Analysis of 3 Movie Trailers

Trailer: Insidious 2
Key Moments
• Plot Detail
• Plot Detail
• Plot Detail
• Baby bouncer moving by itself
• Red door slamming shut by
• When the shot goes to the
dad pulling his tooth out from
the kid saying “Is there
something wrong with daddy
• This is the first indication of a
horror movie, it also represents
the plot being based on a child,
furthermore, it represents
• Another indication of what
horror genre the film is based
• Suggests that the dad is
• Producer
• Release Date
• Title
• ‘From the makers of Saw and
Paranormal Activity’
• Friday the 13th, September
• ‘Insidious 2’
• Helps audience to make
connections between the film
and previously successful and
recognised films
• The 13 is in red representing
blood and death associated
with a horror, also the 13th is a
date that is seemingly unlucky
• This is at the end of the
movie, it creates a more
memorable effect for the
audience and builds suspense
Name of Starts
No stars names are shown
within the trailer
Key Moment
Convention: Plot Detail
Example: Baby bouncer moving by itself
Effect: This is the first indication of a horror movie, it also represents the plot being based
on a child. Furthermore, it represents the supernatural
• Constantly changes tempo creating a feeling of suspense
• As soon as the trailer starts to go from good to bad, the
for the audience
• ‘Tip Toe Thru the Tulips’ is used in Insidious. This adds a
feeling of tension to the audience as the song is very high
pitched, it could also make the audience focus more on
the visual as the song is very basic
• The use of ‘Row, Row, Row your boat’ in the movie
trailer, adds a chilling effect to the trailer, also suggesting
yet again children are in the main plot
• Natural sounds that make sudden noises in order for the
audience to jump, such as doors slamming are used often
in the trailer
• The trailer also starts off with a song with a better
atmosphere as everything is ok, then as the trailer goes
on the introduction of ‘Tip Toe Thru the Tulips’ suggests
the film goes from good to bad
producer cuts to on-screen texts ‘From the makers of Saw
and Paranormal Activity’ this part of the trailer is when
you known it is a horror movie
• Using parts of the script over the top of the trailer, this
gives little hints to the plot such as ‘It’s still happening’,
because this is a sequel if you have seen the first movie
then this suggest to you what the plot is, also this is used
instead of a voice over
Mise – en – Scene
Camera Movements
• Baby Bouncer – This communicates to the audience one
of the characters
• Child in Pyjamas – Suggests he is vulnerable
• Red light on the baby sleeping in its cot/bed – Suggests
• Candle light – Could be used to highlight characters
emotions or reflect. Also gives a sense of direction
• Woman in an old fashioned dress – Represents
something old or something dead because of the time
• A tracking shot is used to go from one room to another
when the women is following the other woman in the
scene, shows she’s trying to figure out what is going on
• Close Up of the dad when he is pulling out his tooth
let’s the audience know how he is feeling and puts
empathy on the scene
Trailer: White House
Key Moments
• Plot Detail
• Plot Detail
• Plot Detail
• White House being blown up
• Presidential plane being blown
• Guns shooting down a
• This immediately gets the
audience hooked and gives an
idea of what the plot is about
• Yet again gives an idea of what
the plot is, based on terrorism
in the action genre
• Another idea of what the plot
is based on, also shows that
they’re two teams or
organisations against each
• Producers
• Productions
• Release Date shown twice
• Title shown at the end
• Columbia Pictures
• ‘Directors of 2012, The Day
After Tomorrow and
Independence Day’
• June 28th
• White House Down, release
date shown after
• Helps the audience recognise
what genre of movie it could
possibly be
• Helps audience to make
connections between the film
and previously successful and
recognised movies
• This is important so the
audience known when they can
watch the movie
• Being at the end means it is
more memorable to the
Name of Stars
• Movie Star
• Channing Tatum and Jamie
• Audiences will often base
their decision on whether to
watch a movie or not
depending on who is starring in
Key Moments
Convention: Plot Detail
Example: White House being blown up
Effect: This immediately gets the audience hooked and gives an idea of what the plot is about
• Someone whistling the American National Anthem, this
shows the audience where the film is set, and if being
watched in American gives the audience a sense of
• Talking over the radio using the words such as ‘ALPHA’,
this suggests the army may be involved showing it is an
action movie
• When the script is over the top in one of the sense the
actors voice is changed so its not his, this shows
espionage to the audience
• The use of a stutter effect on the camera when the
presidential plane is being blown up mid-air, this goes
from the camera being more below to above the plane,
suggesting a shift in power to the audience
Mise – en – Scene
Camera Movement
• Army vehicles at the beginning represent an action
• Guns also show that violence is in the film meaning it is
an action
• The use of a stutter effect on the camera when the
presidential plane is being blown up mid-air, this goes
from the camera being more below to above the plane,
suggesting a shift in power to the audience
Trailer: We’re the
Key Moments
• Plot Detail
• Scene
• Scene
• Plot revealed to a certain
extent, the audience are
told what the movie is
based on
• Joke made ‘It’s not drug
dealing its smuggling’
• RV breaks down
• This hooks the audience
and they immediately know
what the movie is about,
can sometimes be criticised
for this
• This shows the audience
that there is no seriousness
between the characters and
it suggests its a comedy
• Shows its a comedy
because the protagonist is
out of his depth
• Producers
• On scene text
• Release Date
• Links to social networking
sites and their website
• Warner Brothers Pictures
and New Line Cinema
• ‘New Line Cinema invites
• August 9th
• Audience make a
connection between the
film and previously
successful films
• This makes the audience
feel involved and a personal
• Released in the summer
giving a feel good factor to
the audience
• Give the audience chance
to find more information
Name of Stars
Key Moment
Convention: Scene
Example: RV breaks down
Shows its a comedy because the protagonist is out of his depth