Cellular Respiration and Fermentation

Warm Up 11/19-20/15
Draw the Krebs Cycle of Cellular
Create a Double Bubble Map
comparing/contrasting photosynthesis and
cellular respiration
Cellular Respiration Video
What is done in glycolysis?
 Where does pyruvic acid go once it is
 What is made in the citric acid cycle?
 Which part of cellular respiration makes
the most ATP?
 What is the goal of cellular respiration?
Warm Up 12/8-9/14
Write out the chemical formulae for
cellular respiration and photosynthesis.
How are they the same? How are they
What is happening in the Krebs cycle?
Where is it happening?
Binder Check
Here is what is needed for the check:
 ATP notes, ATP worksheet, ATP cycle
activity, liver enzyme lab, photosynthesis
notes, the protein story, photosynthesis
drawings, photosynthesis lab,
photosynthesis reading questions,
photosynthesis worksheet questions,
cellular respiration notes, yeast lab,
cellular respiration flow chart
Warm Up 11/19
What are the 3 stages of aerobic cellular
respiration? Draw a general picture of
what is happening in each step.
How much total ATP is produced in the
cellular respiration process?
Warm Up 12/8/14
What are the reactants for
photosynthesis? What are the products?
Put them in a balanced chemical formula.
What is an anabolic reaction? What is a
catabolic reaction?
Warm Up 11/12-13/15
What do chloroplasts need in order to
perform the light reactions? The Calvin
Which specific part of the chloroplasts
perform the light reactions? The Calvin
Warm Up 11/19-20/14
Classify the following organisms into
autotrophs and heterotrophs: monkey,
oak tree, rose, giraffe, human, venus fly
trap, grass, seaweed, shark, algae
Explain what is happening in the ATP-ADP
cycle in your own words.
Reading Questions
Please read through the following
selection. Take a piece of paper and draw
lines dividing it into 4ths. You will then
read each section outlined and write 2
(only 2) words that are the main points of
each section.
Reading Questions Part 2
Please discuss these questions with a
partner and use specific lines from the
text to support your answers (cite
specific textual evidence). Please rephrase
each answer as well.
How are chemical and solar energy
 How is glucose related to chemical
Reading Questions Part 3
Please discuss these questions with a
partner and use specific lines from the
text to support your answers (cite
specific textual evidence).
Does this reading support our findings in
our photosynthesis lab? Why or why not?
Cite evidence from the text to prove
your point.
Warm Up 11/17-18/15
What is glycolysis? What is made through
the process? Which types of cells do it?
Draw the light reactions of
Warm up 11/13-14
Please write the chemical formula for
Draw a mitochondrion and label all its
Warm Up 11/15-18
What is ATP made up of (all three parts)?
Draw ATP as well.
What is another name for the Calvin
cycle? What is happening during the
Calvin cycle?
Glycolysis, Fermentation and
Cellular Respiration
Mr. Hedrick, Mrs. Heins
Biology 1
Comparing Equations
Photosynthesis Equation
6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2
Cellular Respiration Equation
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O + 38
Powerhouse of the cell
 Converts energy stored in sugars,
proteins, and lipids into ATP
 Cellular respiration is carried out in the
folded inner membrane.
Two Chemical Processes that take
place in or near the mitochondria
Cellular respiration
 Fermentation
Chemical Pathways
Cellular respiration: an aerobic process
(requires the use of oxygen)
Fermentation: an anaerobic process (does
not require the use of oxygen)
Aerobic Pathways
Anaerobic Pathways
 1st
step in both cellular respiration and
 Therefore, glycolysis occurs in both with
oxygen (aerobic) and without oxygen
(anaerobic) pathways
 It takes place in the cytoplasm
 It occurs in all living organisms
(prokaryote and eukaryote)
GlucosePyruvic Acid
C6H12O62 C3H4O3
 A net of 2 ATP are made
 2 NADH (just like NADPH but for the
mitochondria) are made
Is this equation balanced?
After glycolysis
It occurs if oxygen is not present
Two types of fermentation: Alcohol
fermentation and lactic acid fermentation
 No ATP produced
Two Types of Fermentation
 Formation of alcohol
from sugar
Characteristic of
yeasts and some
Lactic Acid
 Occurs in muscles
 Causes some muscle
 Not enough O2
reaches muscles
What is Cellular Respiration?
The process that releases energy in food
with the presence of oxygen
The reaction involved in respiration are
catabolic reactions
2 Stages of Cellular Respiration
Krebs Cycle
 Electron Transport Chain
Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cycle)
 2nd
step in cellular respiration
 Takes place in matrix of mitochondria
 Pyruvic acid is broken down into carbon
 3 more NADH are made
 2 FADH2 (just like ATP and NADH) are
 Releases 2 more ATP
Krebs Cycle
Electron Transport Chain
Occurs in the cristae of the mitochondria
 NADH and FADH2 are used
 High energy electrons that came from
Krebs cycle are used to convert ADP into
 Oxygen is a reactant and water a product
ATP Production
Glycolysis=2 ATP
Krebs=2 ATP
Electron Transport Chain= 34 ATP
Chemical Energy Produced By
Glycolysis/Cellular Respiration
A single molecule of glucose produces:
38 ATP
Tree Map Time!
Create a tree map detailing Glycolysis, the
Krebs Cycle, and the electron transport
Compare and Contrast
Energy capture
Reactants= 6CO2
and 6H2O
Products= C6H12O6
and 6O2
Cellular Respiration
 Energy release
 Catabolic
 Mitochondria
 Reactants= C6H12O6
and 6O2
 Products= 6CO2 and
Compare and Contrast
 2 Processes:
1. Light
2. Calvin Cycle
Cellular Respiration
 3 Processes:
1. Glycolysis
2. Krebs Cycle
3. Electron
Transport Chain
Fermentation Lab
Today we will be using yeast and other
household cooking materials to measure
the rate of fermentation in yeasts.
 You will be given 4 Ziploc bags to
perform your experiment. In one bag you
will put 50 mL of plain water and 10g of
yeast and in other you will put 50 mL of
10% sucrose solution and 10g of yeast.
Yeast Fermentation Lab
For your other 2 bags you will put 50 mL
of tap water, 10 g of yeast and any other
of the materials that are available to you
at the front counter.
1. Please write a question for your
2. Please write a hypothesis for your
3. What are the independent, dependent and
control variables?
Yeast Fermentation Lab
You must come up to me and show me
answers to questions 1, 2 and 3 before
you can actually continue with your
 You will check your bags every 10
minutes for an hour. Please create a table
for this process.
 Fold bags over 4 times and then measure
the circumference of the bags to get an
accurate measurement of the bags.
Yeast Fermentation Lab
1. Why are we measuring the circumference
of the bags? What is being produced to
change the circumference?
2. Which of your 4 bags changed the most?
The least? Was this what you expected?
3. Was your hypothesis correct? Why or why
4. How does this lab accurately depict
5. What would you have done differently if
given the opportunity to do this lab again?