Unit Presentation

About photography, sculpture and sketching.
 Arts
 E.S.O. – Year 3
 Sculpture, photo and sketching.
 make a personal and artistic approach to the landscape
 know the different kinds and main concepts about sculpture
 know the techniques and tools used in sculpture
 know the basics rules of composition in photography
 know about composition rules in photography
 take measurements from a distance in order to make a
 revise and deepen the visual elements seen in the first
Have a look at the full unit plan
Ready for an Outdoor Art Class
 Session 1: “Observing a landscape”.
 Session 2: “The rules of composition in photography”.
 Session 3: “Sculpture”.
 Session 4: “Judging Proportions Visually (Sketching)”.
 Session 5: “My Best Image - Slide show”.
 Field Trip
Lesson Plan Session 1
Activity 1
 PPT Observing a landscape
Activities 2-5
 Worksheet 1
Lesson Plan Session 2
Activity 1
 PPT The Rules of Composition in
Photography – a General Guideline
Activity 2,3 and 4
 Worksheet 2
Lesson Plan Session 3
Activities 1 - 4
 Flash cards with new vocabulary
 Worksheet 3 and Solution to Worksheet 3
 Worksheet 4
 Worksheet 5
 Worksheet 6
Lesson Plan Session 4
Activities 1-7
 Method for Teachers
 Preparation of the class
Lesson Plan Session 5
Presentation of Group Work PPTs as described in
Session 2 Activity 5
 Worksheet 2 Activity 4 Homework Project
Linguistic communication
 Interacting with other people, using specific vocabulary.
 Understanding and using the concept of proportion.
 Recognizing the importance of basic geometric shapes in
order to compose a photograph or sketch.
 ICT and digital processing
Using ICT to search for information, draw plans, create
documents and make budgets.
 Social and civic competence
Developing social skills that foster respectful and tolerant
discussion of ideas, conflict management and decisionmaking.
 Cultural and artistic competence
Recognizing how important is to use recyclable materials.
 Learning to learn
Developing strategies for solving technological problems
in projects by obtaining, analyzing and selecting
relevant information.
 Autonomy and initiative
Developing personal qualities such as initiative and
perseverance in the face of difficulty and self-criticism.
Students can:
 find the main aspects in a sculpture
 use the rules of composition
 use several angles and shots
 judge proportions visually
 adapt measurements to different sizes of
drawing sheets.
Students can:
 use the language in a comprehensible way
 use the key language accurately
 use the target language as the language of
communication in class.
Students know:
 the concept of sculpture, main kinds and techniques
 how to analyze the visual elements in an outdoor
view and use them to express a personal view
 how to use the rules of composition, shots and angles
to express themselves through photography
 how to organize a basic structure to start a sketch
 how to select the best images in group.
Students can:
 appreciate the power of inspiration in a landscape
 appreciate the value of a sculpture
 work in teams.
Field Book
 Arts Field Book Activities
 Arts Teacher’s Guide
 Field Book All Areas
 Route Planning Information
 PPT Presentations and PDFs
 Session 1
Observing a landscape
 Session 2
The Rules of Composition in Photography
 Session 3
 Session 4
 Worksheets
Method for Teachers
Preparation of the class
Ready for an Outdoor Art Class
 Creative poster on line in Glogster-Edu web.
 Flash cards with new vocabulary
 Any material reproduced in this project has been
done so for educational purposes in accordance
with the rights to do so outlined in the Ley
23/2006, 7th July, which supersedes the Ley de
Propiedad Intelectual, passed by the Real Decreto
Legislativo 1/1996, 12th April.
 Elena Miranda Álvarez
 Cristina Merlo-Flórez Rodríguez
 Natalia Méndez Pérez
 Jesús Ángel García Vega