About photography, sculpture and sketching. Arts E.S.O. – Year 3 Sculpture, photo and sketching. make a personal and artistic approach to the landscape know the different kinds and main concepts about sculpture know the techniques and tools used in sculpture know the basics rules of composition in photography know about composition rules in photography take measurements from a distance in order to make a sketch revise and deepen the visual elements seen in the first course. Have a look at the full unit plan Ready for an Outdoor Art Class Sessions Session 1: “Observing a landscape”. Session 2: “The rules of composition in photography”. Session 3: “Sculpture”. Session 4: “Judging Proportions Visually (Sketching)”. Session 5: “My Best Image - Slide show”. Field Trip Lesson Plan Session 1 Activity 1 PPT Observing a landscape Activities 2-5 Worksheet 1 Lesson Plan Session 2 Activity 1 PPT The Rules of Composition in Photography – a General Guideline Activity 2,3 and 4 Worksheet 2 Lesson Plan Session 3 Activities 1 - 4 PPT SCULPTURE Flash cards with new vocabulary Worksheet 3 and Solution to Worksheet 3 Worksheet 4 Worksheet 5 Worksheet 6 Lesson Plan Session 4 Activities 1-7 Method for Teachers Preparation of the class Lesson Plan Session 5 Activity Presentation of Group Work PPTs as described in Session 2 Activity 5 Worksheet 2 Activity 4 Homework Project Linguistic communication Interacting with other people, using specific vocabulary. Mathematics Understanding and using the concept of proportion. Recognizing the importance of basic geometric shapes in order to compose a photograph or sketch. ICT and digital processing Using ICT to search for information, draw plans, create documents and make budgets. Social and civic competence Developing social skills that foster respectful and tolerant discussion of ideas, conflict management and decisionmaking. Cultural and artistic competence Recognizing how important is to use recyclable materials. Learning to learn Developing strategies for solving technological problems in projects by obtaining, analyzing and selecting relevant information. Autonomy and initiative Developing personal qualities such as initiative and perseverance in the face of difficulty and self-criticism. KEY CONCEPTS Students can: find the main aspects in a sculpture use the rules of composition use several angles and shots judge proportions visually adapt measurements to different sizes of drawing sheets. KEY LANGUAGE Students can: use the language in a comprehensible way use the key language accurately use the target language as the language of communication in class. THINKING SKILLS Students know: the concept of sculpture, main kinds and techniques how to analyze the visual elements in an outdoor view and use them to express a personal view how to use the rules of composition, shots and angles to express themselves through photography how to organize a basic structure to start a sketch how to select the best images in group. CULTURAL AWARENESS Students can: appreciate the power of inspiration in a landscape appreciate the value of a sculpture work in teams. Field Book Arts Field Book Activities Arts Teacher’s Guide Field Book All Areas Route Planning Information PPT Presentations and PDFs Session 1 Observing a landscape Session 2 The Rules of Composition in Photography Session 3 Sculpture Session 4 Worksheets Method for Teachers Preparation of the class Ready for an Outdoor Art Class Creative poster on line in Glogster-Edu web. http://edu.glogster.com/ Flash cards with new vocabulary http://flashcards.educationlabs.com/Default .aspx?page=Home#/Play/?deckid=13226 Any material reproduced in this project has been done so for educational purposes in accordance with the rights to do so outlined in the Ley 23/2006, 7th July, which supersedes the Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, passed by the Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1996, 12th April. Elena Miranda Álvarez Cristina Merlo-Flórez Rodríguez Natalia Méndez Pérez Jesús Ángel García Vega