European Age of Discovery Impacts


European Age of Discovery Impacts

Impact of Africa and Asia


 Europeans trading posts along the coast

 Trade in slaves, gold, and other resources


 Colonization by small groups of merchants in India, the Indies, and China

 Influence of trading companies (Portuguese, Dutch, and British).

Impacts of the Americas

 Expansion of overseas territorial claims and European emigration to North and South America

 Demise of Aztec and Inca Empires

 Legacy of a rigid class system and dictatorial rule in Latin


 Forced migration of Africans who had been enslaved

 Colonies imitation of the culture and social patterns of their parent countries

Impacts on the Americas

Demise of Aztec and Inca Empires due to conquest and diseases from the Old World.

Cortez – Conquered the Aztec Civilization in what is today


Pizarro – Conquered the Incan Civilization in what is today Peru and Chile in the Andes Mountains

Latin America: Legacy of a rigid class system and dictatorial rule in Latin America


• What European country was responsible for conquering the Aztecs and Incas?

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• What European religion would probably have been spread the most in Latin America?

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• The rigid class system in Latin America setup by the Spanish lead to today a legacy of what?

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Columbian Exchange

• Western Hemisphere agricultural products, such as corn, potatoes, and tobacco, changed European lifestyles.

• European horses and cattle changed the lifestyles of American Indians.

• European diseases, such as smallpox, killed many American Indians

• Impact of the Columbian Exchange

• Shortage of labor to grow cash crops led to the use of African slaves

• Slavery was based on race

• European plantation system in the Caribbean and the Americas destroyed indigenous economics and damaged the environment.

Triangular Trade

• Trade routes that linked Europe, Africa, and Americas.

• Slaves, sugar, rum and manufactured goods were trade between the continents.

Impact of Precious Metals

• Gold and silver exported to Europe and Asia

• Impact on indigenous empires of the Americas

• Impact on Spain and International trade.


• Which products went FROM THE NEW WORLD to the old world due to the Columbian Exchange?

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• Which products went FROM THE OLD WORLD to the New World due to the Columbian exchange?

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• Why couldn’t Europeans use Native Americans as a source for labor on plantations?

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Europeans migrated to new colonies in the Americas which created new cultural and social patterns. Unfortunately, with this migration, the Incan and Aztec empires were destroyed and European diseases, such as smallpox, killed many American Indians. However, the legacy of a rigid class system and dictatorial rule in Latin America will remain. Diversity will increase as Africans are forced to migrate to the America to be enslaved. The colonies will also attempt to imitate the culture and social patterns of their parent countries. The Columbian Exchange will introduce new products and ideas between the Eastern and Western Hemisphere. Europe will introduce horses and cattle which will change the lifestyles of American

Indians. Western Hemisphere products like corn, potatoes, and tobacco will alter European lifestyles. The Columbian Exchange resulted in a shortage of labor to grow cash crops which led to the use of African slavery which was on race. In addition, the European plantation system in the

Caribbean and the Americas destroyed indigenous economics and damaged the environment. Europeans established trading posts in Africa and

Asia. Most of the European trading posts in Africa were along the coast and resulted in the trading of slaves, gold, and other resources. The triangular trade will develop which links Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Slaves, sugar, and rum were traded. Whereas in Asia, colonization occurred by a small group of merchants in India, the Indies, and China. Trading companies from Portugal, Netherlands, and Britain will also tap into

Asia’s resources. As a result of all of this trading, gold and silver will be exported to Europe and Asia in large numbers. While the indigenous empires will suffer from this loss of precious metals, the Spanish Empire will also suffer from high inflation .
