PENETRATION TEST COMPARISONS: MODIFIED CALIFORNIA VERSUS STANDARD PENETRATION TEST SAMPLERS Jacqueline D.J. Bott, Keith L. Knudsen & Charles R. Real California Geological Survey Outline of talk • Why comparison is important • Review of N1,60 calculation • Conversion used to correct MCS blows to SPT-equivalent blow count • How did we do the comparison • Location of data • Results • Conclusions so far and future work Why? • CGS calculates N1,60 from SPT N-values for liquefaction analyses to help define Seismic Hazard Zones of Required Investigation. CGS utilizes geotechnical boring data collected from cities & counties etc. • Consultants often use MCS instead of SPT (ASTM 1526, 6066) for determining penetration resistance • Need to convert MCS blows to SPTequivalent blow count in order to calculate N1,60 Review of N1,60 calculation N1,60 = Nm.CE.CN.CR.CB. CS Where Nm = measured blows (using SPT sampler) CE = Correction for hammer energy efficiency CN = overburden correction factor (to 1 atm,) CR = correction for “short” rod length CB = Correction for borehole diameter CS = Correction for non-standard sampler Conversion to SPT-equivalent from non-standard samplers N=N’(WH/4200)(2.02-1.3752)/(OD2-ID2) (Burmister, 1948) N=N’(WH/4200)(2/OD2) (LaCroix & Horn, 1973) where N = SPT-equivalent blow count N’ = measured blow count WH = hammer mass (lbs) x fall distance (in) OD = outer diameter of non-standard sampler (in) ID = inner diameter of non-standard sampler (in) Conversion factors for MCS to SPT-equivalent blows Using CGS Definition of MCS: ID = 2.0 in (1.875 in with liners) & OD = 2.5 in. 0.77 0.64 Burmister (1948) LaCroix & Horn (1973) Other definition of MCS: ID = 2.5 in (2.4 with liners) & OD = 3.0 in 0.65 0.44 Burmister (1948) LaCroix & Horn (1973) How? • Compare consecutive samples (MCS & SPT) from same lithologic layer in a particular boring, that are within 5 ft of each other. • Direct comparison of two such values cancels out factors often not reported by consultants such as hammer energy, borehole diameter etc. • Only CN (and rod length for shallow samples) will be different so also compare N1,60’s Consecutive samples taken in same lithologic layer in a particular boring, separated by 5 ft or less MCS-SPT MCS-MCS MCS <5 ft SM MCS <5 ft CL SPT SPT-SPT SPT <5 ft ML MCS SPT San Francisco Bay Area Data Sets Los Angeles Basin Data Sets SPT vs SPT - SFBA Raw blows S P T B lo w s f o r S F B A d a t a ( 1 = d e e p e s t ) 80 N N1602 1,60 40 40 20 20 0 0 N 1 6 0 's f r o m S P T B lo w s f o r S F B A ( 1 = d e e p e s t ) 60 60 NM2 Shallower sample 80 Converted to N1,60’s 20 40 SPT NM1 Blows 60 Deeper sample 80 0 0 20 40 NN1601 60 80 1,60 N=1121 Residuals from 1:1 relation Raw blows Mean = -1.215 SD = 11.35 Converted to N1,60’s Mean = 0.424 SD = 12.32 300 300 0 -50 -30 -10 10 RESIDBLOW_1 0.0 50 30 200 Count Count 0.1 100 0.2 0.1 100 0 -50 Residuals in SPT Blows Shallower - Deeper SPT-SPT -30 -10 10 RESIDN160_1 30 Residuals in N1,60’s 0.0 50 Proportion per Bar 200 Proportion per Bar 0.2 SPT vs SPT - LA Basin Raw blows S P T B lo w s - L A B ( 1 = d e e p e s t ) 80 40 20 0 0 N 1 6 0 c a lc u la t e d f r o m S P T B lo w s - L A B ( 1 = d e e 60 N N1602 1,60 60 NM2 Shallower sample 80 Converted to N1,60’s 40 20 20 40 SPTNM1 Blows 60 Deeper sample 80 0 0 20 40 NN1601 60 80 1,60 N=805 MCS vs MCS - SFBA Raw blows N 1 6 0 's f r o m M C S B lo w s - S F B A ( 1 = d e e p e s t ) M C S B lo w s f o r S F B A - ( 1 = d e e p e s t ) 80 60 60 N N1602 1,60 BLOW_COUNT2 Shallower sample 80 Converted to N1,60’s 40 20 0 0 40 20 20 40 60 BLOW_COUNT1 MCS Blows Deeper sample 80 0 0 20 40 NN1601 60 80 1,60 N=1077 Residuals from 1:1 relation Raw blows Mean = -0.673 SD = 11.68 Converted to N1,60’s Mean = 0.826 SD = 9.83 300 300 -30 -10 10 RESIDBLOW_1 30 0.0 50 Count Count 0 -50 0.2 200 0.1 100 0 -50 Residuals in MCS Blows Shallower - Deeper MCS-MCS -30 -10 10 RESIDN160_1 30 Residuals in N1,60’s 0.0 50 Proportion per Bar 0.1 100 Proportion per Bar 0.2 200 MCS vs MCS - LA Basin Raw blows N 1 6 0 's c o m p u t e d f r o m M C S B lo w s - L A B ( 1 = d e M C S B L O W C O U N T S - L A B (1 = d e e p e r) 80 70 60 60 50 N N1602 1,60 BLOW_COUNT2 Shallower sample 80 Converted to N1,60’s 40 40 30 20 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 BLOW_COUNT1 MCS SPT Blows Deeper sample 0 0 20 40 NN1601 60 80 1,60 N=139 MCS vs SPT - SFBA Converted to N1,60’s 80 80 60 60 N1,60 from N N1601 1,60 SPT NM SPT sample Raw blows 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 BLOW_COUNT MCS Blows MCS sample 80 40 20 0 0 20 N1,60 40 60 N1602 N from MCS 80 1,60 N=129 Residuals from 1:1 relation Raw blows Mean = -7.46 SD = 14.69 Converted to N1,60’s Mean = -1.246 SD = 13.42 50 50 0.2 20 0.1 10 0 -50 Count 30 40 0.3 30 0.2 20 0.1 10 -30 -10 10 RESIDBLOWS_1 30 0.0 50 0 -50 Residuals between SPT & MCS Blows MCS-SPT -30 -10 10 RESIDN160 30 Residuals in N1,60’s 0.0 50 Proportion per Bar 0.3 Proportion per Bar Count 40 MCS vs SPT - LA Basin Raw blows M C S b lo w s v s S P T b lo w s f o r L A B 80 N1601 SPT N1,60 from 40 20 0 0 N 1 6 0 fro m M C S v s N 1 6 0 fro m S P T (1 ) - L A B 60 60 NM SPT sample 80 Converted to N1,60’s 20 40 60 BLOW_COUNT MCS Blows MCS sample 80 40 20 0 0 20 N1,60 40 60 N1602MCS from 80 N=104 Residuals from 1:1 relation Raw blows Mean = -8.73 SD = 12.51 Converted to N1,60’s Mean = -5.07 SD = 10.78 50 50 0.4 20 0.2 10 0.1 0 -50 -30 -10 10 RESIDBLOWS 30 0.0 50 Count 0.3 30 0.3 20 0.2 10 0.1 0 -50 Residuals between SPT & MCS Blows MCS-SPT -30 -10 10 RESIDN160 30 Residuals in N1,60’s 0.0 50 Proportion per Bar 30 0.4 40 Proportion per Bar Count 40 MCS-SPT LS regression - SFBA 80 80 60 60 40 40 Y=0.45x + 9.16 20 20 0 0 0 0 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 Adjusted N1,60’s from MCS Blows MCS-SPT LS regression - LA Basin 80 80 60 60 40 40 Y=0.33x + 6.10 20 20 0 0 0 0 20 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 Adjusted N1,60’s from MCS Blows Conclusions so far... • There is a large scatter in blow count data - both for SPT and MCS • CGS conversion from MCS to SPTequivalent (N1,60) gives more consistent results for SFBA than for LA Basin. Is MCS defined differently in the two locations? Is this a function of the geology? Or related to something else? Lithologies for MCS-SPT data sets SFBA SW LA Basin CH SP SP SW CL CL ML SM SC SC ML GC,GM,GP SM Future work • Effect of lithology, saturation, depth, presence of gravel, etc • Investigate why residuals are not normally distributed • Survey Consultants as to how they define MCS