudan, 2005,2006,2007,2008.


Under Going Paper : - excessive water production diagnostic and control block-6.


Arabic: Mother tongue.

English: Writing expert. Spoken well communicate


Dr. Elham Mohammed Khair vice Dean, college of petroleum engineering and technology.

Mobile No.: +249903891844

E-mail Address:

 Mr Mansour Mohammed and Mr Abdel Rahim Mahmoud Production Supervisor, D&P

Department Petro-Energy E&P Co. Ltd, Khartoum, Sudan.

Mobile No. : +249912127019

E-mail Address:
