Ko'u Mana'o Outline Template

Name: Kulia Zoller
Period 1
Date: November 7, 2014
(Title- Make it catchy and creative)
Ko’u Mana’o Speech Outline
I. Introduction
A. Attention-Getter – AG TYPE- “A person is a person, no matter how small.” – Dr. Seuss
B. Transition - Link to Thesis – Today, I will be talking about my view on abortion.
C. Thesis Statement – I feel that I am pro-choice on abortion for different reasons.
D. Preview of Points- 1. It solves future problems, 2. Abortion is basically murder, and 3. Men
should not have a say in voting.
E. Transition: Signpost – What are the proʻs of abortion?
II. Body
A. Main Point 1 – Abortion solves problems that would lead up to having a baby
a. Statistics- “Teen moms” has been increasing every year.
1. Form of support- Between 1990 and 2010, the teen pregnancy rate increased by 51
percent. As of 2013, there were 27 births for every 1000 females from ages ranging from 15-19.
Surveys show 60 percent ended in a live birth, 15 percent ended in a miscarriage, and 30
percent ended in an abortion. (Hamilton)
b. Babies cost a lot of money
1. Form of support – Babies diapers cost about $50 a month, $60 for clothing, etc. Excluding
food, that’s already a total of $110. For high school dropouts, they can only get jobs that have
minimum wage income. Arkansas was the #1 state for the highest rate of teen pregnancy.
Minimum wage income in Arkansas is $6.25 an hour. Which means they only earn
approximately $170 a month, which isn’t enough to provide for their child and themselves.
c. Transition: Abortion is killing.
B. Main Point 2 – Abortion is another way of murdering a smaller human being.
a. Subpoint 1- Fetuses can feel pain.
1. Form of support- According to Kate Sheppard, fetuses can feel pain at 20 weeks and
further into the pregnancy. There was a bill passed named “Pain-Capable Unborn Child
Protection Act” which banned abortion across the nation after that point. She states “The pain of
a fetus at 20 weeks is possibly more intense than that felt by older newborns." Fetuses begin to
grow a biological pathway that allows them to feel a pain sensation. She also states, “fetuses
can respond to stress or other stimuli at 20 weeks, abortion after that point causes them "severe
and excruciating pain."
b. Causes psychological problems
1. Form of support – From Catherine Bernard, she says that “women who had abortions were
160 percent more likely than delivering women to be hospitalized for psychiatric treatment in the
first 90 days following abortion or delivery.”
c. Men canʻt give birth.
C. Main Point 3 – Women in the legislature should be the ones to choose whether it is legal
a. Subpoint 1- There is a quote said by Alan K. Simpson, “I consider
abortion to be a deeply personal issue for women and I don’t believe
male legislators should have a say on the issue.”
1. Form of support- Nothing in this Constitution secures or protects a right to abortion or
requires the funding of an abortion. The people retain the right through their elected state
representatives and state senators to enact, amend, or repeal statutes regarding abortion,
including, but not limited to, circumstances of pregnancy resulting from rape or incest or when
necessary to save the life of the mother.
b. Different religions.
1. Form of support - The senate will differ on results since everyone has different religions
has different religions. For an example, if someone is an Atheist, they will vote yes. But if they
believe in God, they will vote no because it’s against the rule of God.
c. Transition: I vote no for abortion.
III. Conclusion: After doing my research, I have found that I am against abortion.
A. Restate Thesis – Instead of being pro-choice, I am not for abortionl
B. Review of Points – 1. It solves future problems, 2. Abortion is basically murder, and 3. Men
should not have a say in voting.
C. Closing Statement – CS Type – “If you’re going to make love with the person whom you
love, do it with wearing the safest thing, a wedding ring.”
Works Cited
"State Abortion Laws." Issues & Controversies. Kristin Luker, 3 Oct.
2014. Web.
Ladd, Everett Carll., and Karlyn H. Bowman. Public Opinion about
Abortion. Washington, D.C.: AEI, 1999. Print.
"abortion." Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th
Edition. HarperCollins Publishers. 07 Nov. 2014.
"Abortion ProCon.org." ProConorg Headlines. N.p., 27 June 2014.