TX-954 CADET GUIDE CONTENTS PARAGRAPH PAGE CHAPTER 1 – OVERVIEW Basic Concerns AFJROTC Mission Instructional Objectives Grading Policy Outstanding Flight Competition AFJROTC Letter Jacket 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 3 4 4 4 5 5 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 5 6 6 7 8 CHAPTER 2 – CADET EXPECTATIONS Cadet Honor Code & USAF Core Values Standard of Conduct Classroom Procedures Saluting Privileges Wellness Program Participation CHAPTER 3 – UNIFORMS, PERSONAL APPEARANCE & GROOMING Uniform Wear Personal Appearance & Grooming 3-1 3-2 8 10 CHAPTER 4 – CADET ORGANIZATION (OPERATIONAL/FUNCTIONAL AREAS) Unit Manning Document Organizational Chart Cadet Squadron Commander Cadet Deputy Squadron Commander Operations Officer Flight Commander Admin/Personnel Officer Logistics Officer Public Affairs/Recruiting Officer Special Events Officer Color Guard Officer Marksmanship Officer Physical Fitness (PT) Officer Rocketry Officer Squadron First Sergeant Flight Sergeant Element Leader 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 4-16 4-17 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 1 TX-954 CADET GUIDE CHAPTER 5 – PROMOTION OPPORTUNITIES Promotion Considerations Promotion Boards Demotion Procedures 5-1 5-2 5-3 16 17 18 CHAPTER 6 – AFJROTC PROGRAM OPPORTUNITIES Community Service CIA Trips Color Guard Marksmanship Team PT Team Rocketry Team Saber Team 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 6-6 6-7 18 19 19 20 20 20 21 CHAPTER 7 – AWARDS AND DECORATIONS CRITERIA National Organization Awards AFJROTC Awards – Unit Specific Criteria 7-1 7-2 21 22 CHAPTER 8 – RESERVE CADET PARTICIPATION Reserve Cadet Guidance 8-1 23 9-1 23 10-1 24 CHAPTER 9 – DISENROLLMENT RULES Disenrollment Procedures CHAPTER 10 – HAZING PROHIBITIONS Hazing Specifications ATTACHMENT 1 – PERSONAL APPEARANCE & GROOMING STANDARDS 25 ATTACHMENT 2 – UNIT MANNING DOCUMENT 46 ATTACHMENT 3 – ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 47 2 TX-954 CADET GUIDE CHAPTER 1 – OVERVIEW 1-1 Basic Concerns a. The Aerospace Science course introduces the historical, scientific and technical aspect of aerospace education and provides the experience to develop discipline, responsibility, communication skills and citizenship. Leadership Education includes the wearing of the AFJROTC uniform (a minimum of once a week), adhering to and rendering the proper use of US Air Force customs and courtesies, participating in drill and military ceremonies, giving and receiving instructions and acting as leaders and respected members of our TX-954 unit. IMPORTANT NOTE: Cadets do NOT incur any military service obligation by enrolling and participating in the Wharton High School AFJROTC program. b. To be eligible for membership in the TX-954 program you must be: enrolled in and attending a regular course of instruction at Wharton High School, be physically fit to participate in AFJROTC physical training and/or approved by the SASI and Principal. c. Students may transfer from the Army, Navy/Marine or other AFJROTC units with full credit for training already completed. d. You may be disenrolled for: failing to maintain the course standards (grades, proper uniform wear, haircuts, grooming, etc), inaptitude, indifference to training, disciplinary reasons or reasons involving undesirable traits of character. Additionally, any placement in WHS Alternative Education Program (AEP) or assignment to multiple In School Suspensions (ISS) may be grounds for disenrollment. Determination will be made on a case by case basis by the SASI. e. Certificate of Completion is presented to students in good standing who have completed at least three years of the AFJROTC program. Cadets must have this certificate in their possession upon enrollment in a college-level ROTC program or upon enlistment into the Armed Forces of their choice in order to gain the benefits offered by successful completion of the AFJROTC program. If the student elects to enlist in the Armed Forces, the Certificate of Completion will provide for enlistment in the pay grade of E-3 in the Army, Navy or Air Force, while enlistment in the Marines Corps will provide for enlistment in the pay grade of E-2. This certificate provides for an immediate monetary benefit. It also places the cadet or enlistee ahead of other personnel enlisting at the same time and, theoretically, makes the cadet or enlistee eligible for promotion ahead of other applicants who enter collegelevel ROTC or military service at the same time. Check with applicable recruiters for further details if you are interested in a specific branch of service. f. A certificate of Training is presented to senior cadets in good standing who complete two years of the AFJROTC program. 3 TX-954 CADET GUIDE 1-2 AFJROTC Mission The AFJROTC program is designed to help you to develop: a. An appreciation of the basic elements of, and requirements for, national security. b. Patriotism and an understanding of your personal obligations to contribute toward national security. c. Respect for and an understanding of the need for constituted authority in a democratic society at the school, local community, state and national levels. d. Habits of orderliness and precision. e. A degree of persona; honor, self-reliance and leadership. f. Knowledge of fundamental aerospace doctrine. g. Basic military skills. h. A knowledge of and appreciation for the traditions of the Air Force. i. Knowledge of career opportunities in the Air Force and the aerospace community. 1-3 Instructional Objectives a. Develop pride in our nation and its honorable traditions and an understanding of the requirements and obligations of good citizenship. b. Develop respect for and obedience to proper authority, and an understanding and acceptance of military courtesy. c. Provide an environment for experience and growth in the attitudes, disciplines and techniques of effective leadership. d. Understand the United States organization for the national defense including the history and structure of the military and civil aerospace technology and programs. e. Understanding the structure of the atmosphere of the earth, principles and theory of flight in air and space. f. Develop good appearance including neat military grooming, cleanliness and proper wear of a military uniform. g. Develop qualities of honorable behavior, collaborative ideas, self-control and confidence, and responsibility for the consequence of one’s actions. 1-4 Grading Policy a. You will be graded in three areas in AFJROTC: Aerospace Science (AS), Leadership Education (LE) and the Health & Wellness Program. b. Aerospace Science instructors will discuss your grade upon request. c. See the Course Syllabus for further details on the grading policy. 4 TX-954 CADET GUIDE 1-5 Outstanding Flight Competition The flight to which you are assigned will be competing with all other flights for semester outstanding flight. Competition encompasses all activities which you may be involved. The following factors will be considered by the SASI/ASI when determining the outstanding flight for each semester: a. Flight community service hours (based on average hours per cadet) b. Uniform wear and inspection grades c. AFJROTC grades and overall academic grades for the period d. Participation in cadet activities, teams and programs e. Performance in drill and ceremony activities f. Performance and participation in the Health & Wellness program g. Flight fitness challenges (held periodically during semester) h. Disciplinary issues i. Any other factors the SASI/ASI may deem applicable NOTE: Members of the outstanding flight for the semester are authorized to wear the AFJROTC outstanding flight ribbon on their uniform. 1-6 AFJROTC Letter Jacket To be eligible for an AFJROTC letter (and jacket), you must be in good academic and discipline standing within AFJROTC and the school; cadets must have a grade point average of “C” (70) or above in all subjects. You must have completed two years of the AFJROTC program and be enrolled in your third year to order the jacket. CHAPTER 2 – CADET EXPECTATIONS 2-1 Cadet Honor Code & US Air Force Core Values I WILL NOT LIE, CHEAT OR STEAL NOR WILL I TOLERATE THOSE WHO DO a. These simple words provide the basis for a personal code of honesty, which will sustain you for the rest of your life. The Honor Code is specific and clear in what it demands. You are expected to have complete integrity and honesty in both word and deed; you will avoid evasive and misleading statements. You will do your own work on anything, which is to be graded. The Honor Code belongs to you. b. Maintaining the high standards of trustworthiness is your responsibility. This requires self-control and a conscious effort at all times. c. The purpose of the code goes beyond the part of your life, which involves AFJROTC training. It should become your ethical code and life-style. d. If you become aware of lying, stealing or cheating, report the episode through the chain of command to the cadet corps commander. The commander 5 TX-954 CADET GUIDE reports the incident to the SASI. The SASI and Principal will investigate and take appropriate action in each case. US AIR FORCE CORE VALUES INTEGRITY FIRST It is the willingness to do what is right even when no one is looking. SERVICE BEFORE SELF Service before self = professional duties take precedence over personal desires. EXCELLENCE IN ALL WE DO Provide motivation to develop a sustained passion for continuous improvements. 2-2 Standard of Conduct a. You become a leader by exhibiting the qualities of intelligence, good judgment, decisiveness and initiative. You inspire others to follow you by setting the examples of confidence and maturity. In order to realize your highest potential, you must maintain high standards of self-discipline, high ideals, good manners, social grace, appropriate dress (in or out of uniform) and respectable dress and grooming. b. You will display friendliness and respect to other students, Wharton High School faculty, Aerospace Science instructors and other AFJROTC cadets. You will greet other cadets and Aerospace Science instructors in a pleasant manner, regardless of location, both in or out of uniform. c. Cadet officers will exercise discretion when enforcing military courtesy. Cadets will not be placed in an embarrassing situation by a public reprimand. However, cadet officers have the authority and responsibility to deal with violations of military customs and courtesies. d. You will show your respect for Aerospace Science instructors and any guest speakers by addressing them as “Sir” or “Ma’am” and responding to them in the same manner…no exceptions. e. Enlisted cadets will show their respect for cadet officers by addressing and responding to them as “Sir” or “Ma’am”. f. You will not wear hats (uniform or civilian) indoors unless permission is obtained from the SASI. When you are in uniform and carrying weapons, you will wear the correct headgear outdoors and indoors. g. You will follow procedures outlined in this Cadet Guide and will obey all reasonable orders/directions from all senior cadets, regardless of their position or rank. 2-3 Classroom Procedures a. You will come to the AFJROTC classroom prepared to engage in AS/LE/Wellness activities. Preparation includes complete assignments, proper textbooks, notepaper, pen/pencil, proper attire and most important…a positive attitude conducive to learning. 6 TX-954 CADET GUIDE b. You will not litter the classroom or leave study materials or personal items in the AFJROTC offices, classroom or logistics room. You will put your trash in the trash receptacles and leave tables and/or chairs in order. Classes will not be dismissed until the room is neat, clean and orderly and the “Tiger Yell” is recited by all members…no exceptions. c. You will not mark, scratch or otherwise deface Air Force or Wharton High School property. d. More specific classroom procedures are detailed in your Course Syllabus. 2-4 Saluting Privileges Saluting has always been a privilege enjoyed by military personnel of honorable standing. Not only was it used in the early days of recorded history as a greeting between knights, but also to express mutual trust and respect. Today the salute is a respectful greeting exchange between military personnel not withstanding differences in military grade. Listed are several of the most important saluting rules. Your instructors will teach you the proper manner of saluting and the rules, which govern its use among the military services. They will also teach you the special rules on saluting at Wharton High School. a. Any cadet with enlisted rank salutes cadet officers. Junior grade cadet officers will salute cadet officers or higher rank when in uniform. Enlisted cadets are not required to salute each other. b. Salute in or out of uniform whenever you are required to report to the SASI in the AFJROTC offices. c. Do not salute when running. Come to a walk, salute the senior ranking officer and continue running if necessary. If you are joining a formation, approach the cadet or person in charge when the formation is at a halt, salute and request permission to fall in. d. Begin the salute in time to allow the senior cadet or military officer time to return it. Carrying articles in both hands is discouraged; however, if and when unavoidable you do not salute but you still are required to exchange a verbal courteous exchange. In the situation where the individual carrying articles in both hands is a cadet officer, the enlisted cadet will render the salute; however, in this case, the person being saluted needs to only nod and return verbal acknowledgement to the salute. Bottom line: when in doubt---Salute! e. Except for formal reporting, you are not required to salute indoors. f. When you are outdoors in uniform and the National Anthem is being played, come to attention, face the music and render and hold the proper salute until the last note of the anthem is played. If the flag is being raised or lowered at the same time, face the flag and render and hold the proper salute until the last note of the anthem is played. In either case, one always holds the proper salute until the flag has stopped moving or the music stops playing. g. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America Flag. When you are in uniform, outdoors, stand at attention and render the hand salute, do 7 TX-954 CADET GUIDE not recite the pledge. When you are in uniform, indoors, stand at attention facing the flag and recite the pledge, however do not salute. Anytime you are in civilian attire, stand at attention with the right hand over your heart, face the flag and recite the pledge. h. Cadet officers and NCOs should correct saluting by cadets their junior in a courteous and helpful manner; further you are expected to accept their corrections in the same manner. If you do not salute according to these and other established rules, you will be reported, using the chain of command, to the Cadet Corps Commander who will recommend appropriate action to the SASI. 2-5 Wellness Program Participation a. Wellness (PT Day) is every Friday during the class period and will consist of dressing out in your issued Air Force PT shirt. You should also wear or bring to class appropriate shorts and/or shoes to conduct physical fitness activities. b. The Wellness program is comprised of team building activities and physical fitness. Cadets will be graded on their participation in such activities as well as dressing out as required. c. At the discretion of the SASI/ASI, flight fitness challenges may be held periodically which will count toward the outstanding flight of the semester competition. d. Physical Fitness testing will occur once per semester. The Cadet Presidential Fitness Test (PFT) initial assessment will take place within the first 45 days of school to determine fitness levels. A second (final) PFT will be conducted prior to the end of the school year, second semester, to determine overall cadet improvement. e. Parental Consent forms for cadet participation in the Wellness program will be distributed the first week of school. CHAPTER 3 – UNIFORMS, PERSONAL APPEARANCE & GROOMING 3-1 Uniform Wear The AFJROTC cadet uniform is with certain exceptions the same as that worn by active duty US Air Force personnel. The reputation of the US Air Force as a professional organization is known worldwide and has no equal. The uniform you wear is a symbol of that reputation, therefore WEAR IT PROUDLY! Wear the uniform as prescribed in AFI 36-2903, AFJROTCI 36-2001 and the AFJROTC Consolidated Operational Supplement. You must keep your uniform clean, neat, correct in design and specifications, and in good serviceable condition. Maintain badges, insignias and other metallic devices in proper luster condition. Weekly uniform days for TX-954 are Tuesdays (“B” Day schedule) and Wednesdays (“A” Day schedule). Exceptions to this policy will be announced in advance by the SASI/ASI. 8 TX-954 CADET GUIDE You are required to remain in uniform the entire day, unless excused by the SASI/ASI; otherwise, your uniform inspection score will be negatively impacted. a. Uniform items not issued by the ASI are considered optional items. Wear them only when authorized by the SASI/ASI. b. You will be required to reimburse the Air Force for any lost or willfully damaged uniform items. c. After being issued the Air Force uniform, you will acknowledge receipt for the items by signing a uniform receipt. By signing this receipt, you agree to exercise all reasonable caution and care to assure that items of Air Force property are cared for and not damaged due to carelessness, neglect, improper cleaning and/or laundering methods. Further you are required to return all uniform items, dry-cleaned and laundered to the ASI upon demand or at which time you are no longer enrolled in the AFJROTC program at Wharton High School. d. Attachments to this guide outline authorized uniform combinations. When participating in orientation flights or field trips, you are required to wear the uniform combination prescribed by the SASI/ASI. e. If you are currently on the Drill Team or Color Guard, you are authorized to wear the team cords, berets, helmets ascots and belts only during the performances and not authorized for regular wear. All special uniform items must be approved by the SASI/ASI. f. Your issued Service Dress uniform must be worn when directed by the SASI/ASI. You will be graded on your appearance on all inspection days. Categories will include uniform appearance and condition, placement of insignia, condition of shoes, military bearing, hair and grooming. Each inspection will be worth 100 points. g. It is your responsibility to ensure that your uniform is available and in inspection condition by your designated uniform day. You will receive a lowered grade for not wearing the uniform when required, or if you do not wear the uniform all day as required; further you will jeopardize your leadership grade and may be dismissed from the AFJROTC program for non-compliance. h. You will not wear a mix of cadet uniform and civilian clothing items. If you have a legitimate excuse (medical) for not wearing certain uniform items, shoes for example, you must have a SASI/ASI waiver of uniform requirements. i. Do not carry bulky items or put your hands in your pockets when in uniform. Do not place articles under the shoulder strap of your shirt or coat. Carry books or other objects in you left hand to free the right arm for saluting. j. You may not hitchhike, perform hard labor or engage in sports activities while wearing the uniform. k. Because you wear the official US Air Force uniform, objectionable behavior in public can create unfavorable reaction by the public toward the AFJROTC program and the US Air Force. Conversely, proper conduct, 9 TX-954 CADET GUIDE actions and attitude can create and sustain favorable public relations that enhance the Corps of Cadets’ image. l. Your uniform (with exception of shoes and socks) and equipment items are issued to you and remain the property of the US Air Force or Wharton High School. You must be able to account for all items at all times. If you lose or willfully destroy a uniform or equipment item, you will be required to pay for it at the cost in effect when the account is scheduled to be cleared. Uniforms must be returned in good and dry-cleaned condition. The AFJROTC Certificate of Training or Certificate of Completion will not be awarded until all uniform items and equipment items have been turned in or paid for. 3-2 Personal Appearance & Grooming a. As an AFJROTC cadet you must constantly strive to present a neat, clean and well-groomed appearance. See Attachments for expectations. You will comply with the following standards of appearance while in uniform: (1) MALES You will not wear or carry exposed on the Service Uniform, articles such as handkerchiefs, pens and pencils, watch chains, pins, jewelry, wallets, combs, cigars, pipes, cigarettes, sunglasses, cell phones, I-Pods or headphones. You may wear wristwatches, identification bracelets and no more than three rings. You may wear conservative sunglasses, but not in military formations. Your hair must be neat, clean, trimmed and present a conservative wellgroomed appearance. You are authorized neatly trimmed block haircuts for the back of the head as long as a tapered appearance is kept. However, your hair will not touch the ear of the collar except the closely cut hair on the back of the neck. Your hair in front must be groomed so it does not fall below the eyebrows and will not protrude below the band of a properly worn headgear. Under no circumstance will your hair interfere with the proper wear of any Air Force headgear. Your sideburns must be neatly trimmed in the same manner as the hair, must not extend beyond the bottom of the ear opening, and must be straight and even in width and end with a clean shaven horizontal line. You will not wear wigs and hairpieces except for cosmetic reasons to cover natural or physical disfiguration. When worn, they will conform to the paragraph above. You will keep your fingernails neat, clean and trimmed. (2) FEMALES You will wear appropriate undergarments to present a conservative, (to include color) feminine appearance. You will not wear or carry exposed on the uniform, handkerchiefs, pens and pencils, watch chains, pins, jewelry, wallets, combs, cigars, pipes, cigarettes, sunglasses, cell phones, I-Pods or headphones…including ankle bracelets. You may wear wristwatches, 10 TX-954 CADET GUIDE identification bracelets, pearl, silver, diamond or gold studded earrings, (one pair) and not more than a total of three rings (no thumb rings). You may wear conservative sunglasses, except in military formations. Your hair must be styled to permit proper wear of any military headgear and will not be worn in any style longer than the bottom of the collar edge at the back of the neck. You may not wear exaggerated styles with excessive fullness of extreme heights. If you wear a hairpiece, it must conform to the same regulations governing natural hairstyles. Your cosmetics must be conservative and in good taste. Your hose must be in a shade which complements the uniform. Your fingernails must be kept neat and clean, and nail polish, if worn, must be in good taste and of a conservative color. CHAPTER 4 – CADET ORGANIZATION (OPERATIONAL/FUNCTIONAL AREAS) 4-1 Unit Manning Document This is a record of authorized positions, based on cadet rank, for TX-954. Exceptions or deviations must be approved by the SASI. See Attachment 12. 4-2 Organizational Chart This provides a diagram of the operational and functional areas for TX-954. It is organized to show the key command and staff positions as well as the chain of command flow. See Attachment 13. 4-3 Cadet Squadron Commander a. Responsible for the appearance, discipline, efficiency, training and conduct of the Cadet Corps. b. Execute the leadership training program and mission under the guidance of the SASI/ASI. c. Ensure that all members of the Cadet Corps have the opportunity to develop leadership commensurate with their individual abilities. d. Administer Cadet Corps activities in accordance with Air Force and AFJROTC regulations, principles, procedures and other duties assigned. 4-4 Cadet Deputy Squadron Commander a. Commands Cadet Corps during the absence of the Cadet Commander. b. Supervise the Corps staff and ensure the staff is organized according to regulations and other duties assigned by the SASI/ASI. c. Direct the annual self-assessment with guidance from SASI/ASI. 11 TX-954 CADET GUIDE 4-5 Operations Officer a. Provide guidance and supervision to Flight Commanders, ensuring they are kept informed of all Cadet Corps operations and activities. b. Observe and evaluate the progress of the Cadet Corps in accomplishing its mission, advise the Cadet Corps Commander and complete other duties assigned by the SASI/ASI. c. Supervise the organization and training of Cadet Corps teams for performances and competitions as directed by the SASI/ASI or Cadet Corps Commander. d. Advise the Cadet Deputy Corps Commander of any potential problems or concerns, especially concerning staff functions or Cadet Corps teams. e. Ensure cadets having difficulties with AFJROTC get necessary assistance. f. Help with staff positions as necessary. Check and report on functional areas to ensure all cadets are getting the support they need and overall operations of the Cadet Corps are running efficiently and effectively. 4-6 Flight Commander(s) a. Supervise and lead all flight activities to include class reporting procedures, Tiger Yell, inspections, formations, fitness activities, etc. b. Ensure flight members receive appropriate training in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities in the Cadet Corps. c. Ensure flight members are kept informed on all Cadet Corps operations, activities and functions. d. Attend all staff meetings and conduct other duties as directed by the SASI/ASI, Cadet Corps Commander or Operations Officer e. Advise the Operations Officer of any potential problems or concerns. 4-7 Admin/Personnel Officer a. Maintain personnel records on all cadets, utilizing the WINGS program under supervision of the SASI/ASI. b. Compile, submit and post community service hours earned by cadets for co-curricular and extracurricular activities. c. Maintain attendance records for corps staff meetings, briefings, training, extracurricular and co-curricular activities, and special events. d. Compile, submit and post physical fitness test scores each semester. e. Publish and post cadet orders or other information and materials as directed by the SASI/ASI, Cadet Corps Commander or Operations Officer. f. Advise the Deputy Squadron Commander of any potential problems. 4-8 Logistics Officer a. Assist the ASI in the issue and turn-in of all accountable property. 12 TX-954 CADET GUIDE b. Assist the ASI in the inventory of all accountable property. Maintain accurate records of all accountable property, utilizing the WINGS program under supervision of the SASI/ASI. c. Provide guidance to the cadet staff on proper supply discipline. d. Maintain a neat, clean and functional supply room. e. Ensure only authorized personnel have access to the supply room. f. Advise the Deputy Squadron Commander of any potential problems. 4-9 Public Affairs/Recruiting Officer a. Responsible for public relations and affairs. b. Publish any squadron newsletters or information to be distributed and maintain bulletin boards or other internal information media. c. Provide newsworthy items about cadets and cadet activities to school and local newspaper and HQ AFJROTC, with SASI/ASI approval. d. Maintain unit scrapbook, photos, history or other records reflecting the traditions, accomplishments and activities of the unit. e. Supervise, coordinate and schedule recruiting activities in coordination with SASI/ASI, Cadet Corps Commander and Operations Officer. f. Advise the Deputy Squadron Commander of any potential problems. 4-10 Special Events Officer a. Plan and coordinate extracurricular and co-curricular activities with other organizations. Specific annual events include the Military Ball, Haunted House, Veterans Day Assemblies, Thanksgiving parade, MLK Day events, CIA overnight trip and Awards Banquet. b. Appoint cadet leads for specific activities, in coordination with the Cadet Corps Commander, Operations Officer and Flight Commanders. c. Advise the Deputy Squadron Commander of any potential problems. 4-11 Color Guard Officer a. Command the Color Guard. b. Lead the planning and coordination for all parades, ceremonies, competitions, WHS football games and pep rallies. Ensure coordination with the SASI/ASI and Cadet Corps Commander. c. Provide instruction and supervision for all retreat and flag-raising ceremonies. d. Ensure all Color Guard equipment is properly maintained and stored. e. Perform other duties as directed by the SASI/ASI or Cadet Corps Commander. 4-12 Marksmanship Officer a. Command the Marksmanship team. Emphasize safety at all times! 13 TX-954 CADET GUIDE b. Ensure all team members get required training, turn in all parental permission forms and successfully pass safety testing prior to being allowed into the Marksmanship program. c. Ensure all equipment items are properly maintained, serviced, accounted for and stored. Any deficiencies or concerns should be brought to the attention of the SASI immediately. d. NEVER allow any marksmanship practice (shooting) without the SASI or ASI being physically present. e. Ensure Marksmanship range is properly setup with all required equipment in place, sufficient pellets, targets, eye protection and safety measures in place before any operations (shooting) commences. f. Always follow the exact commands of the SASI/ASI during Marksmanship operations. Immediately identify and cease any potential horseplay or unsafe activities. Such actions are grounds for immediate dismissal from the Marksmanship team as well as potential further disciplinary action. g. Coordinate with SASI/ASI to schedule participation in competitions as well as monitoring pellet availability for future procurement options. h. Perform other duties as directed by the SASI/ASI or Cadet Corps Commander. 4-13 Physical Fitness (PT) Officer a. Command the PT Team. Ensure excellent personal physical fitness to set a good example for all team members. b. Establish a weekly workout schedule to prepare for upcoming PT competitions. Team will meet twice a week and team leader will advise SASI/ASI on exact plans to ensure oversight. c. Ensure appropriate warmups and/or stretching before more intense physical activities are conducted. d. Verify all team members have appropriate PT clothing items prior to any competition/travel. e. Determine team members for each competition based on superior performance in the events they will compete in. f. Perform other duties as directed by the SASI/ASI or Cadet Corps Commander. 4-14 Rocketry Officer a. Setup times and dates for constructing and practice of model rockets. b. Ensure all team members are properly trained and have a solid knowledge of how to construct, launch and retrieve a model rocket. c. Ensure all team members are familiar with rocketry safety rules. d. Ensure all team members are familiar with rocketry meet expectations, such as numbers of rockets needed, engine sizes, other equipment items and exact itinerary explaining specific events for the meet. 14 TX-954 CADET GUIDE e. Ensure that the rocketry room and supplies are maintained and stored in a clean and orderly manner to prevent safety mishaps. f. Perform other duties as directed by the SASI/ASI or Cadet Corps Commander. 4-15 Squadron First Sergeant a. Oversee and maintain discipline at squadron activities as well as supervising lower ranking NCOs and Airmen. b. Evaluate flight activities and cadet morale in the Cadet Corps. Report findings to Cadet Corps Commander on a regular basis. c. Assist Cadet Corps Commander during key activities, ceremonies, formations and events to organize the Cadet Corps in an expedient and efficient manner. d. Coordinate with Flight Commanders and Flight Sergeants to determine which cadets need assistance in AFJROTC functions or academics in general. Assist in finding appropriate tutors or mentors as needed. e. Advise Cadet Corps Commander of any potential problems or concerns. 4-16 Flight Sergeant a. Prepare the flight for inspections and assist the flight commander in teaching drill and ceremonies. b. Train element leaders in correct drill, classroom procedures and ceremonies. c. Assist flight commander with class reporting procedures and fill in for him/her in their absence, including attendance at staff meetings. d. Ensure flight members are briefed on cadet activities and events. e. Advise the flight commander and squadron first sergeant of any potential problems or concerns. 4-17 Element Leader(s) a. Lead elements in drill, ceremonies and following classroom procedures. b. Take attendance of element prior to beginning of each class and report to flight commander as appropriate. c. Assist the flight commander and flight sergeant in maintaining good order and discipline; conduct other duties as directed by the SASI/ASI. d. Advise the flight commander and flight sergeant of any potential problems or concerns. 15 TX-954 CADET GUIDE CHAPTER 5 – PROMOTION OPPORTUNITIES 5-1 Promotion Considerations a. All promotions must be earned and sustained by conscientious work. The surest path to promotion is to volunteer to become and active member of the Cadet Corps and to demonstrate continual, consistent and effective leadership. b. Promotions provide constant challenge and motivation to members of the active duty Air Force and to members of AFJROTC. This attention and interest is appropriate since the rank insignia of promotion reflects visible evidence of progression and standing among fellow cadets. The insignia is also evidence of growing maturity, the ability and willingness to accept additional responsibility and a demonstrated growth of leadership, fellowship and teamwork. c. Promotions in TX-954 are based on your attitude, community service, leadership, grades and demonstrated abilities. Our promotion system is patterned after the active duty Air Force system and conforms to guidance provided by HQ AFJROTC. There are two types of grades you may hold: (1) Permanent Grade. This grade is awarded based on years of satisfactory service completed in AFJROTC. This grade will be awarded at the end of the year in which you qualify, provided you have made satisfactory progress. If you have not been assigned to a higher temporary grade, you will wear the insignia of the permanent grade. The permanent grade for completion of the first year is Cadet Airman; second year is Cadet Airman First Class; third year is Cadet Senior Airman and fourth year is Cadet Staff Sergeant. (2) Temporary Grade. This grade is awarded based on your job assignment in AFJROTC. Since the grade is temporary, you may not carry it over from one year to the next. The SASI/ASI, in consultation with the Corps Commander, may consider higher temporary grades for those who attend summer leadership school courses but such considerations will normally coincide with positions held in the corps. Temporary grades are assigned only when they are higher than the permanent grade. When you are initially assigned to a position, you will not be awarded the highest grade authorized in order to allow the opportunity for promotion based on performance in that position. Promotions are based on the “whole person concept”, which includes consideration of the following areas: academics, leadership, cocurricular activities, community service, uniform wear, performance, responsibility and teamwork. Remember these areas are not specific only to AFJROTC activities but also apply to the school and community. 16 TX-954 CADET GUIDE d. The SASI/ASI will select the Cadet Corps Commander immediately prior to the beginning of the fall semester. A board will be held with the SASI, ASI and senior WHS administrator (normally Assistant Principal) the week prior to the first day of school. Only seniors who are third or fourth year cadets will be considered and allowed to meet the board. 5-2 Promotion Boards a. Promotion to the lower ranks (Airman, Airman First Class and Senior Airman) will be conducted with the SASI or ASI. This is to promote confidence in younger cadets while allowing more senior cadets the ability to mentor and train such cadets without having to also sit on the board that determines their fate. Cadets showing the motivation and initiative to seek promotion should schedule an appropriate time with the SASI or ASI before or after school. Promotion boards will not be held during class time. The following expectations (as a minimum) will be expected of cadets for promotion to the corresponding ranks: (1) Promotion to Cadet Airman a. Six weeks as Cadet Airman Basic b. 80% average in JROTC c. Know US Air Force & AFJROTC chain of command d. Perform all facing movements properly e. Demonstrate how to report in properly f. Recite and understand the Cadet Honor Code & Core Values (2) Promotion to Cadet Airman First Class a. Six weeks as a Cadet Airman b. 80% average in JROTC c. Identify US Air Force & AFJROTC rank insignia d. Demonstrate knowledge of proper respect/handling of flag e. Perform all facing, flanking & column movements properly (3) Promotion to Cadet Senior Airman a. Six weeks as a Cadet Airman First Class b. 80% average in JROTC c. Explain cadet functions d. Give proper facing commands to another cadet e. Give proper marching commands to another cadet b. Promotion to NCO ranks (Cadet Staff Sergeant and Technical Sergeant) require a cadet to meet an evaluation board. The board will consist of at least three cadets holding the rank of Cadet Master Sergeant or above, who are in command or staff positions. Either the SASI or ASI will oversee the board. Cadets seeking promotion to these ranks should be able to drill the flight properly and perform an open ranks inspection of a flight. A 17 TX-954 CADET GUIDE Promotions Guideline developed by the Corps Commander and approved by the SASI/ASI, will provide a grading system to be utilized by the promotion board. Factors to be considered will include academics, uniform wear, awards/decorations, time in grade, time in the cadet corps, leadership potential, participation in cadet and school activities, human relations (teamwork), bearing and behavior, and an interview score involving responses to questions asked at the board itself. c. Promotion to SNCO ranks (Cadet “Top Three”, Master Sergeant, Senior Master Sergeant and Chief Master Sergeant) must be recommended by the Cadet Corps Commander. Cadets will have an 85% average in JROTC and no failing grades. The evaluation board will consist of at least three cadet officers in command or staff positions. Either the SASI or ASI will oversee the board. Factors to be considered are similar to those mentioned in the paragraph above. d. Promotion to Cadet Officer ranks must be recommended by the Cadet Corps Commander. Cadets will have an 85% average in JROTC and no failing grades. Only juniors and seniors are eligible for promotion to the cadet officer grades. The evaluation board will consist of the Corps Commander, Deputy Commander and Operations Officer. If any are unavailable, the next highest ranking officer in the corps will be present. Either the SASI or ASI will oversee the board. Factors to be considered are similar to those mentioned in the paragraph “b.” above. 5-3 Demotion Procedures There may be cases of serious disciplinary infractions, lack of participation, poor performance or other factors, which could warrant consideration for demotion in rank. Any such cases should be brought to the attention of the Cadet Corps Commander, who will then make the recommendation to the SASI/ASI. The Cadet Corps Commander should be prepared to present facts surrounding the case for demotion and avoid hearsay or gossip. The SASI/ASI will consider the information provided and then meet in private with the cadet in question to discuss the matter before a final demotion decision is made. CHAPTER 6 – AFJROTC PROGRAM OPPORTUNITIES 6-1 Community Service Community service activities are AFJROTC-sponsored and school approved events which are planned, organized and executed by cadets and supervised by an AFJROTC instructor. Our unit offers numerous opportunities for cadets to serve the community and encourages cadets to take the initiative to seek out further opportunities for themselves and their fellow cadets to get more involved. The 18 TX-954 CADET GUIDE Cadet Corps Commander, Operations Officer and Public Affairs Officer should be very involved in planning and promoting community opportunities throughout the year. Cadets should strive to achieve at least 8 to 12 community service hours by the end of the school year. The Cadet Corps Commander, through his staff, should ensure all community service hours are properly tracked and entered into WINGS with oversight of the SASI/ASI. 6-2 Curriculum in Action (CIA) Trips CIA trips are school-sponsored field trips that directly support or augment the AFJROTC program. They are sponsored and approved using the same procedures as any other class/organization in the high school. The SASI/ASI is ultimately responsible for the supervision and control of these activities. a. TX-954 will take a minimum of one CIA trip per academic term. b. All cadets will have the opportunity to participate in a CIA trip. Cadets must be in good academic and disciplinary standing to participate. c. Marksmanship, PT and Rocketry events do not count as CIA trips; they are reported as “Competitions” and will be entered as such in WINGS. d. Community Service events do not count as CIA trips; they will be reported as Community Service and will be entered as such in WINGS. e. Chaperones must be at least 21 years old. For overnight activities, the cadet to chaperone ratio should comply with school or district policy. As a general rule, there should be 1 instructor/chaperone for every 15 cadets. Gender proportionality is also important, especially for overnight trips…if there is one female cadet, there should be at least one female chaperone. Instructors will establish and communicate the rules to all chaperones and ensure they are aware of AFJROTC and school policies as well as maintaining open communication throughout the activity. f. Cadets are reminded they need to coordinate their absences due to CIA trips with all teachers so they can makeup any missed work prior to or immediately after the activity. 6-3 Color Guard The Color Guard is arguably our most active “team” in AFJROTC at TX-954. They are highly involved at all WHS football games, pep rallies, community events, ceremonies, parades, services and regularly requested by numerous organizations throughout the community. Membership criteria includes cadets who are in good academic standing in AFJROTC and must be passing all classes to participate in Color Guard events. The Color Guard Commander will screen all cadets desiring 19 TX-954 CADET GUIDE participation for potential disciplinary issues, performance limitations or any other factors of concern and make their recommendations to the SASI/ASI for final approval. The Color Guard Commander is responsible for ensuring all equipment items are properly maintained, accounted for and stored as well as ensuring such equipment is transported to and from all events, in coordination with the SASI/ASI. 6-4 Marksmanship Team This team conducts marksmanship training and the safe handling of the .177 caliber air rifle. Before use of the firing range, all cadets will receive training on rules, safety precautions and commands for the firing range. The SASI or ASI will always serve as the Range Officer and in charge of range control during live firing operations. All operations and range parameters will comply with CMP and AFJROTC guidance (see Consolidated Operational Supplement). Cadets must successfully pass a safety exam and have parental permission forms completed and signed. No horseplay will be tolerated! Failure to comply will lead to immediate removal from the team and potential further disciplinary action if required. Membership criteria includes cadets who are in good academic standing in AFJROTC and must be passing all classes to participate in Marksmanship competitions. The Marksmanship Commander will screen all cadets desiring participation for potential disciplinary issues, performance limitations or any other factors of concern and make their recommendations to the SASI/ASI for final approval. The Marksmanship Commander is responsible for ensuring all equipment items are properly maintained, accounted for and stored as well as ensuring such equipment is transported to and from all events, in coordination with the SASI/ASI. 6-5 PT Team This team promotes physical fitness through a weekly fitness regimen designed to prepare team members in AFJROTC competitions throughout the region. Practices will be held twice a week, led by the PT Team Commander (or designated representative) and SASI/ASI will provide oversight of activities. Membership criteria includes cadets who are in good academic standing in AFJROTC and must be passing all classes to participate in PT competitions. The PT Team Commander will screen all cadets desiring participation for potential disciplinary issues, physical limitations or any other factors of concern and make their recommendations to the SASI/ASI for final approval. The PT Team Commander is responsible for ensuring all team members have the appropriate PT shirt, clothing, shoes and grooming to represent the unit well at all competitions. 6-6 Rocketry Team This team designs, builds and flies small rockets made of paper, plastic, balsa wood or other types of lightweight material. The rocketry program provides an excellent introduction for cadets to the concepts of aerospace engineering as well as flight and space. Membership criteria includes cadets who are in good academic standing in 20 TX-954 CADET GUIDE AFJROTC and must be passing all classes to participate in Rocketry competitions. The Rocketry Commander will screen all cadets desiring participation for potential disciplinary issues, performance limitations or any other factors of concern and make their recommendations to the SASI/ASI for final approval. The Rocketry Commander will ensure all team members are trained in accordance with the AFJROTC Consolidate Operational Supplement, focusing on the Operational and Leadership Performance Requirements (OPR & LPR) for the program. In order to earn the Model Rocketry badge, a cadet must (1) construct their own rocket, (2) launch the rocket at a competition and (3) retrieve the rocket at the competition. The Rocketry Commander is responsible to track rocket launching information to ensure team members are given proper credit and inform the SASI/ASI of which members qualify for the Model Rocketry badge. The SASI or ASI will be present for the execution of rocket launchings (practice or competition) and will oversee the program. The Rocketry Commander is responsible for ensuring all equipment items are properly maintained, accounted for and stored as well as ensuring such equipment is transported to and from all events, in coordination with the SASI/ASI. 6-7 Saber Team This team is formed for special events and occasions requiring a formal saber “arch”. The TX-954 Saber Team is regularly requested for the WHS Homecoming Game on an annual basis. The Saber Team Commander will be selected by the Corps Commander and approved by the SASI/ASI. This cadet should have prior experience in the Saber Team and/or may be a member of the Color Guard. Membership criteria includes cadets who are in good academic standing in AFJROTC. The Saber Team Commander will screen all cadets desiring participation for potential disciplinary issues, physical limitations or any other factors of concern and make their recommendations to the SASI/ASI for final approval. All team members will be expected to attend a minimum of two practices prior to a major event involving the Saber Team, to ensure full rehearsals can be conducted. The Saber Team Commander is responsible for ensuring all equipment items are properly maintained, accounted for and stored as well as ensuring such equipment is transported to and from all events, in coordination with the SASI/ASI. CHAPTER 7 – AWARDS AND DECORATIONS CRITERIA 7-1 National Organization Awards The SASI/ASI will follow the guidance in the AFJROTC Consolidated Operational Supplement and individual organizational award criteria when determining cadets deserving of each award. Coordination will be made with individual national award representatives well in advance of the Annual Awards Banquet (normally late May), to ensure award certificates and ribbons are received in a timely manner and/or organizational representatives have time to coordinate attendance at the event. 21 TX-954 CADET GUIDE 7-2 AFJROTC Awards – Unit Specific Criteria The SASI/ASI will follow the guidance in the AFJROTC Consolidated Operational Supplement when determining cadets deserving of each award/ribbon. The following ribbons require further unit specific criteria: a. Color Guard Ribbon: Cadets are expected to attend the majority of weekly practices; particularly those that involve preparation for events they will be involved in. As a minimum, to earn the ribbon cadets will be expected to participate in at least three to five formal events involving the Color Guard team presenting the colors. The Color Guard Commander may decide to impose stricter guidelines based on the number of events held during the year, with approval from the SASI/ASI. b. Saber Team Ribbon: Cadets must attend two practices in preparation for a formal event (ie. Homecoming Game) and demonstrate professional appearance and successful performance at the event itself. c. Marksmanship Team Ribbon: Cadets are expected to attend the majority of weekly practices, assist in range setup and tear-down, and fire the air rifle during such practices. As a minimum, to earn the ribbon, a cadet must participate in at least one competition. d. Good Conduct Ribbon: Cadets must be in good standing in the AFJROTC program with no significant attitude or motivation deficiencies noted by the SASI, ASI or Corps Commander throughout the period. Any school suspensions (ie. AEP, ISS, etc) or detentions will disqualify a cadet from earning this ribbon for the applicable period. e. Recruiting Ribbon: Cadets participating in formal recruiting trips to WJHS during the year will be eligible for this ribbon upon the recommendation of the Cadet Corps Commander and/or senior cadet organizing the event. Active participation is expected, as well as professional appearance and demeanor; SASI/ASI have the final approval. Additionally, a cadet may earn the ribbon by convincing a prospective cadet to join the unit and sign up for the AFJROTC course. The SASI/ASI will verify with counselors and the new cadet that they did not already have intentions to join but were indeed influenced by the cadet eligible for the ribbon. f. Activities Ribbon: Cadets participating in AFJROTC teams other than those that qualify for a separate ribbon (Color Guard, Saber, Marksmanship) are eligible for this ribbon based on recommendation from the applicable team leader and/or Cadet Corps Commander. Additionally, the Cadet Corps Commander may recommend cadets for the ribbon based on participation in other activities that do not count toward the Service ribbon as applicable. The SASI/ASI will make final approval in all cases. 22 TX-954 CADET GUIDE g. Attendance Ribbon: Cadets are expected to maintain strict attendance with zero unexcused absences and no more than three excused absences during the semester. Excused absences do not include school-sponsored trips or activities. h. Dress and Appearance Ribbon: Cadets are expected to wear their uniform each week on their applicable uniform inspection day. Cadets are expected to regularly earn an 85% or above on weekly inspections to qualify for the ribbon. Any unexcused makeups, failures to wear the uniform during the week or cadets found removing their uniforms during their assigned day without approval, will result in disqualification for this ribbon. CHAPTER 8 – RESERVE CADET PARTICIPATION 8-1 Reserve Cadet Guidance A cadet must have completed at least one academic year in AFJROTC to be considered as a Reserve Cadet. Normally, Reserve Cadet status will apply to those cadets who have shown strong performance in AFJROTC but are unable to take the course for a certain academic year or semester due to scheduling conflicts. With SASI approval, Reserve Cadets may participate in AFJROTC activities, such as community service, team activities and other related events. If a Reserve Cadet is a member of a team (ie. Marksmanship, Rocketry, etc), they will be expected to attend practices and be treated similar to other team members. Time in reserve status does not count towards the Certificate of Completion for AFJROTC. Reserve Cadets may retain their uniform for the entire academic year. CHAPTER 9 – DISENROLLMENT RULES 9-1 Disenrollment Procedures When a cadet is disenrolled from the AFJROTC program for any reason (ie. dropped, changing schools, disciplinary reasons, etc), the following actions should be taken: a. Cadet is responsible to immediately contact ASI to turn in all accountable uniform and equipment items. b. SASI/ASI will make applicable updates in WINGS modules. c. SASI/ASI will coordinate with school counselors, and principal (if applicable), and update school database as necessary. 23 TX-954 CADET GUIDE d. Cadet Corps Commander will ensure applicable team or event leaders are informed to ensure awareness and plan for replacement as necessary. CHAPTER 10 – HAZING PROHIBITIONS 10-1 Hazing Specifications In accordance with AFJROTCI 36-2001, any form of hazing, verbal or physical, will not be tolerated within TX-954. Requiring cadets to perform physical actions as a reprimand, punishment or for failure to perform will not be tolerated. Examples include (not limited to): pushups, running laps, or any inappropriate physical contact such as shoving, pulling or grabbing. Verbal abuse of any kind or attempts to humiliate a cadet is also prohibited. This applies to instructors, cadets or any other personnel involved in AFJROTC activities. No secret societies or private clubs will be encouraged or facilitated within the AFJROTC program. 24 TX-954 CADET GUIDE ATTACHMENT 1 PERSONAL APPEARANCE & GROOMING STANDARDS Wear of the Uniform Guidelines: a. Wear of name tags is mandatory for all cadets when in uniform except PT. If it is lost or damaged, the cadet must immediately report to SASI/ASI and pay a replacement cost. b. Failure to keep the uniform clean and freshly pressed or wearing the uniform improperly could result in verbal counseling, demotion and/or possible disenrollment from AFJROTC. c. Cadets are issued ribbons at the end of the year at the Award Ceremony is held. d. The SASI/ASI/IG will designate the appropriate uniform combination to be worn each Uniform Lab Day (ULD). e. Cadets are permitted to remove the service coat within the classroom. Service coats will be put back on and all buttons buttoned prior to/before leaving the classroom. This rule pertains to all classes attended in uniform, not just Aerospace Science class. If the windbreaker is worn at any time it must be zipped up at least 2/3 of the way to the collar. f. Civilian clothing items will never be worn with the AFJROTC uniform, without the approval of the SASI/ASI. g. The uniform will always be clean, pressed, and in good appearance when worn. Service coat, tie and windbreakers must be “dry cleaned” only! Shirts and blouses may be machine washed on permanent press cycle and pressed with a clean iron on medium heat. Never wash the “dry clean” items as this will cause fading, shrinkage, and seam damage. Never iron the “dry clean” items, as they will scorch easily. h. All buttons will be buttoned and all zippers will be zipped, as directed. All missing buttons or loose buttons will be replaced. Buttons on the service dress coat are oxidized silver (do not try to shine them, it will only damage them). All loose strings/threads will be trimmed. i. No bulky items will be placed in uniform pockets, which bulge or protrude in any manner, which would cause the uniform to be viewed in an unprofessional appearance. It is highly recommended that cadets not put pens/pencils in shirt/or pants pockets, as they often leak and would destroy the uniform item. Cadets will be held financially responsible for ink and/or other avoidable damage to uniform items. j. All shoes must be clean and shined to a high gloss finish. This will require a considerable amount of work on each cadet’s part to get a shine on a brand new pair of military issue leather shoes. Use a black paste shoe wax, such as Kiwi Parade Gloss Black. Never use liquid polish or floor wax because it will cause the leather to dry and crack severely. This ruins the shoes. Wear of the ever-shine style shoes must be authorized by the SASI/ASI. k. Socks worn in uniform must be dark black without design. Females may wear black, navy, dark blue, off-black, brown (dark or light), tan, or neutral hose without design. l. A maximum of three rings may be worn (counting both hands). 25 TX-954 CADET GUIDE m. Conservative wrist watches and/or identification bracelets may be worn. n. Jewelry, such as religious medallions, may only be worn around the neck if they cannot be seen. No necklaces or other neck jewelry can be visible when in uniform. No thumb rings and bracelets must not be colored but of a conservative nature. o. The flight cap will be worn whenever the cadet is outside unless under a covered area or designated "no-hat area”. p. Books and other items will be carried in the left hand to permit proper rendering of the salute when appropriate. Hands will not be placed in pockets at any time. q. A commercial designed solid black or dark blue umbrella (without design) may be used by cadets in uniform. Cadets will carry the umbrella in the left hand to permit rendering of the salute when appropriate. The black/dark blue umbrella is an optional item not furnished by the AFJROTC. Proper Uniform Wear (male cadets). a. Coat. The men’s service dress coat will be polyester and wool-blend, serge weave; semi-drape, single-breasted with three buttons and will have on welt pocket on the upper left side and two lower pocket flaps. Officer’s coat will have epaulets; enlisted coats will have no epaulets. General officers will wear a 1 ½ inch wide blue sleeve braid, 3 inches from the end of the sleeve. All other officers will wear a ½ inch wide blue sleeve braid 3 inches from the end of the sleeve. With arms hanging naturally, sleeves will end ¼ to ½ inches below the wrist. The bottom of the coat will extend 3 to 3 ½ inches below the top of the thigh. The sleeves and lapel will be roll-pressed. b. Silver Name Tag. The name tag is metal engraved, brushed satin silver finish with the last name engraved in blue lettering. The name tag will be center on the wearer’s right between the sleeve seam and lapel and the bottom of name tag will be parallel with bottom of ribbons. c. Ribbons. All ribbons and devices will be worn on the men’s service dress uniform. Wear ribbons centered, resting on (but not over) the edge of the welt pocket. Wear of foreign badges and decorations/medals on the semi-formal/service dress uniform is authorized; however, members must request/receive permission to wear foreign decorations they accept (refer to AFI 36-2803 regarding acceptance). Wear foreign medals and ribbons on service dress and semi-formal uniform when they are the same size as Air Force medals and ribbons. Wear criteria depends on the type of device the decoration represents. Foreign decorations, medals and ribbons are not worn on the service (Class B) uniform. d. Badges. The total number of badges worn will not exceed four. The commander’s insignia does not count as one of the four badges. Wear only one foreign badge. e. Short-Sleeve Blue Shirt. Will be light blue in color with two pleated pockets and epaulets. The collar of the shirt will be visible ¼ to ½ inches above the service dress coat collar. With arms bent at a 90 degree angle, the shirt should barely touch or come within 1 inch of the forearm. The blue shirt will be neatly tucked into the trousers. The shirt may be altered for a tapered fit. A V-neck or athletic style, white undershirt will be worn under the shirt. 26 TX-954 CADET GUIDE f. Blue Name Tag. The name tag will be blue plastic with the last name engraved in white lettering. The name tag will be centered, resting on, but not over the edge of the pleated pocket of the wearer’s right. g. Tie. A tie will be worn with the service dress uniform. The tip of the tie must cover a portion of the belt buckle, but cannot extend below the bottom of the belt buckle. A tie tack or clasp may be worn with the tie. If worn, the tie tack or clasp will be the “wing and star” design, Air Force symbol, or rank insignia. The tie tack or clasp will be centered between the bottom edge of the knot and bottom tip of the tie. h. Trousers. Trousers will be blue and trim-fitted with no bunching at the waist or bagging at the seat. The trousers will be full cut, straight hanging and without cuffs or additional alterations to further taper the leg. The front of the trouser legs will rest on the front of the shoe or boot with a slight break in the crease. The back of the trouser legs will be 7/8 inches longer than the front. The trouser material will match the service dress coat in both fabric and shade. i. Belt and Buckle. The belt will be blue, cotton web or elastic, solid or woven. The belt will have a silver (chrome finish) tip and a buckle. The silver tip of the belt will extend beyond the buckle facing the wearer’s left; however, no blue fabric will be visible between the silver tip and silver buckle. j. Flight Cap. The flight cap will be worn slightly to the wearer’s right with vertical creases of the cap in line with the center of the forehead and in a straight line with the nose. The cap extends approximately 1 inch from the eyebrows in the front and the opening of cap is to the rear. If not worn, tuck under the belt on the wearer’s left side, between the first and second belt loops (cap will not fold over belt or be visible below service coat). k. Beret. Position headband straight across the forehead, 1 inch above the eyebrows. Drape the top over the right ear and the stiffener. Align cloth flash above the left eye. Adjust ribbon for comfort, tie in a knot, and tuck inside. The cloth flash will be sewn to the center of the stiffener, with hook and loop backing for ease of change out for cleanliness of the flash, ¼ inches above and parallel to the headband. *Only designated Airmen* l. Footwear. Footwear is required when wearing all uniforms. Athletic shoes will only be worn with physical training gear (PT) unless medically necessary, as determined by appropriate medical authorities and approved by the commander. Socks (black) will be plain without design, clean, and serviceable. Black socks will be worn with low quarters, dress boots and black jungle/combat boots. Plain white socks may be worn under the black socks as long as the white socks are not visible. Low quarters are worn with the services uniforms. Shoes will be low quarter, oxford-style, lace-up with a plain round-capped toe. Soles will not exceed ½ inches in thickness and the heel will not exceed 1 inch in height (measured from the inside front of the heel). Shoes will be smooth or scotch-grained leather or manmade material. Shoes will be shined; high gloss or patent finish is optional. 27 TX-954 CADET GUIDE Men’s Service Dress Uniform (Class A) Men’s Service Uniform (Class B and C) Personal Grooming Standards (male cadets). a. Facial Hair. Sideburns will be straight and even width (not flared), and will not extend below the bottom of the orifice of the ear opening; Sideburns will end in a clean-shaven horizontal line. Mustaches will be permitted; however, they will be conservative (moderate, being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme) and will not extend downward beyond the lip line of the upper lip or extend 28 TX-954 CADET GUIDE sideways beyond a vertical line drawn upward from both corners of the mouth. Beards and goatees are not authorized unless for medical reasons, when authorized by a commander on the advice of a medical official; if commander authorizes, members will keep all facial hair trimmed not to exceed ¼ inches in length; individuals granted a shaving waiver will not shave or trim any facial hair in such a manner as to give a sculptured appearance; commanders and supervisors will monitor progress in treatment to control these waivers. If necessary for medical reasons, facial hair will be kept neat and conservative (not more than ¼ inches), as defined by the local commander. b. Hair. Tapered appearance on both sides and the back of the head, both with and without headgear. A tapered appearance is one that when viewed from any angle outlines the member’s hair so that it conforms to the shape of the head, curving inward to the natural termination point without eccentric directional flow, twists or spiking. A block-cut is permitted with tapered appearance. Hair will not exceed 1 ¼ inches in bulk, regardless of the length and ¼ inches at natural termination point; allowing only closely cut or shaved hair on the back of the neck to touch the collar. Hair will not touch the ears or protrude under the front band of headgear. Cleanly shaven heads, military high-and-tight or flat-top cuts are authorized. Mohawks, mullets, cornrows, dreadlocks, or etched designs are prohibited. Men are not authorized hair extensions. While certain hairstyles may appear to meet the above criteria, the SASI will have final authority on determining the appropriateness of a cadet’s hair for AFJROTC participation. Male Hair Grooming Standards c. Fingernails. Male Airmen are not authorized to wear nail polish. d. Cosmetics. Male Airmen are not authorized to wear cosmetics. 29 TX-954 CADET GUIDE e. Tattoos/Brands/Body Markings. Tattoos/brands/body markings anywhere on the body that are obscene, commonly associated with gangs, extremist, and/or supremacist organizations, or that advocate sexual, racial, ethnic, or religious discrimination are prohibited in and out of uniform. Proper Uniform Wear (female cadets). a. Coat. The woman’s service dress coat will be polyester and wool-blend, serge weave; semi-drape, single-breasted with three buttons and will have one welt pocket on the upper left side and two lower pocket flaps. Officer’s coat will have epaulets; enlisted coats will have no epaulets. General officers will wear a 1 ½ inch wide blue sleeve braid, 3 inches from the end of the sleeve. All the other officers will wear a ½ inch wide blue sleeve braid 3 inches from the end of the sleeve. With arms hanging naturally, sleeves will end ¼ to ½ inches below the wrist. The bottom of the coat will extend 3 to 3 ½ inches below the top of the thigh. The sleeves and lapel will be roll-pressed. b. Silver Name Tag. The name tag is metal engraved, brushed satin silver finish with the last name engraved in blue lettering. The name tag will be centered on the wearer’s right between the sleeve seam and lapel and the bottom of the name tag will be parallel with bottom of ribbons. c. Ribbons. All ribbons and devices will be worn on the women’s service dress uniform. Wear ribbons centered, resting on (but not over) the edge of the welt pocket. Wear of foreign badges and decorations/medals on the semi-formal/service dress uniform is authorized; however, members must request/receive permission to wear foreign decorations they accept (refer to AFI 36-2803 regarding acceptance). Wear foreign medals and ribbons on service dress and semi-formal uniform when they are the same size as Air Force medals and ribbons. Wear criteria depends on the type of device the decoration represents. d. Badges. The total number of badges worn will not exceed four. The commander’s insignia does not count as one of the four badges. Wear only one foreign badge. e. Blouse. The pointed-end collar of the shirt must show ¼ to ½ inches above the service dress coat collar with arms hanging naturally. It will not have military creases and will have epaulets. White, V-neck or crew neck style undershirts are optional. If worn, they will be tucked into the skirt or slacks. f. Blue Name Tag. The name tag will be blue plastic with the last name engraved in white lettering. The name tag will be centered, even with to 1 ½ inches higher or lower than the first exposed button on the wearer’s right. g. Tie Tab. An inverted-V tie tab will be worn with the service dress uniform. The tie tab will be blue polyester herringbone with self-fastening tails when worn. h. Slacks. Slacks will be blue and fit naturally over the hips with no bunching at the waist or bagging at the seat. The bottom front of the slack legs will rest on the front of the shoe, boot or on top of the foot if wearing heels, with a slight break in the crease. The back of the slack legs will be approximately 7/8 inches longer than the front. The slacks will be tailored, straight hanging, with no flare at the bottom or additional alterations to further taper the leg. They will have a center fly-front opening and front and back waist darts, two ¼ top side pockets, and a waistband 30 TX-954 CADET GUIDE with five belt loops. The slacks material will be 100% polyester, polyester wool tropical, or wool blend with a serge weave. The slacks material will match the service dress coat in both fabric and shade. i. Skirt. The skirt will be polyester or poly-wool, blue and hang naturally over the hips with a slight flare. The skirt will be no shorter than the top of the kneecap and no longer than the bottom of the kneecap when standing at attention. The skirt will be straight style with belt loops, a kick pleat in the back, two pockets, and a darted front. Skirts will have a back zipper and lining attached to the waist. Skirt material will match the service dress coat in both fabric and shade. j. Belt and Buckle. The belt will be blue, cotton web or elastic, solid or woven. The belt will have a silver (chrome finish) tip and a buckle. The silver tip of the belt will extend beyond the buckle facing the wearer’s right; however, no blue fabric will be visible between the silver tip and silver buckle. k. Flight Cap. The flight cap will be worn slightly to the wearer’s right with vertical creases of the cap in line with the center of the forehead and in a straight line with the nose. The cap extends approximately 1 inch from the eyebrows in the front and the opening of cap is to the rear. If not worn, tuck under the belt on wearer’s left side, between the first and second belt loops (cap will not fold over belt or be visible below service coat). l. Beret. Position headband straight across the forehead, 1 inch above the eyebrows. Drape the top over the right ear and the stiffener. Align cloth flash above the left eye. Adjust ribbon for comfort, tie in a knot, and tuck inside. The cloth flash will be sewn to the center of the stiffener, with hook and loop backing for ease of change out for cleanliness of the flash, ¼ inches above and parallel to the headband. *Only designated Airmen* m. Footwear. Footwear is required when wearing all uniforms. Athletic shoes will be worn with the physical training gear (PT). Hosiery will be worn with service dress uniform (skirt). Hosiery will be plain commercial, sheer, nylon in neutral, dark brown, black or off-black, or dark blue shades that complement the uniform and the Airman’s skin tone. Patterned hosiery is not authorized to be worn with any uniform. Hosiery must be worn with the skirt and are optional with slacks. Socks (black) will be plain without design, clean, and serviceable. Black socks will be worn with low quarters, dress boots and black jungle/combat boots. Plain white socks may be worn under the black socks as long as the white socks are not visible. Low quarters can be worn (optional) with the services uniforms. Commercially designed low quarters will be black oxford, lace-up style, with a plain rounded toe or a plain rounded capped toe. The sole will not exceed ½ inches in thickness and the heel will not exceed 1 inch in height (measured from the inside front of the heel); however, the sole may have a low wedge heel. They will be plain, clean and serviceable, and without ornamentation such as buckles, bows or straps. The material will be smooth, scotch-grained leather or a manmade material. They may be high-gloss or patent finish. Pumps are optional with service uniforms. Black pumps will be low cut and rounded throat (the top opening) with a raised heel of no higher than 2 ½ inches (measured from the inside sole of the shoe to the end of the heel lift). The tip of the heel can not be less than ½ inches in diameter or larger than the body of the shoe. Faddish/Trendy styles will not be worn (e.g. extreme toes, pointed or squared, 31 TX-954 CADET GUIDE or extreme heel shapes). They will be plain, clean and serviceable, and without ornamentation such as buckles, bows or straps. The material will be smooth, scotchgrained leather or a manmade material. They may be high-gloss or patent finish. Slip-on shoes can be worn (optional) with the services uniforms. Commercially designed step-in shoe where the top of the shoe goes over the top of the foot (not mule-types without backs) with rounded toe or plain rounded capped toe. Faddish/Trendy styles will not be worn. They will be plain, clean and serviceable, and without ornamentation. The material will be smooth, scotch-grained leather or a manmade material. They may be high-gloss or patent finish. Women’s Service Dress Uniform (Class A) Women’s Service Uniform (Class B and C) 32 TX-954 CADET GUIDE Personal Grooming (female cadets). a. Hair. Minimum length is one inch, unless approved by the commander upon recommendation from a military treatment facility for medical reasons, to a maximum bulk of three inches from scalp. Hair will end above the bottom edge of collar and any side of an invisible line drawn parallel to the ground. When in doubt, assess correct length of hair with Airman standing in the position of attention. Except in the physical training gear (PT), hair lengths that would be below the bottom edge of the collar will be pinned-up with no loose ends. Bangs will not touch either eyebrow, to include an invisible line drawn across eyebrows and parallel to the ground. If worn, hairpins, combs, headbands, elastic bands and barrettes must match the hair color (i.e., blonde, brunette, natural red, black, grey), but hair must still comply with bulk and appearance standards. Ornaments are not authorized (i.e., ribbons, beads, jeweled pins). Scrunches are not authorized. Exception: While wearing PT gear, long hair will be secured but may have loose ends and may extend below the collar; i.e. ponytails. The intent is for pinned-up hair to be styled in a manner that prevents loose ends from extending upward on the head. For example, when using a clip or hairpins, hair will not present the appearance of a “rooster tail”; when hair is in a bun, all loose ends must be tucked in and secured; when hair is in a ponytail, it must be pulled all the way through the elastic band and may hang naturally downward and not extending below the bottom of the collar (except while in PT gear). As with all hairstyles, a neat and professional image is essential. Braids, micro-braids and cornrows are authorized. However, they must be a natural looking color for human beings similar to the individual’s hair color; conservative (moderate, being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme) and not present a faddish/trendy appearance. A braid is three or more portions/strands of interwoven hair. When worn, multiple braids shall be of uniform dimension, small in diameter (approximately ¼ inches), show no more than ¼ inches of scalp between the braids and must be tightly interwoven to present a neat, professional and wellgroomed appearance. Braids must continue to the end of the hair in one direction, in a straight line, and may be worn loose or a secured style within the hair standards. Dreadlocks, (defined as long strands of hair that have been twisted closely from the scalp down to the tips; heavy matted coils of hair which form by themselves, eventually fusing together to form a single dread; or unkempt, twisted, matted individual parts of hair), shaved head, flat-tops and military high-and tight cuts are not authorized hairstyles for female Airmen. Hair color, highlights, and frosting will not be faddish/trendy and will be natural looking hair color for human beings, similar to the individual’s hair color (e.g. black, brunette, blonde, natural red, and grey). The SASI will have final authority on determining appropriateness of a cadet’s hair for AFJROTC participation. b. Body Hair. Female Airmen will remove leg hair that is visibly protruding beyond the appropriate hosiery or causes a visibly uneven texture under hosiery. 33 TX-954 CADET GUIDE Female Hair Grooming Standards c. Fingernails. If worn by females, nail polish will be a single color that does not distinctly contrast with the female Airman’s complexion, detract from the uniform, or be extreme colors. Some examples of extreme colors included, but are not limited to, purple, gold, blue, black, bright (fire engine) red and florescent colors. Do not apply designs to nails or apply two-tone or multi-tone colors; however, white-tip French manicures are authorized. Fingernails must not exceed ¼ inches in length beyond the tip of the finger and must be clean and well-groomed. Fingernails must not interfere with the performance of assigned duties. Fingernails must not hinder proper fit of prescribed safety equipment or uniform items. d. Cosmetics. Female Airmen may wear cosmetics; however, if worn, they will be conservative (moderate, being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme) and in good taste. Female Airmen will not wear shades of lipstick that distinctly contrast with their complexion, that detract from the uniform, or that are extreme colors. Cosmetics will not be worn during field conditions. 34 TX-954 CADET GUIDE e. Tattoos/Brands/Body Markings. Tattoos/brands/body markings anywhere on the body that are obscene, commonly associated with gangs, extremist, and/or supremacist organizations, or that advocate sexual, racial, ethnic, or religious discrimination are prohibited in and out of uniform. Jewelry, Eyewear, Electronic Devices, Bags, Backpacks, Cold Weather and Other Accessories (Both Male and Female). Personal accessories not listed in this instruction are not authorized for wear. a. Jewelry. Jewelry will be plain and conservative as determined by the commander. Male Airmen are not authorized to wear earrings on a military installation, or while in uniform or in civilian attire for official duty. Airmen may wear one bracelet around their wrist. If worn bracelet will be conservative (plain, not drawing attention) in design, no wider than ½ inches, gold or silver in color, and will not have any inappropriate pictures or writing. Medical alert/identification bracelets are authorized; however, if worn, they will be conservative (plain, not drawing attention). Bracelets espousing support for cause, philosophy, individual or group are not authorized (Exception: Traditional metal POW/MIA/KIA bracelets, which come in colors besides silver, bronze, or gold, remain authorized). b. Watches. Must be conservative and only one can be worn around the wrist while in uniform, PT, or civilian attire in an official capacity. Conservative examples (not all inclusive) are solid color black, brown, silver or gold. Prohibited examples are diamond-covered, neon, bright colors, bands that exceed 1-inch width and novelty (i.e. cartoon watches) watches. c. Rings. Airmen may wear a total of no more than three rings; wedding sets count as one ring when worn as a set. Rings will be worn at the base of the finger, and will not be worn on the thumb. d. Necklaces. Will not be visible at any time. If worn, will be concealed under a collar or undershirt. e. Eyeglasses/Sunglasses/Contact Lenses. Will be worn in the manner for which they are made. Eyeglasses and sunglasses will not be worn around the neck or on top/back of head or exposed hanging on the uniform. May have conservative ornamentation on non-prescription sunglasses or eyeglasses, frames may be black or brown material or gold or silver wire. Brand name glasses may be worn with small logo on frames or lenses. Logo must be same color as frames or lenses. Conservative wrap-around sunglasses may be worn. Conservative, clear, slightly tinted or photosensitive lenses are authorized. Faddish/Trendy styles and mirrored lenses are prohibited. Sunglasses (to include darkened photosensitive lenses) are not authorized in formation. Exception: Sunglasses are not authorized in formation, unless for medical reasons, e.g., PRK/lasik surgery and when authorized by a commander or commandant on the advice of a medical official. Contact lenses will be natural looking in shape and design. They will be clear in color and not change the color of the Airman’s natural eye color. f. Handheld Electronic Devices. Handheld electronic devices are small electronic equipment such as cellular phones (personal or official), MP3 or similar players, radio, or hands-free devices (e.g. Bluetooth). Handheld electronic devices will be 35 TX-954 CADET GUIDE plain black, silver, dark blue, or gray. Holster and other storage devices used to carry handheld electronic devices will be plain black, silver, dark blue, or gray. One handheld electronic device may be attached to a belt/waistband on either side, clipped to a purse, or carried in the left hand. Wear/use of an earpiece, any Bluetooth technology or headphones, while in uniform, indoors or outdoors, is prohibited, unless specifically authorized for the execution of official duties. (Exception: Headphones and earphones (Ipods, MP3 type players, etc.) are authorized during air travel and/or while wearing the physical training gear (PT) during individual or personal PT in the fitness center or on designated running areas unless prohibited by the installation commander). Use of a hands-free device is authorized while in uniform operating a motor vehicle if local policy permits. While walking in uniform use of personal electronic media devices, including ear pieces, speaker phones or text messaging is limited to emergencies or when official notifications are necessary. Military customs and courtesies take precedence. 36 TX-954 CADET GUIDE 37 TX-954 CADET GUIDE * Enlisted Ranks will have no hat insignia on the flight cap 38 TX-954 CADET GUIDE 39 TX-954 CADET GUIDE 1. Unit patch worn on right pocket and centered. 2. Tapes grounded and centered on pockets. 3. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) is worn on both left and right collars, centered on collar and parallel with bottom of collar. Airman Basic have no collar insignia. 4. AFJROTC patch worn on left pocket and centered. 40 TX-954 CADET GUIDE 1. (Officers only) When placing rank on epaulet instead of collar, use standard size metal rank, center on epaulet 5/8 in from shoulder seam. 2. Shoulder tabs are centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1” below shoulder seam. 3. Unit patch on right sleeve ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered. 4. Grade insignia (officer and enlisted) is worn on both left and right collar. Airman Basic have no collar insignia. 5. Optional item: center vertically between the shoulder seam and where the underarm side seam joins the armhole sleeve and center horizontally between the center zipper and the sleeve armhole seam. 6. AFJROTC patch on left sleeve ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered. 7. Jacket will be closed to at least the halfway point. 8. Center insignia horizontally on collar. Place 1 inch from bottom of collar and parallel to the outer edge of the collar. 41 TX-954 CADET GUIDE 1. Awareness Presentation Team (APT) badge: Center on welt pocket 3 inches below the top. 2. Name tag: Center between arm seam and lapel with bottom edge parallel to top of welt pocket 3. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15. 4. Unit patch: Placed ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered. 5. Shoulder tabs: Center between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam. 6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 15. 7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 15. 8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both lapels. Place insignia halfway up the seam, resting on but not over it. Bottom of insignia is horizontal with the ground. *(The lapel insignia (eagles non-chrome) will no longer be worn on the lapels by Airmen Basics.) 9. AFJROTC Patch: Placed ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam, and centered. 10. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 15. 11. Ground School Badge: see note 15. 12. Ribbons: Center, on but not over edge of pocket. Wear 3 or 4 in a row. Wear all or some. 13. Academy of Model Aeronautic Wings: worn 1 inch below pocket. 14. Model Rocketry Badge: worn 2 inches below AMA Wings or 3 inches below pocket if no AMA Wings are worn. 15. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons and is centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. 42 TX-954 CADET GUIDE 1. Name tag: authorized for wear and is to be centered on right side, even with to 1 1/2 inches higher or lower than the first exposed button. 2. Awareness Presentation Team Badge: see note 15. 3. Unit patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 4. Shoulder tab: centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam. 5. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15. 6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 15. 7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 15. 8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both lapels. Place insignia halfway up the seam, resting on but not over it. Bottom of insignia is horizontal with the ground. *(The lapel insignia (eagles non-chrome) will no longer be worn on the lapels by Airmen Basics.) 9. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 15. 10. Ground School Badge: see note 15. 11. AFJROTC Patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 12. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: see note 15. 13. Model Rocketry Badge: see note 15. 14. Ribbons: center ribbons resting on but not over edge of welt pocket. Wear 3 or 4 in a row. Wear all or some. 15. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons (whichever is appropriate) and is centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. 43 TX-954 CADET GUIDE 1. Awareness Presentation Team (APT) and Model Rocketry Badge are centered on the pockets on the appropriate sides as displayed above. 2. Name tag: authorized for wear and is to be grounded and centered over wearer’s right pocket. 3. Unit patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 4. Shoulder tab: center between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then place 1 inch below shoulder seam. 5. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15. 6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 15. 7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 15. 8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both left and right collar, centered side to side and top to bottom. Enlisted rank’s bottom point of torch points toward the point of the collar. Officer top point of rank aligned with point of collar. Airman Basic have no insignia of any kind on the collar. 9. (Officers only) When using officer cloth rank on epaulets versus miniature metal rank on collar, place as close as possible to shoulder seam. 10. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 15. 11. Ground School Badge: see note 15. 12. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: see note 15. 13. AFJROTC Patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 14. Ribbons: ground and center on pocket. 15. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons and is centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. 44 TX-954 CADET GUIDE 1. Name tag: authorized for wear and is to be centered on right side, even with to 1 1/2 inches higher or lower than the first exposed button. 2. Awareness Presentation Team Badge: see note 16. 3. Unit patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 4. Shoulder tab: centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam. 5. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 16. 6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 16. 7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 16. 8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both left and right collar, centered side to side and top to bottom. Enlisted rank’s bottom point of torch points toward the point of the collar. Officer top point of rank aligned with point of collar. Airman Basic have no insignia of any kind on the collar. 9. (Officers only) When using officer cloth rank on epaulets versus miniature metal rank on collar, place as close as possible to shoulder seam. 10. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: see note 16. 11. Ground School Badge: see note 16. 12. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: see note 16. 13. AFJROTC Patch: center ½ to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 14. Model Rocketry Badge: see note 16. 15. Ribbons: Center, parallel with ground. Align with bottom of name tag. Or, if no name tag, align bottom of ribbons even with to 1 ½ inches higher or lower than the first exposed button. 16. First badge placed ½ inch above name tag or ribbons (whichever is appropriate) and is centered 45 horizontally. Additional badges placed ½ inch above previous badge. TX-954 CADET GUIDE ATTACHMENT 2 – UNIT MANNING DOCUMENT POSITION MAX GRADE Commander Cadet Col Deputy Commander Cadet Lt Col Operations Officer Cadet Maj Admin/Personnel Officer Cadet Capt Logistics Officer Cadet Capt PA/Recruiting Officer Cadet Capt Special Events Officer Cadet Capt Color Guard Officer Cadet Capt Marksmanship Officer Cadet 1 Lt PT Officer Cadet 1 Lt Rocketry Officer Cadet 1 Lt First Sergeant Cadet CMSgt. Flight Commander Cadet Capt Flight Sergeant Cadet MSgt Element Leader Cadet TSgt AUTH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 6 18 Note: Based on size of individual classes (flights), there may be cases in which cadets may hold more than one position above…ie. Flight Commander or Element Leader is also the PT Officer. In such cases, cadet is authorized the higher authorized grade/rank. 46 TX-954 CADET GUIDE ATTACHMENT 3 – ORGANIZATIONAL CHART 47