Ministers: All the People of United Lutheran
Shelly Schultz, Pastor
ulcpastor @ chibardun.net
Phone Ministry 455-1688
November 26, 2014
7:00 P.M.
Prelude – Karen Wilber
Welcome and Greeting
Confession and Forgiveness – p. 56
Gathering Hymn – “We Gather Together”
vs. 1 & 2
Crusader #254
Cherub Choir- “It’s Good to Give Thanks” – “O Lord, I Thank You”
“God, We Thank You”
Thanksgiving Litany
On this day of joyful remembrance, let us call to mind the prophet’s vision: If you pour yourself out
for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
Your vindication shall go before you, the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
With Abraham and Sarah we seek to hope in You for all things, with Joseph and his brothers we trust
your providence in time of famine.
Bless us with hunger and thirst for your righteousness.
With Miriam and Moses we exalt your deliverance of the oppressed; with Ruth and Naomi we form
new bonds in time of need.
Bless us with hunger and thirst for your righteousness.
With David and our fathers we dance in joy before your throne; with Mary and our mothers we sing
your generosity and magnify your name.
Bless us with hunger and thirst for your righteousness.
You have promised to spread a feast where all will be satisfied; you bid the thirsty come to your
saving waters.
Bless us with hunger and thirst for your righteousness.
You welcome us to taste and see your goodness; in the land of milk and honey you invite us to keep
your covenant.
Bless us with hunger and thirst for your righteousness.
In time of plenty, you call us to remember your saving deeds; you charge us to love those in need as
we have first been loved.
Bless us with hunger and thirst for your righteousness.
You ask us to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly in your Presence; for what we do to
the least among us is also done to you.
Bless us with hunger and thirst for your righteousness.
Let us pray. Holy and eternal God, you have swallowed up death forever and redeemed our life from
the grave. Pour out upon us the Spirit of your love, that we may pour ourselves out for the hungry,
until that day when every tear is wiped away and all peoples are brought in glory to the banquet
which has no end. O Lord, maker of all things, you open your hand and satisfy the desire of every
living creature. We praise you for crowning the fields with your blessings and enabling us once
more to gather in the fruits of the earth. Teach us to use your gifts carefully, that our land may
continue to yield her increase; through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
First Lesson:
Deuteronomy 8:1-10
Carol Abbuehl
Second Lesson:
Philippians 4:6-20
Anthem- “Come With Thanksgiving”
Sacred Singers
Luke 17:11-17
Thanksgiving Message – “Blessed to be Hungry”
Hymn - “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee”
LBW #551
Apostles Creed - pg. 65
Prayer of the Church
In a widow’s copper coins, the greatest of gifts.
In five loaves and two fish, food for all.
In small piggy banks tonight, a stand against hunger.
All that we need, your grace provides.
All that we lack, your mercy secures.
All that we have, your justice demands.
Gracious God, you provide abundantly that we might steward wisely. Bless our gifts
tonight, and multiply them with the gifts of the whole church, that our offering
might be a sign of our hope for your promised future of a world without hunger.
The Great Thanksgiving
The Lord be with you.
And also with you.
Lift up you hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Words of Institution – pg. 70
The Lord’s Prayer – pg. 71
The Processional: - Communion and Offering
*As you come forward to receive Holy Communion you are invited to place your Piggy
Banks and offering in the baskets up front. Please follow the directions of the ushers and
return to your pew by the side aisle
Communion Hymns:
“Come, You Thankful People, Come”
LBW #407
“Now Thank We All Our God”
LBW #534
“Praise & Thanksgiving”
LBW #409
Post Communion Prayer
Sending Hymn – “On Our Way Rejoicing”
LBW #260
We are celebrating the Sacrament of Holy Communion this evening. All people are welcome to
the Lord’s Table who are baptized and believe we receive the body and blood of Christ for the
forgiveness of sin. We will be using the “Intinction Method” of distribution at the altar rail.
You will be handed a wafer and asked to dip it into the chalice before eating the wafer. White
grape juice is available in one chalice for those wishing that option. Gluten free wafers are also
available. Children are invited to come forward with their parents and they too, will receive a
Blessing. If you would like to receive communion in the pew, please inform the ushers.
Gwen Anderson
Jack Bowers
Herb Glaser
Bob Grefe
Phillip Hellendrung
Matthew Holten
Dawson Jackson
Larry Kahl
Earl Karlstad
Amy Knutson
Linda Moen
Marlys Stuve
Joyce Swenson
Kristen Wee
DeWayne Wirth
Those serving in the Armed Forces:
Tony Bachler
Matt Bjurstrom
Erik Dietz
Kenneth Nelson
Nathan Plank
Joe Singerhouse
THANK YOU to the Third Grade Sunday School students who designed our bulletin covers:
Carsen Harmon
Nevaeh Krchnavy
Cole Larson
Paige Richards
Paityn Richards
Jazmine Sprague
THANK YOU also to the Cherub Choir, Sacred Singers, their directors and accompanists for sharing
their music as we offer our Thanksgiving praise.
YOU ARE INVITED to stay for a time of fellowship following the service in Fellowship Hall.
Coffee and goodies will be served by Naomi Circle.
FOOD PANTRY NEEDS: The Prairie Farm/Ridgeland Food Pantry wish list is for ketchup and
boxed dinners (like lasagna, hamburger helper, etc.). Thanks for your support of this servant
THANK YOU to all who have returned their Stewardship materials. Your responses are very helpful
to the church council as they make plans and prepare the budget for 2015. If you haven’t returned
your pledge card and “Time and Talent” sheet, please do so as soon as possible!
The 1st Sunday of Advent will be November 30, so decorating will be Friday, November 28, @ 6:00.
Your support, as well as your volunteer help, is greatly appreciated.
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes should be returned by Tuesday, December 2. The 8th Grade
Confirmation Class will be delivering them to the warehouse and helping with the project on
Wednesday, December 3. Thanks!
Head Usher - Vickie Bonkrude Pastoral Asst – Carol Abbuehl Treasurer’s Asst
Coffee - Naomi Circle
Reader – Carol Abbuehl
Circle - Golden Rule