BEING AN HOMELESS IN MILAN: A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS Michela Braga (University of Milan) joint with Lucia Corno (Bocconi University) Workshop "Social Minima" fRDB - Milan, January 12th, 2009 MOTIVATION Homelessness is a public policy issue in many developed countries …but the lack of reliable data on this population limits effective strategies to prevent and reduce the phenomenon and creates no incentive for academic research in economics OUTLINE Paper contribution The existing surveys Methodology Count Interviews Results Count: number/localization Interviews: refuse - answer rate Descriptive statistics (disaggregated by street/shelter/slums) • Demographics • Labor/income • Social links • Help How to ameliorete data collection Current research PAPER CONTRIBUTION Quantitative and qualitative data collection: First Census of homeless in Milan => count and localization Extensive data collection on different aspects => questionnaire Are homeless people different from the general population? If yes, in which dimensions? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? Information on the number and characteristics of the homeless is necessary for program planning Quantitative and qualitative data are necessary to quantify economic resources to reduce homelessness and to prevent it with policies Baseline survey for further studies => program evaluation Cross countries analysis: gap between Italian and international research: In US, systematic data collection year by year starting from the early 80’s In Europe some attempts have been made …but in a non systematic way No data available in Italy THE EXISTING SURVEYS Only few countries homelessness provide official statistics on S – NIGHT APPROACH using PUBLIC PLACES METHOD: U.S. Census Bureau large-scale effort in 1990 to count homeless people at shelters and selected street sites In Australia homeless census started in 1996 and takes place every 5 years HOMELESS MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires counts every two years on a national sample of 80 communities in different geographical areas during a given period using a service based enumeration CAPTURE RECAPTURE APPROACH: for street homeless who tend to not use shelters METHODOLOGY Procedure in two steps integrating different methodologies COUNT Point in time survey using the S - Night approach (Shelter and Street Night) full census of the whole city INTERVIEW Costs: monetary, human, time Benefits: accuracy, limit under estimates Extensive and representative survey in the following days Trade off between accuracy of the data collection and loss of observations THE COUNT January 14th, 2008 POPULATION DEFINITION All individuals that in the given night reside in places not meant for human habitation, such as cars, trucks, parks, doorways, sidewalks, stations, airports (unsheltered homeless); emergency shelters (sheltered homeless); people living in disused areas/shacks/slums. THE COUNT City divided in 66 sufficiently small census blocks Pre established itinerary to be followed with a complete list of all streets in the census block Localization of 5 headquarters to distribute materials to volunteers (torches, hot tea, etc) Informing the homeless for the next day interviews with a flyer Collect information on the exact localization Reduce risk of double count (3/4 hours for each block) Simultaneous full census of the whole city After 10 p.m. Necessary for the survey Detection of some observable characteristics (sex, average age, place ) Collect the lists of names in each shelter Detection of disused areas and cross-check of their dimensions with previous control Partire da Example: Area N. 9 girare a sinistra in tornando controllare girare a sinistra in girare a sinistra in tornando controllare girare a sinistra in girare a sinistra in girare a sinistra in girare a sinistra in girare a sinistra in girare a sinistra in girare a sinistra in girare a sinistra in andare in tornando girare in girare a sinistra in girare a destra in girare a destra in tornando girare a destra in continuare in tornando girare in continuare in tornare in P.zza Conciliazione P.le Baracca Magenta poercorrere il lato sinistro via Aur. Saffi P.zza Giovane Italia Magenta via Ruffini P.zza S.M delle Grazie Magenta via Caradosso via Sassi P.zza Virgilio via Metastasio Magenta via Monti via Carducci via Leopardi via Carducci Pzza Cadorna via Boccaccio controllare P.zza Conciliazione via Bazzoni percorrerla in ambo i sensi P.zza Tommaseo controllare aiuole panchine via Petrarca via Mascheroni percorrerla in ambo i sensi via Rovani via Sebeto via Mascheroni via Tamburini via Tasso percorrerla in ambo i sensi via Tamburini via Pontebba via Tamburini via XX Settembre controllare tutte le corsie con le aiu tornare in P.zza Conciliazione percorrere il lato mancante di girare a sinistra in girare a sinistra in continuare fino a via Boccaccio via Gioberti via Boccaccio Piazzale Cadorna Parco Sempione THE HOMELESS POPULATION STREET 408 individuals SHELTER 1152 individuals DISUSED AREAS 2300 adults Total adult population: 3863 Street homeless Sheltered homeless THE SURVEY January 15th, 16th, 19th 2008 SAMPLING Sampling procedure: Street: all population Shelter: Random sample proportional to the shelter dimension. Over – sampling for the small ones and under – sampling for the big ones Disused areas: Stratified random sample according City administrative division (9 areas) Official area classification (authorized, non authorized, shacks, abandoned buildings, disused areas, ride men); Dimension: small (n≤30), medium (30<n<100) and big (n≥ 100) THE SURVEY Few interviewers (75) to minimize answer bias and to exploit the learning by doing effect; Interviewers trained to produce accurate and complete questionnaire to approach the homeless to avoid risky situations 2 volunteers/assistants for each interviewer; Voucher to avoid time consuming interviews “Ticket Service”; Questionnaires in different languages (IT, EN, RUM); Average length of each questionnaire: 30’ THE HOMELESS POPULATION STREET 408 individuals: census - 34.5% interviewed SHELTER 1152 individuals, sample 500 - 84% of the sampled interviewed DISUSED AREAS 12% refusal rate 15% not found 16.4% sleeping 21% not found 2% refusal rate 6.7% not found 7.3% no time 2300 adults, sample 525 - 66.5% of the sample interviewed 33.5% no time Total adult population: 3860 Final Sample: 910 homeless Socio – demographic characteristics % Females % Italians Street 10 56 Shelters 16 40 Disused areas 49 11 The countries of origin are in line with those found in the general population: European (especially Romania), African (Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt), Asian …as expected, especially new immigrants have no house Immigration year 120 100 80 60 40 20 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1970 -198 0 1980 -198 5 0 <1 97 0 Different from the general population, the homeless are especially men (72% vs. 48%) and immigrants (68% vs 5.8%) … but the distribution over sex and nationality varies significantly among the three sub samples <1 96 0 Socio – demographic characteristics Current civil status is significantly different from the one found in the general population HL: 32.4% married, 35.4% single, 4.1% widow, 18.9% divorced, 8% other GP.:50.4% married, 40,5% single, 7.7% widow, 1.5% divorced High incidence of mortality in their kids and parents (especially for those in the street) Family as insurance against adverse shocks Street Shelters Slums Panel A: Marital Status Widow/er 9.52 3.54 2.29 Married 8.93 21.46 57.02 Separated/Divorced 29.76 28.3 2.87 Single 44.64 39.39 25.79 Other 4.17 6.84 11.46 Don't answer 2.98 0.47 0.57 Children 47.02 50 68.77 At least 1 child dead 10.13 4.25 5.06 35.06 46.75 28.14 44.41 17.7 24.22 Panel B: Children Panel C: Parents Mother dead1 Father dead1 Age Homelessness affects adults in the central part of their life (average age 39.9) => failures in individual life projects (lack/loss job, family relationships, divorces..) …but the total population is spread across all age groups The homeless population is a little bit younger than general population (42.6) for the high incidence of immigrants. All categories are older than in the general population HL: Italian M=51.1 Foreign M=35 Italian F = 45.6 Foreign F=35.2 GP: Italian M=41.6 Foreign M=30.4 Italian F = 44.5 Foreign F=31.3 Average age is higher among street homeless (49) than among sheltered homeless (43). Population young in disused areas (30.7) as in general population (30.9 years) Differently from the general population males are 4 year older than females Education All sample None Elementary school Middle school High school University 14.45 21.68 33.16 25.19 5.53 Italian 8.88 29.28 39.47 19.41 2.96 Foreign 17.11 18.05 30.14 27.94 6.75 Street 10.71 18.45 34.52 30.36 5.95 Shelter 6.84 17.45 34.43 32.78 8.49 Disused areas 25.5 28.37 30.95 13.47 1.72 General population 6.8 26.4 31.7 27.2 7.9 Education distribution is in line with the one found in the general population Higher proportion of people with no education More educated people tend to stay in shelter As in the general population, on average, immigrants are more educated than native born Native have 8.2 years of education Immigrants have 9.7 years of education …but the higher education level reflects their age structure 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 O th e r um Le en ga ts lp ro bl em s ily Fa m D oc of Im m ss /la ck Lo ig ra re tio la n tio D is ns ab hi ili ps t ie s/ ill D ru ne g/ Fr ss A e e lc P C ho ol ho iti ol ic c D U al e na ep r ea en bl e so de to ns cy pa /C y iv re il nt w ar /m or tg ag C es on vi nc t io ns G am bl in g Immigrants_Milan data Italians_Milan data SF data jo b % FIRST REASON FOR HOMELESSNESS Unemployment is among the most cited causes of homelessness (consistent with SF data) together with familiar problems Italians: family relationships (35.1%), loss of job (21%), drug/alcohol dependency (9.2%), previous convictions (7.5%), eviction (5%), free choice (8%) Immigrants: immigration/language problems/documents(27%), loss of job (17.3%), family relationships (8.8%) Failure in life project => crucial to design adequate policies for social inclusion HOMELESSNESS AND PRISON 30% 70% Prison After Homelessness Prison Before Homelessness High rate of criminality with respect to the general population About 30% have been in prison at least once (39% of Italians and 23% of immigrants) 70% of whom spent a period in prison after becoming homeless and 30% of whom have been in prison before it LABOR MARKET and HOMELESSNESS 45% of the population were working before loosing the house Job condition and loss of house Employed Not employed Don't Answer All sample Total Male Female 44.64 51.21 27.38 54.6 47.89 72.22 0.76 0.9 0.4 Street Total Male Female 80.14 82.68 57.14 17.02 14.96 35.71 2.84 2.36 7.14 Shelters Total Male Female 47.41 48.18 43.28 52.59 51.82 56.72 Disused areas Total Male Female 26.93 34.83 18.71 72.21 63.48 81.29 0.86 1.59 Possible to find a job being on street Job found after loosing the house All the sample Sub samples Total Men Women Italian Immigrants Street Shelters Disused Areas No 77.11 73.1 84.07 75.68 77.71 83.33 80.72 73.31 Yes 22.89 26.9 15.93 24.32 22.29 16.67 19.28 26.69 LABOR MARKET Labor force participation is higher compared with the general population All sample Street Shelters Disused areas All 74.39 57.14 78.3 77.94 Male Female 76.8 68.08 59.59 40.91 79.83 70.15 84.83 70.76 Italian Foreign 59.54 81.48 51.58 64.38 62.57 88.93 65.79 79.42 The 29.3% was employed at the time of the survey. Among unemployed people the 17% worked during the previous month More than half of people are employed in the black market compared with the 12.1% in the general population Only 13% have permanent contract and a significant percentage (20%) has temporary contract while in the general population the percentages are 65% for permanent and 10% for temporary All sample Permanent contract Non permanent contract Italian 13.12 9.3 Foreign 14.8 Street Shelters Disused Areas 9.52 8.94 18.8 22.7 29.07 19.9 7.14 30.89 19.66 58.16 55.81 59.18 64.29 56.91 57.26 Don't know 1.06 2.33 0.51 2.38 0.81 0.85 Don't answer 4.96 3.49 5.61 16.67 2.44 3.42 Don't have a contract/ paid under table LABOR MARKET People are employed as low skilled workers, especially as factory workers (33%), domestic workers, nannies, cleaners (15.3%), bricklayers, carpenters, electricians, plumbers (9.4%), unskilled service workers (12.9%), cooks/waiters (5.9%) Unemployed people look for a job through informal channels All sample Street Shelter Disused Areas Friends/relatives 40.57 41.1 34.73 48.21 Work placement office (municipality) 15.28 8.22 16.41 16.41 Temporary work agency 19.06 10.96 24.81 14.36 Voluntary associations 5.66 2.74 5.73 6.67 Asking directly to firms 3.58 4.11 4.2 2.56 Asking to acquaintances 2.64 8.22 2.67 0.51 Newspapers 2.64 5.48 1.53 3.08 Social assistant/Public services 1.13 Internet 0.94 2.74 1.15 Cooperatives 2.45 2.74 3.05 1.54 Don't know 2.83 6.85 1.53 3.07 Don't answer 3.21 6.85 1.91 3.59 Individual reservation wage is 827 euro/month 2.29 INCOME Low rate of participation into government program => few individuals receive social assistance. How to reach the excluded? First source of income All sample Females Street Shelter Disused areas No income 8.09 9.41 4.62 7.14 14.86 0.29 Welfare check 5.85 6.47 4.23 3.57 11.08 0.57 Unemployment benefit 0.64 0.74 0.38 0.6 0.47 0.86 Disabilities Insurance 2.23 2.79 0.77 2.98 3.77 Permanent work 10.85 11.47 9.23 6.55 6.84 17.82 Occasional work 22.02 23.82 17.31 17.86 26.18 18.97 Family/Relatives 13.3 7.65 28.08 4.76 5.42 27.01 Friends 4.57 5.29 2.69 8.33 4.48 2.87 Pension 4.04 4.85 1.92 6.55 6.13 0.29 Savings previous job/rent 1.17 1.47 0.38 0.6 1.89 0.57 Shelter subsidy 0.64 0.44 1.15 0.6 1.18 Church/voluntary association 0.74 0.88 0.38 1.19 1.18 Illegal activities 0.96 1.18 0.38 0.6 1.18 0.86 Secret activity 6.38 5.29 9.23 10.12 3.07 8.62 Don't know Don't answer Males 4.89 4.41 6.15 15.48 2.59 2.59 13.62 13.82 13.08 13.1 9.67 18.68 On average weekly income is 151 €. It increases in disused areas (164€) with respect to street and shelter (140 and 145) …not below the relative poverty threshold 246.5€ for a two persons hh but insufficient to afford house expenditures IN KIND HELP 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Total Italian Foreign In kind help Food Street Shelter Clothes Medicines Dised areas People receive help especially from catholic associations, non profit organizations, advocacy groups Some categories appear disadvantaged Is there any distortion in the existing distribution mechanism? Are some groups self selected? How to reach all needy people? HOMELESS AND HELP In-kind help is the main form of help Generic help last year Yes Financial help In k ind help ever 50.77 No, I haven't asked/received anyone 41.65 for help No, I don't need help Family as the main source, followed by voluntary associations 21.87 63.41 73.74 35.83 5.6 Don't know 0.44 0.39 Don't answer 1.54 4 First source of help Family Voluntary associations Friends Church/parish Social Services/Public administration Employer/Ex-employer Hospital/Doctor/Naga Don't answer Other Obs. 0.76 35.27 24.03 20.35 8.87 7.36 1.08 1.08 1.08 0.87 462 SOCIAL NETWORKS Can you tell me name and surname of your first 5 homeless friends? Distribution of friends 0 links 1 links 2 links 3 links 4 links 5 links Don't know/Don't answer Mean Observations All Sample % 49.34 16.15 11.54 4.73 5.38 5.16 7.69 1.09 910 Street % 28.37 19.86 16.31 6.38 7.09 5.67 16.31 1.53 141 49% do not have any friends Higher percentage of links for those on the street Shelter % 38.57 21.19 12.38 5 5.95 5.71 11.19 1.28 420 Slums % 70.77 8.6 8.6 3.72 4.01 4.3 0 0.74 349 CRONICALITY vs. IN AND OUT The 75% of the population never slept in a house after the first night on street The 52% of the street homeless, the 67% of the sheltered homeless and the 93% of the population of disused areas On average, the street homeless lost the house 4.3 years ago, the sheltered homeless 3.3 years ago and disused areas inhabitants 11 years ago People doing in and out rent a house/room, stay with relatives and parents for short periods CURRENT RESEARCH Relationship between crime and social network by exploiting a dyadic data structure => evidence of fascinating peer effect in the realm of criminality Determinants of the labor markets => variables affecting labor market behavior are in line with the underlying theoretical framework of utility maximization and labor-leisure choice HOW TO AMELIORATE DATA COLLECTION Collect data on a regular basis Capture seasonality Monitor trends Verify efficacy and efficiency costs/benefits analysis of applied Capture re – capture approach Exploit available administrative data from all servicers Multi disciplinary approach Economy Sociology Psychology policies => POLICY INTERVENTIONS To design adequate social inclusive policies it is important to go over the traditional iconography