CTE Bellwork Activities - Heritage High Business Class

Bellwork Conversion Examples
(9/14) Monday:
(9/15) Tuesday:
(9/16) Wednesday:
(9/17) Thursday:
(9/18) Friday:
Convert to feet: 711”
Convert to inches: 7’-11”
Convert to square feet: 102,384”
Find the area: 7’-11” x 11’-7”
Simplify the fraction: 6/8”
Managing Finances: Use the steps below to determine your monthly or weekly expenses and
the amount of money you will make to meet the expenses.
Step 1: Expense worksheet; note: teacher will give the money amount, unless a student does
have expenses to make.
(9/21) Monday
Expense Items
(9/22) Tuesday
(9/23) Wednesday
(9/24) Thursday
(9/25) Friday
Auto Payment/maintenance
(9/28) Monday
Automobile Insurance
(9/29) Tuesday
Total expenses (monthly or
Multiplication Example
Dollar Amount Required
Step 2: Wages Worksheet; note: teacher will give the money earned and hours worked unless a
student does have a job.
(10/5) Monday
Wages per hour (hourly wage)
Average number of hours per week
(10/6) Tuesday
Gross pay per week
Addition or Multiplication
multiply hourly wage times number of hours
(10/7) Wednesday
Net pay per week
subtract 15% gross amount
(10/8) Thursday
Net pay per month
multiply net pay per week times 4
*Net pay is the amount of money you actually take home. Deducting 15% for taxes, social
security, and other expenses is just an average of what it will be taken out.
Subtraction Example
Step 3: Subtract your monthly or weekly expenses from your monthly or weekly net income.
Does your income meet your expenses? What adjustments can you make?
Calculating the Median
Addition and Division example
Determine the average age of the family listed below.
 Mother age 50
 Father age 55
One child who is 30 years old and has a child of 5years and a husband 35 years old.
Three other children whose ages are 20, 23, and 25, all of who are unmarried and living
at home.
 Mother’s mother, 75 years old
 Mother’s father, 77 years old
 Father’s mother, 80 years old
To determine the average age of the example above, add the ages of each individual and divide
by the total number of members.
Human Growth and Development
Division example
Pregnancy lasts ten lunar months, which is about 40 weeks.
How many calendar months does this equate to?
How many calendar days does the above example equate to?
Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters.
Approximately how long is each trimester in months and in weeks?
At the start of the second trimester, the head of the fetus is about one-third the size of its
outstretched length and the ribs can be seen.
Approximately, at what week does this process takes place?
At 16 weeks the fetus is about 4 ½ inches long and weighs about 3 to 4 ounces.
Convert 4 ounces to pounds.
*note 16 ounces equals 1 pound
At 20 to 24 weeks the fetus is about 12 inches long.
Convert 12 inches to feet.
At 28 weeks the fetus is about 14 inches long and weighs about 2 ½ pounds.
Convert 2 ½ pounds to ounces.
Conversion example
Which fraction is equivalent to 75%?
Addition and Division example
Given the numbers 5, 8, 4, 2, 2, 4, 7, 4 calculate the mean
Multiplication examples
The junior class is selling doughnuts to raise money for prom. They sell 3 dozen doughnuts at
$0.75 apiece. How much money did they collect?
Great Mills Volleyball decided to make a pizza big enough for the whole team to eat. In order to
accomplish their task they will need to make dough, sauce and cheese. The team will need to
make 12 times the amount needed for one pizza.
Fill in the chart with the amounts needed
Ingredients for Amount for 12 pizzas
one pizza
4 cups flour
Monday _________
2 tbsp. yeast
Tuesday _________
¾ cup sugar
Wednesday ______
½ tsp. salt
Thursday ________
4 tbsp. olive oil Friday __________
1 ½ cups sauce
Monday _________
2 cups cheese
Tuesday _________
What type of pizza has the biggest difference in sales between Tuesday and Saturday?
small large
Pepperoni 25
everything 16
If there are 65 people who try out for volleyball and 15% make the varsity team. How many
people are on the varsity team?
a/b=P/100 where a = is, b= of, P = percent.
Introduce patterns
What is the pattern in the following number sequences?
5, 10, 15, 20
-4, 0, 4, 8
-58, -56, -54,-52
How do you express the following?
Earned $250
Lost 6 marbles
Paid $78
Twice the number of students
Terrence raised $38 for holiday presents. If he has 6 people to buy gifts how much can he spend
on each gift?
Alice was selling pies for charity she sold $134 of apple pies and $97 of cherry pies. How much
did she raise?
Solve equation
Write the following as an equation and solve for X.
The product of fifteen and a number equals forty-five.
Seventeen more than a number equals negative three.
The difference between a number and twelve equals four.
Performance Task
Derrick wants to buy carpet for his room. His room is 8’ by 10’. How much carpet does he
If carpet is $2.75 a square foot, how much will the carpet cost?
Calculate the percentage of the numbers.
a/b=P/100 where a = is, b= of, P = percent.
25% of 56
34% of 78
50% of 235
6% of 590
Maryland sales tax is 6%. If a new TV costs $495.00, what is the price including tax for the
item? (make sure you round to the nearest cent).
Solve the following equations
Delonte has a test in science class. The test has 30 questions. How many does he need to get
right in order to get a 90%?
You want to buy a new blanket for Christmas. It costs 12.95. If Maryland Sales tax is 6%, what is
the total cost of the item?
Convert the following to a percent
.5 =
.03 =
Jiakeeta has $523 in the bank. She makes a deposit of $124 dollars. How much money does she
now have?
Solve the equations
-3x = 27
4 - 6x = 34
Describe the pattern in each sequence of numbers and predict the next number.
6, 12, 18, 24, ______ Pattern:
3, 5, 7, 9, ______ Pattern:
Put the following fractions in lowest terms
What is 20% of 85?
18 is 50% of what number?
Solve for X
-4x = 8
2(-3x + 6) = 12
-5x + 3x – 4 = 2
Put these fractions into lowest terms:
Transform the following into percents:
Transform the following into decimals:
What is 15% of 50?
What is 121% of 23?
12 is what percent of 38?
When Frank began shaving, he had 4 nicks on his face. When he was finished shaving,
he had 13 nicks. What was the percent of increase or decrease?
Before my birthday party, I had 11 bags of Doritos brand flavored snacks (a subdivision
of Frito-Lay Corp., all rights reserved). After the party, I had 1.5 bags left. What was the
percent of increase or decrease?
My toothpaste advertised 20% more free in the new larger tube. This is only one of the
thousands of reasons I so love this toothpaste. Regardless, if the old tube contains 15
ounces of TeethSoBrite, how many ounces are in the new tube?
Forty students were asked to write the name of their favorite color on a card and place
the card in a box. The table below represents the results.
Favorite Color
Red Blue Yellow Green
Based on this information, what is the probability that a card randomly drawn from the
box will have “yellow” on it?
Below is a graph showing the growth of a savings account over a period of 6 months.
Balance in Savings Account
How much was in the account in April?
How much was added each month?
When an equation is written in slope-intercept form, each variable
represents a specific part of a real-world problem.
The y-intercept is the starting amount. For
example, how much money is already in a
savings account or how much it costs to join a
video club.
The y represents the total amount
at any given time. For example,
the total amount in a savings
account after 5 months or the
total cost to rent 8 videos.
y  mx  b
The slope is the rate of change. For
example, $50 is added every month,
or it costs $5 to rent each video.
For each real-world problem below, read the problem and answer
each of the questions.
A computer club charges a $50 one-time membership fee and $10
for each meeting.
What is the y-intercept (starting amount or membership fee)?
What is the slope or rate of change (how much does each meeting
Use your equation to determine the total cost (y) to attend 8
Gunther put $120 into a savings account and adds $14 each
What is the y-intercept (the starting amount of money)?
What is the slope? In other words, what is the rate of change of
his total amount of savings (how much does he add each month)?
During the summer Al R. Gee mows grass. He charges $3.75 an
hour plus $7 equipment fee for each job.
What is the y-intercept (the starting amount)?
What is the slope (the rate per hour)?
Use your equation to determine how much Al should charge for a
job that takes him 6 hours.
Solve each of these equations for x.
x  3  10
4x  20
 35
3x  4  19
An appliance company rents a refrigerator and stove combination for $58.40 per month,
plus an initial start-up fee for $89.90. If a person rents the combination for 7 months,
what is the total cost?
A. $408.80
B. $318.90
C. $687.70
D. $498.70
Arthur had a 60 question test in social studies. He got 24 questions right. What percent
of the questions did Arthur get right?
A. 40%
B. 75%
C. 90%
D. 133%
Adrian Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings carried the ball four times during the first
quarter. He had a loss of 15 yards, a gain of 2 yards, a loss of 5 yards, and a gain of 7
yards. What was his total yardage?
A. -29 yards
B. -20 yards
C. 9 yards
D. -11 yards
Solve this equation:
0.6x - 4 = 2.6
A. 0.11
B. 0.6
C. 6.6
D. 11
Solve for x:
A. 0.5
B. 5
C. 20
D. 50
Solve this equation:
-8x =-50
C. 6
D. 6.25
At a yard sale Tamara’s dad sold each of her old dolls for $13. If he sold 44 dolls at the
yard sale, how much money did he make?
A. $44
B. $72
C. $572
D. $672
Your teacher reported that exactly 76% of the students in your class got a “B” on the
test. If there are exactly 25 students in the class, how many got a “B” on the test?
A. 18
B. 19
C. 20
D. 21
The temperature at 9 a.m. in Buffalo, New York on December 31 was 7 F. The
meteorologist expects the temperature to drop by 10 by 7 p.m.
What will the temperature be at 7 p.m.?
A. B. C.
While on a business trip to France, Bob felt ill. The hotel manager gave him a
thermometer which measured his temperature in degrees Celsius. The thermometer
read 38 C. The formula below is used to convert temperatures in degrees Celsius (C)
to degrees Fahrenheit (F).
F=9/5 C +32
What is Bob's temperature in degrees Fahrenheit? Round the answer to the nearest
whole number.
Fred has a test in math class. The test has 30 questions.
How many questions does Fred have to get right in order to get a 90% on the test?
A. 3
B. 21
C. 27
D. 60
Solve this equation:
7(X-3) =14
A. -1
B. 2.43
C. 5
D. 101
The rental rates at Tractors R' Us are $40 per day plus $3.00 per hour driven. Nathan
rented a tractor for one day and drove it 3 miles.
What is the total amount Nathan paid to rent the tractor?
A. $9
B. $40
C. $43
D. $49
Beilock, S., and Willingham, D. (2014). Math Anxiety: Can Teachers Help Students Reduce It?
American Educator, 38(2), 29,32.
Dougherty, C. (2014). Starting Off Strong: The Importance of Early Learning. American
Educator, 38(2), 14-15, 17.
Fleming, M. (2014, May 21). Arithmetic Daily Bellwork
Harris, J. (2014). An oral meeting with Dr. Harris: Arithmetic Daily Bellwork. Heritage High
School, Florida.
McMullan, M., Jones, R., and Lea, S. (2012). “Math Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, and Ability in
Undergraduate Nursing Students,” Research in Nursing and Health 35.
Melendez, L. (2014, May 21). Arithmetic Daily Bellwork