The Turtles of South Carolina

South Carolina Turtles
South Carolina Turtle Species
• Emydidae (hard-shell pond
– Chrysemys picta
– Clemys guttata
– C. muhlenbergii
– Deirochelys reticularia
– Malaclemys terrapin
– Pseudemys concinna
– P. floridana
– Terrapene carolina
– Trachemys scripta
• Testudinidae (tortoises)
– Gopherus polyphemus
• Chelydridae (snappers)
– Chelydra serpentina
• Trionychidae (softshells)
– Trionyx ferox
– T. spiniferus
• Kinosternidae (mud and musk
– Kinosternon baurii
– K. subrubrum
– Sternotherus odoratus
• Cheloniidae (sea turtles)
– Caretta caretta
– Chelonia mydas
• Dermochelyidae (leatherback
sea turtle)
– Dermochelys coriacea
Chrysemys picta
(painted turtle)
(Young: Plate 4*;
Plate 7; Text pp. 185186)
• Despite maps, this turtle is found only
along and to the NW of the Sandhills.
• This is an old species, dating from Late
• C. picta prefers still water, soft bottom,
basking sites, & aquatic vegetation.
• Operating temperature is low, perhaps
22oC, and at low temps, non-pulmonary
gas exchange is significant:
– 25oC: lactate high in 2 days under water
– 5oC: lactate high in 2 weeks under water
Ernst et al. (1994) review painted
turtle physiology in excruciating
*Plate-references are to Conant & Collins.
• Migration is known in some
• Late summer follicular & sperm
development; spring courtship, summer
nesting, c. 6 eggs, fall hatching.
• Minimum size at maturity = f(latitude).
Clemys guttata (spotted turtle)
(Young: Plate 3; Adult: Plate 5; Text:
p. 158)
• Coastal Plain, into sandhills.
• Swamps, ponds, braided streams
(shallow water).
• Short activity cycle concentrated in
• Typical summer sperm & egg
production; courtship in early
spring, egg-laying (average 4-5
eggs) in late spring, hatching in late
• Wild survival documented to > 30
• Omnivorous.
• State protected species.
• Very rare, Oconee-Pickens bog
Clemys muhlenbergii
distribution. Ephemeral habitat
(bog turtle; endangered
formerly shifted because of plantspecies)
succession in mountain bogs.
(Adult: Plate 5; Text: p. • Smallest turtle in USA; adult
length often < 10cm.
• Most surface activity occurs in
spring; may aestivate in summer.
• Typical patterns of egg and sperm
development; mating in early
spring, laying (c. 3 eggs) in late
spring. Incubation c. 40-80 days;
young emerge in late summer.
• Omnivorous, but mostly insects.
(chicken turtle)
(Young: Plate 4; Adult:
Plate 7; Text: p. 187)
• Sandhills and Coastal Plain.
• Adults about 10-15cm.
• Still water (ponds, ditches, etc.); often
moves on land. (Adapted to movement
across ephemeral wetlands.)
• Females begin laying at c. 3 years of age.
Spring or fall oviposition (winter in warm
climates—what does this suggest?—in
South Carolina occasional retention of
shelled eggs). Fall embryos can enter
diapause. Early summer hatch.
• Egg size increases with female size, up to
point; then clutch size increases. This is
not the typical emydid pattern.
• An implosion feeder with ontogenetic
changes in food habits typical of emydids.
Seen from above, shell has characteristic pear-like shape.
Malaclemys terrapin (diamondback
terrapin) (Young: Plate 4; Adult: Plate 5;
Text: p. 165)
• Restricted to coastal margins (salt
marshes, tidal creeks, etc., where salinity
is11.3-31.8 ppt; rainwater is important,
and drinking =f[salinity]).
• Hunts & basks by day; probably digs in
at night.
• Males mature by 4 yrs, females (larger)
by about 8; adults about 15-20cm.
• Females can store sperm. Nest in
summer on landward dune faces.
Southern females produce fewer, larger,
faster-hatching eggs (lottery theory?
• DBT’s (especially females) are good at
crunching snails & clams.
Pseudemys concinna (river cooter) (Adult: Plate 8; Text: p. 178)
• Statewide except mountains, but
much less common in Coastal
Plain (follows streams…).
• About 25-30cm.
• Prefers rivers with slow current,
abundant vegetation, rocky
bottoms, and basking logs (little
aquatic basking).
• Clutches of about 20 eggs are laid
in early summer (rarely multiple
clutches); hatch in late summer.
• This highly aquatic, common turtle
is not well known.
• Most look darker than pictures.
• Long dives (2-3hrs) are possible.
Pseudemys floridana
(Adult: Plate 8;
Text: p. 181)
ID: Spots on bridge are hollow.
• Restricted to the Coastal Plain,
this cooter likes wide rivers, slow
current, soft bottom, and abundant
• About 25-35cm.
• Cooters are gregarious snagbaskers in cool weather and
aquatic baskers in warm weather.
• Usually nests in spring (winter in
Florida). Multiple clutches (of
about 20 eggs) are common.
• Hatching at c. 80-150 days; Aiken
County hatchlings often
overwinter in nest.
• For this species costs and benefits
of thermoregulation are
apparently high!
Terrapene carolina
(box turtle) (Young: Plate
3; Adult: Plate 5; Text: p. 160)
• With good conditions, “boxies”
mature at 5-10 yrs; long-lived.
• About 12-15cm.
• Courtship spring to fall; males
usually mate with females that
share overlapping ranges. (The
mating position is weird…)
• Females can store sperm for > 1
• 4-5 eggs/clutch, usually 2 (up to
4) clutches/year.
• 70-80-day incubation; females
produced at above 28.5oC.
• Boxies like it hot and humid but
can survive freezing for 72hr.
• Like many other turtles, boxies
fight infection by means of
“behavioral fever” of up to 4oC.
• Omnivorous; like mushrooms.
Trachemys scripta (yellowbelly slider)
(Young: Plate 4; Adult: Plate 7; Text: p. 176)
Statewide (except mountains); prefers quiet waters with soft bottoms,
abundant vegetation, and basking snags. May move substantial
distances overland.
Probably like many other turtles, T. scripta heats faster than it cools.
Time to maturity varies among and within populations.
Summer gametogenesis, spring breeding; about 6 eggs are laid in late
spring– and more clutches may follow. Clutch size (but not egg
width) is a function of female size. Hatching is often in late summer,
but young may over-winter in the nest.
Gopherus polyphemus (gopher tortoise) (Adult: Plate 2; Text: p. 188)
• Found in Jasper & Hampton
Counties, plus newly discovered
population in Aiken County.
• About 15-35cm.
• This basically tropical animal
can live in Temperate Zone
because it digs burrows (up to
2m deep, 6m long), in which
temperature is constant.
• Many other animals
(invertebrates & vertebrates)
share this micro-habitat.
• Very slow to mature, very low
repro rate; adults very longlived: conservation problems….
Chelydra serpentina (snapper)
(Young: Plate 3; Adult: Plate 9; Text: p. 146)
Found in any fresh water; prefers still water with soft bottom.
About 20-25cm.
A highly-aquatic, seldom-basking bottom-walker– that can move
Mating occurs April-November; females may store sperm; laying
typically occurs in late spring. Typical clutch size is 20-40 eggs.
• This species is confined
to the southern tip of the
Trionyx (Apalone) ferox
South Carolina “pie.”
(Florida softshell)
• Males about 15-30cm;
(Note: Adult animals lose the
females about 30-70cm.
distinctive, blotched carapace-pattern.)
(Young: Plate 4; Adult: Plate 10; Text:
of still waters but will
p. 199)
live almost anywhere.
• It can exchange gases
through pharynx, cloaca,
and skin.
• Multiple clutches;
number of eggs depends
on female size; c. 2
months’ development;
chromosomal gender
Trionyx (Apalone) spiniferus (spiny softshell)
(Young: Plate 4; Adult: Plate 10; Text: p. 195)
• Found statewide, mostly in well-oxygenated rivers with soft bottoms,
sandbars, and aquatic vegetation.
• Males 12-25cm; females 20-45cm.
• Good at through-the-skin gas exchange (skin and shell are so porous
that the animal can dehydrate); also good at regulating heating and
cooling rates behaviorally.
• Can store sperm; usually double-clutch. Thought to be very longlived.
• Former has weird disjunct
Kinosternon baurii &
range in Coastal Plain; latter
subrubrum (mud turtles)
occurs everywhere except
(Adult: Plate 2; Text: pp. 153 &
• About 7-10cm.
• Both like quiet waters;
former prefers slow-moving
& deeper.
• Predators on small stuff.
K. subrubrum
K. bauri
Sternotherus odoratus (musk turtle)
(Adult: Plate 2; Text: p. 150)
• Found statewide, typically in
slow water with soft bottom.
• About 5-12cm.
• Moves on land but dehydrates
• Time to maturity depends on
food and latitude.
• Mating often occurs in fall, and
sperm may be stored. Multiple
small clutches are the rule.
• Eat any animal that’s small– but
mostly invertebrates.
Caretta caretta (loggerhead)
(Adult: Plate 9; Text: p. 192)
• Omnivorous but prefers mollusks.
• About 80-120cm; 100-200kg
females spend most of year at sea.
• Migration to nesting beaches can
be > 2500km (often less; left).
• Night landfall on natal beach;
selects nest site.
• Lays c. 100 4.5cm eggs in nest;
probably nests 3-4 times in year–
and then skips 1-3 years.
• After 2 months eggs hatch; young
head to sea.
• Depredation on nests and
hatchlings is very heavy.
• Young probably float in Sargasso.
Chelonia mydas
(green turtle)
(Adult: Plate 9; Text: p. 191)
• Economically this is the
most valuable sea turtle.
• At about 90-130cm, it’s
often a bit larger than
loggerheads (though head of
green turtle is smaller).
• This is the only sea turtle
that feeds largely on plant
• Nesting on South Carolina
beaches is very rare.
• Cross open ocean but usually
feed in shallow water.
• Female age at maturity may
be very old (>35 years).
• Shell is composed of many tiny
bones embedded in the thick
skin. (The biggest such bones
form 7 longitudinal ridges.)
(leatherback) • About 135-180cm (largest turtle;
to 500kg).
(Adult: Plate 9; Text: p. 193)
• Mating probably takes place
during migration from temperate
to tropical waters.
• Multiple clutches (often 6 or
more) of about 50-150 eggs are
• “Graze” on jellyfish.
• Thermal biology is convergent
with that of mammals.