Chemistry 5.1 Notes

Models of the Atom…
A. Who was he???
1. Danish physicist
2. Student of Rutherford
B. Proposed – electron is found in specific
paths or orbits
1. energy levels
2. electrons can move b/t each other
(ladder pg. 129)
a. based on energy absorbed or lost
C. Quantum – amount of energy required to
move an electron from one level to another
D. Only explained hydrogen atom…
A. What is it???
1. Schrodinger – 1926
2. Based on probability (mathematically)
a. Propeller blade
3. Restricts electrons to certain values or
4. No paths or orbits…
A. Def – a region of space where there is a high
probability of finding an electron.
B. Energy levels (n)
1. 1, 2, 3, 4…and so on
2. each energy level can have different #’s of
orbitals with different types of shapes…
C. The 4 Orbital Shapes…s, p, d, f
1. s = spherical
2. p = dumbbell
3. d = cloverleaf (4 out of 5)
4. f = tough to describe
*Every orbital can contain at most 2 electrons*
D. When n = 1…
1. has one sublevel  1S
2. s always has 1 orbital
E. When n = 2…
1. has two sublevels 2s and 2p
2. 4 orbitals total
a. 2S = 1
b. 2P = 3 (Px, Py, Pz) (pg.131)
-all perpendicular to each other
F. When n = 3…
1. has three sublevels 3s, 3p and 3d
2. 3S = 1
3P = 3
3D = 5 orbitals
3. 9 orbitals total
G. When n = 4…
1. 4S = 1
4P = 3
4F = 7
2. 16 orbitals total
4D = 5
Energy Level
Number of
Type of Sublevel
1s (1 orbital)
2s (1 orbital), 2p (3 orbitals)
3s (1 orbital), 3p (3 orbitals),
3d (5 orbitals)
4s (1 orbital), 4p (3 orbitals),
4d (5 orbitals), 4f (7 orbitals)