
Camera level
Thomas Dabay, Kristopher Engel, David Quirk
Group members
• Thomas Dabay – 4 out of 5 EE. Gyroscope portion
• Kristopher Engel – 4 out of 5 CPE. Microcontroller portion
• David Quirk – 4 out of 5 CPE. Project leader, original idea and
hot shoe portion.
• Typical issue with handheld photography is that pictures aren’t
• How can we fix this?
• Modern electrical and digital systems can rectify this
• Create a unit that attaches to a professional camera with realtime feedback within the eyepiece to ensure a level picture on
the fly
• Make the unit universal and removable to be switched or
removed when not needed
• Make it affordable to be part of any photographer’s repertoire
• Include the following:
Simple power source (power management)
Good mounting point (hot shoe)
Quick, digital feedback (gyroscope)
Small form factor (microcontroller)
Hot Shoe
• Universal port available on practically all SLR cameras and
some high end point-and-shoots
• Controls an external flash unit
• Handles small amount of electricity
• Provides power and mounting point
Hot Shoe
• Using for a solid mounting point for unit
• Integrating pass-through to still use external flash
• Power output not enough
• Using rechargeable battery
• Using hot shoe to signal the unit to wake from sleep
• Measures angular velocity
• Term coined by Leon Foucault in 1852
• Many different types
• Mechanical
• Laser
• Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)
• Project Specific Constraints
Small Size
Accurate measurements
Low power consumption
Easy to interface with microcontroller
• All of this points to a MEMS gyroscope, but which one?
• STMicroelectronics LY503ALH
Physical Dimensions – 5mm x 5mm x 1.5mm
Supply Voltage – 3V
Supply Current – 5mA
Measurement Range – +/-120 °/s (+/-30 °/s @ 4x amplification)
Sensitivity – 8.3 mV/ °/s (33.3 mV/ °/s @ 4x amplification)
• Normal computer consists of CPU, Memory and I/O.
• CPU – logic and math
• Memory – data storage
• I/O – how computer moves data
• Microcontroller
• Combines CPU, Memory, I/O in specialized, small device
• Specialized device, excels at one thing
• Power
• Static – consumed when idle
• Dynamic – consumed when active
• Project Specific Constraints
Power consumed only when hot shoe active
Wakeup time must be minimized
Static power must be low – battery powered
Must be small enough to fit on top of camera and under pop-up
• EEPROM or Flash memory
• Simple coding environment
• Which microprocessor to choose?
• Arduino
Very flexible
Strong, diverse line of microprocessors
Open-source hardware
Simple coding environment
Easily interfaces to computer for program upload
• Arduino Pro Mini
Utilizes the FTDI Basic Breakout
Attaches to Pro Mini
ATmega168B with operating voltage of 3.3 (8MHz) or 5V (16MHz)
14 digital I/O pins, 6 analog inputs
16KB flash mem, 1KB SRAM, 512 Bytes of EEPROM
150mA output, .7x1.3”, <2g
Project Evaluation
• Good
The product is simple enough in its idea.
Existing products are inferior and limiting
Proven want/need for the product
Cheap to develop and produce
No patent on individual parts necessary
Requires no additional parts
Doesn’t take away from the original product
Very marketable to both enthusiasts and casual users alike
Project Evaluation
• Scary
• Size requirements are small
• External power source will be difficult to implement
• Compatibility with other cameras –
• Universal fit design may not fit all cameras
• Separate design for each camera will up production costs and
• Niche market
Project Evaluation
• Fun
• Relatively easy to create
• Lots of room for improvement and tweaking
• Requires a lot of finesse and space management and makes the
project interesting to think about
• Photographers would be very thankful for a device like this
• Good place in the market
• Very useful for the team members as well
• Something a creator cares a lot about would end up being of much
higher quality
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