Name______________________________ Climbing the Stairs (Vocabulary List 1) Write a memory device and a sentence using each vocab word. A memory device must be a word that sounds or looks like the vocab word and relates to its meaning. Be sure to explain the link in meaning between the vocab word and the memory device. Additionally, when possible identify the word’s parts. 1. Gleam- pg. 1 (verb) shine brightly or continuously Sentence: Memory Device: 2. Indulgently-pg. 3(adverb) to take unrestrained pleasure in Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 3. Embedded- pg. 5 (verb) to enclose closely into Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 4. Disheveled- pg. 11 (verb) to throw into disorder or disarray Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 5. Pungent- pg. 15 (adj) sharply painful; causing a sharp or irritating sensation Sentence: Memory Device: 6. Smugly- pg. 17 (adv) highly self-satisfied Sentence: Memory Device: 7. Evasively- pg. 17 (adv) tending or intending to avoid Sentence: Memory Device: 8. Demure- pg. 26 (adj) reserved or modest Sentence: Memory Device: 9. Incarnation- pg. 28 (noun) the embodiment of a deity or spirit in some earthly form Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 10. Implications- pg. 28 (noun) close connection; something suggested Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 11. Dogmatic- pg. 29 (adj) characterized by or given to the expression of opinions very strongly or positively as if they were facts Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 12. Reproachfully- pg. 30 (adv) an expression of disapproval Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 13. Emerging- pg. 31 (adj) to become manifest; become known Sentence: emerge (verb) Memory Device: 14. Concession- pg. 35 (noun) the act or an instance of granting something as a right, accepting something as true, or acknowledging defeat) ; the admitting of a point claimed in argument Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 15. Grimace- pg. 34 (noun) a facial expression usually of disgust, disapproval, or pain Sentence: Memory Device: 16. Nonchalantly- pg. 35 (adv.) having an air of easy unconcern or indifference Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 17. Reprieve- pg. 39 (verb) to give relief or deliverance to for a time Sentence: Memory Device: Name______________________________ Climbing the Stairs (Vocabulary List 2) Write a memory device and a sentence using each vocab word. A memory device must be a word that sounds or looks like the vocab word and relates to its meaning. Be sure to explain the link in meaning between the vocab word and the memory device. Additionally, when possible identify the word’s parts. 1. Unscathed- pg. 54 (adj) wholly unharmed; not injured Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 2. Incongruous- pg. 54 (adj) lacking harmony or consistency Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 3. Transitory- pg. 62 (adj) tending to pass away : not persistent Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 4. Intricately- pg. 67 (adv.) having many complexly interrelating parts or elements Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 5. Pervaded- pg. 80 (verb) become diffused/spread throughout every part of Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 6. Percolated- pg. 80 (verb) to ooze or trickle through a permeable substance Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 7. Grudgingly- pg. 81 (adv) done, given, or allowed unwillingly, reluctantly, or sparingly Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 8. Squelch- pg. 81 (verb) to fall or stamp on so as to crush; to supress Sentence: Memory Device: 9. Impertinent- pg. 83 (adj) irrelevant or rude Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 10. Sedition- pg. 84 (noun) incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 11. Remiss- pg. 84 (adj) showing neglect or inattention; careless Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 12. Embossed- pg. 92 (verb) To adorn; decorate. Sentence: Memory Device: 13. Jaundiced- pg. 92 (adj) affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin; unhealthy Sentence: Memory Device: 14. Transcend- pg. 99 (verb) to go above or beyond (a limit, expectation, etc.), as in degree or excellence; to be superior to Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 15. Resigned- pg. 102 (adj) characteristic of or proceeding from an attitude of resignation; acquiescent or submissive Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 16. Fervently- pg. 108 (adv) Having or showing great emotion or zeal; ardent Sentence: Memory Device: 17. Spinster- pg. 109 (noun) A woman who has remained single beyond the conventional age for marrying. Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s): 18. Rivulet- pg. 110 (noun) a small stream Sentence: Memory Device: 19. Shirk- pg. 111 (verb) to evade the performance of an obligation Sentence: Memory Device: 20. Evocative- pg. 114 (adj) evoking or tending to evoke an especially emotional response Sentence: Memory Device: 21. Inexhaustible- pg. 118 (adj) incapable of being used up or worn out Sentence: Memory Device: Word Part(s):