Journal #76-90

(adjective) describes someone with yellow(blonde),
brown(brunette), or red(auburn) colored hair.
Sentence: The family had a variety of styles of
xanthous hair.
Prompt: Write about the
family members that
you most look like and
least look like.
(Write at least 100 words)
(verb) to wait and allow others to go first or
have their way; to comply; to consent.
Sentence: The seeing-eye dog would
wait patiently and yield to its owner’s
commands. It also had been trained to
yield for traffic and red lights.
Prompt: Write about times that
you have yielded to other people.
(Write at least 100 words)
(noun) the highest or greatest point;
peak; summit; climax
Sentence: When he won the Nobel Peace Prize in
science he considered that to be the zenith of his
Prompt: Write about the
zenith of your life. What do
you think the zenith of your
life will be when you are an
adult? (100 words)
(adjective) acting stuck up/cocky
like you are better than others.
Sentence: Drako Malfoy was one
of the most arrogant kids at
Hogworts Academy.
Prompt: Write about the most
arrogant person that you know
and tell about the arrogant things
that they’ve said and done.
(adjective) aggressive; hostile; ready to fight.
Sentence: When some of the fans became belligerent
and were shouting hateful things at the opposing
team, one of the players jumped into the
stands and started beating up
one of the culprits.
Prompt: Write about a time
when you or someone you
know was acting belligerent.
(adjective) ill tempered;
disagreeable; quarrelsome
Sentence: Mary is always so jovial, but her
twin sister Margaret is cantankerous
and therefore spends a lot
of time punished.
Prompt: Write about
the most cantankerous
person that you know.
(adjective) evil, devilish; sinister; wicked
Sentence: When Frank was
fired from his job, he looked
as though he was scheming
some diabolical plan.
Prompt: Write about
a show or movie in which
someone was diabolical.
(Write at least 100 words)
(adj) describes someone that is jealous or wants
something that someone else has.
Sentence: Ashley was envious of her
sister’s beauty, talent, and good fortune
and wanted so much to be like her.
Prompt: Write about
a time when you were
envious of someone.
Who was it and why?
(Write at least 100 words)
(adj) frantic; frenzied; temporarily taken
over by wild & nervous excitement.
Sentence: Raven became frenetic when
she was working behind the concession
counter at the movie theater and she
couldn’t turn off the butter machine.
Prompt: Write about situations that
might cause people to become frenetic.
(Write at least 100 words)
(adj) describes someone that likes to be
around people and enjoys company
(the opposite would be reclusive…like a hermit or a recluse)
Sentence: Fat Albert was very gregarious and never
had a problem making new friends.
Prompt: Would
you say you are
more gregarious
or reclusive?
(Write at least 100 words)
(noun) an appetizer; snack that you eat
before your main meal
Sentence: We decided not to order any
hors d’oeuvres before our meal because
we didn’t want to ruin our appetite.
Prompt: What is better hors d’oeuvres or
desserts? Explain why. Write about
your favorite hors d’oeuvres.
(Write at least 100 words)
(adj) harmless; unable to hurt or affect anything
Sentence: The cat looked innocuous,
but that was just a ploy to trick his
adversaries and they soon realized he was
actually quite belligerent.
Prompt: Write about
something that you thought
was innocuous, but it really
(adj) describes someone that makes very wise,
well thought out, & careful decisions.
Albus Dumbledore
was an excellent
headmaster for
Hogwarts Academy
because he was a very fair, kind
judicious man.
Write about the
most judicious
person you know.
(noun) a person who is
always meddling in someone else’s business & giving
unwanted advice.
….and so I says to her, “Marcy, maybe
if you get a new hairdo and makeover
you would get more dates.” And she had
the nerve to tell me to mind my own
business! Can you believe how ungrateful
she is when I give her my valuable advice?
Prompt: Write about a kibitzer that you know.
(Write at least 100 words]
(adj) describes someone that is inclined to sleep, lacking
energy, lackadaisical, inattentive; sedate.
Sentence: Compared to the other energetic animals
on the farm , Snoop Dogg was very lethargic and
only laid on the front porch and slept.
Write about a
time when you
felt lethargic.
[write at least 100 words]
Make flash cards for W.O.D.’s 76-90
Good luck!!!!!
….and so I says to her, “Marcy, maybe
if you get a new hairdo and makeover
you would get more dates.” And she had
the nerve to tell me to mind my own
business! Can you believe how ungrateful
she is when I give her my valuable advice?