3.2 Note Sheet


Name: _________________________

Pd. __________


Ch. 3 Sec. 2 Cell Division is Part of the Cell Cycle

The cell cycle includes _______________ and cell division.

-all living things _______________, grow,

_____________________ and die in a process called a life cycle.

-cells have a life cycle too, called __________


-Cell cycle: _______________________________


-Cell cycle consists of _______ phases:

1. __________________: the cell carries out its functions

2. _______________ and cytokinesis: when the cell divides.

-All cells divide, but only _________________ undergo mitosis.


Cell division phase

-Interphase: ______________________________


-during interphase, cell grows to about

_______________ the size it was when it was first produced.

-cell engages in normal life activities, such as

____________________ materials in and transporting __________________ out.

-__________________ respiration also occurs

(provides ________________ to the cell)

-changes that occur during interphase prepare a cell for ___________________.

-Before a cell can divide, it _______________ its




-____________________ do not undergo mitosis b/c they have no __________________.

-mitosis is the shortest period in the life cycle.

-Function of mitosis: _______________________


Cell division produces two genetically


Steps of mitosis

Division of __________________

-When the cell divides, each new cell gets a full set of DNA.

-Cytokinesis: _____________________________


-the original (parent) cell splits into two genetically ___________________ cells as a result of mitosis and cytokinesis.

-“daughter” refers to new cells

-new cells help your body grow,

__________________, repair itself, and replace worn-out parts.

-being genetically identical to their parent cell helps the new cell function properly.

-Skin cell example: ________________________


-process of mitosis is essential in evenly diving the genetic material between the daughter cells.

-Four phases of mitosis:

1. Prophase: _____________________________


2. Metaphase: ___________________________


3. Anaphase: ____________________________


4. Telophase: ____________________________


-Following telophase, the parent cell’s

_________________ is divided to complete the parent cell’s division into two entirely separate daughter cells.

-cytokinesis- division of the parent cell’s cytoplasm.

-Different in animal cells vs. _____________ cells.

-What is the difference in cytokinesis between an animal cell and a plant cells?



