Gilded Age

The Gilded Age
Guided Reading 10-3
Theory or Movement
Main Idea
Social Darwinism
Gospel of Wealth
This section describes the Gilded Age of the late 1800’s. What does the term “gilded” mean? Are there
any similarities or differences between the Gilded Age and American society today?
Explain Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. Then explain how philosopher Herbert Spencer
applied this theory to society. ____________________________________________________________
Why did Darwin’s idea of evolution scare and outrage many Christians? __________________________
Define and Describe Philanthropy__________________________________________________________
List the professional sports and leisure activities that developed in the late 1800’s. Then list the popular
leisure activities of today. What similarities and differences do you see between the two? ___________
As you read, fill in the chart below listing famous works and artists of realism in the 1800’s
Artist / Author
Thomas Eakins
Famous Work
William Dean Howells
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Henry James
The Age of Innocence
Describe the following terms from the lesson:
Explain the impact that Social Darwinism had on American Industry and how it related to the laissezfaire economic attitude. _________________________________________________________________
How did industrialism promote leisure time and encourage new forms of entertainment? ____________