Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini
Italian- plots to take over government
Marches on Rome
After destruction of WWI, he wants to build a ‘great and glorious’ Italian empire
Il Duce (il doo-chay) “the leader”
1919- founds National Fascist Party
Fascism: form of government that places the good of the nation above all else, including individual needs and rights
Aggressive state ruled by dictator
All-powerful leader
Used propaganda
Established festivals & holidays – Italians take pride in Roman heritage
What is nationalism?
How does Mussolini create a great sense on nationalism within Italy?
What do these images tell you about
As you read use a separate piece of paper to define the following terms:
5 Year Plan
Great Purge
Cult of personality
What do you think these pictures are trying to tell us?
How do these pictures make you feel?
As you read use a separate piece of paper to define the following terms:
Nazi Party
“Mein Kampf ”
Public works programs
Anti Semitism
Nuremberg Laws
Austrian, son of Alois Hitler- beat son for disobeying
Good student until high school
Loved playing games that involved fighting
Moved to Vienna at 18 to attend art school
Failed to do well in art school
Did not want to serve in Austrian army. Army deemed him:
“unfit for combatant and auxiliary duty- too weak. Unable to bear arms.”
At outbreak of WWI- volunteered for German Army
“I was overcome with impetuous enthusiasm, and falling on my knees, wholeheartedly thanked Heaven that I had been granted the happiness to live at this time.”
Kept to himself, “odd”, “peculiar”. Break long silence with speeches
Mustard gas- goes to hospital. War ends = Hitler depression
Stages an uprising against German government. This failsteaches Hitler how not to take over (violence).
Recruited as political officer- lectures soldiers on politics.
Hitler now has a captive audience!
How did Germany feel after WWI? Treaty of Versailles?
Joins the German Worker’s Party (GWP)
A very good speech giver inter=1
NSDAP- National Socialist German
Workers Party (NAZI)
Reunification of all German people
“Foreigners” and “aliens” denied rights
Hitler becomes new leader of the party
Beer Hall Pusch: attempt to overthrow government. Hitler is arrested, tried for treason. In prison he writes Mein Kampf
Wants to create a lebensraum or living space for German people
After being in prison he slowly gains followers including future right-hand men: Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler
1929: Stock Market Crash = Great Depression
In September 1930: Nazi Party reps in parliament go from 14 to 107! *Hitler now leader of 2 nd largest party in Germany
July 1932 Nazi party takes 230 seats
1932: Hitler demands – wants to be Chancellor (refused)
1932: Carry out terrible acts of violence
November 1932: fear of a Revolution spurs Paul von
Hindenburg to ask Hitler to become Chancellor. Hitler age
43 becomes Chancellor.
Bans other political parties- illegal
Over 150,000 political prisoners put in concentration camps
Influenced by Mussolini
Took control of German army
All information was selected & organized to support beliefs
Establishes Hitler Youth (education, propaganda)
(video clip)
Considering all the information we have just learned, answer the following question on the same sheet you wrote your terms:
What signs are you seeing in Hitler’s early years that may have led to his rise in power?
What qualities did Hitler possess that drew people to his beliefs?
*Add to your Totalitarian leader chart