Community Colleges: Globalization and the

Community Colleges:
Globalization in the Curriculum
Dr. Rebecca S. Lake
National-Louis University
Community College Leadership Doctoral Program
122 So. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60603 312-261-3534
Purpose and Objectives
Purpose: to discuss and begin to integrate globalization
in community college curriculums
Four Learning Objectives:
Objective 1. Understand a general definition of the
concept globalization
Objective 2. Identify the need to integrate globalization
seamlessly in diverse curriculums
Objective 3. Begin conceptual groundwork for integration
of globalization in curricula and/or courses
Objective 4. Begin initial development of global student
learning objectives reflected in student activities for
various curricula and/or courses
4 Creative Group Activities
These are :
1. for 5 minutes: create a definition of
2. for 10 minutes: lay a foundation of
globalization in courses/curriculums
3. for 15 minutes: list possible global
4. for 20 minutes: list possible student
learning activities
Presentation Objective 1:
Definition of Globalization
We All Know….. The world is shrinking,
or as Thomas Friedman (columnist for
New York Times) believes, “the world
is flat.”
Travel is a perfect example of our
shrinking and flattening world.
The Shrinking Globe
1500 -1840
Best average speed of
horse-drawn coaches
and sailing ships, 10
1850 - 1930
Propeller Jet
Steam locomotives aircraft passenger
average 65 mph.
300 - 400 aircraft,
Steamships average mph.
500 - 700
36 mph.
McGraw-Hill International Business 2005
Group Activity: Define Globalization?
A 5 minute writing exercise:
Take 5 minutes to write a definition of
globalization for your community
college and then share it with
someone at your table.
What are the shared elements?
Globalization Defined:
"Globalization refers to the process whereby
countries become more integrated via
movements of goods, capital, labor [people],
and ideas“.
(David Bloom, 2002)
Whether one wants to be or not …. People of
the world are inextricably linked in such a
way that local happenings are shaped by
events happening miles away.
(Anthony Giddens, 1990)
Global Influence is in Flux
Impact of globalization is uneven at times &
uneven in places around the world…
Influence Always present
Globalization Influence is “Nuanced”
It is nuanced according to locality (local area,
national, world region), use of language(s), politics,
economics, technology, communication & cultures.
Does not take place on a level playing field. Crossborder flows between nations are not symmetrical.
Nor is every national system engaged with every
other to the same extent or intensity nor at the
same time.
Nations, organizations and institutions bring varying
capacities and agendas to the global venue.
BUT: Can’t Stop It’s Influence
Global Changes Reflecting Globalization
Rise of the “networked” society
Shifting & restructuring of the world’s
economic system
Political reshaping of the world …. the
restructuring & emergence of multi-faceted
Growing real …. but also virtual mobility
Erosion of the nation-state ... “borderless”
Complex cultural developments
Demographic shifting & migration
Global Interconnectedness
A unstoppable widening and speeding up
of world interconnectedness
Compression of time and space,
results an interconnectedness &
interdependence reshaping social,
economic & political and cultural life
into a single place … “global”
Presentation Objective 2:
Identify need to Integrate Globalization
No individual --- in America --- or living
anywhere in the world can be said to be
Free ……
if they do not understand the forces
influencing & impacting their lives.
Shifting to 21st Century Thinking
New, advanced form of capitalism in which
knowledge and ideas are the main source of
economic growth (seems to be more
important than land, labor, money, or other
‘tangible resources).
Knowledge is defined — and valued — not for
what it is, but for what it can do. Today’s &
tomorrow’s global marketplace requires a
variety of new kinds of workers, with new &
different skill sets, critical thinking abilities
and problem solving aptitudes.
The Global “Knowledge Age”
The meaning of Knowledge is changing.
Knowledge is no longer being thought of as
‘stuff’ that is developed (and stored) in the
minds of experts, represented in books, or
allocated into disciplines.
Instead, today Knowledge is thought of as being
like a form of energy, as a system of integrated
& collaborative networks – something that does
things, or makes things happen ….…..
Fueled by education.
(21st Century Thinking, 2009)
For Community College Graduates
Today's graduates are likely to change jobs
& careers several times
Oral & written communication skills more
important than ever
Ability to critically think & problem solve are
Cross-cultural communication & knowledge
increasingly important
Creativity & innovation are keys to success
Pressures for Change
at Community College
1. Business & Industry economic needs (global
workforce preparation)
2. Expectation of practical competencies
3. Education confers global competitiveness
4. Growth of proprietary education businesses
4. Increased number & demographic diversity
of students
5. Students (stakeholders) now live in the Age
of Convenience (time & place important)
6. Accountability & funding controls
Driving Forces Altering
Community College Missions
Community Colleges are responsive to
constituents and stakeholders all
affected by global forces
Reflected in the following:
1. Government funding
2. Constituent (consumer) choice
3. Business & industry demands
How Are Global Changes
Reflected in Community Colleges?
Reflected in institutional behaviors ……
represented by changing missions and
alterations in educational priorities
(instructional delivery & curriculums)
and work done in the institution by all
(driven by technology).
Community colleges should not be passive
recipients of globalization’s influence.
A Rhetorical Question???
How do we often respond to need for
change in higher education?
An Allegory: The Horse Story
Common advice from knowledgeable horse trainers
includes the old adage about change ………
“When the horse dies, dismount.”
Seems simple enough. Yet in higher education, we
don’t always follow that advice. Instead we often
choose from an array of alternatives which include:
An array of alternatives we employ:
We say things like, “This is the way
we’ve always ridden the horse!”
Appoint a committee to study the horse
Arrange to visit other sites where they
ride dead horses more efficiently
Compare how we’re riding now with how
we rode ten or twenty years ago
Complain about the state of horses these
(Any of these sound familiar?)
Engaging in Change by
Adding Globalization to Curriculums
Everything, by nature, is constantly
changing and evolving
………….(what doesn't change?)
Adding concept of globalization to
courses & curriculums is needed at
community colleges ……
Administrators &Faculty guide
these changes!
What Does This Mean for
Your Community College?
Questions looking for answers:
What does all this talk about Globalization have to
do with our community college and its curriculums?
Some faculty already doing it, isn't that enough?
How does the embedding of globalization help our
And, how do we go about doing it anyway without
re-writing all the courses?
The World
United States
Served at Your
Community College
No Longer Sufficient .. the 3 “Fs”
To gain an understanding of globalization
use of the 3 “Fs” is no longer sufficient
for higher education institutions:
1. Foods
2. Flags
3. Festivals
What is Your College’s Current
Mission Statement?
Does it have some reference to:
Appreciating diversity
Cultural awareness ?
Words in the Mission…Does is Matter?
Words hold a great deal of power:
(More encompassing)
A New Mission Statement
A new mission statement needs to be
written more reflective of globalization.
Issues to Consider
Given: globalization is a constant
 In a world of ever-increasing complexity, what are
our obligations to teach “how the world works”?
How does faculty adapt or change educational
paradigms to be more responsive to an increasingly
interconnected world and far-reaching economic,
social, political and technological changes resulting
from globalization?
What should the focus include for your college?
………Implications for curricular content
Issues to Consider
Looking at demographic trends, how can your
College meet educational needs, demands &
expectations of its stakeholders?
Educational challenges: anticipating the
knowledge, skills, critical thinking abilities &
wisdom needed for the globalized future
Goal today: to begin working on a curricular
scaffold for faculty to work collaboratively in shaping
the future of education at your institution.
Presentation Objective 3:
Laying the Groundwork
Your College not being a passive recipient of
globalization …. But is actively involved in
guiding this phenomena not only transforms
but is transformative to the institution
Global Studies (inclusion of globalization):
not found only in a single discipline or even
multidisciplinary ……
Needs to be found in all the
disciplines offered at your College
A Curricular Scaffold Assists in
Making the ‘How To” Decisions
What is….
How do I….
Globalization in
the curriculum
Mission Statement
Where is it ….
SLO & Activities
Building the Scaffold: Which Type?
So everyone is on the same page, moving in the
same direction ….. can take 2 different routes
for courses and programs :
1. An umbrella scaffold (framework)
uniform for all programs or courses
2. As more of a hidden or embedded
scaffold (framework) specific to each
program or course
Globalization as an Umbrella
Viewed as a uniform overarching
umbrella …… contains similar
components found in all curriculums
Globalization Embedded in Curricula
Viewed as embedded or hidden
strands ……. specific to each program
or course
Group Activity: Which way to go?
A 10 minute writing exercise …discipline
Take 10 minutes to list the pros and cons
of each route to help you decide,
which scaffold to use in your discipline:
1. an umbrella
2. more embedded
Content Management: Topics
Academic Topics
Interesting, dynamic,
How to treat content
personalized to reflect
the discipline
Talk to other faculty
already doing this for ideas
& forms (work smart)
Suggested Curricular Content
Suggested 21st Century Curricular Content to assist in
preparing students for the global marketplace:
State-of-the-planet attentiveness (a global
Cross-cultural awareness
Understanding of the interrelatedness of global
problems, issues & concerns
Development of participatory skills
21st Century Curricular
Acquisition of analytical & critical thinking
skills with awareness of multiple perspectives
Financial, economic, business &
entrepreneurial literacy
Civic and political literacy
Health and wellness awareness
Group Activity: Topic Ideas
A 15 minute writing exercise …discipline specific:
Take 15 minutes to list global topics to include in the
To help, ask yourself these types of questions:
1. what is in the news?
2. what have you overheard students
talking about?
3. what is current in your discipline?
4. what is in pop culture, movies, music, etc.?
Significance of Curricular Changes
Possible Benefits to your College that accrue when
concepts of globalization are embedded in
a stronger sense of institutional identity or Mission
“the Globalized Community College” is nurtured
increased enrollment can occur (stress the global
significantly better rates of student retention and
performance may occur (students more interested)
Benefits to Your College
Incorporating Concept of Globalization
College Mission
Student Retention
Student Enrollment
Community Colleges Transforming
College is Not Sitting Still
College is Taking the Initiative
College is Student Centered ……
What are you here for… if not for
education of the student?
Final Presentation Objective 4:
Student Learning Activities
A 20 minute writing exercise …discipline specific:
Begin the initial development of globalization student
learning activities in various curricula or courses
Take 20 minutes:
1. To write a few student learning outcomes
2. Come up with fun activities!
3. Faculty already doing this can help you
4. In addition…. Ask your students for
activity ideas
Exit Card for this Presentation
3 things I learned
2 things I liked
1 thing I still have a question about