13. Government Regulations 14. Economic Goals 15. Role of Labor 16. Inflation and its Indicators 17. The Business Cycle 18. The Fed 19. Federal Budget Process 20. International Commerce, Exchange Rates and Trade Agreements Student Outcomes Course: Instructor: Academic Year: E-mail Economics/Governemt Mr. Blaine Geissel 2013-2014 The students will gain Economic and Financial understanding to be able to live and compete in an international environment that is full of pitfalls. Economics is the study of choices that individuals, businesses, governments and entire societies make as they cope with scarcity and incentives. My class will take a practical approach to learning how to navigate the future economically and financially. jgeissel@garces.org COURSE DESCRIPTION Economics and Government is a two-semester course. This course is presented as an essential life skill in economic and financial literacy. The course of Economics will cover 81 learning modules, classroom instruction and simulations. The iPad will be used on a daily basis as well as the interactive iBook. The green sheet for Government will be distributed in December. COURSE OF STUDY 1. Economics and Economic Decisions 2. Economic Systems 3. Factors of Production 4. Production and Consumption 5. Types of Businesses 6. Firm Behavior 7. Supply and Demand 8. Equilibrium 9. Elasticity 10. Economic Functions of Government 11. Market Failure and the Role Government 12. Private Property of REQUIRED MATERIALS eBook Title: Authors: Publisher: Copyright: Economics Virginia Department of Education Virginia Department of Education 2012 How to download the book: 1. Open iBooks 2. Go to search 3. Type in Economics 4. It is usually the first book listed (with this cover) Supplemental Materials One notebook Pen and sharpened pencil missing assignment completed and turned in by the second day back to class or no credit will be assigned.** One red pen Graph paper A set of earbuds The homework assignments will be posted on iTunes U. COURSE EVALUATION The course is evaluated on a points basis. Each homework assignment, quiz, and test will be assigned a point value. The homework points will be totaled at the conclusion of a grading period. A percentage will be determined by dividing that total by the total number of homework points possible. The same will be done for quizzes and tests. The final exam for each semester is worth 20% of your semester grade. CLASS PARTICIPATION: HOMEWORK: QUIZZES: TESTS: FINAL EXAM: 10% 20% 20% 30% 20% TOTAL 100% Class Participation: Students will receive participation points every day in class. It will comprise of the student’s participation in the class, i.e. answering questions in class or participating in simulations, whether they bring their iPad every day, and bringing all materials such as their charged iPad, notebooks, pencils, pen, etc…Student disruption (i.e. talking in class), not having their iPad, or not having the iPad charged will lower their participation grade. Homework: Homework will be mostly the interactive reading in the iBook. A daily quiz when students enter class will be a reflection of the completion of the readings. There will be longer assignments given and information will be passed out when assigned. Mandatory collaboration will be assigned for missing assignments for NO CREDIT. **If a student is absent for a homework assignment, the student is required to have the Quizzes: Quizzes will be given frequently, most likely as often as every class period. Please be prepared. If you miss a quiz, you will make it up on the first day back to school. Tests: Unit Tests are given every few weeks and almost always worth 100 points. A missed test will be made up the first day back after an absence. Semester Exams will be comprehensive. The semester exam will be worth 20% of the semester grade. Projects: Enrichment projects will be assigned throughout the semester. Directions and timelines will be provided. Quarter projects will be worth one test grade. There will be one yearlong project, Parable of the Talents. All grades for quizzes, tests and homework will be available for viewing on Classroom Net. You can expect all the graded material to be returned to the student within seven (7) days of completion and all grades will be updated on Classroom Net within that time as well. *There are a few opportunities for extra credit, but it is not on a regular basis and does not make up for missing homework or low-test scores.* iTunes U Course materials, assignments, and other materials will be on iTunes U, it is imperative to check the course daily. The enrollment code will be provided. GRADING SCALE Please refer to the student handbook CLASS RULES Students are expected to be SEATED IN THEIR DESKS before the second bell begins ringing. Late students will be assigned JUG. Students are expected to bring all materials to class If a student is on campus the day of the test or quiz, the student must take the test or quiz on that day. If you must miss the class for whatever reason, you must make advanced arrangements with me to reschedule the test/quiz. If a student fails to take a scheduled make-up exam, a grade of zero will be given for that exam. The bell at the end of class doesn’t excuse you. I DO. The Dress Code is always in effect. If a student is not dressed in proper attire, he/she will be assigned JUG. Only bottled water is allowed in the classroom at any time. Borrowing a calculator from the instructor will have a rental cost. Whenever anyone besides a fellow student walks in the classroom, you will immediately stand up and remain standing until instructed to be seated. All violations of class rules and rules outlined in the student handbook are subject to a 1 day JUG. Continuous violations and severe violations are subject to a referral. Bathroom is to be used before class begins. Two passes per semester will be assigned. CELL PHONE USE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. The student will lose 5 points on next quiz or test for first offense, 10 for second offense, 15 for third and referral. Cell phones will be confiscated and given to the dean as per the handbook. The iPad agreement is upheld for use in the classroom. ACADEMIC HONESTY AND INTEGRITY Questionable works by any student (like copying) will receive no credit for that assignment. In the interest of academic honesty and the principles of the honor code, any incidents involving plagiarism, cheating, and/or violation of test code procedures will be dealt with in accordance with the academic ethics policies of Garces Memorial High School as outlined in the student handbook. TUTORIAL ASSISTANCE: Tutors can assist with homework, but cannot do the homework and/or projects. If a student has a tutor outside of class, the parents or tutor may contact me to clarify the needs of the student and the expectations for the assistance that will be given. Tutors are allowed to help students identify and explain errors, but are not allowed to rewrite a student’s work. AVAILABILITY: I am available to answer questions and assist you with areas of difficulty in this course during collaboration and my posted office hours. I check my e-mail daily and I will respond within a 24hour period. COLLABORATION: During collaboration I may, in advance, require you to come in to make up a test, quiz, or homework assignment. It is expected that you will make the necessary arrangement to do so. JUG will be issued for not attending mandatory collaboration without prior arrangements. Please read this course outline and have your parents read it and sign it. Keep it in your binder at all times. Please have it signed and returned by Monday/Tuesday August 19 th/20th 2013 I HAVE READ THIS COUSE INFORMATION SHEET AND UNDERSTAND THE EXPECTATIONS, RULES, AND GRADING PROCEDURES FOR THIS CLASS. ___________________________________________ Student name (print) ___________________________________________ Student signature ___________________________________________ Parent/guardian signature