American Exceptionism

de Tocqueville’s five
values crucial to America’s
success as a constitutional
republic: liberty, egalitarianism,
individualism, populism, and
According to the Declaration of Independence
and the Constitution, where does a government
get it’s authority? From the people
 Homestead Act moved people westward with
promise of land.
 Dealing with the Native Americans –
Reservations, then the Dawes Act which was an
attempt to assimilate Native Americans into the
American societies
 What were problems of urbanization?, women
and child labor?
 Philanthropy of men like Andrew Carnegie
 The dislike of immigration is called nativism
 Jim
Crow laws, poll taxes, literacy test and
Grandfather clauses were set up to limit
African American rights and their ability to
 Spanish American War 1898 is the first step
toward imperialism (control over the
Philippines, Puerto Rico)
 Open Door policy was to open up trade with
China for the United States who had been
shut out by others spheres of influence
Initiative, referendum, and recall helped involve
the people more into the govt. (popular
 Progressive amendments
16th amendment
 17th amendment
 18th amendment
 19th amendment
graduated income tax
direct election of the Senate
Women's suffrage
Influence of Muckrakers Ida Tarbell (the History
of Standard Oil), Lincoln Steffens (The Shame of
the Cities), Upton Sinclair (The Jungle), Jacob
Riis (How the Other Half Lives)
 Ida
B Wells, W.E.B. DuBois, and Booker T.
Washington – African American leaders
 Why people moved from the rural areas to
the city?” Jobs, technology changed the
number of farmers needed
 The Transcontinental Railroad
 Andrew Carnegie and the Gospel of Wealth
 John D. Rockefeller and horizontal
integration, trust, monopolies
 Know what laissez faire means
 What technological changes developed
during this time period
 Hawaii
– Sanford Dole
 Alfred T. Mahan and the importance of
seapower to trade
 Henry Cabot Lodge – supported seapower and
against the League of Nations
 The acquisition of Guam , the Philippines and
Puerto Rico
 AEF and John Pershing – Americans in WW I
victory at the Argonne Forest
 Red
Scare; Nativism; eugenics; Prohibition
 Causes of the Great Depression; The New
Deal; FDR; Court Packing, deportation of
 World War II stuff : Omar Bradley, Dwight
Eisenhower, Douglas MacArthur, Chester A.
Nimitz, George Marshall, and George Patton;
 The Homefront
 Assimilation : Dawes Act- Native Americans;
Settlement House – immigrants