AP World History

AP World History
The Earth and Its People
Chapter 28 Guided Reading
1) Please complete on your own paper.
2) Include a chapter thesis at the beginning of this assignment and your five methodology
questions/reflection at the end.
3) Please include the section heading for each group of questions for the guided reading.
4) Answer each question in a complete sentence.
5) Italicized words are vocabulary you must include in that section.
Definition and significance for each term.
The Crisis Of The Imperial Order, 1900-1929
1. Who were Franz Ferdinand and Gavrilo Princip?
2. What did their encounter in Sarajevo lead to?
Origins of the Crisis in Europe and the Middle East
1. What two main changes undermined the apparent world stability in the early 1900s ?
The Ottoman Empire and the Balkans
What phrase was used by Europeans in reference to the Ottoman Empire?
What were some ways that Europeans meddled in Ottoman affairs?
Which group was behind the Ottoman nationalist reforms?
To which European country did the new Ottoman leaders turn for assistance?
Nationalism, Alliances, and Military Strategy
What are three main causes for the outbreak of war at this time?
Which empires could not totally rely on nationalism for broad support? Why?
Because of nationalism, how did most Europeans view war?
How did European wars of the 1800s affect public opinion about future wars?
Who made up the Triple Alliance formed in 1882?
Who made up the Entente, designed to maintain a European balance of power?
Why was it difficult to end troop mobilization once it had started?
What was Germany original war plan?
What happened in Belgium that Germany did not expect?
The “Great War” And The Russian Revolutions, 1914-1918
1. How did people in Europe greet the outbreak of war?
Stalemate, 1914-1917
Most European nations thought the war that started in 1914 would be won in what historic manner?
What kept the Germans from marching into and taking Paris?
Geographically describe the Western Front.
What was the most potent weapon of the war?
How did these new weapons affect the way the war was fought?
Why did commanders order their troops to attack heavily fortified defenses?
Over the four years, the Western Front moved how much?
The naval battles were fought primarily between which two parties?
9. Why did the Germans resort to submarines?
*Western Front
The Home Front and the War Economy
How did the war impact unemployment?
How did the war impact women on the homefront?
How were German civilians affected by war rations?
How many African colonists fought on behalf of European countries?
Which country grew rich during the war? Why? T
How did war industries affect southern African-Americans?
The Ottoman Empire at War
1. Which whom did the Ottomans sign a secret alliance?
2. What were the Ottomans hoping to get?
3. Which group of people suffered most within the Ottoman Empire during WW I?
4. With whom did the British plan an Arab Revolt in 1916?
5. Who created the Zionist movement at what was its main goal?
6. What did the Balfour Declaration dictate and what would it lead to?
*Faisal, Theodore Herzl, Balfour Declaration
Double Revolution in Russia, 1917
1. Describe the status of the WW I Russian army?
2. How did deprivations caused by the war lead to revolt in Russia?
3. When did Tsar Nicholas II abdicate?
4. Which two groups led the Social Democrats?
5. Who led the more radical Bolsheviks?
6. What was Lenin’s plan for Russia?
7. What was the ‘October Revolution’?
8. What did the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk state?
*Bolsheviks, Vladimir Lenin
The End of the War in Western Europe, 1917-1918
1. Who was the US President during World War I?
2. Why did the US ultimately enter World War I? G
3. When did the armistice ending World War I go into affect?
*Woodrow Wilson, Fourteen Points
Peace and Dislocation In Europe, 1919-1929
The Impact of the War
1. How many people died during WWI?
2. What was the preferred destination for immigrants during and after the war?
3. How many people died from the influenza epidemic of 1918-1919?
The Peace Treaties
1. Which countries were omitted from the Paris peace talks?
2. Who were the “three all-powerful, all-ignorant men” who ultimately ended carving up continents after
the war?
3. What did Wilson’s idea of self-determination entail?
4. What was the purpose of Wilson’s League of Nations?
5. What was ironic about the League of Nations?
6. What were the elements of the Treaty of Versailles?
7. How does the text describe the Treaty?
8. Which empire ceased to exist and what new countries were formed?
*League of Nations. Treaty of Versailles
Russian Civil War and the New Economic Policy
1. Why were the Communist Bolsheviks able to defeat the counter-revolutionaries in the Russian Civil
2. How and when was the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics formed?
3. Why were the Caucasus and Central Asia so important to the new Soviet Union?
4. Describe Lenin’s New Economic Policy.
5. How did the Communists plan to pay for the industrialization of the Soviet Union?
6. Who emerged as the frontrunners to succeed Lenin after his death in 1924?
*New Economic Policy
An Ephemeral Peace
1. What was the German crisis of 1923 marked by?
2. Where did Germany get the money to make reparation payments to Great Britain and France?
3. Why did League of Nations’ sanctions carry little weight?
China and Japan: Contrasting Destinies
1. How were China’s and Japan’s modern histories completely opposite?
Social and Economic Change
1. What was China’s world’s largest population?
2. What were the things that plagued Chinese farmers?
3. Compared to China, how was Japan’s access to resources and arable land?
4. What sharpened the resentment of educated Chinese?
5. How was Japan similar to the US during the war years (WW I)?
6. Who were the main beneficiaries of Japan’s prosperity after WW I?
7. Upon what did Japanese prosperity depend?
Revolution and War, 1900-1918
1. What was the result of the Boxer Rebellion of 1900?
2. Who was Sun Yat-sen and what ideas influenced him?
3. Who was Yuan Shikai?
4. What was the Guomindang?
5. On whose side was Japan in WWI?
6. What would have resulted from Japan’s Twenty-One Demands in 1915?
*Sun Yat-sen, Yuan Shikai, Guomindang
Chinese Warlords and the Guomindang, 1919-1929
1. What happened to China during the warlords era?
2. Was Sun Yat-sen a communist?
3. Who succeeded Sun Yat-sen in 1925?
4. Who did Chiang defeat to become dictator?
5. Why was Chiang’s government unsuccessful?
*Chiang Kai-sek
The New Middle East
The Mandate System
1. Describe the mandate system.
2. How did many of the mandates interpret League of Nations wording?
3. Which ‘Arab’ countries became mandates of Great Britain and France?
*Mandate System
The Rise of Modern Turkey
1. What did the 1920 Treaty of Sevres do?
2. What was the result of the post WWI battles between the Greeks and Turks?
3. What kind of government did Mustafa Kemal institute in Anatolia?
4. How did Kemal attempt to reform Turkish culture?
5. What was Kemal’s family name and what did it mean?
Arab Lands and the Question of Palestine
How did most Arabs view the European mandate system?
What was the region in closet contact with Europe?
How did the British attempt to control the Middle East?
Describe British rule in Egypt by 1922.
Describe a few events in Palestine brought about by the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
Society, Culture, And Technology In The Industrialized World
Class and Gender
Describe the post WWI roles of aristocrats and the middle class.
Did the working class expand like the middle class?
Overall, how did the lives of women change post war?
Which was the only post 20th century country where “suffragettes” were successful?
When did US women gain the right to vote?
Revolution in the Sciences
1. What did Max Planck discover?
2. What was Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity?
3. Why were these new laws of physics unsettling?
4. Why were new social sciences even more unsettling?
5. Who came up with the premise that “there are no religions that are false. All are true in their own
6. What term does the text use to describe this new approach to human societies?
*Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud
The New Technologies of Modernity
1. Who was Amelia Earhart?
2. Who was Charles Lindbergh?
3. What was the 1st talking motion picture in the US?
Technology and the Environment
1. Which two technologies transformed the urban environment more than any other development?
2. Who led the race in mass production of vehicles?
3. How were cars seen as a solution for urban pollution?
4. What was the most important environmental effect of automobiles?
5. What invention hastened the decline of the horse-plow on the farm?
*Wilbur and Orville Wright